09-17-2004, 02:48 PM
hey look at this webpage and tell me who u think has the best next generation consel Sony,Nintendo,or Microsoft

09-17-2004, 02:53 PM
isn't this in the wrong formum?

09-17-2004, 02:57 PM

Boom boom

09-17-2004, 03:18 PM
If the release dates stay as is, Microsoft will have a huge advantange. I think Sony will do the best though. They know how to market, and they know how to get third party developers.

Microsoft being the only console that isn't backwards compatible isn't a great idea on their part however.

Aerith Gainsborough
09-17-2004, 03:32 PM
Sony will make it..... :)

hb smokey
09-17-2004, 06:31 PM
I think this new system is going to make or break Nintendo. They are straying from the path of just beefing up the graphics, and deciding to come up with a revolutionary way to play video games. Of course, Revolution is going to have very nice graphics, but doubtful will it be as good as PS3 or X-box Next. Still, while I want to say Nintendo, I just don't know enough about what this Revolution is going to bring to the gaming world, so I can't go with it.

I don't necessarily consider Microsoft's plan to come out first that big of an advantage. I mean, after X-box Next is released, Sony will be able to look at how well the system performs, and how customers respond to it. If Sony sees something that people don't like about the new Microsoft system, and PS3 has that same problem, then they should have plenty of time to fix it.

With that being said, I think that easily the Revolution has the most potential. But, I just can't say that it will be the best yet.

09-17-2004, 07:32 PM
Usually when Nintendo says they're doing something revolutionary it means they added a new button or something.

09-17-2004, 07:33 PM
or a new screen.

09-18-2004, 01:17 AM
Seriously, isn't it way too early to speculate who's going to sell more units? We don't even know anything about the consoles.

09-18-2004, 02:29 AM
This is also a thread where you can debated who u think will be more succesful ,who will have better controllers,will we need memory cards, you know all that kinda stuff P.S: if i find more info on them i will post the website name alright;)

09-21-2004, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by Sarah
or a new screen.


09-21-2004, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by DeMoN-mAn
This is also a thread where you can debated who u think will be more succesful ,who will have better controllers,will we need memory cards, you know all that kinda stuff P.S: if i find more info on them i will post the website name alright;) Point being, noone has a clue about any of them. All we've really got to go by is that they'll be this really 1337 processor for the PS3, and that the next Nintendo console will be Revolutionary.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-21-2004, 05:39 PM
And that X-Box Next will be even more like a PC, OS crashing frequently and all.

10-16-2004, 07:03 AM
Just a thought but do you think that nintendo will ever go out of buisness (not saying they will just if) like sony wont cause they make t.v's , sterios, speakers, laptops, etc. Microsoft wont either well because they make p.c's / manily windows get them all there money. and nintendo they just make video games so yeah what do u think.

hb smokey
10-16-2004, 06:10 PM
Just a thought but do you think that nintendo will ever go out of buisness (not saying they will just if) like sony wont cause they make t.v's , sterios, speakers, laptops, etc. Microsoft wont either well because they make p.c's / manily windows get them all there money. and nintendo they just make video games so yeah what do u think.
No, Nintendo will never go out of business. They are more than financially secure to last for a long time, and just because they sell video games doesn't make that a disadvantage. Sony and Microsoft will never go out of business either, because they sell other products. But that doesn't mean their video game systems aspects won't suffer.

10-16-2004, 08:31 PM
PS3 looks the most promising.


it'll have the biggest games library, including the best versions of DDR and the best Final Fantasies.

10-17-2004, 01:21 AM
I agree - I think the PlayStation will remain in dominance over the market. The next round of console wars are going to be a lot closer though.

History repeats as we all know - if you have a look at the Nintendo / Sega wars of the 1990s, the NES and the Master System were in competition - the NES wiped the floor. Next round, SNES versus MegaDrive (Genesis to you Americans) - SNES still won, but the competition was a lot closer.

I think that the next round of console wars will see the PS3 and the Xenon in VERY close competition - and I think one of the deciding factors will be third party support. The chairman of Square Enix has already said that he is taking the Xbox's successor very seriously - if he believes that it has more market viability than the PS3, he'll have no qualms about taking Final Fantasy to the Xenon.

That said, I think that the Revolution will be Nintendo's Dreamcast. The GameCube was like the Saturn - it sold decent numbers, but never really caught on with the crowd like the PlayStation and the Nintedo 64 did. Unless they can pull something really special off with the Revolution, and encourage more thrid party support, I forsee Nintendo going the way of Sega, and becoming a games developer only.

10-17-2004, 01:39 AM
No, Nintendo will never go out of business. They are more than financially secure to last for a long time, and just because they sell video games doesn't make that a disadvantage. Sony and Microsoft will never go out of business either, because they sell other products. But that doesn't mean their video game systems aspects won't suffer.Sega will never go out of business either, eh?

In other words, don't be so sure that in 25 years time ANY of these companies will be in business.

