01-26-2014, 06:08 PM
PLEASE NOTE : This is from a 5.1 source which was converted from 2.0 (as on the Blu-Ray release). Before anyone shouts at me and says "what's this shit?!" ... My source is inferior and this the best I have available. I have no access to the sound effects only source (which I believe does exist), I have access to the retail Blu-Ray. If anyone thinks they can do better I'll gladly give the source files out and someone else can attempt this.

Here is the complete score for Raise The Titanic by John Barry - this is the original score but has been extracted from a 5.1 soundtrack source but still contains dialogue (some digital editing has been attempted without damaging the score) but dialogue and sound effects still remain.

Please do NOT expect a perfect score, if that's what you want, get the Nic Raine version. I have done my best, please respect that. This released was based on initial feedback that too much editing had digitised too much of the score and made it unusable. This has been lessened in this version. There are only a few tracks with no sound effects or dialogue present, they have been left clean. Where sound effects were found to be loud, some editing has attempted to lessen these, again attempting to keep the score as "pure" as was possible.

DO NOT EXPECT A PERFECT SCORE, THIS IS NOT IT. This is the best I have been able to achieve.

This score has a lot to live up to .... I will forever be searching for a clean score, but in the meantime, this is my offering.

Track Listing:

01 - Overture (01:56)
02 - Main Titles ( 01:37)
03 - The Mine Shaft (01:29)
04 - The Sicilian Project & Dog Attack (02:38)
06 - Southby (00:44)
07 - 'The Mountain Comes To Us (02:01)
08 - We're In Business (00:14)
09 - Damn Big Ballpark (01:38)
10 - Cornwall (00:25)
11 - Memories of Titanic (01:40)
12 - Deep Quest (01:30)
13 - Star Fish (01:49)
14 - Flood (01:59)
15 - Something Metallic (01:26)
16 - The Russians & Interference (00:58)
17 - The Search Continues (00:43)
18 - The Smokestack (01:46)
19 - Discovering the Titanic (04:36)
20 - Lighting the Wreck (01:03)
21 - Myserious Code (00:29)
22 - The Hydrazine Tanks & Deep Quest Trapped (03:05)
23 - Recue Attempt & Blowing the Tanks (04:11)
24 - Raise the Titanic! (02:13)
25 - A Splendour to Behold (01:18)
26 - Inner Beauty (01:41)
27 - Back Where it Belongs (00:33)
28 - Unexpected Departure (00:21)
29 - Underestimated (00:52)
30 - New York Harbor (02:02)
31 - We Were Wrong (00:26)
32 - The Graveyard & End Titles (04:33)

Total Time : 51:56


RTT_MP3 (http://www.mediafire.com/download/qi342yh3uqcc3r4/RTT_MP3.zip)
Download password : Byzanium

01-26-2014, 07:27 PM
Thanks for the feedback. If you want I can supply you the original tracks and see if you can do any better...

I did forewarn of what I had to do to remove the dialogue. If it's that bad I'll completely remove it.

01-26-2014, 07:34 PM
If anyone else agrees this is as bad as quoted above, then I will remove the links and request the thread removed.

Lucifer IL series
01-26-2014, 08:02 PM
Thank you, I appreciate it.

01-26-2014, 08:06 PM
If anyone else agrees this is as bad as quoted above, then I will remove the links and request the thread removed.

I've not finished downloading it yet but I do know I wanna punch Spoliansky in the face.

What an abusive ungrateful asshole.

The time and effort may not have given the best results but its FREE.

U Spoliansky, are a world class jerk.

Lucifer IL series
01-26-2014, 08:12 PM
It's messy, but I hope some areas can be improved on.

01-26-2014, 08:17 PM
The one thing I never claimed about this is that it would be "perfect", now in each person's eyes, perfect is slightly differing. I listened to the entire score, and had to decide what to do, if I made a bad choice, then so be it - but I made that choice based on trying to salvage what I could. I was utterly gutted when I realised the 5.1 mix was basically stereo, it gave me so little to work with, I could find separate dialogue to try and remove by using filters, the dialogue is on all 5 channels along with sound effects and music ... maybe I should have been less "destructive" with the dialogue, leaving a little in ... but the filter I used did a good job of removing it, alas leaving not-great sounding music, but I ONLY went for single word/short bursts of dialogue. Trying to remove only what was necessary.

