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09-03-2004, 10:10 PM
I'll have to say that Cloud and Aeris are the true official couple of FF7. There are many points to the game that points that out besides this being a Japanese game with some culture/custom throw in. I just don't think that saying Aeris is dead automatically makes Tifa ends with Cloud. It's just not that way since Nanaki's grandpa did say that when you died, your life energy will merge with the lifestream, something that didn't happen to Aeris. Meaning there's really no way to confirm if she's really dead or not, seeing that her life energy didn't merge with the lifestream and she promise Cloud that she would come back to him one day.
Cloud and Aeris were also threw into various other Squaresoft games, even if the game doesn't relate to the FF7 world, the fact that C/A are in there are still revelance to the FF7 world. AC is not out yet, but maybe it'll shed some light of what Cloud's doing. Rather some fans like it or not, I believe that C/A are the true official couple of FF7. Of course, I also will respect other fan's choice of coupling too. Everyone do have their own liking.

For Cloris fans:
Looks like a lovable future for Cloud and Aeris, makes me smile in a girlish way.

hb smokey
09-03-2004, 10:20 PM
So, you're letting a picture determine your belief that you think Cloud and Aeris are the only true couple for each other in FFVII? You haven't given us any points as to why you believe this, other than you say they are shown to you in the game. So, you are basically making this assumption off a picture.

How many of these threads do we need?

09-03-2004, 10:30 PM
Well, Smokey, the way they are always turning out, I think we actually need none of them.
But seriously, and no offense meant, I cannot see why this thread should exist. It's basically the same as the Tifa & Cloud thread. It'll certainly attract the same responses.

And I really hate to break this to you, but Cloud and Aeris have no future, at least the way it looks.

09-04-2004, 12:56 AM
well aeris is dead so i win they dont make a good couple unless cloud is a necropheliak (i think thats how you spell it but i bet im wrong) hahahaha!!!

09-04-2004, 02:59 AM
My feelings about if this thread is 50/50. First of all it's good because Cloti basicly angrily kicked Cloris fans out of the other thread. It's bad because this thread isn't going to go anywhere.

09-06-2004, 12:39 PM
Huh? Let her have her thread! It's for Clorith fans!

Dot Centaur
09-07-2004, 04:37 AM
I won't argue because this is for Clorith fans only, but I'll just say Cloud and Aerith may be the official couple, but I think Cloud and Tifa are the Original couple and that's how it should.

WTF, I'm letting her have her thread! This is my first post here, and my last!

Cloud and Aerith is a good couple, but I just like Cloud and Tifa much better.

aeriscloud, that's a beautiful picture you posted up! I like it! It's your avatar right?

09-07-2004, 04:53 AM
Er TifaGirl, If it wasn't for Sephiroth, Cloud and Aeris might have been together. Tifa would probably go with someone else..

09-07-2004, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Uyoku
Er TifaGirl, If it wasn't for Sephiroth, Cloud and Aeris might have been together. Tifa would probably go with someone else..

No facts at all to base it on.

And TifaGirl....WTF you just said they were the official couple?!?!:confused:

Dot Centaur
09-07-2004, 04:39 PM
Doesn't WTF stand for "what the fuck"? :confused: I thought it did.

09-07-2004, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa
Doesn't WTF stand for what the fuck? :confused: I thought it did.
Tifagirl, you swore!!!!
Oooooh, your gonna get'n twubble!!!

Dot Centaur
09-07-2004, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by The Bear

Tifagirl, you swore!!!!
Oooooh, your gonna get'n twubble!!!

No really, I just wanted to see if that's what it stood for! Is it?

09-07-2004, 06:41 PM
That it does. You might also wanna try stfu, gtfo and htfdy.

Jenova Filled Puppet
09-07-2004, 07:37 PM
Look people, it's fun to think otherwise, but Aerith is dead. As in dead dead, and nothing is ever going to bring her back. It's harsh but it's true. Cloud is with Tifa. Aerith is dead.

09-07-2004, 08:08 PM
Cloud doesn't seem to be with Tifa, though. They seem to be friends, but not lovers. As far as we know.

Anyway, get on topic, or get out of this thread.

09-07-2004, 10:40 PM
I think that aeris and Cloud make a great couple! and Tifa and Cloud also make a great couple! But in the beginning of the game, when you meet Aeris, it seems that Cloud likes her more. But maybe he was just being nice? :confused:

Dot Centaur
09-07-2004, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by alhana
I think that aeris and Cloud make a great couple! and Tifa and Cloud also make a great couple! But in the beginning of the game, when you meet Aeris, it seems that Cloud likes her more. But maybe he was just being nice? :confused:

They both are great couples! To me, you can make Cloud like either of them more, depending on what you say.

Jenova Filled Puppet
09-07-2004, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Tokiko
Cloud doesn't seem to be with Tifa, though. They seem to be friends, but not lovers. As far as we know.

Anyway, get on topic, or get out of this thread.

That's true,, nothing really said they were lovers, if you look at it, they seem to be more close friends. If you look at a few scenes closer though, they obviously care about each other, but it would probably be a little while before they actually got togethor, from tramatic expirience if nothing else.

By the way, I was on topic, and even if I wasn't, it's not the end of the world, calm down.

Lunatic HighVII
09-08-2004, 01:27 AM
I agree with this thread very much. Aeris brought Cloud out, and and helped him loosen up a little.Tifa was always there for him as a friend, and a great one she was, but I think Aeris and Cloud are meant to be together. They made a deal int eh beginning to go out on a date right? Well their relationship grew all through the story.


Aeris' death was so emotional because of their relationship, I think. Aeris was the first person he could talk to, who didn't hold anything back. After her death, Cloud was lost. He didn't know where to start, or where he was going. He actually almost gave up his journey.

Aeris caused Tifa and CLoud to grow apart a little. They might have been good friends once they got back together in AVALANCHE, but Aeris sort of took Tifa's place, and she obviously kept it, because Cloud still thinks about her. I don't think Tifa and Cloud will be together, but it's a possibility,

09-08-2004, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by Lunatic HighVII


Aeris' death was so emotional because of their relationship, I think. Aeris was the first person he could talk to, who didn't hold anything back. After her death, Cloud was lost. He didn't know where to start, or where he was going. He actually almost gave up his journey.

Aeris caused Tifa and CLoud to grow apart a little. They might have been good friends once they got back together in AVALANCHE, but Aeris sort of took Tifa's place, and she obviously kept it, because Cloud still thinks about her. I don't think Tifa and Cloud will be together, but it's a possibility,

Yep, thats pretty much what I think too

Jenova Filled Puppet
09-08-2004, 02:35 AM

Actually, the player feels so much emotion, because throughout the first disc Aerith becomes endeared to the player. Now before you start thinking I'm a freak hear me out. Because you play as Cloud, you get into the phyce of being him. As Cloud falls for her, you start caring for her. Not in that way given, but her charactor is that of a nice person so you would have to be a coldhearted person indeed not to at least care wether she lives or dies. It's human nature to care about the people who are kind to us like that. That way when she is taken from you it's sad. Movies do this all the time. Horror moies wouldn't be scary if you didn't care about the charactors. If the charactors were all mean and you ended up hating them then their deaths would be almost humorous. Not scary in the least. So because of that endearing, it's painful to see Aerith die right in front of you. Also, they keep this pain going, in the scene by keeping the same music even through the boss fight first, (so it leaves a more lasting impression) and second because they made her the obvious choice to be your white mage. That ensures that you have to A. Pick a new charactor to be your white mage, painful in itself, and B. Whenever you think about the new white mage or healing spells or wish you had one (if you don't bother with a new white mage) it causes you to be reminded of Aerith.

Sorry that is so confusing, I woke up very early this morning and I'm confusing when I just write what comes to mind to begin with.

One last passing though, might as well mention that it is "Aerith" not "Aeris." It was a translation error, Square made it official a while ago. Not taht it matters, I say "Aeris" half the time anyways.

09-08-2004, 09:19 AM
By the way, I was on topic, and even if I wasn't, it's not the end of the world, calm down. I did not mean you, why would you even think that? You were perfectly on topic, but in case you didn't notice, the people who posted before you weren't. So I told them to get on topic again, which according to my idea is also a part of the job a moderator has to do. And while typing it, I was perfectly calm.

Jenova Filled Puppet
09-08-2004, 04:26 PM
alright, my bad. Just seemed a little edgy.

09-08-2004, 08:53 PM
But when you go that busted mako reactor (when your on your way to cosmo canyon on the first disk) you can go to Zack's parents house and you see how Aerith reacts to it. She seems to still love Zack, and considers cloud as a friend. I also think most of her attraction to cloud in anyway is because he reminds her of Zack.

09-09-2004, 12:49 AM
Sorry but not exactly. There's a difference between Cloud and Zack of where Aeris was able to understand and see. If you ever date her at Gold Saucer, she'll give her reason. Aeris did state that Zack was her first love but I highly doubt that. I think she really care about Zack but since he left for his mission, he never came back and Aeris had assumed that Zack had left her for other women. Yes, she did state that Zack was a ladies man. She also felt that something was troubling Cloud in many ways, that's why she told him that she wanted to meet the real him, the Cloud that's stuck somewhere in his mind. The real Cloud who have emotions, who have feelings, pain...all those thing. But in terms, maybe both Cloud are the same anyway.
And in terms to the other posts, no. Cloud and Tifa were really never that close because that 'childhood friend' thing was a lie. Cloud never did played tag or hide or seek with Tifa and her friends, so its really a lie. And when Cloud grew to be a man, he saw Tifa as a friend, letting go of his childish crush on Tifa and when Tifa grew up to be a woman, she now saw a man instead of the boy she bully along with her friends. That's a difference and Aeris really never did made them to grow apart. Tifa admitted to her herself that Cloud and her were nothing but friends. Proof enough for Aeris not breaking up a relationship that didn't even existed at all.

Lunatic HighVII
09-09-2004, 01:52 AM

Aeris DID love Zack, like Cloud DID love Tifa. It's over. That doesn't mean Cloud doesn't still think of Tifa as a friend, but he doesn't love her in that way. Aeris is in his heart now, as Cloud is in her's. (and yes I am aware that thats present tense, and that aeris is dead) Some people think just because Aeris is dead, that Tifa automatically gets him. That's not true. You can't just forget about someone you care so much for. It's not human. Tifa, I think, is a good friend because at the end of the game she doesn't act jealous when Cloud says he thinks he can meet her. Tifa accepts that Cloud loves Aeris, and everyone else should too. They ARE the true official couple.

Dot Centaur
09-09-2004, 02:31 AM
Very true Lunatic High VII! Just because someone special to you dies doesn't automatically mean they'll forget about them! After ten years of my mom's divorce with my father when he died, she still cried.

But the chances are also increased for Cloud and Tifa if you really think about it. My mom even remarried right after. Even if Cloud and Tifa do get together in AC, he'll always remember his love Aerith and he'll always still have a place for her in his heart. Even if he does marry Tifa.

You guys are right! Just because Aerith is dead doesn't mean Tifa automatically get's him, but the chances do increase alittle. Like I said, even if he's with Tifa, he'll always remember Aerith too. Aerith wouldn't be jealous either because they say in heaven, you you're pure(that's how I was raised anyway). I think she would want Cloud to be taken care of anyway.

09-09-2004, 04:08 AM
.. But thinking on tifa and clouds 'friendship' you do realize that both cloud and tifa were imbedded with that memory. And even if it wasnt real, it still struct a strong emotion in the both of them. Tifa none the less still loved cloud no matter who he chose. Im still behind Tifa and Cloud being more ideal for each other, since as it seems in some ways, theyve been through a lot.

Now Aerith and Cloud are more couple ideal but I would see it as not the greatest thing. I just find that even if Aerith died, thats where she shall remain, and too cloud her memory is enough. He may have loved her too, but I dont think he felt such an attatchment to her as he did to Tifa, especially after Tifa was the one who took care of him after everything happened, she was the only one really there for him.

And at the end of Disc 3 (i think or disc 2 im not sure) you see a scence with Tifa and Cloud. As much as I see it, she told him she wanted to spend the time a little longer, and he said ok, as they wouldnt have it again.

so i still find tifa and cloud more for each other~

Dot Centaur
09-09-2004, 04:44 AM
I agree with you Solaris. That's why I think Cloud and Tifa are and always will be the Original Couple! I a Cloti fan and I can't deny what you say! What you say!

09-09-2004, 10:21 AM
Cloud and Tifa- Childhood friends, most probably childhood sweethearts and closest friends. Cloud left Neibleheim, and left tifa there. They met up through Avalanche in Midgar some time later, and they shared their sappy moments. Though if you play the game again, it seems as though they would have just probably actually been "best friends" and maybe something more, the kinda friends that would do anything for each other. I have an inckling that Cloud maybe did love tida. but that was a DID. not does.

Cloud and Aeris- They met in a street, then, in the church, after cloud is appointed as her new bodyguard... He protects her, through thick and thin. Aeris has a certain angelic like quality that accompanies her, something that Cloud couldnt see in Tifa, as tifa was more bouncy and fiesty. The barmaid from 7th Heaven. Aeris was the quiet flower girl, in the church. Cloud stayed with her right to the very end. Even though these two situations seem alike, somehow, theyre not. Theres a certain something with Aeris and Cloud, and I cant quite put my finger on it. Aeris opens up this whole new world to Cloud, who was as cold hearted as the next SOLDIER, even though Cloud was special himself. She made him feel what no body else has...Even though aeris is dead, it doesnt mean at all that he will immediatley shack up with Tifa, as you just cant move on so quickly, and surely he will never forget about her.

Maybe someday they will be re-united as the FF7 Couple..:) Who knows? :)

09-10-2004, 08:50 PM
That's exactly right. Even if Aeris is dead, it doesn't mean that Tifa automatically wins or Aeris. Its all on the basis of Cloud's feelings and his alone. And its pretty evident of what his feelings are, seeing that in AC he has been living alone. But on the basis of her death, there's a chance she's not dead at all. Yes, I know Sephiroth stab her and Cloud place her at the bottom of the lake, but the basis of this is what the characters felt. Aeris told Cloud she would come back one day to him when it was all over, evident that Cloud is clearly waiting for her or will do something drastic to meet her. Nanaki's grandpa said something like when you died, your life energy merge with the lifestream and yet there has been no answers provided of why we see her face at the end of disk 3. I would like to say that even Tifa herself felt a feeling that Aeris would pop back in their lifes without them knowing one day and on that basis, even she believes that Aeris can be found.
That's true about Cloud and Tifa, but on the basis, they weren't really close friends as they didn't play together or nothing. And Tifa barely knew anything about Cloud since she admitted herself. I wouldn't say they were the closest of friends, but two people who live in the same town and were sorta like friends. I don't think Tifa really understand Cloud or know who he really is since she don't quite even know Cloud as much as she thought. And over the time, Cloud has mature a bit and letting go of his childhood crush on Tifa. He experience quite a lot over time and some things that would change his life and scar him forever.
His attachments to Tifa and Aeris are different, but I think its Aeris who made the most of him. She change his world, the way he looks at things and gave him a meaning that even he would not be able to get from Tifa. It would be because of Aeris too that Tifa was able to tell Cloud some of her feelings but maybe a bit too late. Aeris gave Cloud a new form of strength of where you should try to live life to your fullest, neverless of scarred memories. Cloud was able to experience those shack up feelings that never came out for Tifa. He laugh, cry, joke a bit, became angry to his goes on and on. Those are the emotions that he somehow didn't feel before and when Aeris died, those emotions came out of him....his bottle up feelings and that special place in his heart for Aeris. And when he got out of his mako poisoning in disk two, he's back to his reserved self. Even that moment that Tifa had with him, he doesn't really show any of his emotions or feelings but lent his shoulder for her to sleep on, on the basis of being a good friend. Tifa may had say those things to him, but it can be seen that she wanted to take Aeris's place in Cloud's heart. Maybe not intentionally, but her feelings for Cloud were strong and maybe she didn't want to face the choice Cloud would make and tell her. On the other hand, Cloud never had a chance to grieve for Aeris and I don't think he would be able to settle down with anyone else. Cloud may be afraid to felt the ounce of joy he had with Aeris happen again. Noone was able to break through his shell like Aeris did and pentrated his heart that deep. It seems Cloud is afraid to experience that again, losing someone precious you love and having a feeling that you might meet them again is what is stack up on Cloud. He stated of searching for the Promised Land since only he alone can feel where Aeris is but it seems that place is far beyond his reach.

09-11-2004, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by aeriscloud
That's exactly right. Even if Aeris is dead, it doesn't mean that Tifa automatically wins or Aeris. Its all on the basis of Cloud's feelings and his alone. And its pretty evident of what his feelings are, seeing that in AC he has been living alone. But on the basis of her death, there's a chance she's not dead at all. Yes, I know Sephiroth stab her and Cloud place her at the bottom of the lake, but the basis of this is what the characters felt. Aeris told Cloud she would come back one day to him when it was all over, evident that Cloud is clearly waiting for her or will do something drastic to meet her. Nanaki's grandpa said something like when you died, your life energy merge with the lifestream and yet there has been no answers provided of why we see her face at the end of disk 3. I would like to say that even Tifa herself felt a feeling that Aeris would pop back in their lifes without them knowing one day and on that basis, even she believes that Aeris can be found.

But in many flashbacks you see that Tifa wants Cloud to join and hes to embarrased to play with them. Cloud and Tifa did share moments away from the normal group that she would hang out with. The moment at the well is really the only link from his made up past that keep them both going strong, and it seems as though Cloud still admires Tifa any many ways more than Aerith.

I think thats just a flaw in the FF7 how the distinction between 'love' and 'friendship' between Aerith, Tifa, and Cloud is never really settled. Maybe she is still alive but considering many circumstances, Cloud loves Tifa, but Tifa would willing give him up for Aerith. Cloud just seems to have a much stronger connection to Tifa, which would bring feelings of love as well. More so than Aerith.

The Joker
09-11-2004, 04:09 AM
Throughout the game, there are subtle hints that Aeris and Cloud are the intended couple, even through the history of RPGs their union is one that is following of tradition. Allow me to be blunt when I say I am not a huge fan of Tifa, I don't hate her, as much as I frown at the way she was written.

Many times she is a staggeringly obvious example of how characters are set up out of neccessity rather than having a leaving breathing character. I did not like her easily broken spirit either. Her frequent help Cloud in contrast to Aeris' "Don't worry, Marlene's alright!" not in those exact words, as her name wasn't spoken.

I believe the case that Tifa should be with Cloud is that of a weak one. A case that relies on surface ideas and the idea that if Aeris died, there is no other possible choice. Though I don't hold it against people believing it.

1) In the majority of RPGs, the male lead is some kind of warrior and the one he will fall for is typically a magic user or some of magical significance if a love story occurs. Be it Tidus and Yuna in FFX, Zidane and Garnet in FFIX, Cecil and Rosa in Final Fantasy IV, Rinoa (she has magical significance on Disc 3) and Squall in Final Fantasy VIII.

2) Plenty of times there are moments of childhood friends, but in most RPGs, they do not manifest into a serious relationship. Chrono Cross is one such example as Leena and Serge are childhood friends, but obviously his mate is Kid. Or Squall and Rinoa in Final Fantasy VIII when it is revealed they were all childhood friends, and he still goes for Rinoa, the one he didn't have. Even Final Fantasy X, who does Yuna fall for? Not Wakka who has known her forever, she falls for Tidus. Tifa was simply an inspiration of the past, an adolescent boy who he hoped to impress at one point in time. She was not his only inspriation, does he not say he wants to be strong just like Sephiroth. His feelings for Sephiroth change of course over time...As AerisCloud points out, Tifa claims she didn't know him that well. Furthermore when believing he is dead, she said they were only friends.

3) Notice a number of subtle hints that can be found in this game. The obvious being Caith Sith's two fortunes. Cloud will lose something dear, him and Aeris are a perfect pair. A flashback involving Cloud's mother saying he should get an older girl. Notice Aeris is older than Cloud, while Tifa is not. Furthermore, notice emotions actually displayed with Aeris. He laughs freely in front of her and displays substantially less emotion with Tifa. When Tifa is slashed in a flash back, he responds some rage. When Sephiroth kills Aeris, he cries. And notice at the very end, right after saving Tifa from near death, he doesn't think twice but says he think he can find her there. Before she died, she'd said "I'll be back when its all over." It would appear that was more on his mind. In fact, Cait Sith tells Cloud that him and Aeris are perfect right after you have the last chance of playing with her. It is intentionally set up to be a tragedy to keep one playing.

4) Some of the ideas of hints that Tifa is hinted to be with Cloud are a bit reaching. The first one being how Cloud does a 180 int he beginning when he says he is leaving. People claimed he stayed not for more money, but for Tifa. Though Barret says very early on, that his actions would cost him for being a showoff and wreckless. The other one is if Tifa and Cloud had sex allegedly...they showed them resting together on a hill, which didn't even prove the sex. Even if it did, plenty of people can have sex with no emotional attachment involve.

5) One issue is the memories. I briefly read whether Tifa has memories implented or not, I will not comment on that for now. People assume "He had Zack's memories...its only because of that!" But notice how one of the hints occurs at the end, right after he frees his false memories. In addition, Cloud only has a few memories of Zack that are switched, not every single moment in time. That alone cannot simply make him love Aeris. He does not recogonize Aeris, so he has no memories of her. And Aeris seems to have a sixth sense, be it where the white materia is, or knowing Cloud is not himself.

6) This one is blatantly opinionated and not one of the grand analysis of the previous reasons, but Aeris and Cloud are just far better matches. Whether they explore more emotion with one another, Aeris having a sweet angelic presence as Aeriscloud rightfully points out, or simply being far more stronger in a hopeful sense. Aeris has hope and a strong will, where Tifa seems to break far easier.

When its all said and done, the case is overwhelming in Aeris' favor until the disc 1. Then they regress and assume it has to be Tifa. Not so.

