dyne trance
09-04-2004, 07:04 AM
I think the origin of Zidane is just like that of Cloud's in FF7.
Wasn't Cloud cloned from Sephiroth? It's the same thing with Zidnae; He and Kuja are just creations by Garland, but they are the most alike so they are brothers. I think that Zidane's origin is far to close to Cloud's.
Don't you guys think???

09-04-2004, 09:22 AM
I don't know. It certainly feels different altogether.

True is that both are creations. But it means different tthings for them. Zidane's relationship to Kuja becomes extremely interesting with that revelation, and really different from Cloud's and Sephiroth's relationship.

The difference is probably that Zidane and Kuja ARE the same. Zidane isn't a clone of Kuja's, but both are products of Garland's, making them rank on the same level. If you know what I mean.
Sephiroth isn't exactly the same as Cloud, as far as I know.

Well, and like I said, the whole feel is different, and I love it. I don't care whether Zidane's origin is similar to that of Cloud. It's just an awesome story, one I enjoyed immensely, and I really wouldn't want it any other way, ressemblance or not.

dyne trance
09-04-2004, 09:25 AM
Okay......... I kinda do this, but I go agaisnt my own thread. I agree. The story of 9 is GREAT, and so is 7's. Yes, they were created different and have different relatioinships with the nenmy, but I still think that they got the idea from 7.

09-04-2004, 09:58 AM
Or from FFVI? Since it looks like both Celes and Kefka are products of some sort of experimenting?

I think it's fairly obvious that the creators of the FF series often re-use an idea, often take it further... For example, summons keep playing major roles in the stories, lately. The relationship between the villain and the female lead is growing more and more... interesting... etc.

dyne trance
09-04-2004, 10:37 AM
haha, yea, that relationship is getting.......interesting... haha.
I've never played VI :p
OOH! Sorry about the posting after everything!

09-05-2004, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Tokiko
I don't know. It certainly feels different altogether.

True is that both are creations. But it means different tthings for them. Zidane's relationship to Kuja becomes extremely interesting with that revelation, and really different from Cloud's and Sephiroth's relationship.

The difference is probably that Zidane and Kuja ARE the same. Zidane isn't a clone of Kuja's, but both are products of Garland's, making them rank on the same level. If you know what I mean.
Sephiroth isn't exactly the same as Cloud, as far as I know.

It does seem as Zidanes story is the same as clouds, but in some points theya re different as Tokiko said. Zidane and Kujas relationship are at the same level while Sephiroth and Clouds .. is like the weaker version going against the stronger. In some points it would seem that Zidane is sort of like the Sephiroth when Garland mentions that Zidane would become stronger than Kuja.

09-12-2004, 08:47 PM
Cloud wasn't cloned from sephiroth, zack was, cloud was taking the place of zack in his mind, he was just a guys in blue, not in solder.

09-15-2004, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by Kivan
Cloud wasn't cloned from sephiroth, zack was, cloud was taking the place of zack in his mind, he was just a guys in blue, not in solder.

Cloud is also a clone of Sephiroth, specially inplanted with Jenova cells like Sephiroth was but he is a defect clone. Hojo explains all this during the Reunion.

09-19-2004, 07:21 PM
well aren't all the people in Bran Bal clones? i supose they used 'Genome' as a substitute for clone.

Kuja is different from zidane well i think so anyway, zidane and kuja are both genomes with souls, so it seperates them from the others, but would you call clones brothers and sisters?

i want to know who was the first, they must have been cloned from someone if they are clones that is....

ahh the wonders of final fantasy!