02-21-2014, 03:54 AM
Guardians of the Galaxy (Trailer Stems) [24-Bit 48kHz FLAC]

Download Links:
Mega Link
Trailer 1
"I AM GROOT!" (https://mega.co.nz/#!VwtDAIJT!CZBbyVHezlA7lQIEnmj4Vwe2wS14FPhrIGUoUbS r7LA)

Trailer 2
"I AM GROOT!" (https://mega.co.nz/#!1lMiGazJ!Nbrdi2eg6rGvw-JTx49OGjMu-_4SAhnc3300nbl8nlA)

Please Like, Say Thanks, or give a Rep! Its keeps me motivated to upload more!


02-21-2014, 04:06 AM
Thank you.

02-21-2014, 04:21 AM

02-21-2014, 04:22 AM

Who else got a bad feeling after watching the trailer? I was under the impression this is supposed to be the next Avengers, but I guess I was wrong. Here's to hoping trailer #2 is better

02-21-2014, 04:25 AM

No Problem!

Who else got a bad feeling after watching the trailer? I was under the impression this is supposed to be the next Avengers, but I guess I was wrong. Here's to hoping trailer #2 is better

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I Fucking LOVED this trailer! Then again I'm a HUGE fan of the comics and knew what to expect. I have heard people saying that this is supposed to be the next Avengers, but they are stupid! The only similarities are they they are both teams. That's it. They captured the tone of the comics PERFECTLY as well. Had a huge grin on my face the whole time. Can't wait for this film!

02-21-2014, 04:38 AM
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I Fucking LOVED this trailer! Then again I'm a HUGE fan of the comics and knew what to expect. I have heard people saying that this is supposed to be the next Avengers, but they are stupid! The only similarities are they they are both teams. That's it. They captured the tone of the comics PERFECTLY as well. Had a huge grin on my face the whole time. Can't wait for this film!

Nope, I was incredible let-down. Never really been a fan of Chris Pratt. To me, this is like putting Seth Rogen in The Green Hornet. I don't read comics (this way I don't know what's coming - perfect example is The Walking Dead), but I remain optimistic about the film and hope it will be good. If I don't like it, at least Zo� Saldana is there for pure eye candy.

You know what, maybe I just need to watch it again. I've only seen it once, and I was in bed on my iPhone watching it shortly after it premiered on Jimmy Kimmel Live. That's another thing that bothered me - of all places to show it, why Kimmel lol

02-21-2014, 04:46 AM
Nope, I was incredible let-down. Never really been a fan of Chris Pratt. To me, this is like putting Seth Rogen in The Green Hornet. I don't read comics (this way I don't know what's coming - perfect example is The Walking Dead), but I remain optimistic about the film and hope it will be good. If I don't like it, at least Zo� Saldana is there for pure eye candy

Well I'll go ahead and tell you that Chris Pratt is the perfect choice to play Star-Lord, very well casted. As for the others... not sure... I'm sure they'll be fine, but they didn't have enough screen time in the trailer for me to make a good assesment. I love Zoe Saldana. Not only is she very beautiful, but a great actress as well. I just don't know if she can pull of Gamora. She defiantly has the look down, but I don't know about her characteristics.

Biggs v.2
02-21-2014, 05:23 AM
That trailer was unbelievably awesome. Anyone that didn't like it needs to go see the Wizard for a heart. Thanks for the audio!

02-21-2014, 05:25 AM
You know what, maybe I just need to watch it again. I've only seen it once, and I was in bed on my iPhone watching it shortly after it premiered on Jimmy Kimmel Live. That's another thing that bothered me - of all places to show it, why Kimmel lol

Because Disney owns ABC, which is what Kimmel is aired on... But I agree, that was defiantly and odd place to air it.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
02-21-2014, 06:29 AM

From what I hear on facebook comments, the trailer adapts the comics very well with its brash sense of humor, which the comics have a lot of.

