new boy
01-26-2014, 11:54 PM
Hi Guys

First post :O

I love FFVII and FFX. Like, a lot.

I cant remember which one I played first, as it must be over 10 years ago.

FFVII, I completed all I could. All players lvl99 (or whatever) beat the weapons etc.

FFX, despite have the international version (EU) I never got round to the dark aeons + penence. I had probably 400hrs played over 3 save files. (saved up 10m gil to max my stats, then got pissed because I realised I was worse off for picking the expert grid so rage quited lol.)

In all honesty, While I know this goes agaist the grain of most FF fanatics... I think FFX was better than 7 lol. This might be due to the extra hours I put in causing me to be more attatched though lol. + that besaid track :love

This is why I'm so pleased to hear about the remastered version of FFX, as its a perfect excuse to finally do everything I didnt do last time.

But, alas, its not out for another 2 months :(

So, I think I could do with another FF game to tide me over untill then (or just continue whoring GT6, but thats for another forum).

FF8, I liked quite a lot, but the last disc was scratched on my 2nd hand copy so never finished. I even bought another copy, but by then, the FF buzz had gone, and I never got round to it.

FF9, I just never really got into. I dont think I even got past the first disc :(

FFX-2 I couldnt get into. I think this was due to my love of X and I dont think it could ever live up to my expectations. I may aswell leave it untill I have the remastered one.

FFXIII. I was kinda likeing, then I cheated a bit and run through to somewhere I shouldnt have and got a uber weapon that made the game lame.

So, which one do you think I should pick up for the time being? All the PS classics are on PSN sale atm (lost the retail ones. there somewhere, but got knows where). Or maybe give XIII another try? Obviously some poeople like it as they made a sequal?

Nostalgia gamer
01-27-2014, 11:31 AM
I say it depends on what you like.Maybe you'l like FFX-2? lots of stuff to say, and people say the gameplay is fenomenal in FFX-2.I hear good things too about the gameplay in FFXII, but i heard bad things about the characters.

01-27-2014, 05:33 PM
Hmm, if you're going to give any another try I'd say IX. It's one of the best games in the series imo and if you didn't get very far into it then it's probably worth another go. I despised XIII, I honestly thought it was awful with little to no redeeming qualities. However, I really liked the sequel so you could give it a go. You don't need to have played XIII to play XIII-2 since it gives you the whole story at the beginning. XII is a really great game, but the first time I played it I was put off by the story because it's pretty impersonal compared to most FF games, however the game play is brilliant and when playing through it again I've actually come to enjoy the story and the characters too.

I've actually had this problem too. I really want to play a FF game, but I just got finished XII and I don't want to play X/X-2 till the remaster comes out. I may play IX again actually.

Nostalgia gamer
01-27-2014, 08:25 PM
Hmm, if you're going to give any another try I'd say IX. It's one of the best games in the series imo and if you didn't get very far into it then it's probably worth another go. I despised XIII, I honestly thought it was awful with little to no redeeming qualities. However, I really liked the sequel so you could give it a go. You don't need to have played XIII to play XIII-2 since it gives you the whole story at the beginning. XII is a really great game, but the first time I played it I was put off by the story because it's pretty impersonal compared to most FF games, however the game play is brilliant and when playing through it again I've actually come to enjoy the story and the characters too.

I've actually had this problem too. I really want to play a FF game, but I just got finished XII and I don't want to play X/X-2 till the remaster comes out. I may play IX again actually.

I didn't play FFX-2, so i have no idea, but i heard it was fun so i recommended it to Him/Her.As for FFXIII:I agree.I personally think in terms of strategy and turn based, i prefer strategy games which are turn based because they are a lot more complex.I played tactics and it seemed to add more to the turn base than FFX did, and i had a great time turning enemies into chickens.It was just funny to watch em run around helpless.

As for IX:I think its a good game.I'd rather play 9 and x over 8 any day, even 7 in turns of gameplay UGH!.I like the silly story as i get entertainment outta it, but man i hate the rules in 8, and the card queen, and i dislike how useless magic is except for stacking.

new boy
01-29-2014, 12:18 AM
I decided to replay vii in the end :)

I've just got out of midgar.

It's been so long since I played, that I really cant remember quite a few bits. The music however, that is bringing back some memories / feelings.

I'm glad I decided to replay this. I think I'll grab ix before the sale ends though, so I can play that after x.

Darth Revan
01-29-2014, 03:41 AM
As for IX:I think its a good game.I'd rather play 9 and x over 8 any day, even 7 in turns of gameplay UGH!.I like the silly story as i get entertainment outta it, but man i hate the rules in 8, and the card queen, and i dislike how useless magic is except for stacking.

