02-02-2014, 04:25 PM

Sengoku BASARA 4 OST | Various Artists ( | MP3 320 | 343.6 MB

Download@MEGA (!HQRxhDYa!n3rGMZ015UKQNBmiRq8ktfWIGCJ9BlKIARxTWPX Xo0s)

Updated Tracklist: [Credit goes to Umegaki for the translations]

Disc 1
01 - Heavenly King
02 - Oushuu - Aoba Castle
03 - Compass
04 - Shizugatake - Oda Vanguard Invasion
05 - Theme of Shibata Katsuie
06 - The Shoulders That Carry Countless Feelings
07 - Oda - Azuchi Castle
08 - Overrun
09 - Honnouji Incident
10 - Needle's Whereabouts
11 - Blanket of Snow on the Rabbit-Ear Iris
12 - Theme of Azai Nagamasa
13 - Tango - Sengen Temple
14 - Theme of Kyougoku Maria
15 - Courtship Road
16 - Toutoumi - Iinoya Castle
17 - Theme of Ii Naotora
18 - Gathering of the Kagaonsen Maidens
19 - Runaway's Shadow
20 - Izumo - Shiraga Castle
21 - Theme of Yamanaka Shikanosuke
22 - Ootomo Zabiland Opening
23 - Floating Stronghold Heavenly Sun
24 - Grade Book
25 - Theme of Gotou Matabei
26 - Heavenly King's Leisure
27 - Azuchi's Four Lords Gather
28 - Remains of Ounin
29 - Audience
30 - Theme of Ashikaga Yoshiteru
31 - Sanada Yukimura vs Date Masamune

Disc 2
01 - Genesis
02 - The Die Is Cast
03 - Echizen - Kitanoshou Castle
04 - Bet on the Future
05 - Theme of Shima Sakon
06 - Oumi - Sawayama Castle
07 - Battle of Sekigahara - Western
08 - Enraged Soul
09 - Battle of Sekigahara - Eastern
10 - After Seeing The World's Creation
11 - He Who Opens the Door
12 - Mikawa - Komaki-Nagakute
13 - Pirate Stronghold Hyakki Fugaku
14 - Stalemate
15 - Genesis - Piano Version
16 - Spirit of the Blazing Sun
17 - Kai - Tsutsujigasaki Mansion
18 - Takeda Master's Dojo
19 - Kai - Takeda's Complaint
20 - Kaga - Maeda Keiji Festival
21 - Kaga - Maeda Keiji Festival - Dance
22 - Kaga - Maeda Keiji Festival - War
23 - Forward! Go Forward!!
24 - Bizen - U Castle
25 - Strong Man's Cookpot
26 - Cast-Off Revealed Scars
27 - Unwavering Straight Line
28 - Oosaka - Toyotomi-Ha Castle
29 - Do Or Die
30 - Theme of Takenaka Hanbei
31 - Theme of Toyotomi Hideyoshi
32 - Sengoku BASARA ver.4
33 - Beginning of the Warring States
34 - Lathe of Destiny

Note: Thanks to the translations provided by Umegaki, I am finally able to present the soundtrack with the full English tracklist, which is properly tagged and arranged in order. Plus, as an added bonus, I found the Sanada Yukimura vs. Date Masamune track and included it at the end of Disc 1 (as can be seen in the spoiler tag). Both discs can be found in separate folders after the extraction. Enjoy!

02-02-2014, 07:27 PM
Thank you so much for this. Have been playing the game, since I got it on Tuesday and can confirm that the soundtrack is pretty damn great.

02-03-2014, 01:04 AM
Added tracklist info in case anyone is apprehensive about the names being off-track.

02-06-2014, 10:58 AM
Thanks for this :) Been looking for this soundtrack since it came out!

02-06-2014, 01:55 PM
Thank you very much for uploading this! I've looking for it all over the place!

02-07-2014, 07:37 PM
Thank God! Thank you!

02-07-2014, 07:44 PM
I can take a crack at the track names for you.

Edit: Alright, here they are. Fully translated, but if you just want transliterations, I can do that too.