09-11-2004, 10:22 PM
I like Cloud and Tifa, but Aeris was their guide,their light. She was the only one who gave the courage, and no fear of Sephiroth. She was the one who actually "believed" in them. If Aeris did not die, Cloud would have taken Aeris because they both had feelings for each other that Aeris was expressing in a different way. Tifa tried to hide her feelings. Aeris was a great character but she died for a reason. I heard that the director's mom died before the making of the game, and he wanted to share his pain with the players.
Aeris was the person who gave the others hope. And at the end ~SPOILER~ she never left. She reappeared to them in the Lifestream that fought Meteor. She was always with them no matter what. Tifa also loved Aeris. Aeris was nice,and they were good friends. But it's known that Tifa was the one he ended with, and nobody can change it. Aeris' music is very sad and moving. I cried during the death scene. The funeral seemed to have made me cry the most. I saw her still smiling during her death. I may be a big Sephy fan, but Aeris was great, too.

Originally posted by aeriscloud
That's exactly right. Even if Aeris is dead, it doesn't mean that Tifa automatically wins or Aeris. Its all on the basis of Cloud's feelings and his alone. And its pretty evident of what his feelings are, seeing that in AC he has been living alone. But on the basis of her death, there's a chance she's not dead at all. Yes, I know Sephiroth stab her and Cloud place her at the bottom of the lake, but the basis of this is what the characters felt. Aeris told Cloud she would come back one day to him when it was all over, evident that Cloud is clearly waiting for her or will do something drastic to meet her. Nanaki's grandpa said something like when you died, your life energy merge with the lifestream and yet there has been no answers provided of why we see her face at the end of disk 3. I would like to say that even Tifa herself felt a feeling that Aeris would pop back in their lifes without them knowing one day and on that basis, even she believes that Aeris can be found.
That's true about Cloud and Tifa, but on the basis, they weren't really close friends as they didn't play together or nothing. And Tifa barely knew anything about Cloud since she admitted herself. I wouldn't say they were the closest of friends, but two people who live in the same town and were sorta like friends. I don't think Tifa really understand Cloud or know who he really is since she don't quite even know Cloud as much as she thought. And over the time, Cloud has mature a bit and letting go of his childhood crush on Tifa. He experience quite a lot over time and some things that would change his life and scar him forever.
His attachments to Tifa and Aeris are different, but I think its Aeris who made the most of him. She change his world, the way he looks at things and gave him a meaning that even he would not be able to get from Tifa. It would be because of Aeris too that Tifa was able to tell Cloud some of her feelings but maybe a bit too late. Aeris gave Cloud a new form of strength of where you should try to live life to your fullest, neverless of scarred memories. Cloud was able to experience those shack up feelings that never came out for Tifa. He laugh, cry, joke a bit, became angry to his goes on and on. Those are the emotions that he somehow didn't feel before and when Aeris died, those emotions came out of him....his bottle up feelings and that special place in his heart for Aeris. And when he got out of his mako poisoning in disk two, he's back to his reserved self. Even that moment that Tifa had with him, he doesn't really show any of his emotions or feelings but lent his shoulder for her to sleep on, on the basis of being a good friend. Tifa may had say those things to him, but it can be seen that she wanted to take Aeris's place in Cloud's heart. Maybe not intentionally, but her feelings for Cloud were strong and maybe she didn't want to face the choice Cloud would make and tell her. On the other hand, Cloud never had a chance to grieve for Aeris and I don't think he would be able to settle down with anyone else. Cloud may be afraid to felt the ounce of joy he had with Aeris happen again. Noone was able to break through his shell like Aeris did and pentrated his heart that deep. It seems Cloud is afraid to experience that again, losing someone precious you love and having a feeling that you might meet them again is what is stack up on Cloud. He stated of searching for the Promised Land since only he alone can feel where Aeris is but it seems that place is far beyond his reach.

That makes alot of sense. Good explanation. I'm seeing things a bit differently, but that happens every once in a while. When I read about or see Aeris, I think Cloud goes better with her. But when I see or read about Tifa, I feel different. It's very strange.

09-12-2004, 02:13 AM
Originally posted by Gandalf
2) Plenty of times there are moments of childhood friends, but in most RPGs, they do not manifest into a serious relationship. Chrono Cross is one such example as Leena and Serge are childhood friends, but obviously his mate is Kid. Or Squall and Rinoa in Final Fantasy VIII when it is revealed they were all childhood friends, and he still goes for Rinoa, the one he didn't have. Even Final Fantasy X, who does Yuna fall for? Not Wakka who has known her forever, she falls for Tidus. Tifa was simply an inspiration of the past, an adolescent boy who he hoped to impress at one point in time. She was not his only inspriation, does he not say he wants to be strong just like Sephiroth. His feelings for Sephiroth change of course over time...As AerisCloud points out, Tifa claims she didn't know him that well. Furthermore when believing he is dead, she said they were only friends.

3) Notice a number of subtle hints that can be found in this game. The obvious being Caith Sith's two fortunes. Cloud will lose something dear, him and Aeris are a perfect pair. A flashback involving Cloud's mother saying he should get an older girl. Notice Aeris is older than Cloud, while Tifa is not. Furthermore, notice emotions actually displayed with Aeris. He laughs freely in front of her and displays substantially less emotion with Tifa. When Tifa is slashed in a flash back, he responds some rage. When Sephiroth kills Aeris, he cries. And notice at the very end, right after saving Tifa from near death, he doesn't think twice but says he think he can find her there. Before she died, she'd said "I'll be back when its all over." It would appear that was more on his mind. In fact, Cait Sith tells Cloud that him and Aeris are perfect right after you have the last chance of playing with her. It is intentionally set up to be a tragedy to keep one playing.

4) Some of the ideas of hints that Tifa is hinted to be with Cloud are a bit reaching. The first one being how Cloud does a 180 int he beginning when he says he is leaving. People claimed he stayed not for more money, but for Tifa. Though Barret says very early on, that his actions would cost him for being a showoff and wreckless. The other one is if Tifa and Cloud had sex allegedly...they showed them resting together on a hill, which didn't even prove the sex. Even if it did, plenty of people can have sex with no emotional attachment involve.

5) One issue is the memories. I briefly read whether Tifa has memories implented or not, I will not comment on that for now. People assume "He had Zack's memories...its only because of that!" But notice how one of the hints occurs at the end, right after he frees his false memories. In addition, Cloud only has a few memories of Zack that are switched, not every single moment in time. That alone cannot simply make him love Aeris. He does not recogonize Aeris, so he has no memories of her. And Aeris seems to have a sixth sense, be it where the white materia is, or knowing Cloud is not himself.

6) This one is blatantly opinionated and not one of the grand analysis of the previous reasons, but Aeris and Cloud are just far better matches. Whether they explore more emotion with one another, Aeris having a sweet angelic presence as Aeriscloud rightfully points out, or simply being far more stronger in a hopeful sense. Aeris has hope and a strong will, where Tifa seems to break far easier.

- No one ever said that Tifa and Cloud had sex, that wasnt even the point. The point was that Tifa and Cloud spent that moment together and Cloud seemed to hold some attatchment to Tifa while they were talking.

-The relation between magic, I think has nothing really to do with it. After reading several FF storylines, I can just see they choose the main male and female characters to be together. But FF7 seems to create a bigger picture with Tifa in it. Seeming more that friendships can lead to true love.

- Aerith I think symbolized more hope, than being a love for Cloud. The hope she gave them was strong and he kept going on because of that, but I think without Tifa he wouldnt have gone far since she continued to push him foward. Remember, Only with Tifa's help was she able to unlock all of clouds memories.

-And the memories were all inplanted, to represent some portions of zack but not to much to the extent that its noticeable. Other than that Cloud is still a Jenova Clone and more likely represents a lot of sephiroth gone good. If it were really Zacks memories that cloud had then cloud would have remembered having the Relationship with both Tifa and Aerith. But he doesnt, because he doesnt relate to zack in any way besides the fact he was in SOLDIER.

-- and on cait sith's fortune, Aerith wasnt only dear to Cloud. She held attatchment to Tifa since they grew to be Best friends throught the progress of the first disk. Cait Sith's fortune represented loosing hope and Aerith was hope for everyone not only cloud.

on and on, i still believe Tifa was the best choice

The Joker
09-13-2004, 03:52 AM
Originally posted by Solaris

- No one ever said that Tifa and Cloud had sex, that wasnt even the point. The point was that Tifa and Cloud spent that moment together and Cloud seemed to hold some attatchment to Tifa while they were talking.

-The relation between magic, I think has nothing really to do with it. After reading several FF storylines, I can just see they choose the main male and female characters to be together. But FF7 seems to create a bigger picture with Tifa in it. Seeming more that friendships can lead to true love.

- Aerith I think symbolized more hope, than being a love for Cloud. The hope she gave them was strong and he kept going on because of that, but I think without Tifa he wouldnt have gone far since she continued to push him foward. Remember, Only with Tifa's help was she able to unlock all of clouds memories.

-And the memories were all inplanted, to represent some portions of zack but not to much to the extent that its noticeable. Other than that Cloud is still a Jenova Clone and more likely represents a lot of sephiroth gone good. If it were really Zacks memories that cloud had then cloud would have remembered having the Relationship with both Tifa and Aerith. But he doesnt, because he doesnt relate to zack in any way besides the fact he was in SOLDIER.

-- and on cait sith's fortune, Aerith wasnt only dear to Cloud. She held attatchment to Tifa since they grew to be Best friends throught the progress of the first disk. Cait Sith's fortune represented loosing hope and Aerith was hope for everyone not only cloud.

on and on, i still believe Tifa was the best choice

1) Actually yes, I have heard people say Cloud and Tifa had sex. In any event, this was more Tifa's doing, not Cloud's. It was Tifa who stayed and said "I have nowhere else to go" in effect. He simply did no protest her efforts. I said earlier, his behavior towards her is non-responsive. Even right after saving her death, he does not comment he is glad they are ok. He is only concerned that he can meet Aeris.

2) A clear point of patterns is very relevant in proofs, though they are not universal as some such as 5 and 6 may or may not hold them (didn't beat them.) It is almost an archetype concept behind relationships that the female lead be some magical or mystic character and that the male lead typically be a strong sword wielding type in Square games, and perhaps many RPGs as well. And while Aeris granted is only in one disc, she provides far more impact to the story than does Tifa. Tifa is more an essential link to what Cloud's past formerly was where Aeris mysterious actions are the present and crucial to the future.

3) Again, that is why Tifa is more of just a link to the past. If anything, Aeris is the lamb, the sacrifice because she wanted to save the world, even if that meant she might have to give up Cloud. She'd rather die for the planet and him than squander looking for an alternate method. It was Aeris' final smile, that drove Cloud to the end when he says "She was smiling to the end..."

4) Zack never had a relationship with how would he remember that?

5) Cait Sith's fortune also states "You are both stars, you two are perfect for each other." That alone is pretty clear, he even comments poor Tifa because she seems to have a quiet desperation for him.

09-14-2004, 12:38 AM
I'll have to agree with you that many Cloti fans or Tifa fans..even some Cloud fans will say that Cloud and Tifa did have sex, but then this is more the basis on those fans only of where it doesn't speak for other fans.
I agree with what you say. Tifa is just merely a link to the past and its obvious that Cloud has letten go of his childish crush on Tifa while Tifa nows sees Cloud as a man with interest. Its a bit too late for that but she's hoping. On the other fact, it was only Aeris that made Cloud open up with his feelings. The Cloud and Tifa scenes were very not engaging as Cloud didn't really open any of his feelings and it seems very dull when he was with Tifa. On the other hand, when he was with Aeris, he opens up and all those bottle up feelings that were suppose to be for Tifa when they were children went straight to Aeris. That's really a difference between those two. That moment that he had with Tifa merely means the basis of the so called 'friendship' he had with her. But on the other hand, he really didn't remember or give a damn about anyone else when he gave his final speech of what everyone's reason was. He even asked Tifa why she was still here and forgotton that she had nowhere else to go. I would say that if Cloud was a bit concern about Tifa, he would had known but its obvious that his mind was on something the big finale with Sephiroth and reuniting with Aeris.
Cloud's not even a clone as it was proven already when Tifa had to make that guilty trip down memory lane. Its more like when they were experimented, Cloud and Zack memories were...sorta merge together, that's why Cloud was very confused. But to that factor, it was also Tifa's fault for making him believe in those memories and giving false lies to him when he asked for the truth. Its not clearly Cloud's fault since he's been to more pain and saw more things to scar him for life than Tifa would experience. Tifa unlock those memories because she was the link to those hidden memories inside Cloud after what she did to him in the beginning and still continue to lie in front of Cloud after Aeris died. She finally realize the danger and deceit that she put Cloud through and knew that she would have to fix that problem since she was running away from the problem. That trust between her and Cloud was clearly broken as she tried to fix it.
It's merely at the end of disk three that solves all of this when Cloud tells her, straight from the heart, of whom he chosen to be with. Not in so many words, but when he said that he could meet her at the Promise Land, there's really only one at the Promise Land, and that's Aeris. Cloud never look once at Tifa's surprise but yet broken heart expression as she finally understood Cloud's decision to be with Aeris and volunteer herself to go along with Cloud to look for Aeris. But as Cloud say, "I", not "We"...this would mean him and him only to meet Aeris, as it was evident in what he says.

09-15-2004, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by Gandalf

1) Actually yes, I have heard people say Cloud and Tifa had sex. In any event, this was more Tifa's doing, not Cloud's. It was Tifa who stayed and said "I have nowhere else to go" in effect. He simply did no protest her efforts. I said earlier, his behavior towards her is non-responsive. Even right after saving her death, he does not comment he is glad they are ok. He is only concerned that he can meet Aeris.

4) Zack never had a relationship with how would he remember that?

- Zack and Tifa did have a relationship, as when you go to Gongaga town and meet his parents both Aeris and Tifa run out in despair for their first love.

- You know, I really only believe that Tifa and Cloud are really the true couple because thats were FF7 likes to lead on and leave you off. I also think, that Aerith is just that, a hope for them all. So remember, Tifa says "yes we can both meet her there". I would feel that both of them are striving to meet hope and happiness. Aerith I dont really feel is the love interest but like I said before the symbolism of hope. She was loved by everyone, not only cloud.

@ shinobiyuffie

Cloud is a Sephiroth clone, inplanted with Jenova cells. I think it was Hojo that mentions this during the reunion. He was defect though and never really used, so to cover up anything they just merged some memories in there. But really he was just living he persona of Zack. He doesnt really have memory of who he truly is and no amount of Aerith love would make all that come out.

The Joker
09-15-2004, 04:12 AM
I thought Tifa was mad because when he asks, she says he didn't know it.

09-15-2004, 10:34 PM
I dont think she was mad, He only wrote about Aerith but Aerith mentions that hes a womanizer and had many relations. He probably dated tifa, and Tifa fell in love but he left before she could admit how he felt

09-15-2004, 10:41 PM
Aeris + Cloud forever! Anyway Cloudaeris, When Cloud dies, he'll be with Aeris for all eternity. YAY!!!!

09-16-2004, 12:55 AM what ways did Zack and Tifa had a relationship? The only relationship that Zack mention was Aeris (her name wasn't mention but its her) when he and Cloud were in the truck talking about what to do. Zack and Tifa never had a relationship and that was proven in that memory lane trip. Of course Aeris and Tifa were upset, but in two different ways. Zack was Aeris's old boyfriend as Zack was the one that Tifa saw as the First Class Soldier coming to her town. Remember she was waiting to see if Cloud would be the one but it turn out to be Zack. Cloud also starting to doubt himself about some things and Tifa was the link to a small truth. He asked her if she knew Zack as Tifa didn't want to tell Cloud that it was Zack who came to Neilbihelm as First Class Soldier, not Cloud. On that basis, she was keeping that truth from Cloud for her own little agenda as she got mad when Cloud could tell that Tifa was hiding something from him. More exactly, she got caught red-handed in her own webs of lies that she gave to Cloud. Zack and Tifa never ever did had a relationship as Tifa was too caught up with her own feelings for Cloud.
On the clone subject, no. Cloud is not a clone at all. Hojo is dumb. If Cloud was a clone, then why would he be used as an experiment, again? Cloud is just Cloud and he was no clone as this was proven by the cruelest childhood memories that Cloud had. For one, Cloud was stabbed by Sephiroth. Two, he was merge with a lot of mako-poisoning. Three, Cloud really did have feelings for Aeris as she is someone very precious to him. He's dramatize by her death and his best friend. Four, After all those secrets and lies, Cloud fell to his doom when he went through an identity crisis. Five, Cloud is found by his friends with a lot of Mako poisoning. Six, Tifa finally feels regret and helps Cloud to regain his real memories, starting from the beginning until his final comeback with Zack and co.. Seven, Cloud finally finds his true self and tells everyone that he was never in Soldier. On that basis, connect all the other events (except for the fake) and the one link to his past, and you get Cloud. No clone. But Cloud Strife, who grew up in Nielbihelm and had a dream to join Soldier but was never fulfilled.

The Joker
09-16-2004, 05:51 AM
Originally posted by Solaris
I dont think she was mad, He only wrote about Aerith but Aerith mentions that hes a womanizer and had many relations. He probably dated tifa, and Tifa fell in love but he left before she could admit how he felt

How do you get that? That he was a womanizer exactly? I don't remember ANY of that.

Setzer 777
09-16-2004, 08:21 PM
aeris is still alive bcuz she hasnt gone into the lifestream
oh and the promise thing gives it away also
and i sneaked to venice on a tip from the mafia(my friends):)
and cloud was asking some1 (either zack or aeris) to be forgiven
oh and vincent and cloud go to aerises grave

09-17-2004, 09:31 PM
Exactly. Zack was no womanizer. Aeris never heard back from him but I would say that was what she thought happen. She did say that he was a ladies man, but that was only her thoughts. Since he never came back, that's why Aeris thought that he had left for another woman. On the basis of the truth, he never came back because.........(spoiler) he was shot and killed by Shinra soldiers trying to protect Cloud.
So in a way, Solaris,
that point can be counter out and was already proven, as I say in my other post. Zack and Tifa had never had a relationship as Cloud is no clone and that was counter out as well.

09-18-2004, 12:40 AM
shinobiyuffie is right. There's no hard evidence to point out of Tifa and zack having a relationship, because....they never did. Aeris did say all those things on the basis that she never knew what happen to him and gave a little scenario statement of what she thinks happen to Zack to Cloud.
As Cloud being a clone, no. That was countered out by shinobiyuffie, as she said, and with Tifa being the link to Cloud's childhood, it proof that he was no clone..added to him being used for an experiement with Zack by Hojo. Why would Hojo need to experiment him twice? That's where the problem is. And then, why Zack too? It doesn't match up and Tifa did go with him down memory lane, proving that the childhood memories he had were true, not made up as Cloud came out of that and realize that his life has been a lie...meaning, he was never First Class Soldier. On to the memories merging, even if Cloud's memories are merge partial with Zack...or something like that. A lot has happen and Cloud gain new memories. The trip with Tifa down memery lane was to clear any misunderstandings that Cloud had and he had a lot of misunderstandings. Aeris, in fact, played a big role to Cloud and new memories are made by her. In fact, he never once forgotton about her, even when he recovered his real memories. Cloud made new memories with Aeris of where it was never forgotton.

09-18-2004, 12:53 AM
Im all for tifa and cloud but aeris is also good for cloud but id rather see tifa with him cuz she can kick some @ss

09-18-2004, 01:53 AM
And then we can all remember that its just a game and if squaresoft decided to make Cloud and Aerith the offical couple than let it be so. I mean its not a whole trip to whats his true emotions because he isnt real. I just perfered Cloud and Tifa since they seemed like the more down to earth couple. I wasnt look for exact details as to why, since Square states point black that Aerith is the 'woman for him' because in the end when he finally defeats sephiorth you see her hand reaching out to him.

still I really enjoy the whole Cloud/Tifa scenario and will always support it unless someone gives me this amazing reason why Cloud and Aerith should go together.

The Joker
09-20-2004, 04:44 AM
Sorry, but there were far too many easy points of refuting to get.

"Well I beleive Cloud and Tifa to be the official couple in this game, and I'm hoping that they will finnaly get together in advent Children. Here is a site with various good essays on them, so I'll just paste one here to prove my point.

by: Nibelheim Boy
I'd like to make one final comment before this thread closes. I don't know about the rest of you, but to me, it was very clear that Cloud had special feelings for Tifa. I think for some of us, this debate has become less of a question on "who does Cloud love more", and more of a question on "does Cloud love Tifa at all". This has become quite clear from some of the comments that have obviously been made to dismiss Tifa as a candidate entirely. Albeit, rather vainly.

The lifestream scene is a significant one in that it sheds some light as to the true nature of Cloud's relationship with Tifa. Through this scene, we are able to take a peek at Cloud's inner psyche. His memories. His deeper thoughts. They are all shown to involve Tifa. And although they may not have hinted at a relationship directly "on their own", I think it's important to look at them from a holistic point of view. Singling each one out and looking at them one by one is not adequate. They all merge and mingle together to form Cloud's past and essential personality, so that it's important to look at them as a "whole".

The point isn't that Cloud says "I love you very much, Tifa" in one scene alone. Rather, the point is that his inner thoughts were all about her, and this has been proven in a myriad of scenes. I think she has to be a very special person to qualify for that. Indeed, Cloud loved Aeris. But the memories of his inner psyche did not even involve her once. And I think this speaks a lot for Tifa. I think you have to be really really hateful of Tifa to deny that Cloud ever loved her at all.

And while analysing individual lines of the script may be of some value, it's crucial to acknowledge that individual lines don't mean a great deal "on their own". It's important to look at the context of the dialogue also, as well as the other lines in the entire conversation. This is what I mean by taking a holistic point of view. Some Aeris-supporters seem to have made a habit of ignoring direct evidence, choosing to only analyse individual lines of the script. From memory, it has been said that "many of Cloud's statements in the lifestream scene have been proven to have no relevance to his relationship with Tifa". This, to me, is ludicrous.

