01-27-2014, 12:28 AM
Blood Wings Sinfonia
Symphony No. 7: Murder on the Night Plains Vol. 4

6 tracks, TRT: 1:12:09, 320 MP3


Note: The end has finally come at last and what an ending it is. For this special finale, I have pulled no stops to give you what your ears are about to hear and your nerves about to experience.

As I had mentioned in another post, I was luckily able to find snippets (NOT the complete score, it is quite necessary that I quite specifically note that) from the coveted Final Destination 3 score from Shirley Walker. Unfortunately, it is hosted on a private server with very strict sharing policies so NO, I will not share the snippets acquired to compile this work separately from this release. All PM requests will go unread and ignored. They are all included in here to some degree (the acquired cues totalled out to 8 minutes, just under 11 when including the already widely available Main Title cue) or another so unfortunately that is the best I can currently offer.

For this project, I turned to some interesting sources. The majority of this symphony is a shout-out to composers Shirley Walker (R.I.P.), John Ottman and of course Marco Beltrami. Fans of Ottman's Superman Returns will admire my interesting incorporation of Ottman's rendition of the beloved score. Fans of Walker will rejoice at how her music helps bring this whole thing together. To be honest, without those snippets of Final Destination 3 this project might not be ready any time soon. I just needed the kickstart that Walker's music gave me. In the past, I found her music the absolute most fun to work with so I patiently awaited the day I got to do another project where I worked more extensively with her music.

This go around, I refrain from using Penderecki and Beltrami as much as possible due to their extensive use in my other projects but Penderecki does open up the first movement with Walker/Ottman/Beltrami's music taking turns playing off of one another for the remaining movements. There is additional unreleased material sprinkled throughout the set but due to even tougher sharing rules, I can't tell you what they are. Fans of the respective sources (both score and film) will be able to spot them. Due to my not being able to openly share these (technically I'm not even supposed to talk about it AT ALL), I knew how so many people wanted what is presented here in some way, shape or form and this is my cheeky way to get them to you. Unfortunately, it won't be what you expect but perhaps may exceed your expectations.

Once the Final Destination 3 cues were obtained, I devoted the next 3 days of my life putting this all together and crying at the editorial magic I manipulated into existence through this project. It's definitely one of the most fun of my projects to not only work on but to listen to more than once. I can believe people when they say that once the 72 minute work is over, they want to listen to it again.

2013 went out smashingly with the introduction of new friends, the re-introduction of old friends and an impromptu trip to New York. 2014 carries so much promise with it. I originally planned to have this up as a New Years surprise but life happens and that never happened. I'm glad too because in just the 3 months alone I have had enough mental duress in my mind to do these projects that I don't think this project could've been what it is now had I posted it then. With new life experience comes new territory in my music. There have been plenty of new life experiences for me so as a result, this new work brings with it new composers, new styles and new degrees of terror and amazement.

I hope you enjoy this final volume of my 4-volume series, Murder on the Night Plains. It's been fun and keep an eye out in the upcoming months for Symphony No. 8: There Will Be No More Death, a one-volume pseudo-epic project inspired by the Biblical book of Revelations. Following that will be my last planned symphony entitled Symphony No. 9: Wunderlust where I begin delving into the sexual nature of music. There may be a 10th symphony but currently I have no plans for one.

01-27-2014, 12:32 AM
thanks Cody

01-27-2014, 12:44 AM
Thanks very much, LOVE all of your work!!

06-09-2015, 12:47 PM

06-09-2015, 10:13 PM