Disc 1
01 - Heavenly King
02 - Oushuu - Aoba Castle
03 - Compass
04 - Shizugatake - Oda Vanguard Invasion
05 - Theme of Shibata Katsuie
06 - The Shoulders That Carry Countless Feelings
07 - Oda - Azuchi Castle
08 - Overrun
09 - Honnouji Incident
10 - Needle's Whereabouts
11 - Blanket of Snow on the Rabbit-Ear Iris
12 - Theme of Azai Nagamasa
13 - Tango - Sengen Temple
14 - Theme of Kyougoku Maria
15 - Courtship Road
16 - Toutoumi - Iinoya Castle
17 - Theme of Ii Naotora
18 - Gathering of the Kagaonsen Maidens
19 - Runaway's Shadow
20 - Izumo - Shiraga Castle
21 - Theme of Yamanaka Shikanosuke
22 - Ootomo Zabiland Opening
23 - Floating Stronghold Heavenly Sun
24 - Grade Book
25 - Theme of Gotou Matabei
26 - Heavenly King's Leisure
27 - Azuchi's Four Lords Gather
28 - Remains of Ounin
29 - Audience
30 - Theme of Ashikaga Yoshiteru

Disc 2
01 - Genesis
02 - The Die Is Cast
03 - Echizen - Kitanoshou Castle
04 - Bet on the Future
05 - Theme of Shima Sakon
06 - Oumi - Sawayama Castle
07 - Battle of Sekigahara - Western
08 - Enraged Soul
09 - Battle of Sekigahara - Eastern
10 - After Seeing The World's Creation
11 - He Who Opens the Door
12 - Mikawa - Komaki-Nagakute
13 - Pirate Stronghold Hyakki Fugaku
14 - Stalemate
15 - Genesis - Piano Version
16 - Spirit of the Blazing Sun
17 - Kai - Tsutsujigasaki Mansion
18 - Takeda Master's Dojo
19 - Kai - Takeda's Complaint
20 - Kaga - Maeda Keiji Festival
21 - Kaga - Maeda Keiji Festival - Dance
22 - Kaga - Maeda Keiji Festival - War
23 - Forward! Go Forward!!
24 - Bizen - U Castle
25 - Strong Man's Cookpot
26 - Cast-Off Revealed Scars
27 - Unwavering Straight Line
28 - Oosaka - Toyotomi-Ha Castle
29 - Do Or Die
30 - Theme of Takenaka Hanbei
31 - Theme of Toyotomi Hideyoshi
32 - Sengoku BASARA ver.4
33 - Beginning of the Warring States
34 - Lathe of Destiny

02-08-2014, 05:13 AM
Really can't believe how off Google Translate can be, but I appreciate the complete translation, Umegaki. If it's all right with you, I'd like to fix the tracknames sometime and reupload both discs so that everything is completely accurate. Credit will still go to you.

Again, apologies to anyone who got the improperly titled tracks. Thankfully the songs can be named properly now.

02-08-2014, 05:41 AM
Feel free! I'm just glad to help. I know how much of a pain in the butt this stuff can be, especially because the castle and place names are all the old historical ones and most modern translators aren't going to recognize that sort of thing. (But to be fair to them, it took me a lot of Wikipedia and my favorite Japanese-English dictionary to get them right, so. Hey. *heh*)

02-09-2014, 11:29 PM

02-10-2014, 08:30 AM
Thanks you for this OST ;o; Lord Hanbei's theme is just awesome!

02-15-2014, 03:18 AM
The thread has been updated with a link to the soundtrack, which is now properly tagged thanks to Umegaki's translations, and additional information.

02-15-2014, 12:35 PM
Thank you!

02-15-2014, 05:37 PM
thank you!

04-20-2014, 05:43 PM
Thank you so very much for this<3

05-12-2014, 06:42 PM
Thank you very much!

06-01-2014, 08:26 AM
Doesn't seem to be working any longer.

Been sitting at the "Starting" phase for a while now...


06-15-2014, 10:55 PM
Matabei's theme is just too freakin awesome,i look forward to make it extended real soon.

Thanks a lot Heropon Riki and Umegaki for this.

11-06-2014, 12:08 PM
thank you so much ^__^