02-25-2014, 05:35 AM

55 tracks/MP3 320 kbps/156.9 MB

Probably one of the most necessary rips I now gladly present, because of the fact that the music was replaced in the newer copies of this game. Older copies are no longer being produced because Kenji Yamamoto, the composer of many popular Dragon Ball games, plagiarized some of the music by unknown third parties. This rip aims to allow anyone who played the original copies of this to listen to the tracks in all their glory before all that. There are some decent gems on this which are arguably pleasurable to the ear. Please enjoy.

Notes: Included is a notepad with the romanized(but not translated) names of the Japanese tracks. Everything has also been fully tagged.


01 Selection
02 Cosmic Battle
03 Space Museum
04 Online Fighters
06 Battle of Omega (ギターソロ)
07 Battle of Omega (フルコーラス)
08 プロローグ&サブタイトルⅠ
09 ソリッドステート・スカウター
10 天下分け目の超決戦!!
11 Dragon Ball Z
12 恐怖のギニュー特戦隊
13 人造人間 街へ・・・
14 最強のフュージョン (Movieサイズ)
15 悲愴な戦い
16 正義を愛する者!
17 悪魔のブロリー
18 死を呼ぶセルゲーム
19 BP∞ バトルポイント・アンリミテッド
20 未来から来た少年
21 さよなら戦士たち
22 Angel
23 戦いの時ふたたび
24 地球まるごと超決戦
25 とびっきりの最強対最強
26 激突!! 100億パワーの戦士たち
27 極限バトル!! 三大超サイヤ人
28 銀河ギリギリ!! ぶっちぎりの凄い奴
29 復活のフュージョン!! 悟空とベジータ
30 危険なふたり!! 超戦士はねむれない
31 運命の日~魂VS魂~
32 The Great Expectation
33 Challenger
34 Soldiers' Sorrow
35 Speedster
36 The Dawn Of The Extreme Battle
37 Get Out
38 Force Of Justice
39 Pathos
40 Gallant
41 Ultra Energy
42 Dangerous Zone
43 The Hero
44 Brave
45 Yin-Yang
46 Rivals
47 The Strong Enemy
48 The Anthem Of Lives
49 Accelerator
50 Weird Atrosphere
51 Nose To Tail
52 Katharsis
53 Harlequin
54 Defiance
55 Critical Power


MP3 320 Kbps: https://mega.co.nz/#!MJlkXRqb!Ko8K7yLY0GIynbwHKJnq3wOCUgdjrhCUJ27v1x0 KgMA

02-25-2014, 05:55 AM
I seriously can't thank you enough for all the time and effort you put into this. No, seriously. Thank you so much! Now everyone, including myself, will be able to enjoy the epic music from this game. Something that, as far as I know, hasn't been possible for YEARS. Your kindness is unmatched, and I sincerely thank you for everything. Hope to catch you around the forum, Ryuji! I'm sure your future posts will be just as great. :)

02-25-2014, 06:11 AM
Just doing my duty ^^;
Glad you approve!

02-25-2014, 08:56 AM
Thank you so much for the upload, There isn't much I can say that matosa hasn't already said, thank you again ^-^

02-15-2015, 03:34 AM
Thank you much!

Mister Derp
02-15-2015, 06:52 AM
It's both so sad and funny that the Spike developed games never got an OST by Kenji Yamamoto up until this title(the first Budokai Tenkaichi reused his Budokai material, and the other replacement OSTs were done by various different people and groups over the years for the other games). And yet, when he finally does a score for them, that's when the plagiarism bit him in the ass. Of course, that's not to say it was due to this particular game's OST that he got caught. He only got noticed after he started lifting movie score material for his work on DBZ Kai, but the timing of it all just sucks and it's sad we'll never get another jazzy and rockin' OST by him again.

02-16-2015, 01:34 AM
I agree, although Yamamoto plagiarized the music to some DBZ games, I much preferred listening to that over Shunsuke Kikuchi's unenergetic music and/or the other various composers' involved. Their work is just not as good and doesn't really compare to the rock and jazz we got from Yamamoto. Moreover, it was nice to have a single dedicated composer primarily making the music to the DBZ games. Imagine what we'd be hearing had he not been caught for plagiarism. I will forever miss his music, regardless of what he's done.

Mister Derp
02-16-2015, 03:27 AM
Those Sparking synth rearrangements of Kikuchi's anime material can get a bit out of place at times, but that's the fault of the rearrangers for them than Kikuchi himself, who had nothing to do with these video games. Sometimes the arrangers would pick the right action cues from the show to adapt, but some other choices are just really awkward and were never used as action material to begin with. They basically just chose a bunch of cues that sound cool or iconic, but don't work in the context of a video game battle.

As for the international replacement scores not by Yamamoto, they do lack a certain flair. The small group that did BT2 gave some unique and varied electronic work to their score, but it feels relatively cheaper coming off of all that cool Budokai material that came before them, and Toshiyuki Kishi's work for BT3 and the first Raging Blast feels like flat imitations of Yamamoto's style but without the snazzy jazz.