09-13-2004, 05:41 PM
Well I picked up FFXI the other day and thought it would be fun to do a journal here like some others have been doing. I've had the game for 2 days now, and have played around with the different Jobs. As it stands Aeludar (that's me) is a Hume Male.
His jobs are:
Red Mage 5
Thief 7
Warrior 5
I also played around with Blm a little but only made it to level 2. I've been having some trouble deciding on what my main job would be. I want to be something usefull, but also something I have alot of fun with. I think Red Mage is going to be my first main job. With White Mage as my subjob after I get to level 18.

From there...who knows! Part of me wants to be a Paladin/Warrior, but surprisingly I like being a caster in FFXI. This is after I despised being a caster in Everquest. It just doesn't feel so boring here.

Plan on logging on after I get out of class to level up in Red Mage some more. Ideally I'll make it to level 10+ tonight if I can afford to buy the scrolls that I need. Selling crystals and assorted drops in AH is proving quite profitable though. I'll keep you posted.

Red Mage 5/Warrior 5/Thief 7

09-14-2004, 08:24 AM
excellent, it's always good to see new players who aren't stupid. ^^;

what server, if I may ask?
oh, and sticky'd

09-14-2004, 06:17 PM
He's on Cerberus. Me and some of my LS peeps helped him out a bit. :D

09-14-2004, 06:34 PM
More Adventures in Windurst today. Finally decided on a final job combo for my character. Leveled warrior to 6 thinking I was going to go Paladin/Warrior. Then, after coming to the realization that I'm not a very good warrior, I went back to Red Mage.

I was back in the fray earning experience quickly, but then the unthinkable happens......server maintenance! So our hero is in stasis while the Square gods set things right with the world.

I did take my first mission to go to the Inner Hotobaru Ruins (hope I spelled that right). I had just got there and offed a few goblins when server went down. I also achieved 10k gil for the first time in my life, and have lots of stuff left to sell on AH.

So far I'm having a blast, hope to get a few more levels in Red Mage tonight and maybe head to the canyon once I get 10 or 11.

Newbie question though, does anyone know where to get a list of spells by level for each caster class? I plan on being a Red Mage/White Mage or maybe a Red Mage/Black Mage. One of the two, I'll probably level both White and Black so I can switch them out as a party or LS needs.

And thanks Heather and other LS mates for all the help getting my feet under me.

09-14-2004, 07:33 PM
I wouldn't know where to find them online, but I do have lists the spells in my sweetie's FFXI guide.

BTW: Maybe gamefaqs would have lists... I just thought of that.

09-15-2004, 12:55 AM
click (

09-15-2004, 04:39 AM
Thanks for the list. Most helpfull......but now its time for more Outrages of the Mages!

Well I finally woke up from the blackout bestowed by the gods. With my bronze sword in hand and trusty armor that I stole from the set of Troy last year, it was off to get level 7. After asking some advice in the LS I decided it was time to go fishing....with dynamite.

Level 7 came and I hosted an all you can eat crab leg dinner to celebrate from the 50,000 crabs I hacked to shreds. So it was off to the auction house for upgrades and a Protect scroll, and also to sell my plunder.

After taking care of filling my sell queue again I went shopping. Snagging myself a new sword Xiphos, and completing my first in a long line of pimp suits.

Once I figure out where the game puts screenshots I'll post them in here.

More to come tomorrow as our hero reaches for level 11 and shiny pants!

Evad D'Aragon
09-15-2004, 12:55 PM
Another viable combo for you would be Red Mage/Summoner.

While the Summons themselves won't really benefit you or your party, the higher boost of MP will. And, who knows, being able to Carby pull sometimes can be handy.

09-15-2004, 07:04 PM
I personally was gonna go the route of White Mage/Summoner. Love the white magic and I wanna summon a cute lil Carbuncle of my own. ;_;

I guess the good part about some people in my Linkshell, is that they don't specialize in one thing, leveling many different jobs up. And if it comes in handy, why not. We a small close knit bunch. XD

09-16-2004, 12:14 PM
heather wether upogus? (ok i may have gone a little far with the upogus part... ) when i get an id on cerberus will ye throw a linkpearlmy way? i wish to have a marry little click to link with and best foes with our backs to eachother ;) if thee would, twould be an honor!

09-19-2004, 03:46 PM
Well not much has been going on the last few days. I got a couple of more levels which is always good, and have been farming gil to save up for more upgrades. Hopefully I can start partying soon, and break the monotony of solo play hehe. Onward to level 20! Just 10 to go

Evad D'Aragon
09-21-2004, 02:35 PM
That reminds me, Sirion is a Warrior, MajinSephy is a Monk, and you're a Red Mage.

Sounds to me that the newbies on Cerberus could party together, expecially since they're from Windurst...

09-21-2004, 06:16 PM
true dat. true dat.

Evad has a point but that means you'll have to stay up pretty late just to see them. :P

09-22-2004, 04:16 AM
It does sound rather convinient :)

Aeludar, i'll give you a tell when I get on this afternoon - It will be another 5 or so hours tho, so whether you're still awake at that time is another matter!

Evad D'Aragon
09-22-2004, 06:29 AM
Originally posted by Heather
true dat. true dat.

Evad has a point but that means you'll have to stay up pretty late just to see them. :P

Minor detail...;)

You told me you never went to Bastok when I told you to go to Korroloka Tunnel...remember how I dealt with that minor detail ? :)

09-22-2004, 04:00 PM
Hey making a party sounds good. I'm almost lvl 11. I'm in med school and mid terms are coming up in a couple of weeks so been swamped. I've been leveling in the canyon lately, but yeah I play really really late EST. Usually after 10pm. But if I'm on send me a tell I'm always willing to party.

09-24-2004, 03:04 PM
Well after a little help from a friendly Rdm, I've finally broke through 10. For some reason it was like a wall to me. Its been smooth sailing since though with me almost making 12 in just a little bit in the canyon. Going to finish leveling to 12 today, and play hardcore this weekend to see how high I can go. Hope to see some of you guys on.