I understand how important this score is. I don't mind sharing it, and I don't mind that I will likely take negative feedback on what I've done, but for me, it's as close as I'll get to having the original score.

I am off to look for alternative sources and better ways of removing dialogue from music .... all still may not be lost and this may be just the first version (hopefully).

---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 PM ----------

It's messy, but I hope some areas can be improved on.

If you let me have feedback on what's worst I'll go back to the drawing board, I suppose this is WIP and I need everyone's input (good and bad)

01-26-2014, 08:21 PM
I'm listening to it right now.

It reminds me of the first betamax copy of star wars dad got in the Philippines in 1978.

Its rough and crazy and I like the geiger counter noise :)

I appreciate the work and effort, onward and upward with your next efforts.

01-26-2014, 08:23 PM
Sorry for the quality, I will be looking at improving.

Lucifer IL series
01-26-2014, 08:24 PM
There's a lot of distortion in the Overture. It sounds much better on dvd. Damn Big Ballpark seems to be blurred. Why don't you post the original cues? As an additional choice?

01-26-2014, 08:26 PM
Damn Big Ballpark was a pain, so much dialogue and it made it hard to actually end up with something half decent. Definitely one of the ones I wasn't happy with. I'll remove links for now and carry on with improving.

Lucifer IL series
01-26-2014, 08:30 PM
It's always tricky, especially with a film which features so much noise and chatting. I'm curious what you'll come up with next time.

This is, as you said, an important score in the Barry canon.

01-26-2014, 08:31 PM
Damn Big Ballpark was a pain, so much dialogue and it made it hard to actually end up with something half decent. Definitely one of the ones I wasn't happy with. I'll remove links for now and carry on with improving.

Once removed it will be one of my favorite "lost classics"

I've got it in my Raise The Titanic folder right along with the OST and audio book and some sad pics of the original scale model rotting away on some island.


TY sir.

01-26-2014, 10:10 PM
Link removed? I guess I'm late to the party. Would have liked to give it a listen.

01-26-2014, 10:24 PM
I have to make some enhancements before I repost the links but I promise it won't be too long before it's back up.

01-26-2014, 10:31 PM
This film and score are a massive undertaking for anyone. It's a huge gaping hole for any Barry completist. Personally, I applaud anyone who even attempts the task of trying to extract the score from the film knowing the many technical troubles one encounters in trying to do so. So, with that in mind, I applaud you for your effort, sir. Well done. :)

01-27-2014, 12:28 AM
@hyperjase: You're efforts working on this score are much appreciated, and I would be grateful for the link. I learned a long time ago in score collecting to be satisfied with what you can get until the people with the resources and the influence can take it upon themselves to do the job. Don't let characters like Spoliansky get you down as mean-spirited, cruel people like that simply aren't worth it.

01-27-2014, 09:18 AM
Sorry but I'm not working for you. Your first post was a little of a shock and I wasn't expecting such a massively negative comment. Maybe I went too overboard on the filter but I was trying my best to work with the source files I had and they're nowhere near perfect. When I get home from work I'll post you and original track minus any filtering so you can see what I had to work with.

01-27-2014, 10:51 AM
link please

01-27-2014, 12:09 PM
link please

please, take some moments of your life and READ the thread

01-27-2014, 04:59 PM
Allright, I managed to download the link when first posted.Some tracks are distorted but I understand the presence of SFX.But since we don't have the original master tapes this is mostly ok.I have heard much worse efforts to extrack music from a film.

01-27-2014, 06:34 PM
The cover looks nice.

01-27-2014, 07:23 PM
It is likely to be weeks before the full thing is back up, if I'm going to get this right, it will take time.

01-27-2014, 08:24 PM
I seriously doubt I'll be able to remove dialogue and sfx sufficiently enough, I suspect what I've already done (albeit "ATROCIOUS" as Spolinasky has pointed out) may be the closest to non-score noise free.

For those who have the first copy, here is what I had to work with -- this is the left and right channels of the 5.1 extracted mix. The centre and rear left/right contain exactly the same.

