09-11-2004, 07:40 PM
Is this game slowly getting boring to anyone?

09-11-2004, 08:33 PM
To me, no.

It kinda depends on how you look at FFXI. I have 2 great linkshells I go to, I don't play every single hour of the day, I do a lot of side things beyond leveling. Most people get fried when they leap towards getting from 0 to 50-75 without spending much time on anything else.

09-11-2004, 11:04 PM
It eventually will, as with all games. But for this taru, the adventure ish far from over. Too many jobs and combinations, too many crafts, too many experiments regarding the above, so many people to befriend and share experiences with.

Typo will admit, though, that the initial sense of excitement and adventure that overwhelmed me when I first started ish gone, but in that process, my interest in learning more about, exploring and conquering that which I haven't yet seen has been piqued.

That is to say, the game isn't such the "different" or "magical" experience that it was when I was learning, but now moreso an everyday challenge to strive to reach a new level of FFXI's gameplay experience. Yeah.

How long-winded! Typo sounds like an old man, taru. >.-

09-12-2004, 04:50 AM
It's gotten really boring to me. I'm probably gonna move to WoW when it comes out. To do anything later in the game, even quests, it reqiures planning and organization. You can't just log on and do something yourself. The enemies get repetative and the rewards for months of work really aren't worth it. This game is lacking a lot of creativity and content.

09-12-2004, 06:40 AM
It did for a while 'cause other things interested me more >.>, but I find the old magic comes back when you start planning stuff. Starting Fishing motivated me to get back into the game.

Elvin Boy
09-14-2004, 04:00 PM
wheee! only two days till it's released in europe!

09-15-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Elvin Boy
wheee! only two days till it's released in europe!

lol yeah 2 days to go and my good computer fucked up. Been going around like a mad fucker looking for parts for it and all i need now is new memory

09-16-2004, 12:42 PM
went searching for ffXI today but nowere near me is selling it till tomoro

09-25-2004, 08:24 PM
ffxi is getting a little repetitive to me atm, im currently enjoying the new star ocean to take up some time, ffxi just seems to have lost its magic over time, in a couple months i actually might plan on quiting to play Ragnarok Online with a buddy of mine, i think the main reason this game is getting boring is cuz ppl in the game just piss me off, but hey, maybe that's my fault ;)
the lack of creativity is a big reason too, once they get some good PVP then it will probably get good, not enough action in this game if u ask me

Elvin Boy
09-30-2004, 11:20 PM
I saw you once before I moved to phoenix

12-22-2004, 12:07 PM
This game is far from getting bored to me :)

I always take my time to do many things. And although I have 7 months in FFXI, my highest job level is not that high, and I still love it and want to play it every day. My LS group and the hope I have in making it a great linkshell motivates me to keep playing.
It is true that things go losing its magic with time, but this game just seems to be addictive to me. I have never seen such thing. Never with an online game.

And also, it is true that there comes a point in which people gets to be annoying and you fight for everything, but I say, why you play an online gamethne? There will always be someone that annoys you, no matter where you go. So I just get used to it and keep living.

12-22-2004, 12:41 PM
how much does it cost to play?

12-22-2004, 01:07 PM
Your soul.

12-22-2004, 01:10 PM
Prak just be serious. i wanna buy it but i don't know how much it'll cost me

12-22-2004, 01:14 PM
Ask yourself this: Is it easier to A) post the question on these forums and hope someone gives you a decent answer or B) go look it up?

12-22-2004, 01:16 PM
i looked it up but nothing came up

12-22-2004, 03:46 PM
Well it depends on the system. PC or PS2.

Darth Pepper
12-22-2004, 04:06 PM
@ Chewey
You're seriously retarded. How hard is it to type in 'Final Fantasy 11 Price' on a search engine?

12-22-2004, 04:14 PM
LOL maybe he forgot that, who knows :)

Well it is about 100 dollars in PS2 version if you don't have the hard drive. Plus the USB keyboard, the modem, the Chains Of Promathia, blah blah :P

For PC it is cheaper but your PC needs a graphic processor (a very good one), enough memory (about 40 gigas?), internet connection (duuh!), prefferibly nothing that is Dial-Up (I hate Dial-Up), and some other stuff. Butthe PC version costs only 30 dollars plus the expansion. So anyways the PC version is cheaper than the PS2 version.

12-23-2004, 09:56 AM
So far, I am the first one who was instantly overcome with boredom and disappointment with this game. I'm only happy that I never bought it, because that is a pretty large investment for something that I thuroughly did not enjoy.

It may have something to do with the fact that I was using my friend's account, so I didn't get to create my own character, I didn't know what quests he was doing or how far along he was in each, and I didn't know what items I could and couldn't get rid of.

