pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-05-2004, 05:18 AM
Yeah, title says it all.

I've been eye-ing this one for a while, debating whether or not to rent it.

Have any of you seen it, and if so, what did you think?

Oh, and please, don't bother censoring spoilers for me. If it aids in illustrating how good/bad it is, tell me about it.

09-05-2004, 06:37 AM
It is definitely worth it.

At first, Hoshi no Koe didn't appeal to me all that much, but then I gave it more of a chance. And it really really grew on me. The art style, the music, the whole atmosphere is just beautiful. The story, while short, is also very sweet and uplifting.

Now, despite all of that, I would still say it's worth renting (or buying even), if only to witness what is possible for ONE PERSON to accomplish given the time, effort, and determination. In case you don't know, Hoshi no Koe was made entirely by one person, Makoto Shinkaai, over the span of 6 months (the only thing he had help with was the music). In the original vocal mix, him and his wife did the voices (and personally, I kind of prefer this mix to the actual VA mix).

Anyways, yeah I'd definitely say to check it out.

09-05-2004, 11:06 AM
I'd definitely rent it and not buy it- it's extremely, extremely short.

It really is wonderful though. Sad and sweet and hopelessly romantic.