09-06-2004, 06:04 PM
The thread where-in, you post animes and mangas that you think look interesting, and people can comment on whether or not they thought said anime/manga was any good.

Please keep this spoiler-free, or at least make sure you clearly mark any spoilers you might have. That's been a bit of a problem lately. =/

Anyhow, on with the thread!

I'm very interested in seeing and reading The Rose of Versailles.

The new Lupin manga also looks pretty awesome.

09-07-2004, 03:38 AM
Rose of Versailles is a really good show. Very much a precursor to shows like Revolutionary Girl Utena and Oniisama-he (Brother, Dear Brother). I'm sure you'd love it Ndi. ADV talked about licensing it a long time ago, but it never happened. Still may someday though.

As far as anime that I'm wanting to see? Ummmmm well.. One series that I know is coming out in Japan in October that I'm looking forward to is Bleach TV. I don't know how it'll measure up to the manga, but I am definitely going to give it a chance.

Series that have come out here and I want to finally see all of:
-GetBackers (again, really like the manga. I saw the 1st episode and liked it, but never watched any more)
-Kino's Journey
-Gad Guard
-Kiddy Grade

09-07-2004, 06:23 AM
I've been meaning to watch Kino's Journey, but I still haven't gotten around to it. I also want to see the R.O.D. tv series.

09-07-2004, 06:57 AM
ROD TV is excellent... for the first 10 episodes or so. It gets really silly, and the idea is that you should enjoy the characters enough by then to not mind. I don't know =\

I'm waiting for Zeta Gundam to come out. I'm going to buy the set with the pencil sharpeners(what) and other useless crap. I'm glad it's finally coming out here, even if I've already seen pretty much all of it, the quality of the videos I had back then was atrocious.

Besides that... I probably won't be getting any anime besides getting the rest of dunbine. I heard it wasn't selling too well, and that's a shame since it could have led to a trend of a lot of the other robot shows from it's era showing up out here. =\

09-07-2004, 07:02 AM
I haven't seen Dunbine. How is it? What's it about?

09-07-2004, 07:41 AM
It's an older Tomino series(mid 80s) and it's in the same vein as series like the original Gundam and Zeta for a quick example. Someone without any combat experience finds themselves thrust into a role as a fighter, and they happen to be fairly capable.

Dunbine takes place in a world parallel to earth, wherein humans are teleported to to take the role of pilots because they have special aura abilities that the residents of the world do not. They're used-naturally-as soldiers in a war on that world, and the story deals with the various warring factions, countries and their different philosophies towards war, as well as the characters tied into it all.

The robots they fly have a really organic look to them, somewhat like insects, and the series makes use of a lot of fantasy elements in the new world as well... sprites, etc. The storytelling like the old gundam series focuses heavily on the characters and the politics of the war they're involved in in a pretty serious manner and because of the approach, although it sounds somewhat plain in the description(guy is pulled into a new world... then fights!), it really is quite a few steps above the few similar series that came out in recent years that I've seen. The characterisation is topnotch, and the scenario is handled wonderfully. So far, anyways, but I don't expect it to falter.

I also love the art style, but I know a lot of people like the sharper look the cartoons have now, so that may be a bother for some =\

I'm a huge Tomino fan though.

09-07-2004, 08:11 AM
I love old school artwork. Everything these days is way too glossy.

I never really paid much attention to Tomino, to be honest, so I don't have an opinion on his work as a whole. I just remember him as that famous anime director who hates anime. I have kinda wanted to see Overman King Gainer though.

I think I'll check Dunbine out. Thanks for the info.

09-07-2004, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by rezo
ROD TV is excellent... for the first 10 episodes or so. It gets really silly, and the idea is that you should enjoy the characters enough by then to not mind. I don't know =\

Is ROD TV essentially the same thing as the OVA ROD?

I really liked that.

09-07-2004, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Ndi

Is ROD TV essentially the same thing as the OVA ROD?

I really liked that.

Not really; it's pretty different. There's a new set of main characters that use paper as well. It's good though.I liked it more than the OAV, though I think the first half is far superior to the second.