09-04-2004, 06:26 AM
Okay, so in the information section of FFVIII it says Seifer uses 'Chi' for his limit break. So what I wanted to know is if chi was just some kind of made up thing, or if it actually has some kind of Japanese history to it.

09-04-2004, 07:13 AM
hmm. seriously? when i played the game i never got Chi for Seifer's Limit Break. i got the Fire Cross, and that's Shimatsusuken in the Jap version if i got that right.

btw yes, Chi actually exists :P it's this circulating life energy that the Taos and Chinese believed to be inherent in all things. according to chinese belief, you need a balance of both positive and negative Chi to be healthy and prosperous.

some believe that Chi is the life giving force of the universe.

if i remember correctly .. Chi literally means "life force" or "spirit energy". however, some call it "dragon breath". ;)

there you go!

09-04-2004, 05:58 PM
Yeah, Seifer's limit is No Mercy / Fire Cross. Where did you see this? I'm looking at FFShrine's FFVIII section, and while does look some things on there were translated from the Japanese (i.E. Selphie, "Rapture" ---> "Flight Detonator), it does say Fire Cross in Seifer's section.

09-07-2004, 05:40 AM
when i played the game i never got Chi for Seifer's Limit Break.

Hmm. Okay, what I meant was that he uses 'Chi' to attack. To access that info, you go into the menu, then select, information, information, limit break (from memory), and then go to Seifer's limit break info, and it says he uses chi for the energy as his limit break.

Oh, and thanks for the history.