08-30-2004, 09:55 PM
Well here it is, does anyone know where I could find pictures of the FF logos, but with just the symbol? what I mean is it has the meteor but it doesn't say Final Fantasy VII in front of it, it has Squall and Rinoa but it doesn't say Final Fantasy VIII infront of it etc.

The reason I ask is because I'm trying to get those logo symbols 1-12 so I can make a clock, and insted of having numbers the symbols would be on the apporpriate number. Call me a crazy fanatic that is just bored because hell I am, but any help would be great thank you!

08-30-2004, 11:14 PM
Nah, sounds like a pretty decent idea to me.
Have you tried searching for the images on google, then editing out the FF writing in MS paint or some art program?

08-30-2004, 11:28 PM
Yeah I acctually have tried that, and the results were terrible. I only have MSpaint and i'm not very good at using it so what i came out with was something pretty choppy looking. So now I've asked on here to see if anyone would know were I could find just those logo symbols

09-03-2004, 10:51 PM
I think it's really hard to find just logos without their names.
I actually searched for them and I noticed one more thing makes it harder.
You know there's confusing thing when it comes about Final Fantasy titles.
For example, Final Fntasy 6 is called FF3 in America, this kind of thing makes most sites not have logos of Final Fantasies before FF6.
I think your idea is cool, though, it's just unfortunate that it doesn't really seem you can achive it.

09-03-2004, 11:00 PM
I guess you really have to edit those logos yourself... paint them, and stuff...

09-04-2004, 04:16 AM
Lunatic HighVII helped me a little bit with finding the logos and acctually found the Final Fantasy X one without the words. A friend of mine was able to edit out the Meteor on the FFVII logo, but she is unable to do it with the logo from FFVIII, it was still cool of her to try though.

So far it does seem to be something that I can't acheive so I might just have to go with plan B. which is using them with the words Final Fantasy infront of the logos. Still I think it would look really cool with just the logo art themselves.

09-04-2004, 11:53 AM
Hmm i'll look around. If given enough time i can find those pictures for you, or at least some. Im good at skipping through the internet. lol. I blame it on Journalism always forcing me to find the most hidden on details. I wish you luck and i'll contact you if i find anything.