X is garbage. That's just my opinion though. The story was weak and the characters were forgettable. Worst thing about X, that goddamn blitzball... worst minigame ever.
X-2 is complete fanservice and I just couldn't take it seriously at all. The so called 'link' with FFVII was terrible and proved (to me) that SE was running out of ideas on how to make a good game.
XII is just a poor man's rendition of Star Wars... though the battle system was good, as it was ripped right out of XIO!
XIII... crap. This review explains all the reasons wrong with this game and I happen to agree 100% with the reviewer (

VIII was better to me... I liked the characters and the story worked well. The minigame was far more enjoyable than girlyboys playing underwater. I admit at times the rules did annoy me, but hey... I got past it and completed the game 100%. Personally, any FF including X and onwards (excluding XIO and XIVARR as they're MMO's and a totally different animal) never got me into the series, if anything they pushed me away from FF.

01-30-2014, 05:48 AM
The 'link' between VII and X was fan-created, Darth Revan. Square-Enix isn't neckbearded enough to pluck such a trivial connection out of their collective arse. One character named Shinra doesn't mean jack. It's literally the loosest dumbfuckery I've ever read, and 'Shinra' the character could've been installed at random into any Final Fantasy title (or game in general) to make it a prequel. This is all I could find on it.

“Shinra is a boy who supports the Gullwings, the group which the main protagonist, Yuna, belongs to. He carries a name that gives him an association to the Shin-Ra Company, and he is researching a method that could utilize the energy of "the life force that flows through our planet." The results of this cannot be seen in FFX-2, but maybe one day his descendants will establish a "company that supplies the energy of the planet"?”

Cloud's Buster Sword shows up at a weapon shop in XI, for fuck's sake. Fanboys need to quit grasping at straws trying to make a hen out of a feather.

Darth Revan
01-30-2014, 12:17 PM
The 'link' between VII and X was fan-created, Darth Revan. Square-Enix isn't neckbearded enough to pluck such a trivial connection out of their collective arse. One character named Shinra doesn't mean jack. It's literally the loosest dumbfuckery I've ever read, and 'Shinra' the character could've been installed at random into any Final Fantasy title (or game in general) to make it a prequel. This is all I could find on it.

“Shinra is a boy who supports the Gullwings, the group which the main protagonist, Yuna, belongs to. He carries a name that gives him an association to the Shin-Ra Company, and he is researching a method that could utilize the energy of "the life force that flows through our planet." The results of this cannot be seen in FFX-2, but maybe one day his descendants will establish a "company that supplies the energy of the planet"?”

Square Enix has lost what made them great years ago. The Shinra connection may be fan created (just like the so called Indoctrination Theory in Mass Effect 3), however it doesn't stop the idiotic from spouting it as fact. Only reason I used that, is due to the plethora of fan(atic)s I've encountered who have used that time and again to form a damn link.

It's a bullshit fan idea... though it's one I wouldn't put past SE from retconning at a later date.

Cloud's Buster Sword shows up at a weapon shop in XI, for fuck's sake. Fanboys need to quit grasping at straws trying to make a hen out of a feather.

No it doesn't. The Buster Sword is NOT in XI.

Nostalgia gamer
01-30-2014, 02:49 PM
FF8 can be entertaining.Heck:Even the story and its corny love story and ridiculous things like the orphanage is funny for me.Heck:even the ending is satisfying when i beat the game, more satisfying than ff7, but less so than others.

Its just that there is no doubt in my mind that the card game rules thing was a bad idea.Taking something like having to reset your game over and over to get the right rules and have to combine that with the rng exploit to actually win, is the most annoying thing in ff history.Its far worse than blitzball.At least in blitzball if you know what you are doing, you can get it over with eventually, and there is a mixture of stuff to do like the chocobo racing and butterfly catching.YES GUYS!! i am defending FFX.I think overall in terms of mini games, FFX wins hands down over FF8, and ff7 wins as well.They both provide a variety of stuff to do which equates to more playability.

I don't think FFX is completely irredeemable in its gameplay.It has its good moments and such.Its just that in FF8 the good moments are replaced by really terrible moments like:Magic being broken and the stupid card game rule where you need to cheat to win.

Darth Revan
01-30-2014, 03:09 PM
I never had to resort to cheating to complete my Triple Triad Card set in VIII and if you have then sorry... you don't know how to play it. Also with people bitching about the Junction and Magic System... bah, every game has something to it which people complain about. The card rules for Tetra Master in IX had people complaining as well, just as with EVERY damn minigame in every FF game has people complaining about them. Blitzball was a terrible minigame, defend all you want Nostalgia gamer, I hated it just as I hated almost everything about X, X-2, XII and XIII.

If you think FFX is better than VIII, then fine. I feel this is a problem with all new players to the FF series... who started with either VII or X. They think those games are better than the others, no matter what.