In any case, the battles reminds me much of EverQuest which got increasingly dull and simple. There was nothing that was truely innovative about it, and to be completely honest, I'd rather shell out $150 for an XBOX and $50 for Marrowind and just play by myself; instead of paying the same amount to just get the game in my house and pay a monthly fee on top of that.

Evad D'Aragon
12-23-2004, 05:47 PM
LOL maybe he forgot that, who knows :)

Well it is about 100 dollars in PS2 version if you don't have the hard drive. Plus the USB keyboard, the modem, the Chains Of Promathia, blah blah :P

For PC it is cheaper but your PC needs a graphic processor (a very good one), enough memory (about 40 gigas?), internet connection (duuh!), prefferibly nothing that is Dial-Up (I hate Dial-Up), and some other stuff. Butthe PC version costs only 30 dollars plus the expansion. So anyways the PC version is cheaper than the PS2 version.

Yes...and no. That depends if you start with nothing. Buying a PC to play that game is MUCH more expensive than buying a PS2 plus the game. But if it's your parents' know. It depends.

And then there's the monthly fee, for server upkeep and GM salaries.

12-23-2004, 11:57 PM
I didn't know what quests he was doing

Quests don't matter in FFXI, really.
they do, a tiny bit, but they really are unimportant...

also, 56k (dialup) is a fine connection for FFXI, because connection speed is capped at it.

Darth Pepper
12-24-2004, 12:00 AM
Quests don't matter in FFXI, really.
they do, a tiny bit, but they really are unimportant...

also, 56k (dialup) is a fine connection for FFXI, because connection speed is capped at it.

Evad D'Aragon
12-25-2004, 06:53 PM
Quests don't matter in FFXI, really.
they do, a tiny bit, but they really are unimportant...

also, 56k (dialup) is a fine connection for FFXI, because connection speed is capped at it.

...Capped while in-game, but not while downloading patches and updates on PlayOnline. Do take that in mind.

12-25-2004, 10:47 PM

No, seriously.

The only things quests are useful for:
-making vendor prices a tiny bit cheaper
-some of them have good magic rewards. ;/
-95% of them are just a waste of time, except for raising fame to make vendor prices a tiny bit cheaper and allow you to get a good magic reward from a later quest.

Missions are a different story.

and yeah, I forgot about patches O;

Darth Pepper
12-26-2004, 12:16 AM
No, seriously.

The only things quests are useful for:
-making vendor prices a tiny bit cheaper
-some of them have good magic rewards. ;/
-95% of them are just a waste of time, except for raising fame to make vendor prices a tiny bit cheaper and allow you to get a good magic reward from a later quest.

Missions are a different story.

and yeah, I forgot about patches O;
What level did you leave off at?

12-26-2004, 01:32 PM
What level did you leave off at?


You can't honestly tell me that bringing Bastore Sardines to a lady for 50 gil is a good use of your time.

Or running up to to Tahrongi Canyon from Windurst to grab a cactus for a 200 gil reward is a good use of your time.

etc. etc.

12-26-2004, 03:26 PM
Quets were also important for fame. For example, to not buy Utsusemi and other ninja scrolls you would have to quest it and to quest it you need Norg fame, and to get Norg fame you need to do quests in Windurst or Bastok, if I am right. You need to do many quests.
Also, for SMN avatar battles you need fame. High high fame for the high leel ones, but a bt not so high fame (Like level 4 fame) for the level 20 avatar battles.
These are some examples, but there is also the teleport quests if you dont want to buy them. You need fame to get those quests. Like level 5 or higher fame.

But again, this is my point of view. So everyone got their own opinions and way to play this game.

Darth Pepper
12-26-2004, 05:59 PM
Then don't presume you know the game inside out, you don't have the slightest idea. Next time keep your mouth shut.

Evad D'Aragon
12-26-2004, 11:46 PM
Then don't presume you know the game inside out, you don't have the slightest idea. Next time keep your mouth shut.

Nobody can really say they know a game this big and vast inside out. I'd suggest that YOU keep your mouth shut if you're to say such things. Nothing personnal though. But Blake can have his opinion on the game, and I partly share it. Quests are nothing more than a tool to waste your time when you don't have much to do. Most don't give you that much of a reward until you build enough fame to do the ones that do give you an interesting reward.

