09-02-2004, 10:14 AM
There are about a million threads about what you would be if you were in a Final Fantasy game, and I think everyone's pretty tired of them. However, if we turn the idea the other way, we get a completely different topic:

What would the Final Fantasy characters be if they existed in our world?

So what do you think?

Lunatic HighVII
09-02-2004, 10:13 PM
The world would be in constant danger. All of the villans trying to conquer it, and then the "good" characters would stop them. Just like always ;) It'd be a lot more interesting, and we wouldn't have to worry about sickness... ANTIDOTE! :) Yay, materia all around!

hb smokey
09-02-2004, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by Prak
What would the Final Fantasy characters be if they existed in our world?
Wouldn't they just be normal human beings?

09-03-2004, 12:37 AM
Cloud - Homeless bum
Vincent - Homeless bum
Yuffie- The annoying girl at the arcade
Tifa - Hooters girl
Barret - One of the crazies in california vandalizing hummers
Cid - Wandering from bar to bar starting fights

Locke - Street Hustler
Gogo - Mime (this time the kind you just wanna punch in the face)
Terra - Grade school teacher
Celes - CEO of a large cosmetics company
Cyan - Renaissance fair groupie
Sabin - Ultimate Fighting Championship fighter
Edgar - Mechanic with delusions of grandeur
Realm - Student in Terra's class
Strago - The old guy who always wants to tell the youngins about the good ol' days
Umaro - Circus freak
Mog - Circus ringleader

Palom and Porom - Illusionists in Mog's circus
Edge - Greasy haired "ladies man" at night clubs
Cecil - Doctor who goes to South America and Africa helping people, or an arsonist
Yang - One of those Tibetan monks that can do seemingly impossible physical feats
Tellah - Hangs out with Strago
Rydia - missunderstood goth poet/member of a goth band
Rosa - Cecil's nurse aid

Squall - Unemployed, mooches off of everyone else
Quistis - High School teacher who gets busted for "getting too close" with her male students
Irvine - Hangs around Edge, another self proclaimed ladies man.
Rinoa - Rich daddies little girl
Selphie - Hangs out with Yuffie at the arcade

Entire cast of FFIX - Performers in Mog's circus

Lulu - Hangs out with Rydia, another missunderstood goth
Wakka - Lifetime second string NFL player
Tidus - Soccer star, surpasses Beckham in popularity
Rikku - Hangs out with Yuffie and Selphie at the arcade
Yuna - Mythology major, finds out she can't do anything with a mythology degree so she forms the most annoying/popular pop group ever with Britany Spears
Kihmari - Circus freak along with Umaro, however those two don't get along very well
Auron - Drunkard who excuses his drinking as a search for true self

09-03-2004, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by Durendal
Tifa - Hooters girl
Barret - One of the crazies in california vandalizing hummers
Gogo - Mime (this time the kind you just wanna punch in the face)
Edge - Greasy haired "ladies man" at night clubs
Quistis - High School teacher who gets busted for "getting too close" with her male students
Irvine - Hangs around Edge, another self proclaimed ladies man.
Auron - Drunkard who excuses his drinking as a search for true self


09-03-2004, 11:25 AM
Kuja joins a Visual Kei band in Japan, and enjoys a marvellous career, but his superiority complex and general narcissism prevents him from forming lasting friendships.
Finally, he turns against his family, declares he has nothing to do with them at all, starts drugs and becomes depressive. After a suicide attempt, his caring brother gets him into hospital, and finally, after rehab, Kuja is slowly getting better... :(

09-04-2004, 01:43 AM
I think Red XIII would be in a zoo

and Cait Sith would be a mascot for some random football team consisting of various other FF characters.

09-04-2004, 03:53 PM
I was thinking with my friend once,what if the FF characters came to your school?Tidus and Wakka could be one of those dopey guys who play soccer all their life,Kimhari,Cait Sith and Red XIII could be class pets,Selphie,Rikku,Yuffie would be part of the cheerleading squad.Cloud could be that problematic kid who always gets into fights and goes to the principles office,Zidane could be a first grader and would tattle on Kuja,because he' s always pulling his tail.

.........and Seymour could be the gym teacher XD

09-05-2004, 06:11 AM
LMFAO I think Durendal has summed it all up.

I think Sephiroth at least would be a demented man locked up in a mental hospital constantly muttering ' i am the calamity of the skies '

09-05-2004, 10:33 AM
Mog - Circus ringleader

Palom and Porom - Illusionists in Mog's circus

lovin it

Aerith Gainsborough
09-08-2004, 11:25 AM
Well, first of all, Durendal did a great job! :D

Sephiroth (and probably all the other villains too) would be in a mental hospital

Aeris, Garnet, Yuna would be his nurses

Red XIII, Kimahri, Mog, Zidane (and all the other non-humans) would definitely be in a circus. There are so many already, they'd probably have their own circus already

Tifa would work in a bar

Cid it sounds boring, but he'd probably be a pilot (maybe for a famous company, never know)

Vincent Sells coffins

Scarlett, Setzer Owners of a night club

The turks something like the Mafia

Cloud, Squall go to a psychiatrist to find a way to themselfes

Tidus, Wakka would be in a football team (or other ball sports)

Qusitis A teacher

Enough for now ;)

09-08-2004, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Tokiko
Kuja joins a Visual Kei band in Japan, and enjoys a marvellous career


Anna stole the only idea I had. ; ;

And Durendal, your list was hilarious.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-10-2004, 03:33 PM
They would all be a lot less cool in this world, because all the imaginary weapons and materia and such would not transfer over with them. They'd just be goofy-looking peeps with bad hair and high-pitched voices wandering around on welfare, because all but Cid and a couple others are completely lacking in private sector job skills.

09-17-2004, 02:56 AM
I would like to comission one of the fan fic writers, or any aspiring fan fic writer to create a story based on the ideas within this thread. So if any of you feel like flexing your literary muscle, do so now and let us all stand in awe.

Unfortunately I'm a fool with little free time, so I cannot attempt this creation myself. Also I'm a poor bastard so whoever should take up this challenge should not expect their comission to be much more than the spiritual and emotional development that comes from creating a work of art, which should be more than enough for most.

So git to it yee folks, yee-ha!

09-17-2004, 06:59 AM
dude, Rikku(FFX-2) and Rinoa could be either be cheerleaders or swimsuit models, yowza!
Aerith could be a kindegarten teacher... Barret could be a violent rapper(doubt it) Yuffie and Amarant(Salamander) could be real life (duh) ninjas!!!! Sephiroth could be a samurai with his long ass sword. Garnet could be a jeweler, Yuna could be a pop star... or a priest, Ramza could be a knight or a soldier. Delita would definitely be a rich bonafide asshole! Cid(FFVII) could be a airplane pilot, Cid(FFVIII) could be a highschool principal, Cid(FFIV) could be an engineer, Cid(FFIX) could be a king... Cid(FFX) could be an occult leader, Cid(FFV) could be a boat engineer... enough about Cid!!! Squall could be a highschool student, Tifa could be a hot sex-ed teacher... Tidus would be the slacker high school student. Wakka, definitely synchronized swimming pro...