08-31-2004, 02:40 AM
ok, everyone knows seymour is a bad guy. but how BAD is he?
lets take the time to critizied seymour's chara and point our fingers and laugh while he crys in his girlish voice. while we're at it, lets critizize other chara's too.

i'll start.

seymour's clothing. the kimono look is ok but what with the red thing near his stomach? is it bulging out? is he fat?! 00!

Bahamut ZERO
08-31-2004, 11:41 AM
Seymour's character is key to the story in Final Fantasy X. Whereas the entire party, Tidus in particular, is trying to avoid the inevitable spiral of death that Spira represents, Seymour seeks to embrace it, to become it and to take everyone into it.

The two groups had different solutions to the problem of Sin. Tidus wanted to help destroy it, and to keep Yuna alive and to give Spira hope in the future. A world without Sin. Seymour thought such thoughts were futile. To him there was no escape from death, so why bother ever trying to fight it? Better to embrace death and let Sin take them all rather than to continue struggling with pain throughout life.

Seymour is also unique in that you start off thinking he might be one of your friends. His power is demonstrated right away with Anima during the blitzball tournament. It's further hit home when he fights alongside you at Mushroom Rock Road. The boss fights against him are TOUGH, unlike some others against other bosses in the series. I like his character, and the voice suits him, adding to the creepiness of the character.

08-31-2004, 11:54 AM
I'd have loved to have Seymour join the party and help fight Sin. It would create a most interesting chemistry between the characters. Think love-triangle. Tidus disliked Seymour from the beginning, due to Seymour's arrogance, and/or because of the attention he gave Yuna.
Yuna, on the other hand... I think she kind of looked up to Seymour at the start. After all, he was a high-ranking Maester, powerful, with self-esteem and unfaltering determination.
This was an interesting constellation, and like Bahamut_ZERO said, Seymour is interesting because he has such a twisted point of view...

His voice? I don't think it sounds girlish at all. Girlish? I've never heard a girl with such a creepy voice.
I'd rather describe it as falsely, disgustingly sweet. And definitely creepy. Alex Fernandez sure is a talented voice actor. At the end of the game, Seymour is shouting some thing in a now completely different, more angry, more openly evil voice.
But the slow, pretending to be nice, arrogant voice he usually speaks with... well, doesn't it fit him perfectly? ;)

Dark Adonis
08-31-2004, 01:54 PM
What are you talking about, I love his his voice (It sounds like one of my teachers?? :notgood: ).. I find that Seymour would have been a good character to join up with the party, I love his magic power!

08-31-2004, 10:11 PM
I love Seymour's voice.

I actually have a voice clip of me trying to talk like him. Maybe I'll post it later if I'm feeling especially shameless.

hb smokey
08-31-2004, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by Ndi
I actually have a voice clip of me trying to talk like him. Maybe I'll post it later if I'm feeling especially shameless.

Actually, I think it would be great if you did post it.

08-31-2004, 11:40 PM
grr. i'm sorry for this thread people, my evil cousin put this up. he got fustrated...what a baby.

you should post the sound bite. i would like to hear it while i kill my cousin .

hb smokey
08-31-2004, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by animation_girl2000
i'm sorry for this thread people
Why? Seymour is a really intriguing character, and I like seeing discussion about him.

09-01-2004, 11:45 AM
Funny, this is the second time today that I read "Sorry for the thread my stupid friend/cousin/brother made it".

Ndi, I remember that sound file! =D

Bahamut ZERO
09-01-2004, 12:51 PM
If a stupid member of my family tried to use my computer, I'd be shocked. :) Mainly because most of them don't know how to~

And I remember the voice clip too. Along with the one of the attempted British accent. :)

Aerith Gainsborough
09-01-2004, 01:26 PM
I like Seymours voice. And I like the way he talks too. Calm and polite! Very gentlemen-like. His words are as sweet as honey.....

That drives a lot of people crazy, but I like it.

Usually villains are always rude and loud. I like the opposite of it, because this shows even more how insane these kind of villains are.... ;)

09-01-2004, 10:47 PM
If Seymour saw a Psychiatrist,he wouldn't have been so evil.He had a difficult childhood.Bullying,being ignored by his dad and a mom who commited siucide so she could become Anima.Tidus needs to see a Psychiatrist too because he had problems with his dad.
Tee Hee arent I intelligent!

09-02-2004, 05:14 AM
seymour is gay, and secretly adores the young tidus

sephiroth is one million times cooler than seymour

09-02-2004, 07:14 AM
Thank you for sharing that completely pointless bit of fanboy ranting, groovytang. Now we all know that you're an FFVII fanboy with no regard for anyone who happens to like anything else. Now go take your inflated ego back to the FFVII forum.

I liked Seymour, for the most part. He went a little too crazy at the end for my taste, but he was far more sinister than most FF villains. I'm still waiting to see a FF villain I can take really seriously. The kind who represents pure, self-serving evil without being clinically insane and having mother issues.

Bahamut ZERO
09-02-2004, 07:51 AM
I don't think Seymour was insane. He just had slightly skewed views on life and the point of it. To him, living was pointless because death would take everyone in time, and only through death could true release be found. Hence why he was so surprised that the party COULD defeat him after sacrificing himself countless times to become strong enough to conquer Sin.

His views can be understood when you think that Spira is just a world of death and destruction, locked in an eternal loop with Sin ever present. Of course, the party changed that.

09-03-2004, 02:29 AM
With the exception of the obvious Sin, Seymour is the key bad guy. He's strong, relentless and supposedly omnipotent. It would be far too obvious for him to have an aggressive, harsh, rough voice. He'd be too hateable.

Combined with his ruthless take on life and his outward aggression, his calm, light-hearted, airy voice makes him a very unique character.

You could see his intentions from the beginning but during his first appearance in Luca he seems like a good guy.

hb smokey
09-03-2004, 02:35 AM
Originally posted by louse101
You could see his intentions from the beginning but during his first appearance in Luca he seems like a good guy.
Well, that was because he was an excellent manipulator during a good part of the game, until the party eventually found out his true nature.

09-03-2004, 12:26 PM
"Pretend you didn't see them"
"Pretend I didn't say it"

If they didn't add that into the start of the game, we wouldn't've picked up on his slightly more darker side so early.

I don't like his voice. It's too high pitched. But it fits his character. The Japanese voice wasn't like that though. I may be biased since I played that first.

He also annoyed me since he kept appearing even after you defeated him so many times.

I hate those things, which makes him a good villain.

09-03-2004, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Smokey

Well, that was because he was an excellent manipulator during a good part of the game, until the party eventually found out his true nature.
Oh absolutely! But we find out things at the same time as the party and on first meeting Seymour he seemed like a good person.

"Pretend you didn't see them"
"Pretend I didn't say it"

That was deffinately the first large hint that he was a many-faced, manipulative leader. Unfortunately he had the sympathetic backup from the entire Guado.

Lunatic HighVII
09-03-2004, 06:18 PM
Seymour didn't have a girlish voice, it just sounded calm and soothing, in a very creepy sort of way. ;)