09-14-2004, 12:12 PM
I picked this up on Friday, and I finally got the chance to start playing it last night.

Anyhow, I'm not very far into it yet, but I'm curious to hear other people's thoughts/opinions thus far.

I'm not a huge fan of the battle system, but maybe it's get deeper as I play further into the game.

Also, please mark spoilers, because I haven't been playing too long yet.

09-14-2004, 06:47 PM
This is one of my favorite games on the playstation, so fun to play. I enjoyed the battle system, very nice change of pace from the turn based combat most rpgs use. The item creation system is great, especially since you can have a good variety of equipment.

Looking back my favorite thing about this game is the music, I really should see about picking up the soundtrack to it.

hb smokey
09-14-2004, 07:59 PM
I just saw the commercial of the game for the first time last night, and I was immediately impressed. At first, I thought it was an advertisement for the new Gamecube RPG, Baten Kaitos, and I became all excited. But then, I found out that it wasn't...

Still, a game like this makes me want to get a PS2 again.

09-14-2004, 10:24 PM
One of the best RPG's you can find on the Playstation/Ps2. I liked the real-time battle systems alot, although it takes time to get used to it at first. And the item creating is alot of fun when you master it. That way you can make good items and armory for your party. The only thing wrong with this game is that it has some bugs in it that can really screw up what you were doing in the game (like a freezing glicth that happens sometime) other than that it's a great game and you'll propably enjoy it.

Also you might want to pick up Star Ocean 3 as well after your done with SO3. It just as good as SO2, it has great characters, decent voice-acting, great battle system, pretty good story, nice graphics, great music (it has some rock and techno in there) and a pretty good balance of difficulty (not to easy-not too hard) that has been lacking in Rpgs lately. Proably the best Square-Enix has put out and a good way of making me forget the tradgey that was FFX/X-2.:)

09-15-2004, 08:45 AM
Star Ocean 2 is crazy but good. I really need to replay it someday because you can play as the boy or girl, right? I only did the guy.

Yeah, but I remember there being waaaay too much stuff to do. Item creation could be fun, but it always irritated me how it randomly chose what talents your charaters had, so you had to reload if one had dodgy talents you didn't want. Battles do get pretty cool...and your characters kept levelling up past level 100.
Ooh, plus those private action things you can do, they were sometimes fun.

Yeah, I remember it being a fun game, (and now I feel like playing it dammit) but it overwhelmed me. =\

09-15-2004, 11:34 AM
Waii. I'm so dumb.

I meant Star Ocean 3, not 2.

Just stuff switched around in my brain, I guess.

Though SO2 was pretty awesome.

09-21-2004, 03:20 AM
I played the 2nd, it was good. I just got the 3rd, actually i got it over a week ago, and i only played it for about 30 min. It seemed cool, i am just extremely busy. they should port the 1st to gba or remake it for the DS.

09-22-2004, 07:09 AM
I loved Star Ocean 2, and I just picked up Til the End of Time this afternoon. I'm hoping to be able to play it sometime soon, when I get free time.

09-22-2004, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by RED_XIII#2
I played the 2nd, it was good. I just got the 3rd, actually i got it over a week ago, and i only played it for about 30 min. It seemed cool, i am just extremely busy. they should port the 1st to gba or remake it for the DS.

Yeah, I haven't had the time to really get far in Star Ocean 3 yet either. Silly life and it getting it the way of RPGs. It's hard to get any story heavy gaming it- it seems like nowadays all my time winds up going to fighters or hack and slash type stuff.

I second the motion for a port to the GBA. I'd love a great handheld rpg to play- I actually have the time for those.

10-02-2004, 01:44 PM
I bought Star Ocean 3 two days ago, and i've already got 7 hours play on it - which is usually a pretty good indication.

Minor gripes - voice acting sucks, and it inteferes with immersion even worse than Yuna's weird pausing. The casting people REALLY screwed up on some of the supporting cast, especially Cliff Fittir - the voice really, really doesn't match the character design.

On a good note, the main character (Fayt Leingod) has good voice acting... so it's all good. Apart from that, there are some scenes where the discussion just seems really uncomfortable.