If you choose to only look at individual lines in the script, then anything can, in fact, be proven, depending on how far you want to twist things. It can be likened to saying that Squall never loved Rinoa on the basis that he never said so. Or that, throughout the course of the game, the number of times he ignored her exceeded the number of times he devoted his attention to her. And indeed, this is what analysis of individual lines would indicate. Is it adequate? Clearly not."

Well lines are meant to be taken as a whole, and for reasons I have already posted the more subtle and bigger hints lie towards Aeris being Cait Sith's hints, Cloud's mother in a flashback, how Cloud states he would finish for Aeris, how he does not seem to mind Tifa nearly dies or could have twice and remains emotionless and thinking of Aeris.

And clearly the memories involve Tifa, she was a past love. Like much of what you seem to get at already, Tifa was a large part of his past, and less of his future. Notice his own denseness in your quote when he asks who Tifa wanted, and he could not guess. Of course he does not need to think of Aeris, Tifa is attempting to redirect his memories as Cloud is attempting to figure out WAY IN THE PAST. Tifa simply happened to be the only one who could do this. And besides, Cloud knew Aeris for how many days? While greatly attached to her, Cloud is too shocked with Sephiroth's revelation and Tifa being dead set on hiding the truth even after Sephiroth reveals it.

The whole point of that was his memories were false and Tifa was the only person who be able to do this. Nobody else group up with Cloud. It is this trait where I have frowned because Square never is consistent in developing her, or when finally doing so, potrays her as weak always demanding Cloud's attention and help. Be it the robot, or be it Tifa desperately trying to convince herself she needs nobody's help and is not fooling anyone.

Some have suggested that Cloud only saw in Tifa a way of being accepted into the groupie. Others have suggested that they were merely close friends. But these are rather misinformed views. From some of Cloud's statements, these views may seem a possibility. But I must emphasise that the analysis of individual lines as pointers to a character's personality is flawed and useless. Other lines in the game have to be included for consideration. To settle the issue about the lifestream scene once and for all, here are a few lines I've selected from that scene. Note that I've chosen several, not just one, to prove my point.

Cloud: "I really wanted to play with everyone, but I was never allowed into the group. Then I began to think that I was different. Then maybe, just maybe, they would invite me in."
Cloud: "That night, I called Tifa out to the well. I thought to myself that Tifa would never come, that she hated me."
Cloud: "If I could just get stronger, then even Tifa would have to notice me."

Cloud: "I was devastated. I wanted to be noticed."
Tifa: "Someone has to notice you? Who?"
Cloud: "Who? You know who! You, that's who."

Cloud: "It's important to me. I hate to say it but it's a very important memory... A sealed up secret... wish... tender memories... no one can ever know."

Tifa: "I used to wonder how Cloud was doing... I started reading the newspapers, thinking that there might be an article about you."
Cloud: "Thanks, Tifa. Tell him what you told me later. He'll probably be so happy."

Tifa: "You were there. You were watching me."
Tifa: "You came. You kept your promise."

Tifa: "Oh Cloud! It's really you, isn't it?"
Cloud: "Yeah, Tifa. We finally meet again."

Together, these lines convey an undeniable romance between Cloud and Tifa. Is it possible that Cloud just wanted friends? No. Together, these lines indicate more than that. Is it possible that Cloud just saw Tifa as a friend? Again, no. Their relationship seems much more personal and exclusive than that, as these lines, together, indicate. Is it possible that Cloud loved Tifa? YES.

As they are memories that have been stored in his inner psyche for all his life, we can deduce that the object of these memories must have been very important to him. Whether it has caused him pain or pleasure, happiness or despair, the object of his greatest desire would be common to all these treasured memories. And clearly, it is Tifa.

It is not a misinformed view at all, rather a lack of strong evidence and rather clues suggesting a good friendship long ago being used to show a connection that once existed, still existed. Is it possible, yes. Very much its possible in a friends way, perhaps even more. But the case against it is so greatly circumstanical, so easily refuted, and flimsy that it alone cannot stand to provide such a conclusion.

All they say throughout these lines is they did miss each other like friends were, like any of us. If my friend went to Iraq, I would read the papers and hope he is ok. Many of these lines listed would not even be suggest if they these characters were of the same gender (and straight), and those were it could be intrepreted as a longing, happen very early on as I just demonstrated. Notice how time move forwards, these types of feeling fades and it becomes "He'll be happy to hear that" and such. As I've already shown through patterns, it is typical that male leads go out with female magic users in FF, and other RPGs in addition to having a childhood friend that there is a strong but platonic relationship.

It's not the other boys, they don't even qualify as they are only involved in one of the three parts of his mental reality. It's not the well either, it was only present in one part. And it's not the flower pot on Tifa's window sill, though even this beats Aeris in this regard. (I actually have a theory that Cloud's love for flowers is actually what turned him on. Not Aeris. Snicker.)

It's all Tifa. Deep down, Tifa is the object of Cloud's mind. Deep down, Cloud desires her attention. Deep down, Cloud loves her. The argument that it was only a childish infatuation is invalid, because as he grew to adulthood, these memories remained with him, still cherished, and still the cause of his personal problems.

There is more than enough evidence in other parts of the game to support the view that Cloud loved Tifa, and you'll find it if you're willing to see it. I suggest you actually look for it though, and not turn a blind eye to it, as some of you Aeris-supporters have done countless times."

Memories simply do not just fade, I can still remember my first crush as though it were yesterday. Again, Cloud's past was false be it was Jenova or his own doing. They are hidden there, trying to reach Cloud becasuse of the truth. I cherish the memory, but there is nothing there. Surely because somebody remembers things like this even deep down does not mean these feelings will just automatically exist.

I am willing to see it, and I am not turing a blind eye but rather asking for the sum of the parts to build a strong case, and they simply do not. Everything here suggests the past, the very thing Cloud has been deceived of. These ideas while holding validity then, do not hold such validity in the present. Be it the subtle hints that are precisely placed (Cait Sith's reading before she leaves to sacrifice), the tradition of RPGs, or Cloud's own behavioral patterns.

And to not thing I am mean spirited, but I do appreciate the author of this. So many people take little time and thought to come to any conclusion. But I feel the points simply add to an old flame, and nothing really else.

09-21-2004, 01:12 AM
well, Gandalf,
The thing about those essays and points is that.....they can be easily countered out by facts obtain from the game. Cloud is merely reliving his past, thanks to Tifa telling him lies to cover up the truth. I do totally agree with what you say about everything and its very true that Squaresoft always used some kind of formula for their couples...and even I have noticed the similarites of the main hero with the cool weapon always ending up with the high magic/summoner/healer type heroine. But those points and essays are merely from someone else point of view or can I favor of Cloti? That's not really thorough evindence to provide as it can easily be counter out. The memories that Cloud gain and had with Aeris doesn't simply go away like it was yesterday's trash, no. In fact, after Cloud regain his true memories, those memories he had with Aeris still stays with him as he mentions about her a lot until towards the end. That essay you posted, which I can tell was use from another thread, is merely anti against Aeris as the person forgets very memorable events and memories that are precious to Cloud. The basis of Tifa's memories on Cloud is clearly on Cloud's childhood as when he is a man, he made new memories and gain new ones too. The death of his only true best friend, Zack, protecting him and then dies, must have been hard on him. Those memories that Cloud has, are merely scarred memories too. Those 3 boys are as much a part of his painful memories as Tifa is. More exactly, he wanted to be notice, to fit in, and to gain friends. These were the basis of his reasons besides his crush on Tifa. But his childhood is more of like an identity crisis of trying to fit in than his crush on Tifa. As you had said, I'll have to agree that its not really a strong case with enough evidence as Aeris-supporters from time to time, has pointed out the various counterattacks to those statements. On that basis, he has oulive his childhood crush on her and has move on. There's really nothing to tie Cloud down to Tifa as Cloud had made his choice at the end of disk 3. Cloud was confused and thought that those memories he had were his own, add to the fact that Tifa agreed with him, creating a bigger web of lies than intended. The trip down memory lane was to mend the lies and show Cloud the truth as Sephiroth already partly told the truth to Cloud. More exactly, Cloud went to another identity crisis and the key to the true events in his life, was supposely his old childhood friend, Tifa. As those events in his childhood were the answers he was looking for to realize that Cloud had been living a lie with his life. Tifa's desperation and wanting attention from Cloud got the best out of her, by telling him lies and covering up the truth, it was the only way to clear the guilt of putting your friend in trouble in the first place.

The Joker
09-21-2004, 04:11 AM
I did consider this, however.

The past is what he is concerned about, he wants to know what is true and what is not. Aeris was recent, he knows it happened. He was just told that maybe he is a clone, his past was a lie, and so on. This bombshell distracts him.

09-21-2004, 03:03 PM
Edit: LOL woops. Forget I posted.

09-22-2004, 03:23 PM
Cloud and Tifa have known eachother since they were little, they are friends, not a couple.
Another point is as you are going through the game, you spend more time going after aeris to stop her from getting slapped by tseng and lost in woods and stuff, and tifa just seems to trail behind meaninglessly (storyline wise).
The story with cloud and tifa is very relevant to the storyline, but cloud and aeris are the couple if anything.

09-22-2004, 10:51 PM
Tifa seems more for cloud then aeris for me

09-23-2004, 12:36 AM
Well, that's your opinion and how you feel about it. I don't really see Cloud and Tifa as a couple through the lies and deciet that Tifa gave to Cloud. Meaning if there's no trust, that relationship won't last. Cloud's virtually on the silent treatment again, meaning his true feelings and potential can't be brought out by Tifa. It was brought out by Aeris and her alone. Tifa basically jump at the opportunity to replace Aeris in Cloud's heart. Cloud need some time alone to get through his grief but Aeris basically gave away a hint of her coming back, so that's what Cloud's doing. Trying to find the promise land so that he can reunite with her. His childhood memories with Tifa are important to him, but his future memories that he had with Aeris is now something even more important to hold in his heart. He never once forgot about Aeris and talk about her and memories towards the end.

09-23-2004, 03:10 PM
Whatever. If this is an Aeris Cloud thread...I don't see any AerisxCloud at all.

09-23-2004, 04:03 PM
you must be kidding me aeris is way more suited for cloud as they go dating. at the goden saucer and he really loves her as evidence by her death shows that as he always references back to her. esspecially just after sephiroth kills her he disscusses all of her good points which he has noticed in the duration of about a disc on the game so i think aeris is kore suited for him.

09-24-2004, 12:26 AM
Exactly. Aeris was able to break through Cloud's hard headed shell, a barrier Cloud put up himself. His bottle up feelings and emotions were all there, just wanting to be release. Cloud must have been surprise to even experience that himself. His full potentials were open up when he was with Aeris. When it was that scene with Tifa, no. He became his reserved self again.
Anyway, TMA,
I guess you didn't bother to read the other posts. It stills relate to CloudxAeris, no questions ask.

09-24-2004, 04:32 AM
Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist
Whatever. If this is an Aeris Cloud thread...I don't see any AerisxCloud at all.


Anyways.. Theres a Cloud X Aerith thing.

09-24-2004, 08:39 AM
why do people seem to think that tifa is more suited its obviously aeris as tifa has been there for years and nothings happened she loves him but he loves aeris yay

09-24-2004, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Uyoku


Anyways.. Theres a Cloud X Aerith thing.


09-24-2004, 01:38 PM
it looks better than tifa anyday as aeris is better much better then tifa ugly lockheart just cause tifas hard aeris can melt clouds heart tifa hes afraid of get use to it tifa_martial_artist we prefer aeris

aeris aeris aeris aeris aeris aeris aeris

death to tifa death to tifa death to tifa

09-24-2004, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist

Yeah! your eyes should burn.

09-24-2004, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist


i feel your pain.

it looks better than tifa anyday as aeris is better much better then tifa ugly lockheart just cause tifas hard aeris can melt clouds heart tifa hes afraid of get use to it tifa_martial_artist we prefer aeris aeris aeris aeris aeris aeris aeris aeris

death to tifa death to tifa death to tifa

lol, that was funny. but i still agree with tifa/cloud since i just see the friendship thing going further than Aerith. I still continue on with my pointless argument that Aerith represented hope in a human form. I dont why I continue, since no one is going to be convinced :(

09-24-2004, 09:48 PM
-_- it may sound harsh but i am happy that aerith is dead for good. hated her so much when i played FF7, was waiting for her to die so i don't have to use her in my party. besides cloud should be tifa's ;[

09-25-2004, 12:22 AM
well, that's how you feel, so I'm not gonna say anything. I'm just the opposite of you...for Tifa.
That's really your point of view of how you view Aeris. I'll just say, Aeris was more than that because the "Friendship" bond thing doesn't go deep anymore with Tifa when Cloud gains new friends, like Aeris, Vincent, etc. Tifa is of the past and as you grow up, those memories do stay along with the prior and future memories you gain along life. Oh I'm trying to say is, Aeris was important to Cloud just as the memories Cloud gain with her. He's not heartless to tossed away the memories he gained of Aeris away but he also thought of her as someone precious to him. There's no denying that Aeris wasn't precious to Cloud, when she was.

09-26-2004, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by shinobiyuffie
well, that's how you feel, so I'm not gonna say anything. I'm just the opposite of you...for Tifa.
That's really your point of view of how you view Aeris. I'll just say, Aeris was more than that because the "Friendship" bond thing doesn't go deep anymore with Tifa when Cloud gains new friends, like Aeris, Vincent, etc. Tifa is of the past and as you grow up, those memories do stay along with the prior and future memories you gain along life. Oh I'm trying to say is, Aeris was important to Cloud just as the memories Cloud gain with her. He's not heartless to tossed away the memories he gained of Aeris away but he also thought of her as someone precious to him. There's no denying that Aeris wasn't precious to Cloud, when she was.

As cloud doesnt throw away his memories of Aerith, he didnt throw away his memories with Tifa. Cloud didnt get close with anyone in the party besides Tifa and Aerith.. more so with Tifa as they shared a longer history and she was the only one who got him out of that crazy mental state he was in.

09-27-2004, 08:40 AM
yeah but tifa thought there was something going on between them as in the scene when there trapped in prison hes in a cell with aeris and tifa is next door when she finds out aeris is in the room she goes really sad and quiet has anyone noticed that if tifa knows there must be something going on or am i just imagining things

09-27-2004, 05:32 PM
I so think that they are alltime ff7 couple they are wicked any 1 wanna pm then do so cus i luv bein mailed i also love rinoa and squall ff8 there the best

09-28-2004, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by selphie
yeah but tifa thought there was something going on between them as in the scene when there trapped in prison hes in a cell with aeris and tifa is next door when she finds out aeris is in the room she goes really sad and quiet has anyone noticed that if tifa knows there must be something going on or am i just imagining things

no you arent, Tifa did go all quiet when Cloud began to talk to Aerith and then Cloud asked her "whats wrong" and Tifa says "nothing at all.."

cloud does care!

09-28-2004, 01:08 AM
In a way, yeah. But its in the same way that he worries and cares for Aeris too. (Maybe just a bit more...and that's just how I see it.) On the other side, Solaris, there's nothing wrong with how you post your view and if some of us disagree...mmm..more exactly, it just doesn't seem right, please don't take it that we don't care. I can say that most of us has done our research and cross-examine your perspective of where we just don't see it in the same way that you see it. So please don't get mad at any of us because we do listen to what you say, but its just the matter of some of us doing our research and not seeing it the same way...(or something like that...). I hope that clarify to you that we don't ignore it, some of us cross-examine it first before posting our info./statements/point of view/evindence.
Now some of you might find it boring or enriching,this is an C/A thread, so I'm going to post some info. on the Japanese perspective, one at a time. Everyone all knows that this is a Japanese game that came from Japan and stuff, but when we view who is the couple, we're just viewing it from a westernized view. Added text were added in, some change, some not, to some scenes that may have confused some of us to know who Cloud love or want to be with. (Just in case some didn't know) Translating something from Japanese to English can be tricky sometimes. An example would be Lacus conversation with Kira. She said something like,"May I bother you" but the translation was change to a simple "Hello".
On to the colors of what Aeris and Tifa wears. Maybe some of you don't care, but this is important to the Japanese culture. Aeris wore clothes reserved for the heroine, meaning she was the heroine of the story. Tifa was more merely of a subcharacter. Red is a color associated with love and femininity. So are flowers, which are always associated with Aeris. The red ribbon that Aeris wears represents the concept of predestined love, of where two soulmates are destined together. This is evident because Cloud is able to hear Aeris's voice called to Cloud at a great distance when she was endangered by Sephiroth. And it is only Cloud to felt Aeris's presence while the others can't. Cloud and Aeris have a strong bond with each other that isn't evident with Cloud and Tifa. The color of black that Tifa wears represent bad luck and death, which have happen to her numerous times.
The other FF heroines like Rinoa, Garnet, and Terra did not dress themselves in pink (pink is consider to be a shade of Red for Japan) because they did not have the innocence and childlike personality of Aeris, but they have not worn black either.
I'm stopping right here but will continue this off as it might turn out to a 10 page post, so I'll post it one at a time as I try to put it in simpler form for others to understand. ( Just a little note:Please don't come lashing at me without doing your own research first. It'll prove that you're a bit smarter than flaming at others without evidence.)

09-28-2004, 01:16 AM
whoever said I was getting angry or anything? Its just that its a loosing battle because I know that Aerith and Cloud are the actual couple of FF7 and I know that Cloud loves Aerith. But I want to believe that Tifa and Cloud are made for each other :p make sense? lol

oh and aeris cloud only you have delivered the information that has made me change my mind somewhat! Its very interesting how the japanese animators have put a bit of their own culture into the game. and If I may add, The other Heroines always were colors that represented feminity such as blue, white, orange and so on.. the colors bring life, luck, love, peace, and will.

hmm but i wonder.. riona wore black under her blue cape thing. wouldnt that represent what tifa had? and also tifa did wear white.. which means peace if im correct..

09-28-2004, 08:58 AM
yeah and tma is very immature about it as i told everyone to calm down on the cloud tifa argument and she sent me this

Sexiest bitch alive

Registered: Jul 2004
Posts: 192
Haha, are you retarded? How many times did you f***k your mom last night

Shes so friendly but cant even spell f#@k right

but was there ant point to it really

09-28-2004, 09:17 AM
lol tifa martial artist gets so angry at little things :P

But cloud and aeris are still the true couple, tifa smells and stands around telling marlene to do things like look after a bar (wtf shes like 5)

09-28-2004, 11:05 AM
I think that Square is thinking that Aeris is more for Cloud than Tifa.

'Cause when Cait Sith reads the affinity of Cloud and Aeris he says: "You are a perfect couple, invite me for that day"

I dunno if this scene changes due to the variables of the game (like the date at GSaucer) or if it's always the same...

But, Aeris dies.

If I was Cloud I pick Tifa!!;)

09-28-2004, 12:03 PM
your right because just as cait sith is about to die she reads cloud and aeris fortune and says on no poor tifa which means they are suited as cait sith read the fortune

09-29-2004, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by selphie
yeah and tma is very immature about it as i told everyone to calm down on the cloud tifa argument and she sent me this

Sexiest bitch alive

Registered: Jul 2004
Posts: 192
Haha, are you retarded? How many times did you f***k your mom last night

Shes so friendly but cant even spell f#@k right

but was there ant point to it really

well that really wasnt necessary on tma's part. she shouldnt have done that to you.

09-29-2004, 07:40 AM
The way I see it is that Cloud liked Tifa as a childhood crush. When he advances older he then realises that Tifa is more of a friend then a lover. Back in the bar at the start. The promise they made, I know he can't keep it but something also gives me the hint that he dosen't want to keep it. He didn't wanna join Avalanche but he did anyway. I think he did because Barret said he had to. He joined as soon as Barret said so, not Tifa. So really he would have walked out on her.

But notice how when you end up at the train graveyard before the destruction of the Sector 7 plate that he would tell Aeris to go home cuz of his safty, but It was alright for Tifa. He admitted that he didn't want Tifa involved but he still askes Aeris to go.

That and all the other evidence everyone else has said. So yeah I think that Claoud&Aeris would have been the couple but I guess we just don't know.

09-29-2004, 08:39 AM
yeah but in saying that if you think about Aeris is a flower girl from the slums

where as tifa can look after herself now im not saying it is wrong or right just my point of view why he asks aeris to go home

Aerith Gainsborough
09-29-2004, 09:00 AM
Of course, Cloud an Aeris are the true couple! :)

Cloud and Tifa are only childhood friends. And even there, how much did they really do together? Tifa was always with her buddys. Cloud wanted to belong to them, but was never accepted. He had to say something what makes Tifa recognize him. So he made up the Soldier story and everything. Tifa was impressed, and started pushing him into the promise thing.
She forced him doing the promise.

He didn't seem interested to me. Of course not, he was a kid. He didn't make the promise, because he loves her. He made the promise, because he was forced to. And he probably thought: Ok, lets promise, then she'll leave me alone with it.

Then later on, when he joined Avalanche, he didn't seem happy to see Tifa again. She was just an old buddy, that's it. She started talking about the promise again, and he really didn't show that interested. He couldn't even remember. This shows me, he just said it without a meaning.

Then he met Aeris and it was different. You can also see it in the one flashback, when his mother said he should get an older girlfriend and stuff. Yes, he was really thinking about this already.

Tifa was just hoping during the whole game. That's it. What ever happend she turned it around, to see it the way she wants to see it.

The same with the lifestream. Yes, she helped him out, but she also did it, because she was hoping, he'd find a way to her.

The same with the night under stars. Whatever Tifa said, Cloud was like: Huh? What are you talking about?

He didn't act like he is in love with her. Not even once!

But he was in love with Aeris. Ok, nothing has happend there, because he was very shy (he never had a girl before), and Aeris died too soon.