I'm looking forward to this. And I LOVE THE REMIX IN THIS!
The added percussion to the song.

I'm sure it's probably just a trailer toolkit for added effect, but it's very powerful.

It's definitely got me...



02-21-2014, 06:41 AM
Anyone that didn't like it needs to go see the Wizard for a heart. Thanks for the audio!

I need more than a heart from the wizard :(

Because Disney owns ABC, which is what Kimmel is aired on... But I agree, that was defiantly and odd place to air it.

Riiiiight....I knew that. I can't stand Kimmel, he's worse than Carson Daly

the trailer adapts the comics very well with its brash sense of humor, which the comics have a lot of.

I figured the comics had humor, otherwise people would be crying foul that it looks like a comedy and not a faithful adaptation. I feel like so many movies nowadays have a lot of comedy in them, which I hate. I take films seriously, I don't like every moment to be funny. The Avengers had a couple of funny moments that I didn't mind, but still a pinch too many. Movies like TDK trilogy are more my taste. They take themselves seriously and there's just the right amount of humor in them (for me, anyway)

02-21-2014, 06:48 AM

Who else got a bad feeling after watching the trailer?..

I did!

I was under the impression this is supposed to be the next Avengers,

Nope. Not even close..It's more like another John Carter in the making. xD

Who knows but I'm still not sold. There's this thing that "not all that glitters is gold" and it might fall in that category but again who knows?..

02-21-2014, 10:21 AM
Thanks for the share.

GotG is probably my most anticipated of the 4 upcoming Marvel Studios films. While I was pretty underwhelmed by the trailer (just a bunch of gags and jokes, with no focus on story), I'm hoping that just because it's a teaser and is not indicative of the over-all mood of the movie.

Wish there would've been some focus on Lee Pace (you see him from the side for a couple of frames) and Glenn Close, though.

02-21-2014, 07:25 PM
I feel like so many movies nowadays have a lot of comedy in them, which I hate. I take films seriously, I don't like every moment to be funny. The Avengers had a couple of funny moments that I didn't mind, but still a pinch too many. Movies like TDK trilogy are more my taste. They take themselves seriously and there's just the right amount of humor in them (for me, anyway)

You have "Batman & Robin" and later "Spider-Man" mainly to thank for that.

Think about it:

-Batman (1989) shows the world a darker, grittier take on the character of Batman who until then was largely considered silly because of the 1966 Adam West TV show. He was darker in the comics at that time (The Dark Knight Returns from 1986) but general audiences wouldn't have known that.

-Box office and audience perception turns against Batman Returns (1992) because the film is TOO dark, TOO gritty, too mean-spirited and ugly. Kids left the movie theaters crying and their parents cried foul. The response to this?

-Batman Forever (1995) which has a dark, troubled Bruce Wayne and Batman but balanced out with off-the-wall Jim Carrey / Tommy Lee Jones silliness and neon coloring to make the film a little brighter, more kid-friendly. It worked, the film was massive, so they take it even further with:

-Batman & Robin (1997) which was almost the 1966 show reborn. Director Joel Schumacher telling his actors "Remember it's a cartoon!" or something to that effect, as the film is one big neon-soaked kids toy commercial. Batman is finished, the balance between light and dark completely ruined. The failure of Batman & Robin has a direct effect on comic-based movies afterward:

-Spawn (1997 but its release was too close to Batman & Robin to consider it any kind of response to the silliness of it)
-Blade (1998)
-X-Men (2000)
-Daredevil (2003)
-X2: X-Men United (2003)

All much darker, grittier comic films to counteract the ridiculousness of how the Batman films started off this way but ended as an overblown kids toy nightmare.

Spider-Man (2002) was more like Batman Forever in that it balanced out the dark with the light, and as we all know it was a massive success.