History repeats as we all know - if you have a look at the Nintendo / Sega wars of the 1990s, the NES and the Master System were in competition - the NES wiped the floor. Next round, SNES versus MegaDrive (Genesis to you Americans) - SNES still won, but the competition was a lot closer.Next round, N64 versus Playstation. Ahem.

And while I wouldn't rule out the Revowhatsit being equivalent to the Dreamcast, I don't think that's enough to send Nintendo developer-only.

10-17-2004, 04:01 AM
Next round, N64 versus Playstation. Ahem.

Yep. PlayStation won. Which in my opinion means that a new contender will enter the market to achieve dominance - or my theory won't work.

Personally, I think that Xbox 3 will wipe the floor with PlayStation 4, but who knows what that far in the future holds.

And while I wouldn't rule out the Revowhatsit being equivalent to the Dreamcast, I don't think that's enough to send Nintendo developer-only.

Not quite. They've still got domination over the handheld market - it remains to be seen how the DS holds up against the PSP. If Sony usurps the handheld market as well, they're screwed =/

10-17-2004, 07:42 PM
I want the PSP to wipe the floor with the DS but i just know it will be the other way around I dont think anyone will ever beat nintendo in the handheld market

hb smokey
10-17-2004, 07:44 PM
I want the PSP to wipe the floor with the DS but i just know it will be the other way around I dont think anyone will ever beat nintendo in the handheld market
Why do you want that to happen? Besides, I do not believe the PSP will wipe the floor with the DS. I don't even think it will be more successful, but that's just me.

10-17-2004, 07:45 PM
Probably Sony, got the largest market share, therefore most support from developers, therefore games, therefore more good one.


hb smokey
10-17-2004, 07:51 PM
Probably Sony, got the largest market share, therefore most support from developers, therefore games, therefore more good one.

Yes but, with the possibility of the PSP not coming out for almost another year, that certainly won't help Sony's relationship with their developers. DS already has massive support, so that is an advantage.

10-17-2004, 07:56 PM
That's good for the DS, but I don't forsee it going up against the home consoles?_?

10-17-2004, 08:19 PM
For some unknown reason to this little Immortale the DS has an impressive amount of developers interested in creating product for it. The dual screen, microphone and other nifty multi-function features have them ga-ga and googley eyed. While the PSP has the traditional Sony support of various third parties and the usuals of course. So as far as that one goes I'm still calling it up in the air. Nintendo knows what they're doing in the hand held market noteing the long standing rule of the Gameboy and the more recent GBA >> GBA SP trick they pulled to land the extra fat cash.

While I'm interested in seeing this war playout I'm also interested in testing both portables and seeing which can gain the designers and games that suit my fancy. Both being sexy machines and the PSP wearing a G-String it may be close. I think in the end it will be decided by whether or not these developers are pleased with what they can actually do with the DS thus to the games they may release and in the end effecting the buying market.

As far as the console war goes, Nintendo is going to need to pull out a miracle with their design and power and land the third party support they need to take back the market. I personally believe that if Nintendo is to rise again in the console war it won't be til the next release of consoles.

Microsoft on the other hand is truly going to make or break themselves with this run. The lack of backwards compatibility is going to give them a limp right out of the main gate. I also personally see the lack of a hard drive as a minus, and would have personally liked to have seen the simply cut the size of the HD drasticly and kept it. Other than that, continued third party support and staying away from mistakes such as the Bat-a-rang as the original controller has been so lovingly dubbed, will keep them strong. If all else fails theres always Fable 2, Halo 3, and KotR 3.

Now on to Sony. Those sly fucks know what they're doing, so all I really leave in response to their odds in this run is this comic (

10-17-2004, 10:02 PM
Does anyone know if Nintendo will still use the small disks for Revolution,and what kind of disks will sony,and microsoft use, and what do you expect from each consel (graphics wise,controllers,GAMES,how big the machine is) and why do you think this

grn apple tree
10-17-2004, 10:04 PM
two words: sony rules

10-17-2004, 11:11 PM
Does anyone know if Nintendo will still use the small disks for Revolution

No one knows shit about the Revolution. Apparently it will be revolutionary.

,and what kind of disks will sony,and microsoft use,

Sony is using Blu-ray DVDs - basically a more advanced version of the current DVD which can hold 5 times as much data, with a faster accessing speed. Microsoft is unknown at the moment - but it's pretty much between Blu-ray and HD-DVD.

and what do you expect from each consel (graphics wise,controllers,GAMES,how big the machine is) and why do you think this

Obviously the graphics are going to be better than anything we've seen at the moment - think Doom 3 on maximum graphics, and then go higher. I'm pretty sure Sony will change the controller - it will still be a 'Dual Shock 3', but they'll probably change the ergonomics slightly. wouldn't surprise me if they ripped the GC controller off a little.

I think that none of the consoles will be overly huge - Microsoft learnt it's lesson, and it's already gone on file to say that the Xenon will be smaller console.