09-14-2004, 01:39 AM
Ed Zitron tells the truth!

09-14-2004, 09:07 AM
Anna is still going to wait until the game is finished and released, and then decides whether it's "fucked up".

I disapprove of bashing in advance, very strongly.

Ah, I stumbled across this here in the thread you linked to:

When you have a franchise as popular as the Final Fantasy series, it's not a common practice to change the formula; especially when you've sold almost 60 million units worldwide. Amazingly enough, Square Enix has gone ahead and done just that with its second drastic departure from the typical FF formula in two years, Final Fantasy XII;
I often hear this. You know, the two opinions on this matter: "Never change a winning system", which means the complaints that go on as soon as you change anything from the concept, like the battle system, the magic system, add voice acting or other stuff.
Then, the complaints that you get if you do NOT change things, because that's seen as money-making, uncreative copying oneselves' own work, and evil.

Change something - people complain. Change nothing - people complain!
What to do? ;_; Poor Squexies.

09-14-2004, 11:44 AM
But who wants this kind of change?

One of the big things about FF is that commonality of gameplay style. What makes each FF new and fresh is the plot and, usually, just the change in how abilities/magic is acquired, and how and if that is linked in with Equipment or Items, etc. But I play FF because I like turn based style combat. However, this new combat system sounds like those very dire systems you get in really rubbish games you rent once, just to see what they're like, and promptly never play again. Nothing wrong with the lack of random battles, but the system, well... I will reserve judgement until I play, but I would say mmm is pretty reputable source. =/

09-14-2004, 01:52 PM
I'd only consider it "bashing in advance" if I had read a press release or seen a rolling demo.

This was in a comfy chair with big headphones on a big screen - probably the closest I was going to get to playing it at home.

This was a long play.

09-14-2004, 02:00 PM
Okay, okay. And I don't doubt your account's truthfulness, let alone your ability to judge such things without bias.

But there is absolutely nothing I can say about this. Other than: "Hm. I'm curious how I will like it."
I can't form an opinion yet, and knowing yours changes nothing. ;)

Plus... maybe stuff'll still be changed here and there, until the final release... I'm not going to form an opinion before playing the game, after having bought it, etc...

*sips her tea*

09-16-2004, 05:12 PM
.................................................. ............................... I think that a new system will always be a good move for the series.

09-16-2004, 05:32 PM
.................................................. ....................... who the hell are you, Fallen_Vincent?

09-16-2004, 08:02 PM
I'll play it and form my own opinion

09-19-2004, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
.................................................. ....................... who the hell are you, Fallen_Vincent?

He's a wannabe.