But at the end of the game you can also tell, that Cloud only loves Aeris. Because he said these words: "Now I now where I can meet her....."

The way Tifa looked at this moment, was like, she finally realizied that Cloud is always thinking about Aeris, that he only loved her.

And then Tifa said: "Ok, lets go and see her....". ;)

I don't know, how everything will be in AC. But one thing is sure, to make the story more realistic, Cloud shouldn't get Tifa.

And if he does, I know Aeris wouldn't mind, because she knows she's dead. She can't be with him anymore.... but we will see....

09-29-2004, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by selphie
yeah but in saying that if you think about Aeris is a flower girl from the slums

where as tifa can look after herself now im not saying it is wrong or right just my point of view why he asks aeris to go home

Yes but I don't think Cloud looks at Aeris that way. She said that she has escaped from the Turks on many occaisions. The slums would have been a rough nabourhood. To withstand all that then she can certainly go thru a Train graveyard and get to the sector 7 plate. She's a strong women, prahaps not physically or not as strong as Tifa, but in her own way she is very strong. I think that he just coulden't bare the grief of lose her. (even though he does)

Well anyway I just believe that Cloud and Aeris should be the couple of FFVII. But thats up to Squaresoft0. Again I'm not saying he dosn't care for Tifa, But I think that he cars for Aeris more.

Aerith Gainsborough
09-29-2004, 09:30 AM
quote: Originally posted by Mickrulz

Again I'm not saying he dosn't care for Tifa, But I think that he cars for Aeris more.

I don't say that either. Of course, Cloud cares for Tifa too, but not love-wise. He cares for her as a good friend.....;)

09-29-2004, 09:46 AM
But the fact of the matter is is she's dead. Unless she did live or she brought back Cloud and Aeris will never be together in the world off FFVII. Prahaps in the afterlife, but if she is in fact dead then they can't be together.

But of course that don't mean Tifa wins. But I don't like to think of it as a fight for Clouds heart. They may not like the fact that one may like the other, but they never actually have a dialouge were they fight, or put one down. That I respect. So instead of pitting them against eachother, I see them as both friends.

09-29-2004, 01:21 PM
i was reading a rumor somewhere that they are going to bring aeris back in the ac game but how and when i dont know or even if it is true

Aerith Gainsborough
09-29-2004, 01:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by Selphie

i was reading a rumor somewhere that they are going to bring aeris back in the ac

I haven't heard of it. But maybe they don't bring Aeris back.....maybe they bring Cloud to her! Means, he might die at the end? You never know. Nobody is really thinking about that! ;)

But it has to end somehow, because Cloud being unhappy and lonely without an happy end..... This can't be! :rolleyes:

09-29-2004, 02:54 PM
Why don't they throw her a Phoenix Down lol

09-29-2004, 02:57 PM
ha ha very funny but good joke

09-29-2004, 03:01 PM
Well in a way I kinda hope that Aeriths theory happens (Cloud dying to reunite with Aeris). I like tragic and sad endings.

09-30-2004, 12:52 AM
well, in a way, maybe Cloud will be able to be with Aeris. His bond with her is very strong and if their love is strong enough, even that love, the bond they shared, is strong enough to surpass even death itself. The question about this is that: Did Aeris really returned to the planet? Yes, I heard countless agrument made by Cloti/Tifa fans that she's dead and Cloud's with Tifa. But it is the lack of sufficient evidence to provide that she's really gone to back those statements. Didn't Red XIII grandfather said you return back to the planet forming a new life after you died? But there was also an exception to this. Or how about Red XIII's fater, Seto. He still is there, guarding Cosmos Canyon but yet cried, stone there, hearing Red XIII's words. Aeris also mention about how you could become one with the planet but if you have the will and it is strong, then you can stopped it. And I believe Aeris's will is strong. In the Japanese version, it was about if the planet heard your wish, meaning Aeris's prayer, then Holy will be summoned because it heard that wish or Aeris's prayer.
On another matter, Cloud states that he thinks he can meet Aeris in the Promised Land. The fact that Cloud says this would be that Aeris didn't return to the Planet. Remember how Cloud somehow seems able to sense whether or not she has returned to the Planet, which was implied by his statement as they approach the Northern Crater that something has blocked her return to the Planet.
The Promised Land is, in fact, the only place that Aeris can be, since Holy can only be summoned from the Promised Land, which we learn in the Temple of Ancients. Remember that Holy is the White Materia, and therefore it exists as the anti-thesis of the Black Materia.
But since great spiritual power is necessary in order to use the Black Materia, then the same would be true of the White Materia. I would say that Aeris and Cloud both deduce that the kind of spiritual power necessary in order to use the Black Materia can only be found in the Promised Land. Therefore, if the Black Materia can only be used at the Promised Land, the same must be true of the White Materia. In order for Aeris to use the White Materia for summoning Holy, she must be in the Promised Land, which Cloud knows from what he and Aeris discussed in the Temple of Ancient. And it is the Promised Land,exactly, where Cloud says that he can meet her.

Aerith Gainsborough
09-30-2004, 09:27 AM
One thing is sure, Cloud will see Aeris again. What I know so far, it'll be in the forest where he met Aeris before (right after she left to stop Sephiroth). (The pic on my sig must be the place)

People believe, he only sees her in a flashback, but as far as I know, it'll be like in FF-VII. There was a connection to her in FF-VII already, why shouldn't it be there in AC?

And I believe their love is strong enough. He's just thinking about her, their love must be strong enough!

quote: Originally posted by aeriscloud

The fact that Cloud says this would be that Aeris didn't return to the Planet. Remember how Cloud somehow seems able to sense whether or not she has returned to the Planet, which was implied by his statement as they approach the Northern Crater that something has blocked her return to the Planet.

Yeah, maybe he can meet her in the Promised Land. He is not just a normal human being. He was able to sense her and everything. But I always thought he needs to be dead to go there!?

Yes, I heard countless agrument made by Cloti/Tifa fans that she's dead and Cloud's with Tifa.

This doesn't make sense to me. He never wanted Tifa in the first place. Why now? A few years later?

This would be like: "My love is dead, there is no other girl, ok lets go with Tifa then.....". No, that's pretty cheap. It would be a kind of mean too. Cloud is not like that.

I just hope they'll find someone for Tifa too. Not just for the fans, it is also about time to get rid of all these speculations. In other FF parts you know who belongs together and there is always a happy ending. It is about time to bring Cloud and Aeris the happy ending too. They deserve it too. :)

09-30-2004, 12:24 PM
Awwww, when i think about it, cloud and aeris would have to be the couple of ff7, but if they ever did get together tifa would probably have a nervous breakdown and jump off the side of the northern crater :laugh:

(sorry tifa fans, shes ok really :))

10-01-2004, 10:43 PM
Well...that probalby could be true. She's not much on confidence and didn't really seem to enjoy it when Aeris was with Cloud.
I know what you mean, there really was no point for TMA to flame/PM you like that. Its good that your keeping your cool. Didja know that TMA is reporting those who post their opinions just because they think differently from the thread title? Besides her calling everyone mentally retarded. That's going to the extreme. Can't it be said the same for TMA posting in here out of line?
I didn't mean it that way and I apoligize. It look like you were disappointed that noone was considering your post,that's all. But I'm happy that your not angry or anything. It was just when I was reading it, it sounded that way.
About the colors, well. Yes, Tifa did wear white but the color of black stood out more. (As its evident in AC too.) Also, it may have to do with her personality or how she is. Aeris is pretty much lively compared to Tifa.
Comparing this to Tifa, who wears different shades of black, since gray would be considered a shade of black in Japan. To the Japanese culture, black can stand for mourning as well as for cheerless occasions. An example would be the traditional garb for a funeral, is black and white, with black representing the loss. When used by itself, black can represent bad luck or misfortune.
Aeris was vibrant/happy/full of life/klutz. She never gave up on things; she always looked forward to the future. While Tifa is worried, pessimestic,concern and disappointed during the course of the game.
Although the game manual describes Tifa as being �bright and optimistic�, the game manual only states only what is originally known about each character at the beginning of the game. The game manual, for example, also says that Cloud was a member of SOLDIER, that Marlene is Barret�s daughter, and that Aeris�s birthplace is unknown, all of which is proven to be false during the course of the game. Although Tifa is initially portrayed in the Seventh Heaven as someone who is considered bright and optimistic by the others, the portrayal of her character soon becomes that of a tragic character surrounded by images of loss, unhappiness, and despair.

10-02-2004, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by aeriscloud

I didn't mean it that way and I apoligize. It look like you were disappointed that noone was considering your post,that's all. But I'm happy that your not angry or anything. It was just when I was reading it, it sounded that way.
About the colors, well. Yes, Tifa did wear white but the color of black stood out more. (As its evident in AC too.) Also, it may have to do with her personality or how she is. Aeris is pretty much lively compared to Tifa.
Comparing this to Tifa, who wears different shades of black, since gray would be considered a shade of black in Japan. To the Japanese culture, black can stand for mourning as well as for cheerless occasions. An example would be the traditional garb for a funeral, is black and white, with black representing the loss. When used by itself, black can represent bad luck or misfortune.
Aeris was vibrant/happy/full of life/klutz. She never gave up on things; she always looked forward to the future. While Tifa is worried, pessimestic,concern and disappointed during the course of the game.
Although the game manual describes Tifa as being �bright and optimistic�, the game manual only states only what is originally known about each character at the beginning of the game. The game manual, for example, also says that Cloud was a member of SOLDIER, that Marlene is Barret�s daughter, and that Aeris�s birthplace is unknown, all of which is proven to be false during the course of the game. Although Tifa is initially portrayed in the Seventh Heaven as someone who is considered bright and optimistic by the others, the portrayal of her character soon becomes that of a tragic character surrounded by images of loss, unhappiness, and despair.

I can understand that, i can see the point now, after studing other FF's why Aerith is the love of Cloud. The garment thing can be one, it represents personality and How I said before, how Aerith was hope it seemed as thought Tifa was all Anti-that. From the newer FF's ive notice there are always three types of girls the cheerful, the love, and the depressed one
(i.e FF8: Rinoa (love), Selphie (happiness), Quistis (Saddness) FF9: Garnet(Love), Eiko(Happiness), Quistis (Saddness).
FF10: Yuna(love), Rikku(Happiness), Lulu( saddness)))

ok maybe what i wrote doesnt make sense so im going to clear it up:

The main male character it seems always go for the more diverse character who is happy and sad but always optimistic and never one or the other. Tifa is very pessimistic and seems to bring cloud down more, despite the fact that she 'helped' cloud through his little mental state, she was still very much feeling left behind. I think that was the only thing she could really do in the end to help cloud get to Aerith. I can remember correctly, when they were heading to the northern crater on the highwind, Tifa stands at the front, alone. If you go talk to her she says shes scared but will go anyways for cloud. I think Tifas ultimate goal is not to be with Cloud or to make him love her. Her ultimate goal changes after Aerith's death... to wantign cloud to be happy. Thats all she wants, and she tries her best to push all feelings aside to have him smile like he used too.

Tifa tries hard, i think people should give her more credit.

10-04-2004, 03:17 PM
Okay, since my thread was closed and since you CloudxAerith lovers couldn't keep your biased opinions to yourself, I'm going to state why Cloud and Tifa are the couple and why Square Enix is leaning to their side more rather than CloudxAerith.

Okay, heres a hard and cold slap to the face for many CloudxAerith fans. It's sad, but true. Aerith is DEAD. So there's no way for them to be together. I know it's hard to deny, but it really doesn't matter if Cloud loved Aerith in FF7, fact is, he can never see her again, ever. Whilst it's been confirmed that Cloud and Tifa have been living together in AC, and Cloud moved into Aerith's church because he wanted to hide the fact that he had geostigma from her. He doesn't want to hurt Tifa, he cares about her, and not in a sisterly way. If he loved her like a sister, than why would he fumble with her orthopedic underwear? :whatever: Why would he have a gigantic and obsessive crush over her as a child? It just doesn't make sense that he could forget about such a nice and sexy young lady. :laugh:

Now Aerith, well, he just met her. He barely knew her and she pushed her way into his buisiness. He never cared about her anyway, she was begging to come with him on their journey, and to help find Tifa. It was clear that he wanted to rescue Tifa, not "protect" his dear Aerith.

Some say that Cloud "Cried" more for Aerith at her death than when Tifa got stabbed and when Zack died. To compare these scenes is cruel and unfair. Fact is, you can't tell what polygons do. Cloud was shaking, mad, and enraged when Zack got shot and died. And when Tifa got stabbed, he was so mad that he fueled up enough rage to kill Sephiorth. That's why he did. For Zack, his mom, Tifa, and his town.

10-04-2004, 03:28 PM
It's also unfair, and ignorant, to claim that Cloud never cared for Aeris. He did, obviously, just look at what he said when she died, or at the end of the game, etc.

Yeah, Aeris is dead, that's true, and it's sensible to point that out, and the unlikeliness of Aeris' rebirth. The only way Cloud and Aeris could/can be together would be in death, I fear.
However, as has been mentioned before, Aeris being dead does not automatically mean Cloud loves Tifa. But it is a possibility. Just don't act as if Cloud really never even cared for Aeris, that is ridiculous.

Advent children will probably give a definite answer to who Cloud is going to end up with.
a) moves on to Tifa
b) continues to live on alone/ with his memories of Aeris
c) dies -> which can be seen as "with Aeris"

Yay, I do favour c)... It's the nicest story.

10-05-2004, 12:32 AM
Hmmm....AC is not out yet, so its not really confirm if Cloud did lived with Tifa or what he's feeling now. Although, its possible he might died. Tokiko, your last answer could be right. =)
There are Japanese romances that are portrayed in literature and films that was also portrayed in FFVII. Fukano Na is the impossible. While another central theme in Japanese romance is perseverance, or gambare. So to persevere in the impossible, way beyond any rational or realistic expectation, is a very strong theme in Japanese stories of romance. This theme is pretty much common with Japanese romances and it becomes clear that Cloud does intend to go back to Aeris when he said that he can meet her at the Promise Land. In our westrenized view, many had said that Cloud can't do the impossible, to meet Aeris because she's dead. But doing this kind of perservance out of love for someone is commonly found in tragic love stories of Japan. Again, another argument in westrenized views says that Cloud will choose to move on and live with Tifa or he can't be with Aeris anymore. These are really agruements based on Westren cultural ideas as the Japanese perspective is different. A common theme of tragic love is committing seppuku or ritual suicide, for the sake of love.
The love suicide is a very popular theme of tragic love stories in Japan. In these stories a pair of lovers, unable to come together in life, commit suicide in the hope of escaping their earthly obligations and being reborn together in paradise. These stories were wildly popular in their own day, and the themes and images continue to appear in contemporary popular culture, from TV soap operas to anime.
Although this kind of thinking is unpalatable to many in the Western audience, it is seen as �a model of true love� in Japanese literature, and the concept is popular even today in Japan. We have seen that Cloud and Aeris were connected by a thread of true love in the symbolism of the Japanese. (It was in my last posts about the ribbon.The red ribbon that Aeris wears represents the concept of predestined love, of where two soulmates are destined together.) Therefore, it is not impossible that Cloud, unable to come together in life with Aeris, decides to do this after defeating Sephiroth in order to be reborn together with Aeris in paradise. Cloud�s words in the final FMV, �I think I can meet her� there�, indicate that Cloud chooses to go back to Aeris.
I'm posting a pic. for an example of what I meant about the red ribbon. Red ribbons are interlace between Cloud and Aeris. Although its just a doujinshi cover, that is what the ribbons represent: The concept of predestined love.

10-05-2004, 12:55 AM
Hey peoples guess what i just heard! Tifa wears a pink ribbon around her arm in memory of Aeris. AND Tifa knows Cloud still luvs Aeris so she is backing Off! So there correct me if i'm wrong but i saw it on a website! Oh and Cloud is still Mourning for her.

Dot Centaur
10-05-2004, 02:10 AM
Hey peoples guess what i just heard! Tifa wears a pink ribbon around her arm in memory of Aeris. AND Tifa knows Cloud still luvs Aeris so she is backing Off! So there correct me if i'm wrong but i saw it on a website! Oh and Cloud is still Mourning for her.

The pink ribbon doesn't mean she is backing off, it means she misses Aerith as a friend.

10-05-2004, 03:17 AM
Sorry Tifa rinoa, really really really sorry! I didn't mean to offend you i just thouht i had a moment. SRY again. No offense but I think Cloud and tifa are good 2, but i just like Cloud and Aeris better.

10-05-2004, 03:54 AM
Okay, since my thread was closed and since you CloudxAerith lovers couldn't keep your biased opinions to yourself, I'm going to state why Cloud and Tifa are the couple and why Square Enix is leaning to their side more rather than CloudxAerith.

Okay, heres a hard and cold slap to the face for many CloudxAerith fans. It's sad, but true. Aerith is DEAD. So there's no way for them to be together. I know it's hard to deny, but it really doesn't matter if Cloud loved Aerith in FF7, fact is, he can never see her again, ever. Whilst it's been confirmed that Cloud and Tifa have been living together in AC, and Cloud moved into Aerith's church because he wanted to hide the fact that he had geostigma from her. He doesn't want to hurt Tifa, he cares about her, and not in a sisterly way. If he loved her like a sister, than why would he fumble with her orthopedic underwear? :whatever: Why would he have a gigantic and obsessive crush over her as a child? It just doesn't make sense that he could forget about such a nice and sexy young lady. :laugh:

Now Aerith, well, he just met her. He barely knew her and she pushed her way into his buisiness. He never cared about her anyway, she was begging to come with him on their journey, and to help find Tifa. It was clear that he wanted to rescue Tifa, not "protect" his dear Aerith.

Some say that Cloud "Cried" more for Aerith at her death than when Tifa got stabbed and when Zack died. To compare these scenes is cruel and unfair. Fact is, you can't tell what polygons do. Cloud was shaking, mad, and enraged when Zack got shot and died. And when Tifa got stabbed, he was so mad that he fueled up enough rage to kill Sephiorth. That's why he did. For Zack, his mom, Tifa, and his town.

But is Aerith really dead? I mean we dont really know that, since at the end of FF7 you see her there. In my speculation I can say that she never did return to the life stream. I dont even think Tifa cares for Cloud like that anymore.. she just seems to attatched to the fact that she wants Cloud to be Happy and she wants him to find Aerith. When He catches Tifa he says "i think i can meet her there in the promised land" and Tifa just says "yes lets go meet her" its just that, she wants cloud to finally be settled in his heart.

So just because Aerith may be dead does not mean Tifa magically wins clouds heart.

Also on the suicide for love note, I doubt cloud would go off and commit suicide (not as literally go off.. lol you get what i mean) but I think during some battle he would be determined to avenge Aerith against those guys in AC and maybe die in battle for her (at least thats how i see it, die in battle for the one woman he loves)

you hear me talking now about AerithxCloud! lol only you, aeriscloud, was able to convince me why Cloud was destined for Aerith. I just had to read on japanese culture after that :p

10-05-2004, 09:02 AM
Hmmm. I like the Idea of CloudxAerith together. But what happens if he moves on with his life. LIike everyone seems to assume that he will mope around untill her finds her. But prahaps he dosen't. Maybe he realizes she is dead and moves on with his life. He may be with Tifa. But then again he may live alone. Or he could even meet someone new he wants to be with.

Like I said before I am a CloudxAerith fan, but most people assume that Cloud will be with Aeris weather it's death or she returns to life. But no one seems to think that he may move on.

Aerith Gainsborough
10-05-2004, 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by aeriscloud
AC is not out yet, so its not really confirm if Cloud did lived with Tifa or what he's feeling now. Although, its possible he might died. Tokiko, your last answer could be right.

I also had mentioned this before. To me, this would be the "perfect" ending. It is sadder and more dramatic, but also romantic. Because this shows true love! I like it this way. :rolleyes:

If Tifa and Cloud came together, it would be a "dirty" ending. :(

And since Aeris is dead, there must be a way for them. Maybe he can just visit her in the lifestream or he is going to die at the end. I don't know, if he has to do seppuku for that though.

Originally Posted by Aerisfreak91
Hey peoples guess what i just heard! Tifa wears a pink ribbon around her arm in memory of Aeris. AND Tifa knows Cloud still luvs Aeris so she is backing Off! So there correct me if i'm wrong but i saw it on a website! Oh and Cloud is still Mourning for her.

Yes, I also believe she wears the pink ribbon in memory of Aeris, because she misses her somehow.

But of course, Tifa knows, Cloud only (and still) loves Aeris. She already noticed at the end of the FF-VII game. You could see that on her face, and the way she was acting.

The only thing I know is, in AC Tifa and Cloud are doing business together. But that doesn't mean, there must be more..... ;)

(On what website was that? I want to read about it too)

10-05-2004, 12:57 PM
thats goiod but then i think tifa misses aeris in more than just a friend cause she realises that cloud loved her he is now upset so she wants her back

10-06-2004, 12:45 AM
It's possible. But don't the other members wear the pink ribbon too? I thought I heard that they wear it too, in memory of their loved friend, Aeris. Maybe its just me.....?
Thank you for the comment. I'm glad you find the Japanese Perspective enriching. I think most gamers are just looking at it from a Westren perspective, that's why 'those' things are said. (Aeris dead, etc...stuff). Its more like a cultural barrier to understanding. LOL, heh, the love suicide thing. Well, its pretty well known. I don't think Cloud will commit suicide but it can be like, wanting to die for your love one. Its pretty common in Asian culture and I can vouch for that. If the love and bond is strong, then even death itself can't defeat the two lovers. That's why I believe that Cloud can meet Aeris because the two can meet each other, even if there's boundaries between them.
On the other hand, I'm going to talk about Cloud's grief. I have heard the countless agruments that he didn't care about her, he didn't cry, she's not important,etc. The fact is, most gamers are looking at it from a westren perspective. In Japan, you are not allowed to cry aloud during the funeral and if you do...well, some people will think you can't control your emotions and a weirdo. And yes, I can vouch for that since I'm asian and most asian cultures are pretty much the same with that unless you were born in the US or another country and taught differently.
Just because Cloud has not been bawling his eyes out never automatically sums up that he does not care for Aeris at all. Will NA audiences like it even better if Cloud breaks down, sobbing like a girl? His character is the stoic, cold guy. And guys are encouraged not to cry or show their emotion normally.
Cloud also chooses to grief inwardly. Again, that is how Japanese has been taught to grieve if the loved one passes away. You never ever attend a funeral and bawl your eyes not. That's like a taboo.
Of course,one thing that often confuses the Western gamers is that there are no scenes in Disk Two where Cloud is shown to mourn the loss of Aeris. Some Westerners take this as an indication that Aeris didn�t actually mean that much to Cloud. Cloud is grieving toward her death inwardly but still talks about Aeris and the memories they had. It's really enough to say that he was greiving for her, probably not out loud, but silently in his heart and mind.