01-30-2014, 08:42 PM
If you think FFX is better than VIII, then fine. I feel this is a problem with all new players to the FF series... who started with either VII or X. They think those games are better than the others, no matter what.

Or it could be that people just have different preferences? X was admittedly the first one I played, VII was my second. I love X, but VII is my second least favourite game in the series. I don't think being the first one to play means anything. I love X, but for a long time I couldn't decide whether it was my favourite or VIII was. I love them both, and the only reason I rank X higher is probably because of the sphere grid (my favourite levelling system by far, it's pretty much perfect), because everything else I feel is equally as good. Triple Triad is an amazing minigame, it's better than blitzball (which I also love) but X has more variety of minigames. Basically, I do not like X just because I played it before the others. People have different tastes, and that includes what they like in games. It's not a problem.

Darth Revan
01-31-2014, 12:21 AM
Or it could be that people just have different preferences? X was admittedly the first one I played, VII was my second. I love X, but VII is my second least favourite game in the series. I don't think being the first one to play means anything. I love X, but for a long time I couldn't decide whether it was my favourite or VIII was. I love them both, and the only reason I rank X higher is probably because of the sphere grid (my favourite levelling system by far, it's pretty much perfect), because everything else I feel is equally as good. Triple Triad is an amazing minigame, it's better than blitzball (which I also love) but X has more variety of minigames. Basically, I do not like X just because I played it before the others. People have different tastes, and that includes what they like in games. It's not a problem.

As I said, most of the newcomers to the FF series, started with the PS2 versions and of course, they'll think those ones are the best. I agree it's all about personal preference, but when you've had numerous people try to ram down your throat that X is better than VII or XIII is the best etc... one does tend to get quite aggravated about it all. I've been playing FF since the original on the NES, and after each successive FF I've seen the changes for good or worse. To me, the PS2 generation is what started to kill the console FF's for myself, then along comes crap like Crapdom Farts, where I've even been told that they are CANON with the original FF series. That there is a link between X and VII or Ultimecia is Rinoa etc etc etc... all of this garbage comes from all of the newcomers to the series.

Over the years of my membership at this forum (as well as other FF based Forums), I've seen a lot of fan(atic)s trying to tell me which is better and force their opinions onto myself and others who didn't agree with them. Yes it's all about personal preference, I don't deny that... however I will not say a game is good if it isn't to myself. Hence why I say that the PS2 era onwards of FF's, apart from XIO and XIVARR as they're MMO's, are to myself pure and utter garbage. That also includes the inane so called "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII (The original game was good... didn't deserve the rest), the Ivalice saga (Again, FFT was good... the rest, not so) and all the sequels (X2, XIII-2 and the soon to be released Lightning Returns)... The Father of Final Fantasy, Hironobu Sakaguchi, intended for all FF's to be singular and stand alone... not for any sequels to be added to them.

Yet after the abysmal failure of The Spirits Within, losing his seat on SE's board of directors and subsequently quitting SE sometime later (Even Nobuo Uematsu is no longer firmly in SE, rather a freelancer)... it's no wonder the FF series has died a bit to myself.

01-31-2014, 12:43 AM
I think adding sequels has a lot to do with money and resource issues. It takes a lot of dedication to develop a world in a game now compared to the PS days, a lot more resources and a lot more money, so it makes sense from a business perspective that having a larger story in the same world and spreading it out over a series would be the way to go. I also preferred it when each game was stand alone, but with the new technology, to make such an expansive game, with great lore and story, it almost seems a waste to limit it to only one game. I loathed XIII, but I really enjoyed XIII-2 and I won't just LR until I've played it. I don't think the direction the company has gone in means there will be no more great games. I think it's entirely possible for new games to top older ones.

Fans can often have a much more negative effect on games than they mean to. I know my opinion on FFVII has changed directly as a result of the fans. Judging the game itself, I like it, I find it enjoyable, but I struggle to get through it and never even finished it until my third playthrough. I don't think it's a bad game, but when fans try to tell me it's the best the series will ever have, or the best game ever to be made, it gives me reason to dislike the game more than is actually fair. Fans who love XIII don't annoy me so much, even though I hate that game, probably because they're a minority and their opinion differs so much from mine that I can't really take what they say seriously. If they love something I hate (like it being linear), then there's really nothing to say about it other than agree to disagree. When fans try to justify a games faults, or pretend faults don't exist, that's when I get annoyed and although I wish it didn't, it does influence how I feel about the game as well.

Nostalgia gamer
01-31-2014, 01:10 AM
Thing is:Blitzball was slow and painful, but it didn't drag along as much as triple triad.Triple triad was just plain painful.It was a good idea but it takes forever to get anywhere.I could finish blitzball and you would still be nowhere near finished getting rid of all those stupid card game rules.I spent i think 2 weeks with blitzball or more, and i was bored by the end, but i finished it.I also had a bunch of stuff to do other than blitzball.In ff8 what you got? extra boss and what else? its pretty much obligatory if you want to be strong, cause you will suck real bad.Or you could trade it for hours upon hours of boring spell farming which is the same tedious busywork.