But like I said, minor gripes - the game overall is brilliant. It's got shades of everything in it - from Star Trek to Evangelion, and it's wrapped in a presentation that strongly reminds me of Final Fantasy VII - always a good thing.

I actually downloaded Star Ocean (1) for my SNES emu today, and lost a good hour playing that - I don't really want to get into it deeply while i'm still playing Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, but definately afterwards. I also third the port to GBA option, because sprite-based games look fugly on my monitor :(

10-02-2004, 07:02 PM
Really. I thought majority of the Va's were pretty well done. I think Cliff's voice is one of the best in the game IMO because he sounds like a badass without sounding like a dumbass trying to be bad. I also like Nel's voice(and charcter), but one of her assistants sounded like a helium addict. I think her name was Farleen, I swear she has the worst voice over ever. Other than a few other NPC's the VA was decent to good.

My only gripe with the game though is the item inventing. At first it was confusing as hell because I'm used to SO2's inventing system and I did'nt like how you had to go to a workshop instead of just inventing from the camp menu. Even though I'm used to the inventing now, I still think they should've used the SO2 inventing system instead.

10-03-2004, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Ex-SeeD
Really. I thought majority of the Va's were pretty well done. I think Cliff's voice is one of the best in the game IMO because he sounds like a badass without sounding like a dumbass trying to be bad.

Cliff sounds like Yogi-freaking-bear. I'm expecting him to ask where the Pic-a-nick baskets are any minute.

Did you hear the Japanese voice acting in the early preview trailers? It was superb. They got excellent talent in from a wide range of anime to produce a brilliant production.

Also, there's the little matter of inflection - in more than one instance, characters put the wrong inflection on - if I didn't have subtitles on, I wouldn't know what the hell was going on.

I agree with you about Farleen - when I heard her voice, I thought "Holy hell - she sounds like my 4 year old cousin."

Nel's voice is also too deep, and too short - i'm guessing the casting was looking for sultry with a hard backing, but they missed the mark.

Really, the only voice acting i'm happy with is Fayt's.

10-03-2004, 03:49 AM
I liked the voice acting. Honestly, play SO2 and listen to Chiasto ;____;

Nel is so hot :(

Farleen is awful.

This game *kinda* reminds me of Xenosaga. I love it so much, but haven't had too much time to play :(

10-11-2004, 02:17 PM
I got it on Saturday and got 13 hours in between Saturday afternoon and over the bulk of Sunday.


I can't stand the voice acting, though it was quite awesome of them to give yo uthe choice of whether you wanted it or not. And which one is Farleen? Because the purple haired one is. You know. Alright. And Nel's clothing is really weird. So much skin from the side. And it hardly looks comfortable, does it?

I'm just entering the place with the thing and the item creation!


Nanaki Claws
10-11-2004, 02:32 PM
I have enough money to buy it...but I don't know if I should, when I read these posts, I found that the game looked great but...I don't want to waste my money like I did with Sword Of Mana.

10-11-2004, 03:09 PM
I was waiting for this game to come out for ages, and when it finally does, i cant find it anywhere cos i live in a piece of CRAP?%^"$^?"&?

K thanks.

10-11-2004, 04:46 PM
Cliff sounds like Yogi-freaking-bear. I'm expecting him to ask where the Pic-a-nick baskets are any minute.

Haha, it's true.

I'm not a big fan of the voice acting, but it's not too bad, I guess.

Also, Farleen = Iris from Outlaw Star.

Bahamut ZERO
10-11-2004, 05:20 PM
I quite like the voice acting, even if some of them are quite high and squeaky.


The battle system is fluid, and the story is quite entrancing, and the characters are interesting. <del>Which is more than what I can say for Kingdom Hearts, which I traded in to get my hands on this game.</del> I hope to level up and to find myself pwning everything soon. :)

10-13-2004, 07:23 AM
There's an event that happens about 17-19 hours into the game...

I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but I think the only way to adequatly describe it is


10-13-2004, 07:06 PM
I should start playing again. I'm not all that far into it, but I rushed through the mines thing after I met Nel, and now my characters are getting pwn'd. Must level up ;(

Nanaki Claws
10-13-2004, 11:06 PM
This game totally rocks!!! I buyed it before yesterday, and it really rocks...I can't describe how I like this had been so long that I had not played a game like that...

