02-16-2014, 06:37 PM
Alright, here is the real meat! Includes all PoPoLoCrois OSTs, from P Monogatari, P Monogatari II, PoPoRogue, PoPoLoCrois - Hajimari no Bouken and PoPoLoCrois - Tsuki no Okite no Bouken. Sadly these OSTs cover only a small portion of all music in the games.

https://mega.co.nz/#!HdJ2QDYL!GJzwjmGgkLICrkfGnh6VOnNhCz9s3MxTS7a2ucD G1K8

Interested in PoPoLoCrois?

Play PoPoLoCrois Monogatari II for PSX, it's easily one of the best games for the system and utterly brilliant, also one of the most loved games. Just don't play the PSP "remake", mostly for it's horribly mutilated. :/

07-28-2014, 08:22 AM
Ah, so Im guessing the ost for Popolocrois on the Psp is not included, hm? Also, that game...I found it by chance, far on the used games shelf in gamestop. My intentions for going to gamestop that day were to find something unique and a bit underrated. I had never even heard of the Popolocrois franchise prior to finding that one and for some reason I was very driven to buy it..just to try it. I can say that game, the so called "mutilated piece of trash" was one of the most beautiful, deepest games I had ever played on the Psp. The story was lighthearted and touching, had plenty of feelings and emotions...And the lush green graphics of the forests and the other maps were pleasant to look at. The music was also great. I could tell they worked very hard on this game in hopes of re-catching the hearts of long time fans of this franchise..They certainly caught mine! I'd love to play the past games. And for you try and promote the game by telling others to play one and then horribly downing one of the other ones...calling it a "mutilated piece of trash" just shows how much you really pay attention to other details of the game besides gameplay or whatever.. Let us choose whether the game is bad or not. If your going to be a true fan of a franchise be a fan and promote it thoroughly, not betray it by calling one of its games terrible names or not even giving it a chance.

07-28-2014, 11:36 AM
They didn't make OST for PSP game.

And the PSP game _is_ mutilated... It's not just me who is very annoyed about this fact. People love the original PoPoLo I-II for PSX, but they did disservice for those true fans you are talking about by cutting almost half, maybe even more from the game. If you don't care about those facts, the PSP game is OK, but it still doesn't hold a candle for the original games, with original voices, with full story, with all music tracks...

Also, there are five PoPoLo games, and only the first two, or three (with PoPoRogue) are really worthy, so if I am not a fan by not liking PS2 games, which are pretty much unplayable without PS2 HDD-peripheral, then I am not a fan. I dislike blind fandom, meaning that "everything under the name X is good, because one iteration of X is good" anyways.

HOWEVER, I am happy for your words :D Because I thought no one cared about PoPoLo. I also uploaded all the OSTs for anime so give them a try as well. :)

Van Raily
07-29-2014, 04:00 AM
Track 22 seems to be missing from PoPoLoCrois Monogatari II OST.

07-29-2014, 09:33 AM
They didn't make OST for PSP game.

And the PSP game _is_ mutilated... It's not just me who is very annoyed about this fact. People love the original PoPoLo I-II for PSX, but they did disservice for those true fans you are talking about by cutting almost half, maybe even more from the game. If you don't care about those facts, the PSP game is OK, but it still doesn't hold a candle for the original games, with original voices, with full story, with all music tracks...

Also, there are five PoPoLo games, and only the first two, or three (with PoPoRogue) are really worthy, so if I am not a fan by not liking PS2 games, which are pretty much unplayable without PS2 HDD-peripheral, then I am not a fan. I dislike blind fandom, meaning that "everything under the name X is good, because one iteration of X is good" anyways.

HOWEVER, I am happy for your words :D Because I thought no one cared about PoPoLo. I also uploaded all the OSTs for anime so give them a try as well. :)

There is no such thing as "blind fandom" only fandom. You don't have to like ALL the games in a franchise, but you could at least respect the makers of the games by not referring to them in such a way as "trash".

07-29-2014, 11:18 AM
Oh, it really is lacking track 22... Well, can't do anything about that, because that means the original files lacked it as well.


And I already edited that trash thing away, please don't talk about it anymore.

05-10-2015, 03:34 PM
Would it be too much to ask to reupload PoPoLoCrois Story 1 and/or 2? I don't mind if they're incomplete.

06-14-2015, 05:58 PM
Well, the new PopoloCrois game will be soon released so I guess it would not Hurt.

I will re-haul all PPLC OSTs sooner or later but here are PoPoMono I-II:

04-09-2016, 07:26 AM
Hey guys, any chance of a possible reupload please?

09-13-2016, 08:00 AM
None of those links are working right now.

09-13-2016, 03:24 PM
I want to make a complete PopoMono thread but I need help with these:
Thread 206390