10-06-2004, 01:43 AM
Cloud did grieve some what, not actual sobbing hysterically in the sense, but when he grabs Aerith after Sephiroth kills her, he begins to say how he can never see Aerith get angry, or sad, or laugh anymore. And how his heart is beating, and his fingers are tingling, and his eyes are burning.

i think the grief of loosing Aerith overpassed actual crying. that does happen you know :p

10-07-2004, 12:59 AM
Hmm....Yes. He did grieve but more like inwardly. It looks like a mix of Japanese cultural reference throw in. Although it does look like he was gonna cry but never got to that point. So I would say it's as Cloud grieving for Aeris inwardly....silently in his heart, I would say. Japanese don't greive out loud but inwardly as I stated in my last post, so I think that's what Cloud's doing. Greiving inwardly.
Oh and Solaris,
I didn't get a chance to fully respond. But you are right in what you said about how the colors match their personality or how they act...etc. Garnet(happiness)...etc. I confirmed it with my Japanese Teacher and Tutors. That's what I thought too, about how the colors match the characters on their personality or how they act. O:]

10-07-2004, 02:37 AM
I didn't get a chance to fully respond. But you are right in what you said about how the colors match their personality or how they act...etc. Garnet(happiness)...etc. I confirmed it with my Japanese Teacher and Tutors. That's what I thought too, about how the colors match the characters on their personality or how they act. O:]

lol, im glad I was right with one assumption. I rememberd all that from this presentation i had to do on japanese culture (clothing, and womens roles etc.) so from what you wrote how FF gets many influences from the culture itself. So i related my presentation on the past and present and how its relating to pop culture!

lol, this stuff is helping me get these great remarks from my teacher..

10-07-2004, 08:22 AM
notice how no one cried in the cgs where aeris/aerith died and was dropped in the lake how heartless.

10-07-2004, 08:24 AM
notice how no one cried in the cgs where aeris/aerith died and was dropped in the lake how heartless.

I didn't cry at all. As much I like her she's anly a fictional video game character. I don't cry over things like that.

10-07-2004, 09:00 AM
no i didn't cry but cloud jus stood there and watched he wasn't all that upset

10-07-2004, 10:35 AM
i wasnt crying but it tugged at the heartstrings a bit but if you noticed tifa seemed really upset about it cause of what she says just after aeris is dead

10-07-2004, 10:41 AM
Im 16 now, when i bought Final Fantasy 7 i was 9, when Aeris died i nearly had a breakdown o_O

10-07-2004, 10:54 AM
Well, when someones ovweweilmed by something, their pain can become so great that you can't even cry or do anything.

It all happened so quick, that he really didn't have time to react. Plus he likes to bottle up his emotions rather then show them.

10-07-2004, 12:27 PM
i was the same as barret but i almost ad a breakdown but now i dont play ff7 to much cause i hate it when she dies i still almost cry mnow i have seen it about five times and i am sixteen and i still almost cry but i think the music adds to the sad story cause i love her theme its the best piece of music in 7

10-07-2004, 03:43 PM
But is Aerith really dead? I mean we dont really know that, since at the end of FF7 you see her there. In my speculation I can say that she never did return to the life stream. I dont even think Tifa cares for Cloud like that anymore.. she just seems to attatched to the fact that she wants Cloud to be Happy and she wants him to find Aerith. When He catches Tifa he says "i think i can meet her there in the promised land" and Tifa just says "yes lets go meet her" its just that, she wants cloud to finally be settled in his heart.

So just because Aerith may be dead does not mean Tifa magically wins clouds heart.

Also on the suicide for love note, I doubt cloud would go off and commit suicide (not as literally go off.. lol you get what i mean) but I think during some battle he would be determined to avenge Aerith against those guys in AC and maybe die in battle for her (at least thats how i see it, die in battle for the one woman he loves)

you hear me talking now about AerithxCloud! lol only you, aeriscloud, was able to convince me why Cloud was destined for Aerith. I just had to read on japanese culture after that :p

Haha, and let me guess where you got this so called "evidence" from? Destiny Fulfilled? That seems to be the place where all Cleariths go, it's sad really, because all they can do is just tell you "Japan" this, "Japan" that. It's annoying, really. I bet you're one of those people who thinks "I want to meet you" means I want to be your boyfriend/I want to have a sexual relashionship with you. THAT'S SOOO RETARDED. LOL. Just let me ask you this question, then. If Tifa had died instead of Aeris, would you beleive that Cloud was destined for Tifa? Do you think he would commit suicide just to be with her? Don't tell me your answer would be yes, because I know it isn't. Japanese culture doesn't count, honey, and whatever CloudAeris has been sticking into your brain is just another one of those evil Destiny Fulfilled brain washing thingies..Besides, Aeris IS dead. How can you ignore that fact? It IS fact. And it's also a fact that Cloud has been living with Tifa. Of all the people Iv'e talked to so far, only the Cloriths have denied the simple truth, just like everything else 100% Cloti.

10-07-2004, 03:48 PM
i think tma makes a good point the shoe may be on the other foot if tifa had died we may have all been like on no tifa was destined for cloud

10-07-2004, 03:49 PM
And it's also a fact that Cloud has been living with Tifa.Hmmm... can't say I remember any evidence, but refresh my memory. Where does it say so?

10-07-2004, 10:58 PM
Tokiko it doesn't say that. Tifa Martial Artist, Cloud isn't living with her, he moves to the church because he's GREIVING THE LOSS OF AERIS!!! Get that through your putrid head! no offense. Oh, and Cloud is affected by Geostigma and he's gonna die probably. So yeah.

Sorry if i was too harsh.

10-07-2004, 11:41 PM
Haha, and let me guess where you got this so called "evidence" from? Destiny Fulfilled? That seems to be the place where all Cleariths go, it's sad really, because all they can do is just tell you "Japan" this, "Japan" that. It's annoying, really. I bet you're one of those people who thinks "I want to meet you" means I want to be your boyfriend/I want to have a sexual relashionship with you. THAT'S SOOO RETARDED. LOL. Just let me ask you this question, then. If Tifa had died instead of Aeris, would you beleive that Cloud was destined for Tifa? Do you think he would commit suicide just to be with her? Don't tell me your answer would be yes, because I know it isn't. Japanese culture doesn't count, honey, and whatever CloudAeris has been sticking into your brain is just another one of those evil Destiny Fulfilled brain washing thingies..Besides, Aeris IS dead. How can you ignore that fact? It IS fact. And it's also a fact that Cloud has been living with Tifa. Of all the people Iv'e talked to so far, only the Cloriths have denied the simple truth, just like everything else 100% Cloti.

One - its not necessary to make those rash judgements about me, when you dont know me. That shows your level of immaturity, on how you cant state your argument without having to put someone down. I wont go as low as you so ill turn the other cheek.

Two- I wouldnt say either way that Tifa was for Cloud. I used to be a Cloti fan, but now im neither Clorith or Cloti. Because its just a matter on how you view their actual relationship. No I didnt get my sources from that place you said, I was actually reading it up in my history text books and even went to the library to take out a book on japanese fashion and womans roles and such. And if Tifa did die, then thats another story, but since she didnt then we stick to the actual argument of CloudxAerith. Tifa just seems negative, saddening, and depressive.. something like what Cloud is. Has anyone told you if you have someone who is just as sad as you, you shouldnt have them in your life since their hurting you more also? Well its like that, Tifa would bring cloud down more, while Aerith has this more optimistic view, this view that maybe life isnt as bad as it seems to be.

Three- I think your just frustrated now, since you can find good evidence to support Tifa with Cloud. So you take it out on people by judging them and cursing them.. i think im repeating one, but maybe it might be easier to understand here. Very immature on your part. grow up.


one more thing, Japanese culture does count. Because from the FF's ive played, there is a huge influence of the japan culture in the FF games.

Dot Centaur
10-07-2004, 11:58 PM
One - its not necessary to make those rash judgements about me, when you dont know me. That shows your level of immaturity, on how you cant state your argument without having to put someone down. I wont go as low as you so ill turn the other cheek.

Two- I wouldnt say either way that Tifa was for Cloud. I used to be a Cloti fan, but now im neither Clorith or Cloti. Because its just a matter on how you view their actual relationship. No I didnt get my sources from that place you said, I was actually reading it up in my history text books and even went to the library to take out a book on japanese fashion and womans roles and such. And if Tifa did die, then thats another story, but since she didnt then we stick to the actual argument of CloudxAerith. Tifa just seems negative, saddening, and depressive.. something like what Cloud is. Has anyone told you if you have someone who is just as sad as you, you shouldnt have them in your life since their hurting you more also? Well its like that, Tifa would bring cloud down more, while Aerith has this more optimistic view, this view that maybe life isnt as bad as it seems to be.

Three- I think your just frustrated now, since you can find good evidence to support Tifa with Cloud. So you take it out on people by judging them and cursing them.. i think im repeating one, but maybe it might be easier to understand here. Very immature on your part. grow up.


one more thing, Japanese culture does count. Because from the FF's ive played, there is a huge influence of the japan culture in the FF games.

Hmmm...Solaris, that's false about Tifa being too depressed or Passemistic. She is known for Optimism in the game and that is a fact that states in the official books. You don't have to change your love for Cloti just because what others think. Just stick with the ones you love if you love them that much. But if you want to change you mind to a Clorith fan because you agree with others views, I respect that too. Just be yourself is what I'm trying to say and don't stop loving the characters you love.

Do you remember Tifa always saying "it'll be okay" in even the toughest situations? That show positvity and optimism. Tifa is completley oppostite of Passemistic. Even from her unhappy childhood, she still continues to move on, staying positive, and keep giving Cloud the confidence he needs to carry on! She even said, "Don't worry, think!", meaning, when situations get tough, she calmly finds the right solutions to get out of it without being sad or angry. Not saying you are, but Clorith fans and Anti-Tifa people deny that in her! They deny that she isn't bright and optimistic, when Square is even pointing out that she is.

10-08-2004, 12:08 AM
Hmmm...Solaris, that's false about Tifa being too depressed or Passemistic. She is known for Optimism in the game and that is a fact that states in the official books. You don't have to change your love for Cloti just because what others think. Just stick with the ones you love if you love them that much. But if you want to change you mind to a Clorith fan because you agree with others views, I respect that too. Just be yourself is what I'm trying to say and don't stop loving the characters you love.

Do you remember Tifa always saying "it'll be okay" in even the toughest situations? That show positvity and optimism. Tifa is completley oppostite of Passemistic. Even from her unhappy childhood, she still continues to move on, staying positive, and keep giving Cloud the confidence he needs to carry on! She even said, "Don't worry, think!", meaning, when situations get tough, she calmly finds the right solutions to get out of it without being sad or angry. Not saying you are, but Clorith fans and Anti-Tifa people deny that in her! They deny that she isn't bright and optimistic, when Square is even pointing out that she is.

I stated above im neither a Cloti or Clorith fan. Its just plain .. weird to have so much hate or love for a character that doesnt exist.

I just say, I thought of Tifa and Cloud first but theres more reason for Aerith than Tifa. The game books and anything else just state the characters on how you meet them in the beginning. Afterwards you see that things are not really as they were told to you. Tifa can be optimistic, but honestly, Ive had people that were in sadder positions than I was 2 years ago and told me " You can do it" or "its alright things will get better" fact is, anyone can say it and not really mean it in their own hearts. Tifa is pessimistic thinker, she longs for cloud yet gives up. I decided to do her date sequence, and it came out more interesting than Aerith. Aerith and Cloud enjoy each other, while Tifa and Cloud sit there, and she speaks to him and he stays silent most of the time. She tells him lets go here and there and pushes him foward. Then when they are in the gondala, she was about to tell him she loves him and stops. It just seems, she doesnt have the courage to break apart Clouds new road. Tifa loves him so much that she wants him to be happy, so she pushes cloud to continue foward with the journey to save the planet and to find Aerith, despite her own saddness. Its not generally optimistic, since shes seeing no future whats oh ever for her and cloud.

Her pessims, shows in many sequences, and she seems to try and to push cloud foward so at least something she loves comes out right.

10-08-2004, 12:20 AM
But Aerith is dead. If by some reason she does come back who says she will have her past memory. She may be brought back in a world she dosen't remember. And if that happened then wouldn't that upset Cloud even more.

Like Freya's quote in FF9 to be forgotten is worser then death, well in this case it may be.

10-08-2004, 12:26 AM
But it still doesnt give reason why Cloud would go off and be with Tifa.

10-08-2004, 12:30 AM
But it still doesnt give reason why Cloud would go off and be with Tifa.

Sorry, but I did not state that he should go with Tifa at all. If I was implying that I would say "I think he should go with Tifa."

All I was saying is that everyone assumes that Aerith will ether come back or he goes to her. But I was just saying what would happen if she forgot him. Or what would happen if he moved on with his life and accepted that she is dead and she won't be comming back.

10-08-2004, 01:05 AM
All I was saying is that everyone assumes that Aerith will ether come back or he goes to her. But I was just saying what would happen if she forgot him. Or what would happen if he moved on with his life and accepted that she is dead and she won't be comming back.

Thats true, but being since she really was the only person that was able to make him feel comfortable he would grieve for her for a good time.

10-08-2004, 01:16 AM
Yes, but after a while hopefully he would learn to accept it.

Dot Centaur
10-08-2004, 01:58 AM
I stated above im neither a Cloti or Clorith fan. Its just plain .. weird to have so much hate or love for a character that doesnt exist.

I just say, I thought of Tifa and Cloud first but theres more reason for Aerith than Tifa. The game books and anything else just state the characters on how you meet them in the beginning. Afterwards you see that things are not really as they were told to you. Tifa can be optimistic, but honestly, Ive had people that were in sadder positions than I was 2 years ago and told me " You can do it" or "its alright things will get better" fact is, anyone can say it and not really mean it in their own hearts. Tifa is pessimistic thinker, she longs for cloud yet gives up. I decided to do her date sequence, and it came out more interesting than Aerith. Aerith and Cloud enjoy each other, while Tifa and Cloud sit there, and she speaks to him and he stays silent most of the time. She tells him lets go here and there and pushes him foward. Then when they are in the gondala, she was about to tell him she loves him and stops. It just seems, she doesnt have the courage to break apart Clouds new road. Tifa loves him so much that she wants him to be happy, so she pushes cloud to continue foward with the journey to save the planet and to find Aerith, despite her own saddness. Its not generally optimistic, since shes seeing no future whats oh ever for her and cloud.

Her pessims, shows in many sequences, and she seems to try and to push cloud foward so at least something she loves comes out right.

That's still not true Solaris. Tifa at the end of the game stays postitive. I disagree with you completly. She is not sad. She never gives up. I do not see than in her. You guys said it yourself that she backs away from Cloud, but she's being positive about what Cloud wants.

I think it's foolish Clorith believing Quistis, Freya, and Lulu are the rip-offs of Tifa, and think Rinoa, Garnet, and Yuna being the rip-off of Aerith. That doesn't mean anything to me. Tifa was way more positive compared to Quistis etc., Tifa's not a rat lady, and Tifa is more nicer than Lulu. Tifa never was once sad in the present when she was 20. She always looks to the brighter side of things and see's there will always be good times. I agree with what the books say. Tifa may have had a sadder childhood and not as talkative as Aerith, but that doesn't mean she can't be happy. Tifa can still be less hyper, and be happy on the inside. You don't have to be hyper and noisy as Yuffie, or talkative and repeative as Aerith to be happy. Tifa is a positive person, and that's all there is to it.

Cid Highwind
10-08-2004, 02:05 AM
I relly hoped Cid got a girl but no he dies in ff7 at the end along with some of the others. *sigh* :-( But Vincent is also cool.

10-08-2004, 03:36 AM
Truth is, Aerith and Cloud are officially the true lovers of FF7, with further proof in Kingdom Hearts, as well as gameplay, and now in AC. Cloud is so mournful of Aerith and how he couldn't save her that he is in fact living in her church at the time of advent children. I think that's extremely touching, a bit sad, and true, eternal love.

Besides,...I think Tifa would be great with Reno =P

10-08-2004, 12:21 PM
Lol unfortunetely that isn't so.

And to refresh the memorys of others who don't know that Cloud was living with Tifa BEFORE he moved in the church..Well, she says, "Why didn't he tell me" or something like that, and he has her voice mail, it is fact. He hides in Aerith's church because he's hiding the fact he has geostigma.

Dot Centaur
10-08-2004, 03:45 PM
Lol unfortunetely that isn't so.

And to refresh the memorys of others who don't know that Cloud was living with Tifa BEFORE he moved in the church..Well, she says, "Why didn't he tell me" or something like that, and he has her voice mail, it is fact. He hides in Aerith's church because he's hiding the fact he has geostigma.

I do agree with everything TMA said. Never dating anyone for the rest of his life because Aerith is dead(and he can't get over it not even in 20) is like a disease and a disorder. Maybe that's what makes Aerith a threat to Cloud and Tifa's relationship.

Lunatic HighVII
10-08-2004, 04:10 PM
Tifa Rinoa,

Im a Clorith fan, and I dont deny that Tifa is optimistic. Tifa IS optimistic, shes always cheering on the rest of the team, it even says that in her description, but so is Aeris. Aeris gives Tifa advice at the beginning of the game. She says "Dont ever give up hope" or something like that. Even optimistic characters need re-assuring once in a while.

I think Aeris is best for Cloud, because of her hope. Not once during the game, did Aeris give up, complain, or make people feel sorry for her. All she did was good through out her life, never lied, never did anything to hurt anyone else. Aeris didnt even make any mistakes, like Tifa did. Tifa lied to Cloud, Aeris never did. Also, she isnt afraid to express her feelings. On Tifa and Cloud's date, all Tifa says is "I...I....I..." Their relationship wouldnt go anywhere, if she isnt true to Cloud. Thats why Cloud needs someone outgoing and honest with her feelings. Cloud had a childhood crush, nothing more. Even more than a little crush, he just wanted a friend, and none of Tifa's friends, or Tifa, could give that to him. From the beginning, Cloud is lonely, and at the end, he remains that way. The only time he was brought out, and even somewhat happy, was when Aeris was by his side. Tifa tried to come back for Cloud but it was too late. If she was nice to him from the beginning, maybe it could have worked, but leaving someone out, and then lying to them for the rest of their lives is too far to go, when you call yourself a friend. Its true, Tifa helps him get through it, but, she made him HAVE to go through it.

So, I stand by Cloud/Aeris.

Dot Centaur
10-08-2004, 04:19 PM
Tifa Rinoa,

Im a Clorith fan, and I dont deny that Tifa is optimistic. Tifa IS optimistic, shes always cheering on the rest of the team, it even says that in her description, but so is Aeris. Aeris gives Tifa advice at the beginning of the game. She says "Dont ever give up hope" or something like that. Even optimistic characters need re-assuring once in a while.

You're one of the Clorith fans I know who see's Tifa's good sides, and I've always known that about you. I do remember Aerith saying "Don't give up", but Tifa agreed because she knew it was the right thing. I think Tifa may be alittle more quiter because she just likes to keep her cool, and doesn't want to over do it on jumping all over Cloud. That's good to. I do know Aerith and Tifa are also alike in alot of ways. They both have had an unhappy childhood, and yet, they remain optimistic about everything, they both had carers after there parents died(Tifa Zanghan & Aerith Elmyra), then they remain calm, cool collective, and positive. The only way that they're different is that Aerith seems to have alittle more energy, and Tifa is alittle more cool collecitive. That's why i like them both so much, and all those things helped them get along so good!

10-08-2004, 05:33 PM
but what about all the emotions when aeris died?

Dot Centaur
10-08-2004, 06:42 PM
but what about all the emotions when aeris died?

To not let the emotions go(you can still love them), and to refuse to date anyone else is like a disease; an emotional disease, like a syndrome.

10-08-2004, 07:08 PM
but say he is dateing someone else and then he finds a way to reserect aeris, what would he do then?

Dot Centaur
10-08-2004, 07:49 PM
but say he is dateing someone else and then he finds a way to reserect aeris, what would he do then?

I'm sorry, but there is no way to ressurect Aerith. If there he think's there is, poor Cloud is in denial. I heard Aerith will not get ressurected in AC, so, that's the way it is. When a lover's lover dies, people do find another, but will still have a place in the old lover's heart. He can date Tifa, but that doesn't mean he's betraying Aerith because in my beliefs, when your in heaven, you don't get jealous. Aerith would be happy if Tifa's taking care of Cloud and she wouldn't want Cloud to be sad his whole life. So, even Aerith(I think) would'nt want Cloud to be mopey and sad the rest of his life. She'd want him to be happy while he still lives. So I agree he has this 'geostigma'.

10-08-2004, 07:50 PM
How much longer is this topic going to go on?
We still havent reached a conclusion, cant we do a poll or something?

