02-01-2014, 05:06 PM
This thread will be dedicated to quizzes where you are supposed to guess the games the music are from. Only one quiz at a time, but anyone can host a quiz, just make sure to contact me first (PM ( and I will tell when you can post your quiz.

Quiz #9 (the songs can be found there)
I recommend changing to HTML5 version of the player if the Flash Player version doesn't work well for you.

Guess the games the soundtracks are from. If you can tell me the name of the song/track as well you will get (an) extra point(s). Sorry for using vimeo instead of youtube. Please don't edit your post a lot, if there is any confusion I'm going to go after the last timestamp. I've also tried to make the songs enjoyable to listen to, sorry if anyone thinks they are too long. If you've competed in any of my earlier quizzes, I will add your old total on the total leaderboard.

You get 2 points for guessing the correct game.
You get 2 points for guessing the correct track.
You will earn 1 point less for each of the following that is true:
I have given some kind of official hint about the game, for example what console it is on.

Usually all tracks can be found on youtube!! I will be giving hints at random times, but not before 24 hours have passed.

Enjoy and have fun! :)


This Round's Leaderboard:

MMDE's Total Leaderboard:

Enjoy the music and the games! :)

02-03-2014, 11:53 PM
If nobody is going to give the quiz a shot, I'm going to take it down and move it to another forum. I posted it here because I thought you guys were into video game soundtracks etc.

If you want to participate, it's easy, just listen to the tracks in that link and tell me what games the tracks are from, and if you know tell me the name of the track too!

09-02-2014, 12:44 PM
4: super mario 64, bowser road i think. xD