02-07-2014, 03:34 PM
It's becoming a habit of mine to not be able to find soundtracks the usual way, after which I end up uploading them here. This one's a real pain to get if you're not 'MURRICA-based. Oh well, it's here now.

Here we have the soundtrack to Pid - Peculiar Destination. I finally got around to reading the Game Design Document and it was called this, not Planet in Distress. I feel silly now.
The soundtrack is by "Retro Family", and the game is by Might and Delight, the both of which you may know if you have played the game Shelter, from the same team.

VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/album/36357)

The actual game Pid is on XBLA(!?), PSN(!?), and Steam (http://store.steampowered.com/app/218740/). Or, if you want the Deluxe Edition, go to the Official site (http://www.pidgame.com/buy.php). Unfortunately I'm a day late with posting this, as there was a Pid Steam Key giveaway yesterday. Poor you. At least I have the soundtrack here to make you feel better.

Mega [Soundtrack] (https://mega.co.nz/#!Ndo3hYjY!3V6GUWwlz3vVn8IKf3BIJYav8O5oAheOYizQyKM kT50)

And for the other bonuses in the Deluxe Edition, containing Concept Art, Illustrations, Wallpapers, Sketches, Posters, and more, and a Game Design Document. Swell.

Mega [Bonus content] (https://mega.co.nz/#!JJBlxTxT!Qt-OsDgXU6pbpLJ-8oL9f4zPX9ogZ_gFSArE-VRTq0Y)

There ought to be a password on the files; if not, lucky you, if so, it is the name of the composer, as noted above. Notice the quotation marks.

Happy listening.

~ Hoolo

02-07-2014, 11:18 PM
thanks you :D

02-08-2014, 01:42 AM
Thank you.