Batman Begins (2005) brought Batman back to a darker take, but not nearly as overdone as Batman Returns was. Spider-Man and later on Iron Man in 2008 really set the tone for comic movies with that right balance of light and dark, and their formula has worked wonders ever since with their MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) though the non-MCU movies (Fantastic Four, X-Men: The Last Stand, Hulk, Spider-Man 3 and others) haven't really found that balance well or were just poorly written stories.

DC of course tried to make a MCU-type movie with Green Lantern (2011) and failed miserably, so they decided to stick to dark and serious with the remaining Batman films and now Man of Steel (2013).

The Amazing Spider-Man was sort of an anomaly, in that it clearly took Batman Begins as inspiration, wasn't as successful as any of the previous Spider-Man movies and now its sequel looks and feels more like the MCU movies do. (fuck Zimmer's music I ain't interested in it but I'll keep an open mind about the movie itself)

Marvel (Studios) has found that right balance of dark and light, comedy and drama and it works. It just took a lot of experimentation and audience response to get there over the last 25 or so years.

(For the record I also loved this Guardians of The Galaxy trailer)

02-21-2014, 07:31 PM

02-21-2014, 08:51 PM
I figured the comics had humor, otherwise people would be crying foul that it looks like a comedy and not a faithful adaptation. I feel like so many movies nowadays have a lot of comedy in them, which I hate. I take films seriously, I don't like every moment to be funny. The Avengers had a couple of funny moments that I didn't mind, but still a pinch too many. Movies like TDK trilogy are more my taste. They take themselves seriously and there's just the right amount of humor in them (for me, anyway)

It's important for directors to know what kind of a movie they want to make, and you're right, Joss Whedon wanted an action movie but ended up with a lot of bland comedy that felt shoehorned (one of the many reasons I detested The Avengers). I feel like this guy knows just what he wants to do with Guardians, and is able to set the tone accordingly. If you're looking for all your movies to be hyperrealistic, you're not watching them right.

02-22-2014, 01:16 PM

02-22-2014, 01:38 PM
I absolutely loved the trailer, and like what was said above, it hit all the right notes, while it wasn't plot heavy, it teased things enough to give you a sense what to to expect. James Gunn has stated that we will see more characters that we didn't in the first trailer when the next trailer drops in a couple of months. Yondu, more Ronan the Accuser, and Glenn Close's Nova Prime will all be shown.

Marvel Studios has set this up to be essentially the MCU's "Star Wars". It will have the tone of "Empire Strikes Back" (I thought the Star Wars comparisons were obvious myself) and "The Raiders of the Lost Ark" is a huge influence on this film as well. This was more a general audience introductory trailer to the main characters. This film also sets up the grander plan involving Thanos and opening up Marvel Cosmic for the MCU.

I also am very curious to see what Tyler Bartes does with this score.

02-22-2014, 02:11 PM
Thank you once again for your work and share, hack3rman :)

02-22-2014, 02:47 PM
Thank you!

02-22-2014, 08:38 PM
Ooga Chaka Ooga OOga Ooga Chaka

02-23-2014, 12:04 AM
Thanks hack3rman! I was hoping this was coming! You're da man! :D

As someone NOT familiar with the characters, I was a bit conflicted after watching the trailer. Then I watched it again and still felt conflicted. To me, it felt like a trailer for a "one last chance at redemption if you do this one last job for us" film, set in a knock off Star Trek type universe. But maybe that's just me??? lol. I'm for sure looking forward the next trailer to get a better sense of the film.

02-23-2014, 12:07 AM
Thanks hack3rman! I was hoping this was coming! You're da man! :D

As someone NOT familiar with the characters, I was a bit conflicted after watching the trailer. Then I watched it again and still felt conflicted. To me, it felt like a trailer for a "one last chance at redemption if you do this one last job for us" film, set in a knock off Star Trek type universe. But maybe that's just me??? lol. I'm for sure looking forward the next trailer to get a better sense of the film.

