09-21-2004, 09:18 AM
Hey Guys,

I'm new here but I thought i'd ask as one of you may know the answer. I've read plenty of Faqs trying to find out whats wrong and I still can't get her dammit! She sounds like one helluvan aeon. Heres my prob...

I've obtained all of the destruction spheres from the temples and i've located Baaj Temple on my map, I go there and go the swimming area, but to no avail, theres no green dot on my map. (Then I have a cry coz i've done it so many times) Isn't there supposed to be an opening or door of some sort. I'm assuming that the water area is the one where there are a couple of islands that you can get up on to and walk on (as this is the only place I can go other than the bridge that ends with a chest on it).

If anyone knows whats going on please help me. Thanks heaps.


09-21-2004, 12:38 PM
I had alot of trouble here too.You have to follow the little rock bridge[the save point lets you start there]you keep walking straight and Tidus will dive into the water.Theres a short cut-scene here.Then swim towards the top of the map.Geosgagneo will come and you have
to fight him.[Hes hard if you havent beaten Omega weapon yet].Then go inside the opening.There are 6 statues with spheres in their mouth.You MUST have the destruction shpere from Zanarkand.You have to go back and do an extra puzzle in tyhe cloister.When you get it,go back to Baaj Temple and examine each of the statues.The seal on the chamber of the fayth will dissapear.


There's n intyerestiing cut-scene with seymours mom,and then you'll have the aeon!I found Anima to be my best aeon in the game.Its even better than the Magus Sisters!

09-21-2004, 12:43 PM
Tidus__Yuna, I think you might have used a little too much detail there. GenericSephirothName just wanted to know how to get into the temple, not a complete walkthrough with spoilers.

By the way, why do you say Geosgano is hard if you haven't beaten Omega Weapon? Does beating Omega Weapon weaken it somehow? I seriously doubt it.

And how dare you say Anime was better than the Magus Sisters? :p

Celes Chere
09-21-2004, 04:45 PM
I agree with Prak on the Magus Sisters thing xD; Anima kicked mucho ass but The Magus Sisters were easily the most powerful, or at least I think. Mine could deal 99,999 with the limit break. o.O; (then could Anima...but there was only ONE Anima XD)

As for the door-- it's underwater, yeah. It's kinda small, but not impossible to find.

...And Gaeosgaeno or whatever-it's-spelling-is was really annoying. I had my characters stone/death protected, but...he was still...really annoying. o.o;

09-21-2004, 05:37 PM
Hmmmm, cheers for the reply guys but I still can't find it. Should it appear as a green dot on the map. I reckon I got a dodgey version (just jokes) but yeah, its drivin me bonkers. When I find her I'm gonna be usin her up good. A better way to put it might be, can anyone tell me the direction of where to go from the stairs that you dive into the water off?

Cheers guys