10-15-2004, 02:48 AM
I am SO pissed off with the end boss right now.. I'm playing the game on medium... I have to take it back tomorrow because it's a rental.. and I can't beat the boss, damnit! This always happens.. I'll play the whol eentire game.. until I get to the final boss.. and I can't beat him cause he's too hard.

Furious Rose
10-17-2004, 01:19 AM
I'm throughly enjoying this game! I've beaten it twice already and am now trying to get through the bonus dungeons. One thing that I love about this game are the characters. I'm really liking everyone and that's making it really hard to choose a battle party...

Nanaki Claws
10-17-2004, 03:51 AM
There is four things that I hate about this game:

-Firstly...Farleen voice...ARGHHHH!!!
-Secondly...the background music when someone talk. It is annoying.
-Thirdly...Roger...I hate him so much!
-Fourthly...The item lock when you use a item, you have to wait for a few seconds to use another item...I hate that!

Except these points, the game is perfect.

10-17-2004, 07:26 PM
I turned on VA's for a minute and Farleen's voice made me have an aneurism.

And I can't work out what the HOLY MARY MOTHER OF GOD moment is. Maybe I haven't reached it yet.

Unless it's "OMG I REVIVED AERIS".

10-17-2004, 07:48 PM
They tried to make another Aeris, that girl ameena.

Shes another little innocent flower girl, but so far shes only fainted in some food place and just came back to life, so its all good o_O

10-17-2004, 11:19 PM
And I can't work out what the HOLY MARY MOTHER OF GOD moment is. Maybe I haven't reached it yet.

I'll give you a hint - it involves Fayt, and a Vendeeni ship.

Vash The Stampede23
10-19-2004, 02:22 PM
Yeah I got it like 2 weeks ago and ive played maybe 13 hours but I'm Restarting cause Earth Mode is TOO easy

11-02-2004, 12:38 AM
I'll give you a hint - it involves Fayt, and a Vendeeni ship.

oh yeah :-D lol

I got the game a couple of days ago and im already on the second disk, i think i've gone to fast tho cos im now getting owned by all those f**king feathery b******s >:O

Even still this is a great game, way better than anything i've seen square put out in a while, looks like they might finaly be putting all the crap from ffx-2 behind them....

Furious Rose
11-02-2004, 01:47 AM
oh yeah :-D lol

I got the game a couple of days ago and im already on the second disk, i think i've gone to fast tho cos im now getting owned by all those f**king feathery b******s >:O

Even still this is a great game, way better than anything i've seen square put out in a while, looks like they might finaly be putting all the crap from ffx-2 behind them....

Well you must remember that its SquareEnix now and before this all SO games were made by Enix not Square.

11-02-2004, 01:51 AM
all SO games were made by Enix not Square.

Actually, they were made by Tri-Ace, and published by Enix.

This game is also made by Tri-Ace, and published by Square Enix. So nothing to do with Square or Enix at all.

Furious Rose
11-02-2004, 02:05 AM
Thanx that cleared things up and made me look like a complete moron! Two birds with one stone, huh?

11-06-2004, 07:41 AM
I got to the part with Fayt and the Vendeeni ship. =-o whoa.

11-06-2004, 09:07 AM
There's a battle scene much later in the game (the one you get to see twice) that I think is even better than the Fayt/Vendeeni confrontation.

A bit of advice: Before you go into the last boss' dungeon, make sure you're THOROUGHLY prepared. And it helps to get into the whole Item Creation business too. It takes less than thirty minutes and a few thousand Fol to get a weapon that has +2000 ATK. It's the only way I beat the final boss. :o

Nanaki Claws
11-07-2004, 04:08 AM
If I understood something from the item creation, I would surely do that, but for now, I will stick with the laser weapons.

11-07-2004, 07:32 AM
That's what I told myself. Unfortunately I made the stupid mistake of adding an elemental property to my only laser weapon and I couldn't go back to get more. But I found that item creation was much easier than it looked.

Nanaki Claws
11-07-2004, 05:13 PM
You must be right, but I don't know how...but, I will try anyways..