09-07-2004, 07:45 PM
okay this is a pretty dumb question, but i havent really got a great understanding to what the final fantasy series is

my brother told me it is great and i should try it, but i dont know if i should

what is the series about and what is the basic story?

09-07-2004, 10:21 PM
Your joking, you have no knowledge of final fantasy at all ;)

What are you doing ? lol

Rabid Monkey
09-07-2004, 10:41 PM
Don't play any game in the series higher than FFVI.

09-07-2004, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Rabid Monkey
Don't play any game in the series higher than FFVI.

He seems like the type who'd enjoy VII, VIII, and X, a lot. :'(

The only game higher than VI you should play, though, is IX, and maybe XI if you're into that sort of thing.

09-07-2004, 11:02 PM
:shudder: ........ ok. these guys arent being very clear to you, so let me explain. each final fantasy is its own different game. they arent all sequels to each other. well, ive only played VII, and X. so ask someone whos played alot of em. but like i said, each one has its own storyline. the only sequel here is X-2. so yeah... hope that clears things up.

09-08-2004, 03:05 AM
i'll explain

final fantasy games r made by Square Enix, formely Squaresoft, located in japan, they have been very successful at making video games

each game is not a continuation of the one before (except a select few like Final Fantasy X then Final Fantasy X-2)

only a couple of things are the same

i.e. chocobos (a bird)

otherwise it has a whole different world name, the characters are different, whole different plot line

so far final fantasy has 11 main games and are coming out with a twelve one very soon also they are coming out (or is already out) with a new FF XI game: chains of prothierma (spelt something like that) , Square Enix has also remade games on to other platforms like FF (Final Fantasy) I and II was originally on the nintendo systems (seperate cartadges) , then they made a game called FF Origins which includles FF I and II in one

FF games are really fun so check it out Vengence

p.s. i suggest that u start playing a newer game like FF x or xi or wait til ff xii comes out

Nanaki Claws
09-08-2004, 03:20 AM
If you like old games play FF4. But if you like new games play, FFX and X-2. But you should try FF7,F8,FF9. And FFTactic advance(That storyline suck but the game is great.)

09-08-2004, 10:55 AM
Final Fantasy used to be a great game series. Now I guess I'd say it's only a good one. I'd still suggest you play it though.

VI is the best one, just for the record.

09-09-2004, 07:05 PM
cant agree more.... ff6 rocked

and after a couple of play throughs the magic may wear off a lil.... it is a good series buttheres only so much that you can take...