I dont know :/

10-08-2004, 08:33 PM
Nah, no poll. A poll could only answer "Who would you prefer to be Cloud's true love?". The answer to "Who is Cloud's true love?", we will know after watching Advent Children, I assume. No sooner. *shrugs* I do hope that this film will stop this ridiculous discussion. :)

10-08-2004, 08:43 PM
I agree with Tifa Rinoa Tifa and Cloud make a great couple!!!! Though Areis and Cloud would be my second choice... Still i agree with Tifa Rinoa all the same. *wink*

10-08-2004, 10:35 PM
Hmmm...On the Cloud living at the church...It's only assumptations. Maybe Cloud is hiding this not to hurt his friends? Maybe he's living at the church because he can dream of Aeris there? Maybe he wants to die and go to the Promise Land? There's really no sure way of telling his reasons of why until the full length movie comes out.
I want to thank you for sticking up for the Japanese Culture. What TMA stated is like throwing insults to the Culture and language. Japanese Cultural references are throw in the game as it is to many anime/manga. To what Solaris stated and I stated on Japanese Cultural references, those are all true. I'm not sure on Solaris, but all of my information and research has come from researching books, talking to my Japanese Tutors/Teachers, and cross-referencing symbolism in Japan. And yes, the famous "I want to Meet You" is saying "I want a relationship with you or I want to be your boyfriend/girlfriend." (via confirm by Japanese Tutor&Teacher) An indirect translation would be something like,"I want to be your sweet heart" or in the same way when you ask someone to be your boyfriend/girlfriend or ask them for a date (in westrenized view, that is). TMA, if you wanna stoop that low, don't try to retort others agruments or their positions. Basically, you have no proof or evidence to back up what your saying. And if you haven't done your Japanese Cultural/language research,you're basically retorting others statements about it without nothing to back up what your saying...more exactly, your just turning a blind eye to it. Refusing to understand another culture is idiocy.
I don't think Solaris meant it that way. What Solaris says is true. Whatever was stated in the Game manuel books is only in the beginning until you discover that it is highly not true or what was thought of. In many ways, Tifa is like that and in many ways, she's not. She's more like a tragic sub-heroine character. Tifa is surrounded by images of loss, unhappiness, and despair. And there were times that she display disappointment, and perhaps even jealousy, due to the amount of attention and concern that Cloud devotes on Aeris. More or less, I think most gamers are looking at in from a Westren perspective, that's why you see her as being bright and positive. If you look at it from a Japanese perspective, its not exactly that way.
And to Quistis and the others for being called so-called ripoffs or Rinoa and the others for being called the same thing, that's still westrenized views coming from some cloris or cloti fan views. Its more of the colors that me and Solaris were talking about. In Japan, the shades of black and gray that Tifa wears represents bad luck, loss and misfortune. The color red that Aeris wears is a color associated with love and femininity. So are flowers, which are always associated with Aeris. A red ribbon, such as Aeris wears, is the concept of predestined love, where two soulmates are tied together by a red ribbon of fate. Many Japanese do believe in this as it was via confirm by my Japanese Tutor.
Yes, there's no way to resurrect Aeris...but that is still in Westrenized view. In the Japanese view, you can do the impossible as long as you believe in it. Cloud can persevere to the impossible or fukano na gambare. This kind of meaning is way beyond rational or realistic expectation. Cloud's goal of meeting Aeris at the Promise Land is beyond rational or realistic expectations.
If Cloud doesn't end up with Tifa, then in Westrenized view, many would see it as Cloud having emotional problems or a total loser who can't move on with his life. This view can be rebuttal if you're raised from a different culture and believe differently.(Well, FF7 is a Japanese game.) If Cloud chose to be alone and in his seach of the Promise Land, he's doing the impossible to reach Aeris. Cloud shouldn't be slang at, just because he choose his path. As in many Asian culture and the Japanese, if the love/bond is deeply tied to the lovers and strong, both of them can do the impossible to meet each other again. And, yes, I can vouch for that since I'm Asian myself..unless they were born here in the U.S. or taught differently.
Cloud shouldn't be ridiculed just because he wants to do the impossible or is not with Tifa. Just because he's not ready to moved on doesn't mean he has an emotionally disorder or a loser. That's just all from a Westrenized view of where the Japanese and/or other Asian cultures' perspectives were ignore...but more of the Japanese perspective never look into. If Cloud chooses not to move on because of his bond/love for Aeris, the Japanese perspective and many other Asian perspectives would view this as a form of true eternal love, a bond that can't be broken between the two lovers.
In the Japanese culture, the body and the soul are forever connected, even in death. So the afterlife is not just that of the soul, but both body and soul. The two cannot be separated. According to Shinto belief, every person after death becomes a kami, a supernatural being who continues to have a part in the life of the community, nation, and family, while existing in another state or dimension.
A little info. on Japanese insight, I seem to recalled that Aeris has an umberlla in the game...if you could get the 5000 pts. or so to get it. Even though its like an in-joke weapon, it does has its meaning in Japanese. It means,Ai-Ai Gasa or "Love-Love Umbrella." It can also translate to, "Two under the same umbrella", as it is associated with couples in love.
Like American couples (or sweethearts) carve their love on the trunk of a tree, Japanese sweethearts draw this as an expression of their love. O:]

Dot Centaur
10-09-2004, 05:07 AM
I don't think Solaris meant it that way. What Solaris says is true. Whatever was stated in the Game manuel books is only in the beginning until you discover that it is highly not true or what was thought of. In many ways, Tifa is like that and in many ways, she's not. She's more like a tragic sub-heroine character. Tifa is surrounded by images of loss, unhappiness, and despair. And there were times that she display disappointment, and perhaps even jealousy, due to the amount of attention and concern that Cloud devotes on Aeris. More or less, I think most gamers are looking at in from a Westren perspective, that's why you see her as being bright and positive. If you look at it from a Japanese perspective, its not exactly that way.
And to Quistis and the others for being called so-called ripoffs or Rinoa and the others for being called the same thing, that's still westrenized views coming from some cloris or cloti fan views. Its more of the colors that me and Solaris were talking about. In Japan, the shades of black and gray that Tifa wears represents bad luck, loss and misfortune. The color red that Aeris wears is a color associated with love and femininity. So are flowers, which are always associated with Aeris. A red ribbon, such as Aeris wears, is the concept of predestined love, where two soulmates are tied together by a red ribbon of fate. Many Japanese do believe in this as it was via confirm by my Japanese Tutor.
Yes, there's no way to resurrect Aeris...but that is still in Westrenized view. In the Japanese view, you can do the impossible as long as you believe in it. Cloud can persevere to the impossible or fukano na gambare. This kind of meaning is way beyond rational or realistic expectation. Cloud's goal of meeting Aeris at the Promise Land is beyond rational or realistic expectations.
If Cloud doesn't end up with Tifa, then in Westrenized view, many would see it as Cloud having emotional problems or a total loser who can't move on with his life. This view can be rebuttal if you're raised from a different culture and believe differently.(Well, FF7 is a Japanese game.) If Cloud chose to be alone and in his seach of the Promise Land, he's doing the impossible to reach Aeris. Cloud shouldn't be slang at, just because he choose his path. As in many Asian culture and the Japanese, if the love/bond is deeply tied to the lovers and strong, both of them can do the impossible to meet each other again. And, yes, I can vouch for that since I'm Asian myself..unless they were born here in the U.S. or taught differently.
Cloud shouldn't be ridiculed just because he wants to do the impossible or is not with Tifa. Just because he's not ready to moved on doesn't mean he has an emotionally disorder or a loser. That's just all from a Westrenized view of where the Japanese and/or other Asian cultures' perspectives were ignore...but more of the Japanese perspective never look into. If Cloud chooses not to move on because of his bond/love for Aeris, the Japanese perspective and many other Asian perspectives would view this as a form of true eternal love, a bond that can't be broken between the two lovers.
In the Japanese culture, the body and the soul are forever connected, even in death. So the afterlife is not just that of the soul, but both body and soul. The two cannot be separated. According to Shinto belief, every person after death becomes a kami, a supernatural being who continues to have a part in the life of the community, nation, and family, while existing in another state or dimension.
A little info. on Japanese insight, I seem to recalled that Aeris has an umberlla in the game...if you could get the 5000 pts. or so to get it. Even though its like an in-joke weapon, it does has its meaning in Japanese. It means,Ai-Ai Gasa or "Love-Love Umbrella." It can also translate to, "Two under the same umbrella", as it is associated with couples in love.
Like American couples (or sweethearts) carve their love on the trunk of a tree, Japanese sweethearts draw this as an expression of their love. O:]

Hmmm.....I must say aeriscloud, this is a very neat thing to learn! In Japanese culture, pink & red means love, then black means misfortune and bad luck. I can't be too sure that these are facts if Square wanted this as the official couple, but this is a very cool theory you have here :cool:! I like it alot! I wonder what it'd mean if I wear pink and black....hmmm....I know I wear pink occasionally, but I won't wear it unless I have it with black. Maybee I wear this because of both. I'm glad I learned something new about the Japanese culture from you! I am Western(born in Florida and grew up in California), so you do make a good point here. In reality there's no way to bring the dead back to life, but I like how the Japanese believe you can do anything if you just have faith! I guess I like to wear black because I had an unhappy childhood in the beggining, and like Rei Ayanami from Evangelion, I used to have a disorder to find it diffucult to explain my feelings(the words would come out retarded), thus, I had a hard time making friends, but not anymore. Because of an old friend who taught me to be more outgoing, I'm happier and more optimistic now. That's why I never stopped defending Tifa, because she resembled me in all those ways.

Well anyway, I like your perspective alot. I'll stick with what you told me though, don't stop loving the couples you love, if your love is strong enough. My love for Cloti will never die out, and my love for the couple Cloud & Tifa will still be strong and go on.

Don't worry; I would never call Cloud a loser. If it is a disorder, I would just feel really bad for him, because having disorders in my past, I remember being called stupid, retarded, and it hurt terrible! That's where my sympathy for Cloud come's in; after what happened to his childhood, and all, the same things happened to me, Cloud, and Tifa, all those things happening to me, maybee that's another reason why I favor the coupling. I have dearest sympathy for the two, and I feel they understand eachother because the same terrible things happened to them. If you understand eachother, that's where love starts.

I love your Japanese Perspective of it!

10-09-2004, 05:10 AM
Um we do realize that no matter what happens it's just a video game character right?

So who ever Cloud ends up with doesn't really bother me cuz his just a character from a game.

Cloud 9
10-09-2004, 05:17 AM
Um we do realize that no matter what happens it's just a video game character right?

I don't like idea of debating over which girl he ends up getting, but still. Way to ruin the fun.

Dot Centaur
10-09-2004, 05:41 AM
Um we do realize that no matter what happens it's just a video game character right?

So who ever Cloud ends up with doesn't really bother me cuz his just a character from a game.

Of course it wouldn't bother me ;). No matter who he ends up with anyway, I'll still love Cloud and Tifa, because thanking aeriscloud, I've been inspired to stay with the couples I love if they're my liking is strong enough. I'm okay.

10-09-2004, 09:38 AM
I'm sorry, but there is no way to ressurect Aerith. If there he think's there is, poor Cloud is in denial. I heard Aerith will not get ressurected in AC, so, that's the way it is. When a lover's lover dies, people do find another, but will still have a place in the old lover's heart. He can date Tifa, but that doesn't mean he's betraying Aerith because in my beliefs, when your in heaven, you don't get jealous. Aerith would be happy if Tifa's taking care of Cloud and she wouldn't want Cloud to be sad his whole life. So, even Aerith(I think) would'nt want Cloud to be mopey and sad the rest of his life. She'd want him to be happy while he still lives. So I agree he has this 'geostigma'.

Yeah. But I mean the point I'm trying to make here at least is that if Cloud can't love Tifa just because she was a childhood crush..Then why do people assume he still greives over Aerith after TWO years like a sad, lost puppy? I dissagree of course...Ressurecting Aeris or having Cloud die and confirm that he loves Aerith to me would be..Cheesy and so un-true. I'm not saying anything against Japanese culture, but trying to give quotes from Destiny Fulfilled not knowing if ther'e even true or not is not a very reliable source..Besides, I bet 90% of you Cloriths can't even speak Japanese.

10-09-2004, 10:04 AM
Hmm. Has anyone overlooked the fact that he might end up with someone other then Tifa or Aerith or live his life alone?

10-09-2004, 02:21 PM
End up with another? Are you crazy? That's like saying he loves Barret...Oh yeah, that's smart. ::rollseyes::

10-09-2004, 02:22 PM
Cloud sure knows how to hide how he's feeling, huh? But anyways. I skipped a couple of posts so I might be repeating what somebody has already said. I think Cloud and Aeris look cute together, but I never really thought that their relationship was strong. The way Cloud talks to her is ... kinda ... I dunno. Sometimes I think he's just worried about her because she's a key to saving the world, and he's really worried about the world.

On the other hand, I think Tifa liked Cloud more than Aeris did. But it doesn't have to mean that Cloud likes her back. Though I remember when they were at the Highwind, Tifa said something like "There are so many things I want to tell you, Cloud" and he responds by saying something like "I've wanted to tell you a lot of things too." I can't remember if it was in past or present tense o.O

Actually, have you ever thought that he likes BOTH of them? I smell a threesome... XD j/k. But it is possible. Then again it might not be =P

10-09-2004, 02:28 PM
I think a threesome would be awesome. I actually read a fanfiction like that once, called, Deus Ex Jenova..It's really messed up. It involves them having mad lesbian orgies. o_O

10-09-2004, 02:43 PM
End up with another? Are you crazy? That's like saying he loves Barret...Oh yeah, that's smart. ::rollseyes::

Hey it's just a theory. I don't believe the game states that he has to be with Tifa or Aerith. Although he most likley will, but it's just a thought.

10-09-2004, 07:49 PM
Yeah. But I mean the point I'm trying to make here at least is that if Cloud can't love Tifa just because she was a childhood crush..Then why do people assume he still greives over Aerith after TWO years like a sad, lost puppy? I dissagree of course...Ressurecting Aeris or having Cloud die and confirm that he loves Aerith to me would be..Cheesy and so un-true. I'm not saying anything against Japanese culture, but trying to give quotes from Destiny Fulfilled not knowing if ther'e even true or not is not a very reliable source..Besides, I bet 90% of you Cloriths can't even speak Japanese.

Its not cheesy at all. Its more of those tragic love indeundos that happen. People have such a western attitude about this triangle. Hes not a sad puppy just because he grieves his lover for two years. Many people now a days dont remarry after their wife/husband had died to keep the bond justified. Like as to say, "I only loved him/her and no one can change that not even death". I actually find it very romantic, that he would not want anyone just to be with her.

And also there really isnt much evidence that Cloud loves Tifa. There is an undoubtable strong bond between the two, having shared a fake life together, but Cloud was able to speak more freely and act more like himself with Aerith. Its just that, many Cloti fans I see, dont find a good argument to why Tifa should be with Cloud. I would like to see the two together, but Square made Aerith and Cloud official together and Im happy with that.

Tifa Rinoa:
Its just that there isnt very much proof for Cloud loving Tifa. Tifa is very much like aeriscloud said a sub-heroine in the story, and she really is just the female character to replace Aerith. I never said that lulu or quistis were rip-offs of tifa, i said that their relation that there is always a loving character, a energectic character, and a depressed character. Tifa in this would fall into the more depressed and complex of characters. Tifa can be optimistic, but most of the time shes lost in her own thoughts, and she pushes people so she can push herself as well. To see that others are being strong makes her want to be strong too.
Tifa just doesnt provide that sense of comfort and security that Aerith provides. Aerith just seemed warm and genuine. Tifa was distant, and unsure of herself. So In any case, Cloud would be attracted to her warmth, her sincerity and her wanting to see Cloud be happy.

Thats a possiblity but it just wouldnt fit to well with the whole story line. Also cloud just doesnt seem like the type of person to go out and make new friends just for the sake of it. He made friends with the characters in FF7 cause he had to in many cases, and none of them were really 'friends' but thats another arguemtn there :p

Lunatic HighVII
10-10-2004, 12:07 AM
I completely agree with solaris. The only thing Cloud had with Tifa was a silly crush in the beginning of the game, even more so, to be accepted into the group. Since Cloud and Tifa never loved each other at the same time, they cant be considered a couple, because a couple is to love, and also be loved back. Aeris and Cloud, on the other hand, both had feelings for one another. Saying that Aeris is dead, isnt an excuse that he doesnt love her. Love goes on, even when life doesnt. You dont just forget about someone you care deeply for. Tifa even knows, that they are in love, for at the end, she agrees with Cloud when he says, "I think I can meet her there." She can accept it, so I think everyone else can, too. =) Everything in the story fits together well. Aeris promises Cloud a date. Cloud protects her, and follows her. At the temple of the Ancients, Aeris asks cait sith if they are good together, and guess what! The answer is yes. Cloud's mother tells him that he should be with someone older, which points to Aeris, too. All through the game, their relationship builds, and Cloud misses her so much after she dies. Remember how emotionless Cloud had always been? Well Aeris brought him out, and after her death, he actually cried. How often does Cloud cry? Never. He usually doesn't show emotion at all. At the beginning, he was all, "Not my problem." Aeris changed him, in a way, that no one else could.

10-10-2004, 12:06 PM
Cloud and Aeris go together better than Tifa in my opinion.

10-10-2004, 12:30 PM
Makes you think how much longer can this thread go on for. People are just repeating themselves.

10-10-2004, 12:31 PM
I think Lunatic High is right when she says that Aeris changed him. Like when she talked him into dressing up like a girl ... to save Tifa. I thought that meant something ... Cloud swallowed his pride to save her. But if you ask me, I really think that Aeris liked Cloud because he was so much like Zack, while Tifa liked him for who he really was. And as for Cait Sith's telling of how compatible Aeris and Cloud were ... c'mon, this is Cait Sith, the guy who said that Cloud's lucky colour was blue. But Aeris DOES look really good with Cloud though ^____^;;

10-10-2004, 12:32 PM
I'm sure it will get closed soon.

10-10-2004, 12:54 PM
I'm sure it will get closed soon.

Thought so.

10-10-2004, 01:25 PM
I don't want to close this thread. I'd really prefer if you just stopped posting in it if the topic doesn't interest you anymore. This would indeed be better than posting useless comments like "Why is this still open" or "Hope this gets closed soon".
If this thread is so boring, then don't post in it.
And normally, threads don't get closed as soon as everything has been said and done, but only if the forum rules get tortured and violated in it. The Tifa/Cloud thread went overboard, not only was it repetitive, but people were argueing, insulting one another, and acting like idiots.

This thread has been more peaceful, all in all. At leats from what I have seen. And it will not get closed because you think the topic is finished. If you think so, don't post in there. If you think things get repetitive, then don't post repetitive stuff. Let the thread be, forget it, let it die, or something. :(

10-10-2004, 01:55 PM
I don't want to close this thread. I'd really prefer if you just stopped posting in it if the topic doesn't interest you anymore. This would indeed be better than posting useless comments like "Why is this still open" or "Hope this gets closed soon".
If this thread is so boring, then don't post in it.
And normally, threads don't get closed as soon as everything has been said and done, but only if the forum rules get tortured and violated in it. The Tifa/Cloud thread went overboard, not only was it repetitive, but people were argueing, insulting one another, and acting like idiots.

This thread has been more peaceful, all in all. At leats from what I have seen. And it will not get closed because you think the topic is finished. If you think so, don't post in there. If you think things get repetitive, then don't post repetitive stuff. Let the thread be, forget it, let it die, or something. :(

Well, I was just saying what I think.

Look at it this way Tokiko. When the thread starter made this thread he/she must have know that this would turn into a debait. And it did just that. Aerith and Tifa fans had a debait on what they thought were the real couple. It was all interesting, but a page or so later the debait stooped and he had a conclusion. It would seem that the majority of posters agreed that Aerith and Cloud made a great couple and would have been together if Aerith was still alive. Thats fine.

But it still goes on, people voicing there opinions, and again thats fine. But now it's just getting repeditive. I can't see this thread foing any futher. What I see happening is one of a couple of things. one it will just die out or two people will just get bored and get off topic cuz there's nothing else to say.

But it's just what I think, so it probably won't get closed but I just can't see any future for this thread.

10-10-2004, 02:16 PM
Yes, I can see this thread going off topic. Actually, I just did. You going off topic, that is. ;) You could have told me all this in a PM. And I could repeat everything that I have said before: If you think a thread is finished, don't post in it.
Especially, don't post in a thread saying that you think it should not be posted in any further. T_T
And trust me, if you or others to carry on talking about how it should be closed, it will be closed, but due to your off-topic-ness rather than due to anything else. So do not reply to this post inside the thread.

Huntress Krystle
10-12-2004, 06:58 PM
I personally believe (based on the game itself) that it is Aeris whom Cloud really loves. He still thinks of her even after her death and still blames himself 2 years after her passing. There are many points in the game w/c shows that it is Aeris whom Cloud has strong feelings for. I dont mean any offense for the Cloud and Tifa fans. I like Tifa too, but Im just stating my opinion based on the game's story. Besides, Tetsuya Nomura said that the one who they intend to pair up with cloud can be seen at Kingdom hearts. We see Aeris there instead of Tifa, right? So I guess that pretty much answers the question as to Who Cloud loves. ^_^ (Again, no offense meant to the Cloti fans).

