02-03-2014, 12:40 AM
1. RIO LOBO Main Title (02:15)
2. The Capture (01:41)
3. A New Arrival (01:46)
4. Unexpected Gun (02:03)
5. A Good Teacher (complete) (05:56)
6. Quiet Town (01:46)
7. No Place to Go (01:12)
8. Plans (04:48)
9. The Raid (02:22)
10. The Scar / Hang on a Minute (03:16)
11. Cordona's Capture (00:41)
12. The Cantina (01:44)
13. The Trade (03:37)
14. RIO LOBO End Title (03:05)

Source Cues:

15. Assembly (00:26)
16. Billy Boy (01:37)
17. To Arms (00:26)
18. POW Camp (01:36)
19. Saloon Source Guitar #1 (02:30)
20. Saloon Source Guitar #2 (01:30)
21. Jew's Harp Source (00:56)
22. Saloon Source Piano #1 (01:00)
23. Saloon Source Piano #2 (01:26)
24. Saloon Source Piano #3 (01:55)

Alternate Cue:

25. On to Rio Lobo (alt. end) (00:38)

Stereo Tracks:

26. The Capture (01:35)
27. New Arrival / Unexpected Gun (03:01)
28. A Good Teacher / Quiet Town / Cantina (09:38)
29. Plans / The Raid (06:58)
30. Scar / Hang on a Minute / Finale (05:35)


02-03-2014, 03:34 PM

02-03-2014, 04:33 PM
I would really love this, but I'm afraid that everytime I try to download this all I get is 'exceeded daily, something or other'. It can't be me, because I never download anything from rapidshare before trying this.
I know it's a pain, but any chance of getting hold of Rio Lobo via some other host.
Many thanks, anyway. Great find, just a shame I can't seem to be able to get to it. It might well be something my end that I've missed.

02-03-2014, 08:12 PM
not working for me also

02-12-2014, 09:02 PM