Sample Track [Damn Big Ballpark] (https://mega.co.nz/#!flY2lJoJ!mtB05t_RJz8kk3jUeD3WlvvgNsEhbuGLeXZ9kPE 0BfA)

01-28-2014, 05:20 AM
James Fitzpatrick said (on the liner notes of The Re-Recording Silva Album), that the Masters of this outstanding score have been "mislaid", maybe lost forever like the Titanic itself, so sadly we will never see a release of Barry's Original Recording.

So this was a nice attempt, but it seems that it was not very succesful.

Nevertheless, thanks for trying hyperjase.

Sincerely I really don't care much about rips with SFX, perhaps this was not the right choice for your efforts, although I may suggest one Barry score that you can try and get better results: "Dances with Wolves" (the Extended Version), it cries out for an Expanded Release, but in the meantime I will definitely give it a try if you can do it, it's the perfect score for this treatment, there's a lot of Music with minimal dialogue and SFX.

01-28-2014, 05:29 AM
Great thought, erich. The expanded release they put out several years ago was fantastic (much improved over the original release), but tackling the expanded director's cut of the film (and/or getting the complete score released) would be much desired.

And who knows, someone may yet find the missing tapes for Raise The Titanic. A lot of missing material has shown up in recent years.

01-28-2014, 06:28 PM
I appreciate your effort hyperjase.

01-28-2014, 08:54 PM
If I can get what I'm trying to to work then maybe I have a better shot. I just have to be less ruthless with how much dialogue is removed, don't think there's any other achievable way .... but people like (won't mention their name) don't really help the cause.

01-29-2014, 08:32 AM
Wow ..... banned

01-29-2014, 08:40 AM
Man! Just got around to listen to your Titanic reconstruction. Gee... That was a poor job!

01-29-2014, 08:57 AM
Thanks for the support! No wonder why I abandoned it....

01-29-2014, 08:57 AM
Wow ..... banned

As he should have been. Interesting that spoiler gets banned ans lizard nerd shows up expressing the sam sentiments, as if he could do ANY better. I do not care for rips myself, but I do understand and appreciate the effort that goes into them (and iso scores, Cal). Instead of just ripping him a new one, what not offer tips and advice on how to improve? Or, do none of you actually know how to do it yourselves?

01-29-2014, 09:07 AM
Well if they're up for the challenge, see what they can do with the sample track I provided above! That is the best example of what I have to work with and how much dialogue still remains on all the channels. As I said previously someone did a crap 5.1 mix from 2.0 .... I was more disappointed than anyone else here.

I have sights on other ways of trying to make this work. If all else fails to stop eejits like this, the original, non-edited/altered score will be posted.

01-29-2014, 01:16 PM
Hmmm, not sure why my earlier comment was deleted, but again I'd like to thank you for your efforts. Don't let the haters get you down, you did your best with extremely limited materials. On that note, I was just reading some reviews of the Blu-Ray, and none of them seem to mention the issues you've encountered. I see that there are two audio options - a 2.0 surround, and 5.1 re-mix from the original Dolby. Is it possible that you may have ripped the wrong stream and are working from the 2.0 mix? Just a thought.

01-29-2014, 06:17 PM
Oh ffs.

01-29-2014, 07:32 PM
Hmmm, not sure why my earlier comment was deleted, but again I'd like to thank you for your efforts. Don't let the haters get you down, you did your best with extremely limited materials. On that note, I was just reading some reviews of the Blu-Ray, and none of them seem to mention the issues you've encountered. I see that there are two audio options - a 2.0 surround, and 5.1 re-mix from the original Dolby. Is it possible that you may have ripped the wrong stream and are working from the 2.0 mix? Just a thought.

My issue is the Blu-Ray is Region A, I'm in Europe so region B, I have had to sort out from a different source, but it is the DTS track (6 channel) from the Blu-Ray. I may try extracting the channels again with different software to see if that helps any. I was hoping the 5.1 mix would be a true mix but if there is no reliable source what they've done is the next best thing (essentially spread out stereo between all the channels, centre being focused on dialogue, left and right focusing on music and sfx (but also contains dialogue in the versions I've found) and the rear channels are a mix but become mono.

I'm going to test a sample track (the Damn Big Ballpark track above) with a different audio editing software to see if that can help.