Darth Pepper
12-27-2004, 01:14 AM
You can't advance without doing quests. Also she said 95% of the quests are useless, that's the POOPest thing I've ever heard. Their are numerous quests that are obligatory to your advancement in the game, that's why she should've kept her mouth shut instead of blurting POOP out of her POOP. Especially at her level she shouldn't be making assumptions like that. Their are many people that know the game inside out, anyone level 70 and above most likely have a full knowledge of the games vast existence. Also you have to remember some people have been on this game for years, including me, and trust me after that long you develop a good bank of knowledge. Also after reaching the maximum cap, you have a lot of time on your hands, which again constitutes to your knowledge of the game. So don't tell me no one knows the game inside out, because many players easily do. Not to mention the game, and world aren't even that big. So I think you need to shut the POOP up, and stop defending this POOP, and learn some manners of your own POOP. Also I love how you think you can talk such hostility, because of your level in the game. Level, and rank doesn't mean POOP. I've been 75 for a year now, and it doesn't make me any different authority wise. So please next time shut the POOP up, and don't try to play Internet Police POOP.

Quests are nothing more than a tool to waste your time when you don't have much to do
That's the POOPest POOPing thing I've heard in a while. I highly doubt Square-Enix spent years developing these quest for people to do when they're bored. They made them for a reason, many reasons. May it be the aid for your success in the game, or the obligatory quests, which you cannot not advance in unless completed upon. Also quests make up for a lot of the FFXI story, and add to the games ambiance. I seriously think you're POOPed for saying that. I can accept someone saying they dislike these quests, and view them as a hassle, therefore only do them when un-occupied. But stating that in general they are time-killers, is a POOP thing to say.

12-27-2004, 01:43 AM
Also she

That's the dumbest thing I've heard.

-hypocritic rant-

You mention level and rank being meaningless, yet you use your level to say you know the game better than I do?
Don't be a hypocrite.
I love how you can talk hostility because of your level and rank in game. Level and rank don't mean shit.

Maybe you need to learn the game.

There are only FIVE neccesary quests in the game.
Others, such as AF, some spells, Chocobo, RSE, and storage/gobbiebag are pretty useful, and maybe an item quest or two (but don't say Lu Shang's is any more than a time sink)

What does that leave you?
100+ useless quests, besides to waste your time to gain fame to do the other quests.

Yes, they have backstory. Yes, they make the game more filled with a storyline.

Does that matter to someone who's looking for a game, not a storyline? No.

Thus, majority of quests = useless to me.

Also, if we're going to be stupid and compare levels, if I spent all the time I did researching and learning about the game playing, I'd be awfully close to 75, if not there, which doesn't matter, but since you're being an ass and saying "You're a lower level than me so your opinion doesn't matter!!!11" - I figured I should bring that up.

Darth Pepper
12-27-2004, 01:50 AM
That's nice, but I wasn't talking to you.

12-27-2004, 01:53 AM
That's nice, but I wasn't talking to you.

That sucks, 'cause I was talking to you.

If you don't want me to respond to you flaming me, then don't flame me.

If you didn't want me to respond to you flaming Evad, then flame in a PM plzkthxbye.

Evad D'Aragon
12-27-2004, 03:32 AM

Any time someone talks the way you are by personnal calling others "fag" or swearing only makes their opinions and statements even the more meaningless, especially when respect is supposed to be a rule here at these boards. I have a right to say my opinion, and share it with whoever I want without being some "Internet Police", as you call it. It so happens I agree with Blake's opinion on quests and not yours. Live with it. Don't insult people for a mere divergence in opinion. THAT is retarded.

I mention my Rank and level in my signature, but never meant in any way I was using them to strenghten my statements since they appear in all my posts, including those that aren't on the FFXI part of the forum. You're the one that brought the question of levels in the first place to Blake when you asked him what level he was when he quit to insult him because apparently being level 35 means you don't know nothing about that game. I'd suggest you read your own posts before shooting yourself in the foot.

And even if you do are level 75 ( which I really don't give a crap about ), NO, you can't possibly know EVERY SINGLE QUEST, EVERY SINGLE FOOD EFFECTS, EVERY MAP, EVERY BOSS WEAKNESS, etc. This game is constantly evolving, and changing, be it by expansion packs, patches and so on. That you stated such an absurdity is pompous and arrogant at best.

And considering you're the one that swears and insults us for no real reason, you're in no way able to say we're talking any hostility, really.

I responded to you flaming Blake for the mere reason I agree with his opinion, not to defend him or play any Internet Police. However, Blake responded to you flaming me because you had no real reason to do it and because he's a mod here, so that's his job to make people like you don't flood the forums with retarded posts and weak arguments such as yours. If you wish to flame people for no real reason, please just have fun in Dynamis, oh Mighty-Level-75-that-knows-so-much-more-about-a-video-game-than-I-do-and-therefore-is-so-much-more-smarter-than-all-of-us.

