Freezing Alone
04-13-2014, 06:19 AM

Album: Phantom Breaker Battle Grounds Sound Track
Quality: FLAC (.flac) & MP3 V0 (.mp3)
Original Uploader(s): Freezing Alone
Pass: pbbg

Download Links (.flac)
Part 1 (527mb) (!p14QDbyR!iqT1X_mLvRBSB9R04_Ucfkt1Hd944ZqIi0zH_jK 5nmI)

Download Links (.mp3)
Part 1 (115mb) (!kp4jHSRA!_jgz1ODiuBmKJ_oRH4y6-FiMzHxI3MXbK5lWWMoKesM)


Here's the official soundtrack for Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds, taken from the soundtrack CD that was included with the Limited Edition version of the game for Playstation Vita. Track names and cover images have not been included in this release, due to the fact that my scanner's having issues and it would've taken me quite a while to translate or write out each track name manually in Japanese. I will definitely be updating the thread as soon as I'm able to add in both of those. For now though, I hope that you enjoy the soundtrack ^^

UPDATE (April 19th, 2014): Updated the files with the proper track names. All credit and huge thanks goes to mixi for both providing the original Japanese track names and taking the time to translate them!

UPDATE (May 7th, 2014): Track 2 was mistakenly missing from both downloads due to a conflict between the track name and the archiver. Everything's been fixed and the track is now included. Sorry about that!

04-13-2014, 07:29 AM
Thank you :)

04-13-2014, 09:05 AM
Thanks for your effort :)

04-13-2014, 10:05 AM
thanks !!

looking forward to your track list and scans ~

04-13-2014, 08:22 PM
tnx for this album ^^ always likes lots of 8bit style music

04-13-2014, 10:01 PM
Thank you so much

04-14-2014, 01:43 AM
Thanks a bunch for this!

04-14-2014, 01:54 PM

04-20-2014, 12:13 AM
I'm not sure but... better than no tag > <

1 あらたなたたかい New Fight
2 だれがおこのみ? Whose your Favorite?
3 はっけよーい! Get Ready!
4 あきはばらステージ Akihabara Stage
5 おんだいステージ Ondai Stage
6 ねがいのたんじょう Birth of the Wish
7 しょうりとねがいとがくりょく Victory and Wish and Academics
8 ふねのかたちかんステージ [can't translate...]
9 いけぶくろステージ Ikebukuro Stage
10 くせにあのつめ [can't translate….]
11 いってみよー! Let's move on!
12 しんじゅくステージ Shinjuku Stage
13 くもんじんじゃステージ Kumon Shrine Stage
14 がべーじこれくしょん Garbage Collection
15 とちゅうじょうしゃのたび [can't translate….]
16 とちゅうらっかのたび [can't translate….]
17 まくうかんステージ Dimension Stage
18 まくうかんステージ はりーあっぷ Dimension Stage Hurry Up
19 むげんのはうりんぐ Endless Howling
20 だっしゅつステージ Escape Stage
21 あやしいイベント Suspicious Event
22 いかりのイベント Rage Event
23 きけんなイベント Dangerous Event
24 だれかきたぞ! Someone Came!
25 せかいせんをこえて Crossing the World Line
26 しゅうえんへのびょうよみ Countdown to the end
27 もののけボス Mononoke Boss
28 ぶらっくなぎ Black Nagi
29 ただいまー! I'm Back!
30 おわた! FINISH!
31 げんえいにやぶられしものたち Defeated by the Phantom
32 はじめまして! Nice to meeting you!
33 はじめまして!ボツバージョン Nice to meeting you! Decline ver.

Freezing Alone
04-20-2014, 12:39 AM
Thanks so much, mixi!

05-06-2014, 08:57 AM
Thanks for the share, but track 2 is missing from the zip...

Freezing Alone
05-08-2014, 01:34 AM
Thanks for the share, but track 2 is missing from the zip...

You're right, it looks like the archiver didn't like the track name and was deleting the track. I've gone ahead and updated both downloads to include it. Thanks for letting me know ^^

05-08-2014, 02:42 AM

05-11-2014, 04:22 AM
Still waiting for the scans ~