dyne trance
09-06-2004, 05:28 AM
Ultimecia is the HARDEST LAST BOSS EVER. I cannot beat her! For the first time ever today, I passed Griever and then that thing where it's Ultimecia+Griever killed me. ANY STRATEGIES!?


Aerith Gainsborough
09-06-2004, 09:10 AM
Make sure, you have the three best fighters in your group (with good limits). Then I used the limits on her. Use the magic for it, if they're not on low HP (name of the magic item? Sorry forgot).... ;)

Try to be quick, because Ultimecia keeps stealing your magic, and makes you weaker with it. :(

11 squall
09-06-2004, 10:20 AM
max out ur 3 best charactors levles/stats, equip them with the best wepions. have ur gfs maxed out too. get all ur magic up to 100 and equip that(that means u cant use magic, but u dont need it)(TIP:if u have old magic like fire and blizard, simply get rid of it to make room for better magic). now convert some card into 100 megalixars(you should have this card no matter wat coz im not into the card game,collecting and all, but i still had it) and theyll last u all the the battle(i only used 27, so dont hesatate to use them). the battle will be long, but not hard. your attacks should be doing 9999, if say 8927 dont fret. Use the weeker charactors(the ones wif out gfs) in the battle also(i kept Rinoa alive throughout most of the battle with a max hp of under 2000)
have fun.

dyne trance
09-06-2004, 08:45 PM
Thanx, but..........

9999!? I give Zell Str+60 and he's only doin like, 3800!!!! How can I get everyone up to 9999???
I don't exactly have the best magic, and I didn't get Aura from Seifer. Plus, I didn't fight enough monsters, and am not able to use limits :(

Nanaki Claws
09-07-2004, 12:22 AM
Hmmm....is this your first playthrough? Because you missed hell of a lot..

To use limit, let your character in the yellow, you should have a limit sooner or later.

09-07-2004, 12:27 AM
Just use endless amounts of hero drinks. You can card refine them...laguna's card? sorry, it's been a while since i played 8

09-07-2004, 01:18 AM
To use limit, let your character in the yellow, you should have a limit sooner or later.
More specifically, once your character is in yellow, start pounding triangle / menu button like crazy until you hear a special chime and an arrow appears next to Attack. Hit the right arrow and then select the limit.

Do you have Quezacotls Card Mod? If so, go mod crazy on any cards whatsoever that you've managed to acquire and then use any refine abilities that you have to grab some magic. Pick your three favorite / strongest characters to junction it too. When you get into the battle, your characters are going to be chosen randomly. If you weren't lucky enough to get your three, immediately turn your characters attacks on your characters that you don't want in the battle. Ultimecia will absorb them into time and replace them with another character - keep going until you have your party of three. Don't hesitate to toss your best curative and support items whenever necessary - this is the final battle!

dyne trance
09-07-2004, 03:04 AM
Originally posted by Nanaki Claws
Hmmm....is this your first playthrough? Because you missed hell of a lot..

To use limit, let your character in the yellow, you should have a limit sooner or later.

I meant I didn't find all the monsters in her caslte SO I can't use Limit Breaks. Does anyone know where I can find Aura?, cuz if I find some, I'll look for the last monster and kick Ultimecia and her little dog's ass!!

09-07-2004, 04:26 AM
You left Limit Breaks as your last thing to unseal? Bad choice, if you ask me. Aura? You missed a great opportunity to draw your fill from Seifer on Disc 3. Look around your items inventory and see if you have anything that can use for refine. Have you gotten the Ragnarok back yet? If you do that, you can go draw some from the Island Closet to Heaven or Hell. It isn't absolutely necessary that you have Limit Breaks to beat Ultimecia though, if you use the right strategy.

P.S.: Still not sure why you need Aura. As long as Limit Breaks are sealed, it's not going to help you, and if you do unseal them, it's still not required to get your Limit Breaks.

Aerith Gainsborough
09-07-2004, 10:19 AM
If you through Aura to one of your characters, this one can always uses limits (the unseald ones of course). :)

If the game won't let you, just keep pushing the triangle button a few times, until the game let you use the limit. I think, it was the triangle, if not use the quarter (sorry, can't remember very well, it's been a while since I played it).

But that's why I said, pick the best members for the battle.... because then you can always throw Aura to the ones with the best limits, and let it rock....

But ok, these stradegies won't work, if you are very low on limit, and of course, if you don't have Aura..... :(

Dot Centaur
09-07-2004, 08:19 PM
The hard part about this battle is that she can kill your GF instantly. Make sure you have a healthy supply of the forbidden magic and full-life works well too!

I used Rinoa because her fnal limit did a great deal of damage! Squall's final limit works well too!

Those should keep you fighting her easy! It just takes a long time since you can't really use your GFs.

11 squall
09-07-2004, 08:50 PM
If u get the Ragnarok (fearly easy, just step through the portal so your on the big contanant with lots of forests and run arround until u find a chocobo place(encounter non helps) you cant miss it, get the chocobo and work your way down south and ull eventualy reach it) you can go all over the world and fight all the monsters and draw like crazy! Also put on encounter non again and run arround on the world map bashing X and u'll eventualy runinto some rare draw points.