Darth Pepper
12-27-2004, 04:04 AM
There is a difference between knowing something, and knowing exact statistics. That�s like implying that no one knows mathematics, since It is physically impossible to know every equation, and answer. The phrase knowing something inside out is nearly an expression.
Also you don�t back up your opinion on quests being a tool to kill time, which again is a POOPing POOP statement, and I�ve already explained why. Why don�t you back your statement up, and give me a good reason why FFXI quests are nearly there just to amuse people on their own terms. Also it�s the internet, I could care less about my etiquette on the internet, anyone who takes manners, and etiquette seriously on the internet is a POOP, and needs to get a life. I don�t know you, and you don�t know me so I don�t give e POOP. I�m not writing an English paper, It�s a message board, and I�ll speak what�s on my mind, as I please. Also swearing doesn�t demeanor your education, there are numerous great minds who used fouled language, it doesn�t mean POOP. Also I wasn�t imposing my status in the game at all, I was using myself as an example, and an example to why many players have a vast knowledge on the game. I already acknowledged why Blakes opinion was POOP, as is yours. Now until you can give me a suitable opinion, with a support statement, shut the POOP up.

Evad D'Aragon
12-27-2004, 04:18 AM
Geez, irritable, are we ?

Being polite and having etiquette even on the Internet certainly doesn't mean one needs to "get a life", as you put it so bluntly. It simply shows one takes the time to treat people he doesn't know the same way he would treat he would do with just anyone. That's certainly not a bad thing to be conscious of your own acts, and if you were in any way caring about the way you are, you'd realize that. Because if you aren't caring about yourself THAT is when you need to get a life.

I fail to see in any way where it is I implied using proper language meant anything about my education or yours, for that matter. Using foul language has nothing to do with one's intelligence, however it certainly has to do with one's morality and sense of respect, which you both seem to seriously lack.

Why would I need to back my statement on quests when all I said is that I share Blake's opinion on the matter when he already said his point ? If I had anything else different to say, I would. I certainly don't want to repeat myself for nothing , especially when it seems you're not even willing to listen but just flame others for having different opinions than yours.

I do agree with you on one thing : This is not an English paper, it's a message board, so I'll say what's on my mind as well. However, apparently, unlike you, I don't use foul language for something which " I don't give a fuck ", as you put it so nicely. I thought that one would use a neutral tone with something that doesn't bother them, but apparently you aren't like that.

If all you can do is flaming, you're the one that should shut up, Relestial, not me, or Blake, or anyone else for that matter.

Darth Pepper
12-27-2004, 04:21 AM
Tell me now in your own words, why quests are pointless. If you want to discuss morality on the internet send me a pm, because it has nothing to do with FFXI.

Evad D'Aragon
12-27-2004, 05:10 AM
Why would I need to back my statement on quests when all I said is that I share Blake's opinion on the matter when he already said his point ? If I had anything else different to say, I would.

Read that again. I do not have to repeat "in my own words" if I don't have anything different to say. That's what would be pointless.

I certainly don't want to discuss morality here, but all I can say is that judging from your last reply, you have realized you'll get nowhere with me by needlessly flaming me. So even if it was off-topic, it wasn't entirely pointless to do it.

Darth Pepper
12-27-2004, 05:28 AM
No, seriously.

The only things quests are useful for:
-making vendor prices a tiny bit cheaper
-some of them have good magic rewards. ;/
-95% of them are just a waste of time, except for raising fame to make vendor prices a tiny bit cheaper and allow you to get a good magic reward from a later quest.

Missions are a different story.

and yeah, I forgot about patches
I thought a man of your caliber could justify this statement in a way that it doesn't sound ridiculously POOPed. But I guess not, you truly are a POOP. If you completely, 100% agree with this, then your argument of quests being useless doesn't hold up.

realized you'll get nowhere
It's a digital message board POOP, does anything truly get acknowledged on a message board? People blurt what they want as they please, and don't care. This was a great example, nothing gets solved. But I'm not just going to read your posts, and not react. So I've made my point, and you've made yours. So now you can truly shut the POOP up. I'm not coming back to this thread, so if you want to keep on POOPing, and keep on moaning, send me a PM. ;)

12-27-2004, 09:00 AM
Relestial, your case for why quests are useful is non-existant.
Saying quests are useful because Square put them in the game is just childish fanboyism. The game is not perfect.

And, this thread has turned into nothing but Relestial saying "MOTHER FUCKING FUCK FUCK GOD YOU FUCKING GUYS ARE SO FUCK FUCKING DUMBASS SHIT FUCK STUPID DUMBASSES SHUT THE MOTHER FUCKING SHIT FUCK DAMN SHIT FUCK UP", and Evad and I saying "stfu," no real discussion is happening any more, so I'll just close. ;/

12-28-2004, 12:43 PM
haha, I totally forgot that I'm a mod for this forum. In after the close!

also: Relestial is fairly immature, which is funny.