The problem is:The card game rules are completely random, so if you want to have any chance to get rid of it sooner, you have to cheat by using the rng exploit, and that still takes forever.

Don't get me wrong:I think FFXIII is a heck of a lot worse than FFX, and the story in FFX is at a stand still without going anywhere for a really long time with filler, and that is beyond annoying.What is especially annoying, is how it seemed incredibly repetitive.1 temple macalania another temple in zanarkand then another temple.To tell you the truth:The enemy bestiary is actually far better in ff8 and FFXIII.FFX has probably one of the worse bestiaries i have seen.There is only a hand full of enemies you meet, and that isn't much whatsoever.I think the designers could have put more effort in that department.How many times do we have to meet the same boring gelatinous cube and bird and dog enemy with different skin color? How about new enemies? ff8 i think at least kept more interesting so its not the same boring thing when you went from one area to the other.In FFX its like:OH look its the same gelatinous cube and bird i fought at the beginning of the game.I wonder when something new will show up? HALEFRIGGINLUYAH!! you go to the dungeon and finally find a new enemy.I don't care what it is, this game needs new monsters new bestiary new stuff.

01-31-2014, 02:41 AM
@ Darth Revan,

if they humour their militant fanbase's witless mindrot, they might as well just sever their genitals and hand them over as well to keep in a jar by the door. Better yet, turn over the rights to all future titles to the same autistic little weaboos who come up with that kind of bullshit. Mass Effect 3 was a disgrace to humanity. It's taken the whole of these couple years to push that dreck from my memory. You can have your cake, but we'll eat it for you.

Side note to anyone who gives a bother: VII was my first Final Fantasy and I thought it was guff from the moment I picked up another. Personal preference is what it all boils down to.

new boy
02-01-2014, 11:49 PM
Hmmm. Interesting.

Still enjoying 7 btw, but alas life gets in the way so cannot progress as quickly as I could a decade ago.

I would suggest that there will always be a special spot in your heart for the first (of a kind) game that you play. I don't see why anyone should feel that that is wrong or put effort into correcting that?

Like I said. vii and x were my first, and my favorite. I will make no apologies to anyone for that.

I do feel that my judgment may have been clouded however due to my love of those, others in the series could not compete.

With that in mind, I fully intend to play through x-2 after x with a completely open mind. I also intend to play 12 and 13 again (or for the first time, cant remember if I have one or both) with an open mind.

I also intend to play xiii-2 and xiii-3 (is that going to be a thing?) and viii and ix again with an open mind (might take me 3 -5 years, as there will probably be other things I will want to invest my free time in too).

I have no intention of playing any game before vii however, I'm sorry, but the graphics just don't stimulate my modern brain enough.

flame me if you will, but its no fun to me. There are modern games with worse story/lore/chars that give me more enjoyment than snes games.

yes, story etc is cool, but there's a limit where graphics and a decent story came overcome a game with a few pixels and a great story (IMO)

Nostalgia gamer
02-02-2014, 01:44 AM
Hmmm. Interesting.

Still enjoying 7 btw, but alas life gets in the way so cannot progress as quickly as I could a decade ago.

I would suggest that there will always be a special spot in your heart for the first (of a kind) game that you play. I don't see why anyone should feel that that is wrong or put effort into correcting that?

Like I said. vii and x were my first, and my favorite. I will make no apologies to anyone for that.

I do feel that my judgment may have been clouded however due to my love of those, others in the series could not compete.

With that in mind, I fully intend to play through x-2 after x with a completely open mind. I also intend to play 12 and 13 again (or for the first time, cant remember if I have one or both) with an open mind.

I also intend to play xiii-2 and xiii-3 (is that going to be a thing?) and viii and ix again with an open mind (might take me 3 -5 years, as there will probably be other things I will want to invest my free time in too).

I have no intention of playing any game before vii however, I'm sorry, but the graphics just don't stimulate my modern brain enough.

flame me if you will, but its no fun to me. There are modern games with worse story/lore/chars that give me more enjoyment than snes games.

yes, story etc is cool, but there's a limit where graphics and a decent story came overcome a game with a few pixels and a great story (IMO)

The games i recommended weren't snes, but more modern.FF tactics is ps1 era and ds era.

FFX-2 is ps2 era.

Besides:FF6 holds up better than ff7 in graphics, because ff6 was at the end of the snes and ff7 was at the middle early life span of the ps1.FF8 looks better graphically if that's all you care about.Its cutscenes are quite good too.

But i'd rather play ff7 gameplay over ff8 gameplay.