10-12-2004, 10:54 PM
I always thought that Tifa n Cloud were meant to be a cuople but it didnt turn out that way.
But the idea of Aeris n Cloud was ok because a boy wants a peaceful girl he can cope wit as said by his mother that is cloud in one of his flash backs

Huntress Krystle
10-13-2004, 09:58 AM
Exactly, dotman. Tifa and Cloud I think could be a great couple too. BUt the question is, is cloud willing to forget Aeris and move on? Because it seems that he really hasnt forgotten about her. I just want him to be happy and not dwell on his sorrow...He's been through a lot. it's time for him to smile. But if it's really aeris whom he'll always love, i have to respect that ^_^

10-13-2004, 09:57 PM
nah i beg to differ i recon that cloud and tifa r the reel couple of ff7
although i do reckon that cloud does like aeris i recon cloud loves tifa n tifa def loves cloud

10-14-2004, 10:45 AM
yeah cloud cud never forget aeris but tifa is made for him, they are the couple of ff7 in my view. :)

10-14-2004, 12:29 PM
i agree with what was said earlier
It is not writen in stone that cloud has to stay with aeris or tifa.
He may well end up with Yuffie (just a suggestion)
Or he may meet someone knew it can happen as he dos not look that bad.
I dont think tifa can fill the void left by aeris.
Aeris is with cloud in more ways than one
but tifa i think is his bff and always will be

10-14-2004, 04:57 PM
u got a point there but i stil reckon that cloud and tifa are soul mates...they are made for each other...even tho cloud does think of aeris as more than just a friend

Blue Yuna
10-16-2004, 04:40 AM
I think aeris and cloud are meant for each other final fantasy tactics proves this
there is a way to get cloud on your team and when you first get him he runs off when you follow him he is talking to a flower girl asking her if they have ever met because he thinks its aeris before he leaves the guy the girl is in debt to comes and gives her trouble cloud's insticts to protect his gf kick in and the battle begins
and what about kingdome hearts he is searching for her in that game too that proves it!

10-19-2004, 02:28 AM
I completely agree with solaris. The only thing Cloud had with Tifa was a silly crush in the beginning of the game, even more so, to be accepted into the group. Since Cloud and Tifa never loved each other at the same time, they cant be considered a couple, because a couple is to love, and also be loved back. Aeris and Cloud, on the other hand, both had feelings for one another. Saying that Aeris is dead, isnt an excuse that he doesnt love her. Love goes on, even when life doesnt. You dont just forget about someone you care deeply for. Tifa even knows, that they are in love, for at the end, she agrees with Cloud when he says, "I think I can meet her there." She can accept it, so I think everyone else can, too. =) Everything in the story fits together well. Aeris promises Cloud a date. Cloud protects her, and follows her. At the temple of the Ancients, Aeris asks cait sith if they are good together, and guess what! The answer is yes. Cloud's mother tells him that he should be with someone older, which points to Aeris, too. All through the game, their relationship builds, and Cloud misses her so much after she dies. Remember how emotionless Cloud had always been? Well Aeris brought him out, and after her death, he actually cried. How often does Cloud cry? Never. He usually doesn't show emotion at all. At the beginning, he was all, "Not my problem." Aeris changed him, in a way, that no one else could.

I have to agree with you on that one.

Blue Yuna
10-19-2004, 04:21 AM
I have to agree with you on that one.
Yeah, that is so true.

Dot Centaur
10-19-2004, 04:30 AM
I never thought he grew out of loving Tifa, but I can accept the fact that Square was pointing out they wanted Aerith and Cloud as the official couple. Just like my friend aeriscloud said to me:Don't let the facts stop you from loving your favorite character pairings as long as that love is strong enough.

Just as long as I continue loving Cloud and Tifa forever, I can accept the facts and evidence about Cloud and Aerith.

10-21-2004, 03:07 PM
Wow Tifa. You're evil.

Blue Yuna
10-22-2004, 02:05 AM
She has a good point though. Not everyone likes the original couples. On one of the other fan sites I visit there is a girl that thinks that Rikku and Tidus should ahve been together, but she accepts the fact that it is Yuna and Tidus.

10-22-2004, 12:49 PM
Rikku and Tidus definetely had more chemistry than YunaxTidus..But whatever.

Dot Centaur
10-22-2004, 01:26 PM
Rikku and Tidus definetely had more chemistry than YunaxTidus..But whatever.

I always thought they'd be more like brother and sister if they had more chemistry: both blonde and both cheerful. I prefer Rikku and Gippal togehter ;).

I always thought Aerith belonged with Zack.

Blue Yuna
10-23-2004, 05:02 AM
Isn't Zack dead? I didn't get very far in the game because I was watching my older brother play it, so I missed alot. Well of the unimportant stuff and some of the important stuff. But I guess it doesn't really matter becuase Aeris is too, so whateva.

10-23-2004, 05:38 PM
I also thought Zack and Aerith made the cuter couple.. theyve been through more together no?

Dot Centaur
10-23-2004, 05:58 PM
I also thought Zack and Aerith made the cuter couple.. theyve been through more together no?

They have. That's why I think Cloud and Tifa are cuter because they've been more through together. And that's also why I like Zack and Aerith.

grn apple tree
10-23-2004, 06:15 PM
They have. That's why I think Cloud and Tifa are cuter because they've been more through together. And that's also why I like Zack and Aerith.

i agree all the way... took the words outta my mouth...

10-25-2004, 12:03 PM
They have. That's why I think Cloud and Tifa are cuter because they've been more through together. And that's also why I like Zack and Aerith.

I agree as well.

Aerith Gainsborough
10-25-2004, 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Tifa Rinoa
They have. That's why I think Cloud and Tifa are cuter because they've been more through together. And that's also why I like Zack and Aerith.

This has nothing to do with it. All what counts is, how intensive their time was together. And in my opinion Cloud and Aeris time together was a lot shorter, but a way more intensive, than Cloud and Tifas. ;)

Dot Centaur
10-25-2004, 03:40 PM
Sorry Aerith. But I see Cloud and Tifa's times together more intensive because after playing the game seven times(now on my eigth), it looked like he was having alittle more fun with Tifa ;).

10-25-2004, 04:38 PM
I have heard the fortune teller in the casino thingy (it's been so long since I've played) will tell Cloud who he is most likekly to go out with if you are, say for example, always mean to Tifa and nice to Aerith...the fortune teller will say something to the extent of "You have a future with Aerith." matter how many times I have tried it doesn't seem to work though...has anyone been successful?

10-28-2004, 12:43 AM
Hmm..That's strange. I try and never got anything like that, although it did state something about losing someone dear. Oh well, I'll have to try it later to see exactly.
Thinking outside the box, Cloud and Tifa times weren't as rough as Aeris. No, Tifa's times weren't as rough as Cloud and Aeris. What Cloud and Aeris went through is a lot harder on them than what Tifa went through. Sure, both Cloud and Tifa had a rough childhood but Tifa still pretty much had a normal life. She may not have the greatest friends in the world (okay, those guys were jerks..) but its still a group for her to interact in. What Cloud and Tifa went through are two differently things. Trying to fit in and getting shunned is like thinking that you're a failure, which is how Cloud felt. He lost his home, didn't get into First Class Soldier, his role model went mad and he lost his best friend who protected him. Tifa lost something similar like that too;her home,mom,dad......but she was able to pulled through and move on. Look how productive she is, having a bar and joining Barret's resistant group. Tifa's sorta like a people person. If she wasn't, I don't think she would be able to do all of that.
Cloud, on the other hand wasn't able to pulled his life back together, not yet. He lost his home and it was too soon to lose his friend. Basically, what he thought was right went and backstab him. Aeris may be happy and cheerful on the outside but her childhood was a lot rougher than Tifa. Hearing voices must had scared her, of course, for a little girl like that. I don't think she wanted to be label as weird or crazy for hearing voices and when Tseng came and asked her, she denied it. But then, constantly being hounded by Shinra always put her at constant danger. It wouldn't matter where she stay for Aeris would know that her life wouldn't be normal. Aeris also had no friends. Maybe the flowers she took care of were her only friends, to end a loneliness in her heart; talking to those flowers must had made them to keep growing. In the same way, what Cloud and Aeris went through are similar. They both wanted a normal childhood, to fit in, and make friends, but that never happen.
Of all the team members, Cloud and Aeris bear the most burden. Sure, each of the team member had a reason to fight for or why, but what they went through is not as rough as Cloud and Aeris. The weight of the world was upon the two of them. Knowing that you're the last Cetra must have been rough on Aeris, so many questions, so few answers. Aeris probably didn't even know that she would died, her last day on that planet, praying for the sake of the world. Her dreams, hopes,her life...everything, was taken away from her and that is the cruelest thing in the world to happen. Tifa and the others are still living, probably grateful for what Aeris did, knowing that they can continue on with their life and honor that memory, but that's something Aeris won't have. To continue her life, her future...for she gave it up for the world and her friends, so that they could live.
Cloud on the other hand didn't get it so easy himself. He had Sephiroth to fight, knowing that its his final battle for the sake of the world or Aeris's sacrifice would be in vain. That was the biggest burden for him. If Cloud was to asked Tifa or any other to fight Sephi. on their own, they would not last. More exactly, the team crumble to pieces without Cloud to be their voice of reasoning, their guide. The team couldn't function correctly when they lost Cloud and when he came back, they were quick on their feet to give the 'Leader' position back to Cloud. When everyone thought that the final battle was over, it was only Cloud to felt Sephi. presence still and finish it. Tifa and the others didn't went through a lot like Cloud and Aeris. They didn't had the weight of the world on them, knowing that it would be only through Cloud and Aeris that the world would be saved.

10-28-2004, 03:22 PM
Square want it to be complicated

You can decide which one is official couple cuz they don't make it

Anyway, What square do is creating a Love EPIC <^ ^>

Sorry, What I want to say is

You CAN'T decide which one is official couple.

**Sorry if my english is very BAD**

10-28-2004, 08:12 PM
well aries is a bit more flirty but it's very clear that tifa trully loves cloud.. maybe even more than anyone, best for any man wud be to find someone that luvs him, not a crush. so it can elongate the process but cloud wud wind up with tifa for sure... its the way i see life for anyone

10-28-2004, 10:05 PM
As aeriscloud said, it just seemed that out of everyone cloud and aerith had more of a reason to fight Sephiroth than everyone else.

there is an official couple, but many people choose other couples just because they like them better together. I have always love the tifaxcloud combination, but thats just plainly because they are my two favorite couples and i feel they would be cute together. Either way Aerith and Cloud are the official couple (its like im repeating myself here!)

And in some points tifa and cloud do have a more instense time together, but Tifa didnt exactly have memories inplanted in here and found out her entire life was a lie. Or had her father murdered, her mother taken to a lab, and had been called a 'speciman' the rest of her life.

10-28-2004, 11:22 PM
Hmm...Solaris, you just took the words out of my mouth. That's how I think about it too. I don't think there's nothing wrong with liking or pairing characters to your liking because even I do it, but almost every game has at least an official couple, even if the company doesn't point that out, various reasons or evidence will point it to that. I just think that as long as you acknowledge who the true or official couple is or you know that its there, you can still continue to love the pairings that you like. (No. Flaming and bashing fans of their liking doesn't count. It just shows your immaturity and frustration.) That's why, Solaris, just keep on loving your favorite pairing of Cloud and Tifa because I have nothing against that and you already acknowledge that the intended couple is there.
That is how I see it. I'm not saying that the other rest of the team members didn't had a rough time too, but when its analyze, Cloud and Aeris really had the weight of the world upon them. That's really like a big burden to them. What Tifa went through her life wasn't rough and edgy like Cloud and Aeris.
Tifa did had a rough time during her childhood but she was able to pulled through and became productive. Cloud and Aeris tried to be productive with their life...but seeing how it turn out, its not exactly the best of what they wanted.
If the game had also made Cloud to died, just like Aeris, I don't think the team would had last. It would crumble and even if they made it to Sephiroth, they wouldn't exactly win. They would've lost or given up. :-\

Blue Yuna
10-29-2004, 05:08 AM
well aries is a bit more flirty but it's very clear that tifa trully loves cloud.. maybe even more than anyone, best for any man wud be to find someone that luvs him, not a crush. so it can elongate the process but cloud wud wind up with tifa for sure... its the way i see life for anyone
I think Aeris was just as serious with Cloud as Tifa was. If you go on a date with Aeris then she tells Cloud she wants to meet him not just what he showed outwardly but the Cloud inside his heart.

Hmm..That's strange. I try and never got anything like that, although it did state something about losing someone dear. Oh well, I'll have to try it later to see exactly.
Thinking outside the box, Cloud and Tifa times weren't as rough as Aeris. No, Tifa's times weren't as rough as Cloud and Aeris. What Cloud and Aeris went through is a lot harder on them than what Tifa went through. Sure, both Cloud and Tifa had a rough childhood but Tifa still pretty much had a normal life. She may not have the greatest friends in the world (okay, those guys were jerks..) but its still a group for her to interact in. What Cloud and Tifa went through are two differently things. Trying to fit in and getting shunned is like thinking that you're a failure, which is how Cloud felt. He lost his home, didn't get into First Class Soldier, his role model went mad and he lost his best friend who protected him. Tifa lost something similar like that too;her home,mom,dad......but she was able to pulled through and move on. Look how productive she is, having a bar and joining Barret's resistant group. Tifa's sorta like a people person. If she wasn't, I don't think she would be able to do all of that.
Cloud, on the other hand wasn't able to pulled his life back together, not yet. He lost his home and it was too soon to lose his friend. Basically, what he thought was right went and backstab him. Aeris may be happy and cheerful on the outside but her childhood was a lot rougher than Tifa. Hearing voices must had scared her, of course, for a little girl like that. I don't think she wanted to be label as weird or crazy for hearing voices and when Tseng came and asked her, she denied it. But then, constantly being hounded by Shinra always put her at constant danger. It wouldn't matter where she stay for Aeris would know that her life wouldn't be normal. Aeris also had no friends. Maybe the flowers she took care of were her only friends, to end a loneliness in her heart; talking to those flowers must had made them to keep growing. In the same way, what Cloud and Aeris went through are similar. They both wanted a normal childhood, to fit in, and make friends, but that never happen.
Of all the team members, Cloud and Aeris bear the most burden. Sure, each of the team member had a reason to fight for or why, but what they went through is not as rough as Cloud and Aeris. The weight of the world was upon the two of them. Knowing that you're the last Cetra must have been rough on Aeris, so many questions, so few answers. Aeris probably didn't even know that she would died, her last day on that planet, praying for the sake of the world. Her dreams, hopes,her life...everything, was taken away from her and that is the cruelest thing in the world to happen. Tifa and the others are still living, probably grateful for what Aeris did, knowing that they can continue on with their life and honor that memory, but that's something Aeris won't have. To continue her life, her future...for she gave it up for the world and her friends, so that they could live.
Cloud on the other hand didn't get it so easy himself. He had Sephiroth to fight, knowing that its his final battle for the sake of the world or Aeris's sacrifice would be in vain. That was the biggest burden for him. If Cloud was to asked Tifa or any other to fight Sephi. on their own, they would not last. More exactly, the team crumble to pieces without Cloud to be their voice of reasoning, their guide. The team couldn't function correctly when they lost Cloud and when he came back, they were quick on their feet to give the 'Leader' position back to Cloud. When everyone thought that the final battle was over, it was only Cloud to felt Sephi. presence still and finish it. Tifa and the others didn't went through a lot like Cloud and Aeris. They didn't had the weight of the world on them, knowing that it would be only through Cloud and Aeris that the world would be saved.
That's so beautiful *sniff*

Dot Centaur
10-29-2004, 05:55 AM
Hmm...Solaris, you just took the words out of my mouth. That's how I think about it too. I don't think there's nothing wrong with liking or pairing characters to your liking because even I do it, but almost every game has at least an official couple, even if the company doesn't point that out, various reasons or evidence will point it to that. I just think that as long as you acknowledge who the true or official couple is or you know that its there, you can still continue to love the pairings that you like. (No. Flaming and bashing fans of their liking doesn't count. It just shows your immaturity and frustration.) That's why, Solaris, just keep on loving your favorite pairing of Cloud and Tifa because I have nothing against that and you already acknowledge that the intended couple is there.

Couldn't of said it better myself aeriscloud! No matter how much more evidence a pairing has than the other, if your love for a type of pairing is strong enough, always continue to stick with what you love! You can't pretend not to love a couple because they aren't the official couple and what not. You could never pretend to not love something you do. It's also best to point it out positively rather than negatively, because if so otherwise, you're just harrassing the other person for having a different opinion on something that isn't real.

That is how I see it. I'm not saying that the other rest of the team members didn't had a rough time too, but when its analyze, Cloud and Aeris really had the weight of the world upon them. That's really like a big burden to them. What Tifa went through her life wasn't rough and edgy like Cloud and Aeris.
Tifa did had a rough time during her childhood but she was able to pulled through and became productive. Cloud and Aeris tried to be productive with their life...but seeing how it turn out, its not exactly the best of what they wanted.
If the game had also made Cloud to died, just like Aeris, I don't think the team would had last. It would crumble and even if they made it to Sephiroth, they wouldn't exactly win. They would've lost or given up. :-\

You have a good point there! Tifa did have a rough childhood past, but not as rough as Aerith and Cloud. Aerith had to go through the trouble of being chase and was too busy thinking about the Shinra's intentions, while Tifa, always had the time too think about her so-called friend's intentions. Tifa was always thinking...always being productive with putting thoughts of what she should do with her life. I remember her quote's were "I need more time, give me alittle more time", I think pointing out that she was alittle slower learning about what good deed's to make, but she learned it and that's good. Well anyway, Tifa used that time putting so much thought, and I agree with you aeriscloud, Cloud and Aerith didn't have all that time as much as Tifa did, so maybee, they had more of a reason to fight then anyone else, but if you think about it two other characters did too:Tifa and Barret. Maybee those two had the second biggest reasons to fight. Barret and Tifa both fought for there family and friends they lost.

10-30-2004, 02:00 AM
OK!Aeris is DEAD!I don't know if Cloud is going to fell in love with Tifa now that Aeris is out of the game but who knows?Cloud teenager's love was Tifa,right?And one more question:Aeris or Aerith!!?I don't like the word Aerith at all,sounds stupid...

Blue Yuna
10-30-2004, 04:17 AM
OK!Aeris is DEAD!I don't know if Cloud is going to fell in love with Tifa now that Aeris is out of the game but who knows?Cloud teenager's love was Tifa,right?And one more question:Aeris or Aerith!!?I don't like the word Aerith at all,sounds stupid...
Some people son't think she is really dead don't ask me what they think she really is then, and besides you don't forget a loved one when they die they live on forever in your heart.
Some people call her Aeris some call her Aerith I personally like Aeris better. Some one posted on another thread that squaresoft said not too long ago that it was officially Aerith and that there was a mess up in the translation. It is a matter of opinion now and that is a whole nother subject. ;)

Angelic Aeris
10-30-2004, 04:28 PM
OK!Aeris is DEAD!I don't know if Cloud is going to fell in love with Tifa now that Aeris is out of the game but who knows?Cloud teenager's love was Tifa,right?And one more question:Aeris or Aerith!!?I don't like the word Aerith at all,sounds stupid...
okay first of all, it's aeris in ff7 but in kingdom hearts it's aeris. now, to explain a whole long long long long long thing of why i believe aeris should go with goes! *takes a big breath*
when cloud first met aeris he bought a flower from her, which of course if he didn't like aeris, why would he by any sort of flower from someone he hated but of course, you're gonna say, what does that have to do with them being together, i say it's a first clue for all those who are clueless out there, and for the intense things, it depends on who you pay attention to a lot in the choices so don't go saying tifa belongs with cloud in my face, otherwise i'll get real mad and really get ruthless; you don't wanna see me like that; anyways, let's skip to the part she dies, a biiiiig clue is that hmm well let's see, i wonder why CLOUD was CRYING for aeris; of course you're gonna go say that doesn't mean he likes her; WRONG AGAIN, why do you think at the end of the game cloud reaches out to aeris's hand; no it's not because the creator felt like putting it there anyways just to make it stupid; so don't go saying that either or as i sad before i will argue to the death; yes i have done that before with my best friend and it wasn't pretty.
*breathes and takes another breath*
so, tifa doesn't belong with cloud YET because cloud is still allowed to love aeris is he not; well don't say she's dead so get over it; not true because he still loves her anyways and therefore, that still means he can have a chance of meeting her sometime sin the lifestream or possibly in some prequel or sequel they're gonna make soon enough to figure out the mystery of aeris's death; don't walk up to see and say "she's dead!" which again i will warn you, i have a temper about people who disrepect my opnions; and again i will become absolutley positively ruthless and to say, it's still not lil miss nicenicey aeris all the time; back on track; if aeris is dead then how come she can't be with cloud; they can still love each other but not have a physical relationship it doesn't mean he goes alllll the way back to tifa and tries to get "love' because yet again, another wrong theory you people have; so until you guys back up your theory to say "aeris is dead so tifa can go with cloud" now; i will not stand here and keep my mouth shut; okay. so i am a real brat right now and being persistent; big deal i am an aeris fan and not going down with a fight; it doesn't matter who looks cuter it matters who loves each other so all of those people who are too stuck up to think about it jam it into your head NOW; and no you can't just say aeris Is dead so it gives a reason for cloud belonging to tifa; wrong yet AGAin because i will state that cloud still loves aeris after her death; why do you think he wanted to kill sephiroth so much more badly; and go back on the game and see who he always says who the gang will revenge and fight for; it is aeris all the way so ha ha ha in your face people who hate aeris and better get off their bums to go say sorry; aeris is a lot more courageous than any other because she was WILLING (even though she didn't WANT to) to give her life up for every single last one of the people in earth; i don't think tifa would do that seeing that the fact she's not such a BEST friend because she informed cloud about his "real" past; now what kind of a best friend never tells you your real past; some friend all right.

Blue Yuna
10-30-2004, 06:24 PM
A GOOD friend tells you when your wrong a BAD friend never does anything to help you. If she hadn't told him then he would have been living a lie. But I do agree with Angelic Aeris about Aeris truely belonging with Cloud.