See, this is exactly how I felt. I've still yet to watch it a second time, I'm afraid to. But you know what trailer I've been watching lately? X-Men: Days of Future Past. Been watching it like crazy, I can't get enough of it. I got to see it in front of The Monuments Men this afternoon

02-23-2014, 12:11 AM
See, this is exactly how I felt. I've still yet to watch it a second time, I'm afraid to. But you know what trailer I've been watching lately? X-Men: Days of Future Past. Been watching it like crazy, I can't get enough of it. I got to see it in front of The Monuments Men this afternoon

Haha, so it isn't just me. :D Even though I've never been a big X-Men fan, I gotta agree with you. DOFP looks amazing. How was Monuments Men?

02-23-2014, 12:15 AM
Haha, so it isn't just me. :D Even though I've never been a big X-Men fan, I gotta agree with you. DOFP looks amazing. How was Monuments Men?

Real quick, I don't wanna derail this thread. It was "meh". I'm more excited for DoFP than I am for Age of Extinction, and that's a shocker if you know me at all. I mean, look at my avatar lol

I'm sure this movie will be great and I'm sure I'll be pleased with it. I can't believe I actually had doubts about Iron Man back when I saw the first trailer. I had no desire. Can't believe it, I wanna go back in time and slap myself. I've had doubts before about movies, doubts which were all wrong after I gave said films a shot. I had doubts about Anne Hathaway in TDKR and Henry Cavill (a Brit playing the most iconic American superhero??), but boy was I wrong. I'm sure GotG will be good.

02-23-2014, 12:25 AM
Real quick, I don't wanna derail this thread. It was "meh". I'm more excited for DoFP than I am for Age of Extinction, and that's a shocker if you know me at all. I mean, look at my avatar lol

I'm sure this movie will be great and I'm sure I'll be pleased with it. I can't believe I actually had doubts about Iron Man back when I saw the first trailer. I had no desire. Can't believe it, I wanna go back in time and slap myself. I've had doubts before about movies, doubts which were all wrong after I gave said films a shot. I had doubts about Anne Hathaway in TDKR and Henry Cavill (a Brit playing the most iconic American superhero??), but boy was I wrong. I'm sure GotG will be good.

I wouldn't go so far as being sure it'll be good, but I'll certainly give it a fair chance. I'm just not sure what to make of this trailer is all. I'm very pleased to have the stems though. :D

02-23-2014, 08:40 AM
I like it! Win, lose or draw Marvel is taking a chance, breaking formula, going with a lesser known property and that's how you keep it fresh. Or at least fresh-er. James Gunn is the perfect choice to bring GotG (other than Edgar Wright and he's helming Ant Man) to the screen. I don't know if he chose Blue Swede's version of "Hooked on a Feeling" for the trailer but it worked. (Who'd of thunk it? Not I.) And I'm guessing we'll get a full trailer released around the time "Winter Soldier" hits the theaters. Pardon me but I'm going to watch the trailer again. Love that Ooga-Chaka, Ooga-Chaka refrain.

02-23-2014, 08:55 AM
Disney is taking a huge chance with this one. With the prospect of Ant-man it's sad that Disney f_cked the origin of Ultron giving the credit to Ironman as the creator vanishing an important role/angle that Hank Pym (Antman) rightfully deserves..

02-23-2014, 06:24 PM
With the prospect of Ant-man it's sad that Disney f_cked the origin of Ultron giving the credit to Ironman as the creator vanishing an important role/angle that Hank Pym (Antman) rightfully deserves..

Respectfully, I disagree. It's not sad, it's quite smart. Let's remember most people who see movies don't read comic books. Only a few characters have name recognition with the general public - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Spider-man - and that's not just because they have been around for decades - how many people knew the character of Green Arrow, who's been around forever, until he got his own show - but because they have all had TV shows.

