09-04-2004, 01:09 AM
Sometimes there's tasks included in games that are so crazy, you think that they must just be a rumor, but it turns out they're actually true. What are some of the wackiest things you've done to earn some secret or special item in a game? Here are some of mine:

Final Fantasy IX: At the beginning of the game, answer Baku's question wrong 64 times for a slightly funny bit.

Final Fantasy X: Dodge lightning bolts two hundred times in a row in the Thunder Plains to get the Venus Sigil for Lulu

Kingdom Hearts: Enter and exit Geppetto's house twenty times (more or less) and then talk to Pinocchio and he gives you the "Chocobo" gummi block.

Tomb Raider, Various Versions: The famous "wallsy" bug --- go up against the edge of a wall and jump repeatedly at just the correct angle to access secret items or explore the roof of Lara Croft's house.

09-04-2004, 01:26 AM
The entirety of Gitaroo Man.

09-04-2004, 03:04 AM
Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker: Yes, you actually have to pay a fat fairy wannabe to decipher a map. Multiple times.

09-04-2004, 05:45 AM
The whole cross-dressing mission at Wall Market in FFVII. Need I say anymore? ;)

In a blatant example of corporate propaganda, in Wonderboy on the Master System (an oldie I know), collecting all four letters of the Sega logo hidden within various stages gave you an extra life.

09-05-2004, 01:10 AM
The last mission in Guilty Gear X2. I believe it involved fighting Gold/EX Sol with recovering life and full Tension bar with Ky with life draining. I don't think I've ever passed it. ;_;

Another is in King of Fighters: Maximum Impact. Fighting the final boss Duke with 300% Recovering Health. ;_;