Angelic Aeris
10-30-2004, 09:29 PM
well okay but it was a little ate about it. it made cloud hurt more, mad him sad and did she really have to inform him when he was still trying to still cheer up from the greif of aeris's death :-(

ehe, i meant late not ate

10-30-2004, 10:03 PM
okay first of all, it's aeris in ff7 but in kingdom hearts it's aeris.
OH! now i get it! :D

Aerith Gainsborough
10-30-2004, 10:19 PM
No, she meant it is "Aeris" in FF-VII, and "Aerith" in Kingdom Hearts. ;)

10-30-2004, 10:26 PM
No, she meant it is "Aeris" in FF-VII, and "Aerith" in Kingdom Hearts. ;)

yeah i know she meant Aerith somewhere but i wasn't sure whitch one ;)

Blue Yuna
10-30-2004, 11:38 PM
well okay but it was a little ate about it. it made cloud hurt more, mad him sad and did she really have to inform him when he was still trying to still cheer up from the greif of aeris's death :-(

ehe, i meant late not ate
Yeah she could have waited for a better time, but wasn't he out of his mind (well not like he went crazy but wasn't he in the lifestream) at the time? :-\

grn apple tree
10-31-2004, 12:14 AM
hmmm probably

Blue Yuna
10-31-2004, 12:38 AM
Probably what?

10-31-2004, 02:06 AM
OK!Aeris is DEAD!I don't know if Cloud is going to fell in love with Tifa now that Aeris is out of the game but who knows?Cloud teenager's love was Tifa,right?And one more question:Aeris or Aerith!!?I don't like the word Aerith at all,sounds stupid...

Ok, so lets say the love of your life were to die.. would you go ahead and go into another relationship?

Tifa was Cloud's childhood crush, but as most childhood crushes are.. they are not long lived. Mostly because the child does not understand the feeling or just wants to be accepted by that person in some way. Tifa had her own little clique in Niblehem, and she wanted to go and play with Cloud but her friends wouldnt let her. He wanted to be accepted, so my guess is that he developed this crush so he could at least reach out to Tifa in someway (this would explain to me the water tank business)

Aerith and Clouds relationship seems to be different than Tifa and Cloud. Aerith helped Cloud open up, explore more the world. She and him were more loving towards each other, he was able to confide in her (even if it were not in spoken words) and them two had a larger struggle against the world than anyone else in the party. I guess this common struggle, lonliness, and wanting to be accepted kept them together.

Also, as aeriscloud said before, Tifa was much stronger, she was able to get out of everything and work, and become more people friendly. she was what some would consider 'more normal' than Aerith or Cloud. Aerith had to deal with hearing voices and being the last Ancient, and Cloud having implanted memories and mako energy.

thats my reason now for the official couple being Aerith and Cloud.
But if you enjoy the TifaxCloud combo as I do, you can still like them. No one stops you.


Blue Yuna
10-31-2004, 11:18 PM
Cloud and Tifa just had a crush on each other. Those can end real fast.

If it were easy they wouldn't call it a crush.

Angelic Aeris
11-01-2004, 09:53 PM
Ok, so lets say the love of your life were to die.. would you go ahead and go into another relationship?

Tifa was Cloud's childhood crush, but as most childhood crushes are.. they are not long lived. Mostly because the child does not understand the feeling or just wants to be accepted by that person in some way. Tifa had her own little clique in Niblehem, and she wanted to go and play with Cloud but her friends wouldnt let her. He wanted to be accepted, so my guess is that he developed this crush so he could at least reach out to Tifa in someway (this would explain to me the water tank business)

Aerith and Clouds relationship seems to be different than Tifa and Cloud. Aerith helped Cloud open up, explore more the world. She and him were more loving towards each other, he was able to confide in her (even if it were not in spoken words) and them two had a larger struggle against the world than anyone else in the party. I guess this common struggle, lonliness, and wanting to be accepted kept them together.

Also, as aeriscloud said before, Tifa was much stronger, she was able to get out of everything and work, and become more people friendly. she was what some would consider 'more normal' than Aerith or Cloud. Aerith had to deal with hearing voices and being the last Ancient, and Cloud having implanted memories and mako energy.

thats my reason now for the official couple being Aerith and Cloud.
But if you enjoy the TifaxCloud combo as I do, you can still like them. No one stops you.


Ahem..this is my side of the story now..

How many times have you heard, "Aerith is DEAD!!!!" from people who argue against Cloud's love for Aerith? Why does it matter if she's dead? Why do these people think that Cloud loving Aerith means that she has to be revived? That isn't the idea at all...

No, Cloud's not a necrophiliac who wants a relationship with Aerith's dead body, either. The idea of Cloud loving Aerith isn't about them having a relationship in the physical world. It's about Cloud remembering his love for Aerith in his heart.

We don't *know* how Cloud and Aerith can be together again, or even *if* they will ever be together again. That's the whole tragedy of their love, as well as the beauty of it. Cloud vowed to meet Aerith in the Promised Land at the end of FFVII. It may be a vow to do the impossible, yet Cloud wants to try because he loves her. Cloud dreams of meeting Aerith against all odds, because that's where his heart is.

Cloud and Aerith have been separated by fate and by death, yet even death is powerless in the face of Cloud and Aerith�s desire to be together again, even if it's impossible... and Cloud still dreams of trying.

isn't that cuuute?

11-02-2004, 01:04 AM
Ahem..this is my side of the story now..

How many times have you heard, "Aerith is DEAD!!!!" from people who argue against Cloud's love for Aerith? Why does it matter if she's dead? Why do these people think that Cloud loving Aerith means that she has to be revived? That isn't the idea at all...

No, Cloud's not a necrophiliac who wants a relationship with Aerith's dead body, either. The idea of Cloud loving Aerith isn't about them having a relationship in the physical world. It's about Cloud remembering his love for Aerith in his heart.

We don't *know* how Cloud and Aerith can be together again, or even *if* they will ever be together again. That's the whole tragedy of their love, as well as the beauty of it. Cloud vowed to meet Aerith in the Promised Land at the end of FFVII. It may be a vow to do the impossible, yet Cloud wants to try because he loves her. Cloud dreams of meeting Aerith against all odds, because that's where his heart is.

Cloud and Aerith have been separated by fate and by death, yet even death is powerless in the face of Cloud and Aerith�s desire to be together again, even if it's impossible... and Cloud still dreams of trying.

isn't that cuuute?

you said it sistah!

and yes, the ultimate beauty i find, is striving to be with your love, even after their death.

Blue Yuna
11-02-2004, 01:21 AM
you said it sistah!

and yes, the ultimate beauty i find, is striving to be with your love, even after their death.
You said the gist of what I was going to say so I'll quote you, because that is so true. All these people that say Tifa should be with Cloud because Aeris is dead is like telling your fience that you are going to burn their pictures when they die because you don't love them anymore. (I'm not saying Cloud and Aeris were engaged that is just a good example) No you keep loving them even arter they are dead. Cloud getting together with Tifa after Aeris died would be like stabbing her in the first place. He didn't strike her before Sephiroth, yes because Tifa yelled at him, but also because he loved her. He never wanted her dead in the first place.

11-02-2004, 02:08 AM
Yes, its romantic in so many ways but yet Aeris's world was ripped apart from her very eyes. It's very possible that Cloud can end up with Tifa but I think that would depend on Cloud himself. Letting go takes time, even years before you think you're ready to move on. In many ways, Cloud kind of remind me of Kenshin in RK. It took him quite a while before he got together with Kaoru but the scar ties deeply to him as it was Tomoe that change him and gave him a whole new meaning of life. So I don't think Kenshin forgot about Tomoe because he still loves her and it ties deeply to his heart in the same way that I feel that Aeris ties deeply to Cloud's heart. What both Aeris and Tomoe did was a big impact to their lives, changing them and to make them live life to their fullest. O:] So I guess you could say that I find that quite similar.
Cloud's quest to find the Promise Land and meet Aeris is the impossible but its that impossible that keeps Cloud on moving to find it.

Blue Yuna
11-02-2004, 02:12 PM
I know this is off topic but you guys say the coolest things. It is really hard to say something after that. I guess that would mean that I was speechless. =)

11-02-2004, 02:56 PM
Well, you guys said almost evrything there is to say. As for me I can't make up my mind about Cloud+Aeris and Cloud+Tifa. I just don't know which to choose.

Guess I like both Aeris and Tifa the same.

11-02-2004, 05:21 PM
I know this is off topic but you guys say the coolest things. It is really hard to say something after that. I guess that would mean that I was speechless. =)

aeriscloud always knows how to put words correctly =) lol. she convinced me right away when she explained why Aerith and Cloud should be together :P

11-02-2004, 05:38 PM
I agree with solaris even though i said aeris cloud

way to go in convincing people im behind you one hundred and 10 percent

Angelic Aeris
11-02-2004, 10:37 PM
you said it sistah!

and yes, the ultimate beauty i find, is striving to be with your love, even after their death.
*bows* yes thanks. it took me a lil while to come up with something that will make aeris haters shuut up already and nice avy.

Angelic Aeris
11-03-2004, 03:03 AM
well, that's how you feel, so I'm not gonna say anything. I'm just the opposite of you...for Tifa.
That's really your point of view of how you view Aeris. I'll just say, Aeris was more than that because the "Friendship" bond thing doesn't go deep anymore with Tifa when Cloud gains new friends, like Aeris, Vincent, etc. Tifa is of the past and as you grow up, those memories do stay along with the prior and future memories you gain along life. Oh I'm trying to say is, Aeris was important to Cloud just as the memories Cloud gain with her. He's not heartless to tossed away the memories he gained of Aeris away but he also thought of her as someone precious to him. There's no denying that Aeris wasn't precious to Cloud, when she was.

go Yuffie!

Blue Yuna
11-03-2004, 04:50 AM
aeriscloud always knows how to put words correctly =) lol. she convinced me right away when she explained why Aerith and Cloud should be together :P
She could probibly convince lots of people on lots of things if she put her mind to it. I bet she loves Aeris and Cloud with a passion. =)

11-03-2004, 05:36 AM
which is handy when it comes to debates *takes notes*

11-03-2004, 12:21 PM
oh goody a debate i love a good debate lol

11-04-2004, 01:33 AM
Blue Yuna,
You're probably not too far from the truth. I would say aeriscloud do love them with the deepest passion as her favorite couple. O:]
that was some good analyzing. I never thought of it that way. But you are right, Cloud's situation is very similar but I would take the latter of Cloud dying and being with Aeris. =)
Like you said, he's doing the impossible to reach her and that impossible will keep him moving on. O:]

11-04-2004, 04:12 PM
Wow...Isn't it sad that, you know...Aeris is dead! That's right! She and Zack are havin' fun in the lifestream! You didn't know?

11-04-2004, 08:26 PM
Yep, I'd pretty much have to beleive in the concept of the Cloud/Aeris relationship.

Angelic Aeris
11-04-2004, 10:21 PM
Wow...Isn't it sad that, you know...Aeris is dead! That's right! She and Zack are havin' fun in the lifestream! You didn't know?


How many times have you heard, "Aerith is DEAD!!!!" from people who argue against Cloud's love for Aerith? Why does it matter if she's dead? Why do these people think that Cloud loving Aerith means that she has to be revived? That isn't the idea at all...

No, Cloud's not a necrophiliac who wants a relationship with Aerith's dead body, either. The idea of Cloud loving Aerith isn't about them having a relationship in the physical world. It's about Cloud remembering his love for Aerith in his heart.

We don't *know* how Cloud and Aerith can be together again, or even *if* they will ever be together again. That's the whole tragedy of their love, as well as the beauty of it. Cloud vowed to meet Aerith in the Promised Land at the end of FFVII. It may be a vow to do the impossible, yet Cloud wants to try because he loves her. Cloud dreams of meeting Aerith against all odds, because that's where his heart is.

Cloud and Aerith have been separated by fate and by death, yet even death is powerless in the face of Cloud and Aerith�s desire to be together again, even if it's impossible... and Cloud still dreams of trying.


Blue Yuna
11-05-2004, 04:26 AM
What this comes down to is do you believe that love can break the barrier of death. Do you believe that someone is capable of loving someone who is deceased. If you don't then you will probibly say that Cloud "belongs" to Tifa (I put belongs in quotation marks because I hate talking about people as mechandise but that is what some people will say so I humor them) and if they believe that death is no barrier then they wiil probibly say that yes Aeris and Cloud were meant for each other. Now there are other factors such as people's bais and such but if you think about it that is basically what you are saying. If you weren't sure who did and then you say "oh Aeris is dead so Tifa should be with Cloud" then you might as well say "I believe that death can break the bond of love." Well why don't you tell your deceased "loved ones" that you don't love them anymore because they are dead. You'll get the same effect.

11-05-2004, 04:52 AM

trust me, just ignore her. shes already gotten to the better of us, but we have a stronger statement against her. really dont pay any mind, because it will just make a good day turn bad.

and btw, it was a good point you made.

Angelic Aeris
11-05-2004, 08:31 PM
trust me, just ignore her. shes already gotten to the better of us, but we have a stronger statement against her. really dont pay any mind, because it will just make a good day turn bad.

and btw, it was a good point you made.

thanks but you really can't blame just irritates me when people say that. >:O

11-06-2004, 12:53 AM
I understand what you mean,Angelic Aeris.
But like Solaris says, just ignore her.
She doesn't have any strong points to support her, so instead flames and call people names. That's call frustration.
Blue Yuna,
That's really good points you made. Same thing with you too, Solaris. O:]
Adding to that, I believe it takes time for a person to heal their wounds. But I also believe if that person's love is strong, beyond anything else, than they will stay with that until they depart. What I find is that Cloud is not really understood. The pain of those memories that he had last time with Aeris is a lot to bear. It takes two people to understand each other as a whole and that's what I saw for Cloud and Aeris. O:]

Blue Yuna
11-06-2004, 01:53 AM
Yeah, aeriscloud, I agree. When to people understand each other like Aeris and Cloud then surely love can bridge death. It is like what Buttercup says in "The Pricess Bride" about her and her love Wesley to the prince she is engaged to marry. (boy I hope I'm not the only one who has seem that movie) She says something to the effect of true love is not effected by death, and that the prince (who is a very good hunter and tracker) cannot break the bond of love they share with one thousand swords or track it with one thousand hawks on a clear day. I believe that, that is the kind of love that Cloud and Aeris shared. Knowing, passionate, and TRUE love.

11-06-2004, 06:09 AM
Angelic Aeris i feel your pain! AMEN!!! Oh and just ta tell ya, i'm a guy so CLOUD AND AERIS WOOOH!!!! :-)

Blue Yuna
11-06-2004, 06:11 AM
Angelic Aeris i feel your pain! AMEN!!! Oh and just ta tell ya, i'm a guy so CLOUD AND AERIS WOOOH!!!! :-)
Like sister like brother. ;-)

Lunatic HighVII
11-07-2004, 12:01 AM
Aeris, I know, would always be true to him, and would always be there for him. Cloud needs support like this, because he didn't get it when he was younger.

Blue Yuna
11-07-2004, 12:09 AM
Tifa never really was that support that Cloud needed. If I remeber right in one of the flash backs she makes fun of him, and I think during the game she teases him or is mean to him on occasion. Aeris never ws mean or teased Cloud. She always provided love and affection for him, nothing less.

Lunatic HighVII
11-07-2004, 01:49 AM
Tifa never really was that support that Cloud needed. If I remeber right in one of the flash backs she makes fun of him, and I think during the game she teases him or is mean to him on occasion. Aeris never ws mean or teased Cloud. She always provided love and affection for him, nothing less.

Tifa joined the group that made fun of Cloud in the beginning, you're right. But, I don't recall ever seeing Tifa tease him during the game, do you? :confused:
Aeris, though, you're right, was always affectionate to Cloud. She was nothing but nice to him. That's why they are so good together. They each have what the other needs. Aeris needs someone that will always be by her side, and always be there for her to love. Cloud needs someone supportive and outgoing. Cloud+Aeris=Perfect Match

Blue Yuna
11-07-2004, 01:54 AM
Like I said I don't really remember. (to tell the truth I watched my brother play the game so I didn't actually hold the controller and such but I did watch it)
Yeah, definitely, Cloud+Aeris=true love and may it live forever!

11-10-2004, 03:31 PM
Awww...Poor Star-crossed lovers. But Aeris is dead. And Cloud is alive! Oh, I know! Why don't I kill myself for the fun of it? Yes! Okay, let me stab myself with a dagger!


"Oh, my aching heart! Now Aeris and I can be forever, for all eternity! Uh huh. Good bye, cruel world..Sadly, I never even left a will. Oops! But Tifa is pregnant with my babies. Twins! But now I realize that killing mysefl was no fun, because it's so boring in the lifestream. All the voices in my head and whatnot. OMG OMG look pink!" ::chases the pink thing::

11-10-2004, 04:49 PM
you people really dont catch the hint do you how obvious do people need to make it for you tma doesnt like the aeris cloud idea so these convos are a good place for her to flame omg seriously if somebody like tokiko read this than it would be closed straight away as i said before read the aeris/cloud and tifa cloud convos from archives and you will see my point ok

11-10-2004, 06:30 PM
LOL funny rant. But hey, it's true. I don't like the idea of them because there is little evidence to support any of that. Plus Aeris is dead. Do I need to make it any more clearer? She's with Zack in the lifestream, cheating on Cloud.

Huntress Krystle
11-10-2004, 06:36 PM
duh. aeris never cheated on Cloud. where the hell did u get that? have u played the game? ur making things up.

11-10-2004, 06:43 PM
Nuh uh. ::childish rant:: Cloud looks like Zack, therefore Aeris is cheating on him.

Blue Yuna
11-10-2004, 11:26 PM
LOL funny rant. But hey, it's true. I don't like the idea of them because there is little evidence to support any of that. Plus Aeris is dead. Do I need to make it any more clearer? She's with Zack in the lifestream, cheating on Cloud.
Have you gotten a word of what I said before?! Tifa Martial Artist says "No I was blinded by my own stupidity and 2 year old ideas."

11-10-2004, 11:40 PM
Awww...Poor Star-crossed lovers. But Aeris is dead. And Cloud is alive! Oh, I know! Why don't I kill myself for the fun of it? Yes! Okay, let me stab myself with a dagger!


"Oh, my aching heart! Now Aeris and I can be forever, for all eternity! Uh huh. Good bye, cruel world..Sadly, I never even left a will. Oops! But Tifa is pregnant with my babies. Twins! But now I realize that killing mysefl was no fun, because it's so boring in the lifestream. All the voices in my head and whatnot. OMG OMG look pink!" ::chases the pink thing::

You're being a real jerk right now. You can say whatever you want, but don't do it like this. There is a nicer way to say things. Do you know that you are insulting some people here?

LOL funny rant. But hey, it's true. I don't like the idea of them because there is little evidence to support any of that. Plus Aeris is dead. Do I need to make it any more clearer? She's with Zack in the lifestream, cheating on Cloud.

However, you're right on this one. Aeris is dead. Unfortunately...

11-11-2004, 02:09 AM
Nuh uh. ::childish rant:: Cloud looks like Zack, therefore Aeris is cheating on him.
Hmmm. Tell me TMA, how is Aeris cheating on anyone? Give the proof that she actually did cheat instead of posting a lot of bs.

11-11-2004, 02:35 AM
Can you people not take a little humor? o_O

11-11-2004, 08:04 AM
the topic is cloud and aeris right well in the game aeris dies right?and tifa was cloud's first love and zack was aeris boyfriend?

Sephiroths Bride
11-11-2004, 08:10 AM
Even if Aeris is dead i thank that Cloud should never get together with tifa. Cloud & Tifa = Friends Cloud & Aeris = Lovers

11-11-2004, 08:14 AM
Even if Aeris is dead i thank that Cloud should never get together with tifa. Cloud & Tifa = Friends Cloud & Aeris = Lovers
how do u explain the date and the time cloud was snooping around and stole tifa's panty and such..

Sephiroths Bride
11-11-2004, 08:27 AM
Wat date in my game Cloud and Aeris went on a date and when did cloud steal tifas pantys??????
Im so confuse??????????????

11-11-2004, 08:28 AM
play the game and you'll see cloud sniffing and jacking tifa's panty..

Sephiroths Bride
11-11-2004, 08:34 AM
Is that when cloud is telling the gang about him and Sephiroth working together?

11-11-2004, 08:35 AM
Is that when cloud is telling the gang about him and Sephiroth working together?
nope just play it you'll see and tifa just giggles..

11-11-2004, 08:40 AM people really dont catch the hint do you how obvious do people need to make it for you tma doesnt like the aeris cloud idea so these convos are a good place for her to flame...
So what?

As far as putting a title to "The Final Fantasy VII Couple" I would guess that it's Tifa and Cloud. Throuought the game, It'd would be safe to say that Cloud and Tifa were together more. In the game, Aeris' role was more "sacrifice to save the planet" rather than be Cloud's girlfriend. That right there hints that Squaresoft probably put more focus, in the romance aspect, on Tifa and Cloud.

But then again, why would they have that bizarre love triangle between Aeris, Cloud and Tifa? Well, considering the fact that Cloud took on Zack's look and persona, Aeris probably fell for him. But Aeris never even got to know the real Cloud. What she knew was a badass/hottie that saved her life and swept off her feet and out of the slums. AND how convenient to have Cloud resemble Zack; Aeris FORMER love intrest. WHO DIED.

Everyone says that Aeris knew she was going to die. Even the game says that when you find out about the Holy summon. Well, if Aeris loved Cloud so much, why didn't she say something to him before she offed herself? Not even an "I'll be waiting for you," or anything like that. No note or anything. Honestly, where is the love? Well, this is just my assumption but, Aeris probably was looking forward to finding Zack in the promised land.

Now, with Tifa and Cloud: Hmm, I remember, just before the big showdown with ol' Sephy, Tifa and Cloud had some alone time where they talked about and showed their affection towards each other because they didn't know if is was the end or not.

Thus, no. I don't think Aeris and Cloud are the labelled "Final Fantasy VII Couple."

And when the hell did any of these mother fuckers screw? What the hell kinda lovin' is that!? What a bunch of pansies... I know Tifa's a ho. She has to be! Look at that outfit! She has got to know something about gettin' yer groove on. Sheesh...

11-11-2004, 09:12 AM
cloud did love aeris