Bus Driver
09-11-2004, 12:43 AM
I smile knowin' one day I'll be lost again
Knowin' one day I'll be playin' sin
Off of actions sparked by drinkin' gin
But at the moment I feel at peace
Even though I come home from work covered in grease
Cause I understand my way in life
Seems now no other way could be right
Today I feel the joy and gladness in my heart
Instead of the usual confusion and anger that tears me apart

I know one day I'll be back to the same
But I can accept that with no shame
I know where I am and where I stand
It's time for me to be the one lendin' the helpin' hand
Now I can let go of the past
And look to the future and not move so fast
One day at a time is all I need
I can no longer live by greed
I want live to the full extent
I wanna look to the sky and repent
I'm only human I make mistakes
Don't write me off now and forsake
Because I'm finally seein clearly
This has been one hell of an experience and those memories will remain dear to me