dyne trance
09-11-2004, 06:41 PM
Which FF game had the best ending?

Out of:

Final Fantasy VII (the planet is saved)
Final Fantasy VIII (reunite and kiss)
Final Fantasy IX (long lost friend found)
Final Fantasy X (a fading dream)

I think 9 had the best ending (that's what I voted for). I dunno why, but FF9 just overall is my fav game. I liek the idea of finding your loved one and then never letting go of them.

09-11-2004, 06:52 PM
I dont think you can really make a decision based on the ending.. since each is a seperate stories there endings were appropriate no?

but i really cant decide.. I liked them all.. hmm..

09-11-2004, 06:54 PM
VIII because I'm a big romantic softie and the Squall-Rinoa relationship touched me as he reminds me so much of myself. IMHO the ending FMV portrayed that beautifully.
VII was lacking tying up loose ends. And the fact the bonus characters didn't appear annoyed me.
My feelings about IX I've expressed elsewhere, I just don't like the game. End of.
And X, well...good, but it just didn't quite do it for me. And I can't put my finger on why.
So, firealarm boyee, VIII because it touched a nerve.

hb smokey
09-11-2004, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by The Bear
VIII cos it is.
Next thread please!
If you say something like that, then I'm going to ask why you believe that.

09-12-2004, 05:32 AM
If you say something like that, then I'm going to ask why you believe that.
Speaking of which, I'm going to say PoRtQuEl that if you're going to ask that, then you're going to have to tell us what you think too. I just can't stand it when somebody starts a thread and they're like "uh, what do you think" and they don't give their opinion.

(Edit: Thank you.)

Me? Well, I do like Final Fantasy IX, a lot. And I think overall for me it had the best ending. I loved the reunions with the Song of Memories playing and then the play, and I have to admit to being at least a bit surprised at the Dagger / Zidane reunion. Also, "Melodies of Life" is hands-down the best ending song for me and I like the version of the Prologue in this game too. I guess second place goes to FFVIII, but followed very closely by FFX. FFVII - I really didn't think it was all that bad either, but not quite as strong an impact.

Dot Centaur
09-12-2004, 06:26 AM
The ending of FFVIII and FFIX were both the best and I can't decide! But since out of all of them in my opinion is the happiest, I'll say FFVIII, because Rinoa never really had to be separated from her boyfriend. I can't argue with either one though.

hb smokey
09-12-2004, 09:37 AM
I believe that the FFX ending is the best of them all:

I have many different feelings about the ending:

It sucked. Why would they have Tidus just "abandon" her like that? And all he does is give her a hug! Come on, how lame is that? I wanted Tidus and Yuna to do something more than that. Who cares if the other characters were watching, just go for it!

I hated it. The ending, well, ends on a cliffhanger, making you wonder about the possibility of a sequel. I hate having to wait to hear if a game will be getting a sequel to it. I mean, it's just that the ending did not "confirm" with me that a FFX-2 would be coming out. And that really ticked me off, thinking about it all the time!

It's so emotional. Never before in my life have I seen a game hook so many people, myself included, with its love story and emotional feel. Thats what most people remember about this game; the emotion that had us so enthralled until the very end. And, by the way, the ending. It made some people cry! They were so saddened by it, because they thought that would be the last of Tidus and Yuna being together. But, people weren't sad just because it initially signaled the end for their relationship. The music, "To Zanarkand", playing in the background, was perfect to set a depressing mood. The ending was emotional, because you could actually feel how hurt Tidus was, knowing that he had to leave Yuna.

With all this said, I still love the ending!

Dot Centaur
09-12-2004, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by Smokey
I believe that the FFX ending is the best of them all:

I have many different feelings about the ending:

It sucked. Why would they have Tidus just "abandon" her like that? And all he does is give her a hug! Come on, how lame is that? I wanted Tidus and Yuna to do something more than that. Who cares if the other characters were watching, just go for it!

I hated it. The ending, well, ends on a cliffhanger, making you wonder about the possibility of a sequel. I hate having to wait to hear if a game will be getting a sequel to it. I mean, it's just that the ending did not "confirm" with me that a FFX-2 would be coming out. And that really ticked me off, thinking about it all the time!

It's so emotional. Never before in my life have I seen a game hook so many people, myself included, with its love story and emotional feel. Thats what most people remember about this game; the emotion that had us so enthralled until the very end. And, by the way, the ending. It made some people cry! They were so saddened by it, because they thought that would be the last of Tidus and Yuna being together. But, people weren't sad just because it initially signaled the end for their relationship. The music, "To Zanarkand", playing in the background, was perfect to set a depressing mood. The ending was emotional, because you could actually feel how hurt Tidus was, knowing that he had to leave Yuna.

With all this said, I still love the ending!

Huh! That was why I least liked that ending. It was too sad to see Tidus leave like that :(. But he did give her a hug (from the back)?

09-15-2004, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by Smokey
I believe that the FFX ending is the best of them all:

It sucked. Why would they have Tidus just "abandon" her like that? And all he does is give her a hug! Come on, how lame is that? I wanted Tidus and Yuna to do something more than that. Who cares if the other characters were watching, just go for it!

Haha,,, if they had done something more than that on Screen, it wouldn't have been Final Fatasy anymore.
I know you didn't write it seriously, I just wondered what would've happend if they had made Tidus and Yuna do it, eventually showing it to many teenagers.

I hated it. The ending, well, ends on a cliffhanger, making you wonder about the possibility of a sequel. I hate having to wait to hear if a game will be getting a sequel to it. I mean, it's just that the ending did not "confirm" with me that a FFX-2 would be coming out. And that really ticked me off, thinking about it all the time!