Those TV shows have essentially served as trailers introducing those characters to the general public and those shows locked the public's mind into one particular version of the character. (In the comics Batman decades ago ceased being the 60's Adam West - Biff! - Pow! - Socko! version of Batman and evolved into a more serious character. But to the general public Batman was still that Adam West incarnation until Burton and Nolan - with the unfortunate character regression under Schumacher - took Batman in a more "realistic" direction.) Say Wonder Woman to people and the image they'll recall is Lynda Carter spinning and transforming in WW.

We comic book fans know who Hank Pym is but Marvel can't make a film for the 2% of people who still read - (And sadly that's not a made up percentage.) - books, comic books, etc. To be successful they have to make a film for the 98% who have no idea who Hank Pym is in the Marvel Universe. But thanks to three Iron Man and one Avengers flick a lot of people know who Tony Stark is and what he can do.

So do you take the logical shortcut and make Stark the creator of Ultron, which is entirely within Stark's capabilities and lets not forget that apparently Stark's A.I. JARVIS will become the Vision - talk about the potential of sibling rivalry or Cain and Abel, or start at zero and introduce a brand new character in Pym to the audience about whom they know nothing. (Besides giving Stark another cross to bear has great dramatic and comedic potential. We give heroes problems so we can watch them overcome those problems.)

Also Joss Whedon is writing and directing the sequel. The man knows his comics, knows how to write and know how to translate comics to the screen successfully. He also understands how easy it is to muck up that translation. When doing Avengers he spoke about what a ridiculous concept the Avengers are but understanding the ridiculousness allowed him to avoid mistakes others have made. (Check out Albert Pyun's 90s version of Captain America or Corman's Fantastic Four. But have a good bottle of something strong to get you through that torture.) Do superheroes right and you get Donner's Superman or Burton and Nolan's Batman. Do it wrong and its nipples on the bat suit and cars that climb walls. (Cars driving across rooftops are so much more plausible.)

And much as we who visit this forum like comics they are not sacred text. (As my friend Jerry said: "let no sacred cow go unmilked.") If you can put Shakespeare in the future, in the Old West, in samurai era Japan or in a mansion in Victorian England then you can have Tony create Ultron instead of Hank. (And the Ant Man film won't be out until late 2015.) It's a change that changes nothing.

Let's not focus on the crumbs and ignore the banquet before us. (Like the fanboys I overheard complaining back when Singer released the first X-Men - upset that the actor playing Wolverine was too tall and he wasn't wearing bright yellow spandex with a Charlie Brown squiggle - hello bulls-eye, meet bullet - and how that really ruined the movie for them.) We're getting well made, well done and generally well written superhero films by people who are taking the genre seriously and who understand why superheroes connect with people. It's what Frank Miller said attracted him to comics:

Against all odds and obstacles: heroes persevere.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
02-25-2014, 08:46 PM
I'm so addicted to Hooked On A Feeling. I always liked the song but now this mix just gives it a whole new vibe.

I'm actually thinking of doing a "Reservoir Dogs" redux trailer something using this version of HOAF. Haha.

05-22-2014, 02:17 AM
Link to Trailer 2 Added.

05-22-2014, 11:30 AM
Thanks for trailer two! This is going to be one of the best (if not the best) films of the summer.

06-01-2014, 05:21 AM

06-13-2014, 11:44 PM

07-07-2014, 07:53 PM
Is it me, or does it sound like the score in trailer #2 (channel 3) has SFX mixed in to it? There's the usual dialogue, SFX and score tracks separated, but channel 3 sounds like there's an extra SFX track

07-07-2014, 08:09 PM
You mean the odd sounds from about 00:48 to about 1:02? Swords clashing, the woosh of the spaceship, etc.?

I actually think that may be part of the music. I have some trailer music with such sounds mixed in even though they're straight from the album, and I think it's just an odd creative choice.

07-07-2014, 08:35 PM
Yes, just a lot of SFX that's sounds like an additional track is there mixed in. It's annoying, but it's there, so I gotta live with it

07-31-2014, 08:25 PM
Thank you for this! Does anyone happen to know what song is playing during the lineup sequence in Trailer 1?