09-11-2004, 07:46 PM
Am I the only person that its IMPOSSIBLE to get your lvl 4 limit breaks? Discuss please.

09-11-2004, 07:56 PM
well arent you able to use lvl 4 limit breaks after you have already have 1-3? because if you dont then you wont be able to learn them.

Also, you cant just learn lvl 4 limit breaks, there are items for each character that you have to use to learn them

09-11-2004, 07:59 PM
Here's how to get all the lvl 4 limits:

Cloud-Omnislash-Get 32,000 battle points at the arena in discs 2 or 3. You can then spend the points to get the item

Barret-Catasrophe-Go to the house at the top of the hill in Corel after saving Corel in the huge materia quest in disc 2

Tifa-Final Heaven-Play Highwind theme on piano in Tifa's house with her in your party.

Red XIII- Cosmo Memory-Open the safe in the Nibelheim Mansion and beat the boss and you'll get it

Cid- Highwind-In the cargo room on the Gelnika plane

Aeris-Great Gospel-Disc 1 only. Get it from the sleeping man in the cave (look up how to get it, it's complicated).

Vincent-Chaos-Find it in Lucrecia's Waterfall (You can go in the waterfall near Corel). Go in twice. The first time you'll hear a story. The second time, by the crystal-like chair thing, you'll see a black thing. Get it. It's his last weapon and limit

Yuffie-All Creation- Wutai Pagoda side quest. Have Yuffie in the party and go to the Pagoda in Wutai. Fight all five monsters and Godo will give it to you.

Hope this helped you!!!

Yes. You need all three other limit levels first.

09-11-2004, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by BizarroSephiroth
Vincent-Chaos-Find it in Lucrecia's Waterfall (You can go in the waterfall near Corel). Go in twice. The first time you'll hear a story. The second time, by the crystal-like chair thing, you'll see a black thing. Get it. It's his last weapon and limit.

one thing to add to that. you have to fight ten battles before you can go back and get the limit break.

oh yeah, if you do these things that everyones mentioned and they still dont work, then yes, its a glitch. there is an existing glitch in the game that sometimes wont let you get your level 4 limits. i dont know many of the details though.

09-11-2004, 10:42 PM
By the way there is a glitch in the american version that can happen where you cant learn the L4 limits at all. all you can do is restart and pray to god that it doesnt happen again

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-12-2004, 04:02 AM
There is a glitch in the games concerning the level you are at when you attempt to learn the level 4 limit. If your level is too high, the character will refuse to learn the skill, saying something like "It has nothing to do with me." or "I don't need it". At least, that's what Cloud did when I tried to make him learn Omnislash at level 94.

09-12-2004, 10:54 AM
There's also a glitch in mine when i went to the ancient forest at the vine/cave i got into a battle against a ???? WEAPON. Looked like Ultimate WEAPON i swear that was wierd.

09-12-2004, 02:22 PM
Thats bullsh*t and you know it! Go to the create a rumor thread if you wanna make up crap like that...oh, and make it funny too.

09-12-2004, 03:37 PM
Yeah, accually that happened to me once too.

09-14-2004, 02:15 AM
Cloud00 You serious?! When did it happen, where, what did it look like. Someone tell me what the hell is going on!!!

09-18-2004, 07:16 PM
I have had cids, and ever since lvl 50 now 76 it wont let me use the highwind one, because I have it. So what now?

09-19-2004, 05:02 PM
i sense...........bullshit