I actually didn't think there would be a seqal to it, I personally thought the ending ended very well, it was sad, but the whole concept of FF10 was kind of sadness, don't you think?

The best ending for me is FFVIII's.
It was so well done, especially the camera work really looked like someone's hand-taking.
I wondered whether Squall was dead or alive, when I watched Rinoa standing outside by herself (in apperance) it almost freaked me out, but after a moment, he was there.
It was really good to know how sub-main characters were doing too.

hb smokey
09-15-2004, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by 777
<B>Haha,,, if they had done something more than that on Screen, it wouldn't have been Final Fatasy anymore.
I know you didn't write it seriously, I just wondered what would've happend if they had made Tidus and Yuna do it, eventually showing it to many teenagers.</B>
They showed them making out in Macalania Lake, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if they were to have them kissing at the end. And, I hope and I doubt that Square-Enix never shows two of their characters having sex.

<B>I actually didn't think there would be a seqal to it, I personally thought the ending ended very well, it was sad, but the whole concept of FF10 was kind of sadness, don't you think?</B>
But that's one of the points. The whole game is centered around death and sadness, and I'm sure a lot of people weren't happy enough with how the game turned out. And, I don't know if people would have been content with just having FFX end with so much sadness, hence the sequel.

09-15-2004, 01:31 AM
I haven't played Final Fantasy 10-2, so I don't know how well they ended the story, despite what I hear from others.
Is it worth playing it?

One of reasons that I haven't played it is I actually contented with the ending, that's one of the ways.FF's ending was always happay in some way, but it's ok that sometimes we have this kind of sad ending.
Besides, I don't want to ruin my image of "Final Fantasy 10",
I want it to stay same, unless the sequall makes it better.

Square-Enix never shows 2 having sex?
Did you play a game which shows it?
Oh, it came on my mind, I did play the game which shows having sex-scene, it was Xenogears, but it was Ok, cause characters weren't realistic and it didn't really show the part, it just showed a part when they finished doing it.
If that had happened in Final Fntasy 10, I would probably stop playing Final Fantasy, cause it would look realistic and gross.
There is kind of unspoken agreement they never show it, you know, cause Final Fantasy is somethig adults and kids can enjoy.
No matter how old you are.

hb smokey
09-15-2004, 01:40 AM
Originally posted by 777
<B>I haven't played Final Fantasy 10-2, so I don't know how well they ended the story, despite what I hear from others.
Is it worth playing it?</B>
Of course it's worth playing it. The battle system is really fun, and I won't tell you much more so I don't spoil anything for you.

<B>Besides, I don't want to ruin my image of "Final Fantasy 10",
I want it to stay same, unless the sequall makes it better.</B>
Personally, I wouldn't let a sequel ruin my image of the original game. Even though the sequel will probably have stuff in common with it's predecessor, they are in fact two different games. So, I don't think FFX-2 will do anything like that.

09-15-2004, 01:45 AM
Ok, I may be going to play it,

just to let you know I added following on my previous post,.

Square-Enix never shows 2 having sex?
Did you play a game which shows it?
Oh, it came on my mind, I did play the game which shows having sex-scene, it was Xenogears, but it was Ok, cause characters weren't realistic and it didn't really show the part, it just showed a part when they finished doing it.
If that had happened in Final Fntasy 10, I would probably stop playing Final Fantasy, cause it would look realistic and gross.
They shouldn't put that anyway, they can just put a scene like that of Xenogears, but not a realistic one and the whole part of it.
There is kind of unspoken agreement they never show it, you know, cause Final Fantasy is somethig adults and kids can enjoy.
No matter how old you are ( it actually does, but most time, it doesn't.)

Aerith Gainsborough
09-15-2004, 03:22 PM
FF-VIII has the best ending to me. :)

I liked it to see all the people again, and what they are doing right now. There was a happy end with Squall and Rinoa, which was so romantic. I liked to see Seifer again with his buddys, and he was a normal person again. Yeah, I really liked him for that at the end. I liked it to see Zell eating his Hot Dogs like a pic. That was funny....

I liked the scene with Laguna standing in front of the gravestone and thinking about Raine.....it was sad somehow.

But this ending had everything in it. Happiness and Sadness. Things like that make me cry. I cry for the sad parts, but I also cry for the happy parts, because they are so beautiful.... :rolleyes:

09-15-2004, 03:30 PM
Smokey, have you played any game released by Square-Enix, which shows 2 having sex?
I suspect those 2 game companies never released such a game, well if others here have played that kind of game, please tell me.

It's something Square Enix must not do, seriously.

09-16-2004, 02:09 PM
I had to say 8

It's a shame that FFX-2 isn't an option coz the 100% ending is damn good.


wow, this is my 777th post

lucky sevens indeed.

09-17-2004, 06:50 AM
I liked the FFX ending the best, but FF8 was ok and I liked 9's ending too.

09-17-2004, 07:25 AM
I liked Final Fantasy VII's ending

Dunno why

09-19-2004, 10:18 PM
For me its was between IX and X but i went with X cuz i liked that story better then IX's

09-19-2004, 11:05 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again. FFVIII's ending is my favorite ending out of all the FF's. I liked everything about , especially at with the camcorder during the credits, it showed everybody being themselves at a party and it was pretty funny, and Squall and Rinoa kissing..well done.
FFIX's ending would be a close second too, since it was just good and really well done.As well as how it was like a storybook ending.