09-07-2004, 03:13 PM
Square really should stop making there main characters look like girls. The only games that they arent to blmae is x-2 because they were all girls, and XI (please don't make me have to explain)

09-07-2004, 06:17 PM
Come on fans, stop it already!

No offense to you, but I don't know what you're complaining about. How many main characters did look "girly"?
I can admit Vaan has a rather "cute" face, but Tidus didn't look girly to me. Zidane didn't look girly to me, the little monkey boy. Squall didn't look girly to me, and Cloud only looked girly when he was dressing as one.


I've also been wondering. Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe, just maybe Squenix have their reasons for making Vaan look like that? It might well be that halfway through the game, following the tradition of FF main characters having to discover a truth about themselves, Vaan will learn he isn't actually human, but, say, belongs to some elf-ish long lost race. Which would explain his outward appearance.

And even if it wasn't the case, why do you think Vaan's face is that horrible? Does it ruin the fun you might have with FFXII?

09-07-2004, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by Tokiko
Come on fans, stop it already!

...but Tidus didn't look girly to me...

...And even if it wasn't the case, why do you think Vaan's face is that horrible? Does it ruin the fun you might have with FFXII?

1: Look at him in some of the FMV's
2:Of course not :D ;)

hb smokey
09-07-2004, 09:08 PM
Still, I think it's pretty unfair to make a judgment like this, when you are complaining about <B>two</B> male characters. Think about how many male characters are in the Final Fantasy series. And then come back with a judgment as to why they are all looking girly.

09-08-2004, 02:31 AM
I think that while there IS certainly an ambigious sexual quality about many of the recent lead males (Squall ALMOST started the trend with his little mini-fluffy leather coat thing he had going on and his super-fly Gackt-esque hair), I do not think it is of such a quality that it is not obvious what gender they belong to. At least, it's not much different from the trends of many Japanese artists making sort of gender-less character designs.

09-08-2004, 10:34 PM
coolie4, I've looked at Tidus in the FMVs, all the FMVs, you know. :P I still don't see why you'd think he looks female.

Actually, Squall may not have started much.. He's just the first chaarcters with graphics where you CAN maybe make out some more details of the characters. The first time they actually looked human. Maybe, had the graphics be the same, FFVI's Locke and FFIV's Cecil would have caused similar complaints? I don't think it's a trend... That seems the wrong word... hmm...

Anyway, if you freeily admit that Vaan's face iis of no importance for whether or not you'll enjoy FFXII, then why exactly do you find it worth making a thread about? Why should Square stop it if you say it doesn't matter to you? :(

09-08-2004, 11:17 PM
Well Square is a Japanese company and generally asians have softer features than us western folks. So it only makes sense that some of the male characters might look a little "girly" to us.