I shall keep you posted, BUT if there is a better quality release, the link won't be publicly available, for obvious reasons (I would never share anything with this user if my life depended on it....)

01-29-2014, 07:52 PM
:) Nah it seems to be working fine.


01-29-2014, 08:13 PM
The one saving grace for all of this ... and this may mean going back to the 2.0 DVD audio, the dialogue is center, mono, the music is stereo, so I have something to work with there -- the sfx mostly are stereo which could complicate things but things like the flooding of the Star Fish are mono so a help there. It'll never be squeaky clean but I have a mission to do my best now.

01-29-2014, 08:14 PM
I have read this entire thread and no one has mentioned that reportedly there was a limited vinyl pressing of a soundtrack released in Japan only to be played in theaters between screenings. It was supposed to the the template for a legit release but Barry, sensing the film was going to flop killed it. There were several hundred copies made from what I understand much like the theater only release of "Robin and Marion" which was widely distributed in the States some years before "Titanic".

This score is a Holy Grail to me. It amazes me that Barry could be so negative about his own music. I understand that when "Somewhere in Time" was released and flopped at the box office that a similar choice was made regarding a soundtrack. It was not until after the film found a huge audience on cable the following spring that a soundtrack recording was commissioned by MCA. His equally stunning scores for "Body Heat" and "High Road to China" were also ignored and indeed bootlegged in very high quality by John Lasher at Southern Cross records.

I know that the original music mix down tapes for "Raise the Titanic" were lost when AFD, the film's distributor went out of business and all materials were auctioned off. More than likely the tapes were recorded over due to the expense of blanks in the UK at the time. I spoke with Mr. Lasher about this in the early 80's and he told me he had been searching for them with no luck. If indeed they are lost it is one of the great tragedies of film loss in our lifetimes. It amazes me that no-one, NO ONE involved in the recording, mixing and editing of the music for this film seems to have kept just a two track reel to reel of it. A very sad loss indeed.

Lucifer IL series
01-29-2014, 08:34 PM

Are you sure? I have never heard of such an item.

There are two singles for RAISE THE TITANIC, but neither of them contain music from the original soundtrack. One contains a re-recording of the main title (which also appears on one or more Japanese film theme compilation LPs from the early 1980s). The flipside is an instrumental theme inspired by the film (by Keith Morrison, if I recall correctly) called "Titanic Forever." The other 45 has a picture sleeve with a painting of the Titanic underwater in the process of being raised, which appears on the cover of the Japanese pressbook and on some of the movie posters, and contains the "Titanic Forever" cut as well as a terrible VOCAL version of the same theme, performed by a singer identified only as "Oscar."

How do you know there are limited, Japanese theatre only copies?

And why haven't they emerged in the meantime?

I'm reall, really curious.

01-29-2014, 08:43 PM
I have read this entire thread and no one has mentioned that reportedly there was a limited vinyl pressing of a soundtrack released in Japan only to be played in theaters between screenings. It was supposed to the the template for a legit release but Barry, sensing the film was going to flop killed it. There were several hundred copies made from what I understand much like the theater only release of "Robin and Marion" which was widely distributed in the States some years before "Titanic".

This score is a Holy Grail to me. It amazes me that Barry could be so negative about his own music. I understand that when "Somewhere in Time" was released and flopped at the box office that a similar choice was made regarding a soundtrack. It was not until after the film found a huge audience on cable the following spring that a soundtrack recording was commissioned by MCA. His equally stunning scores for "Body Heat" and "High Road to China" were also ignored and indeed bootlegged in very high quality by John Lasher at Southern Cross records.

I know that the original music mix down tapes for "Raise the Titanic" were lost when AFD, the film's distributor went out of business and all materials were auctioned off. More than likely the tapes were recorded over due to the expense of blanks in the UK at the time. I spoke with Mr. Lasher about this in the early 80's and he told me he had been searching for them with no luck. If indeed they are lost it is one of the great tragedies of film loss in our lifetimes. It amazes me that no-one, NO ONE involved in the recording, mixing and editing of the music for this film seems to have kept just a two track reel to reel of it. A very sad loss indeed.

I think we have all consigned ourselves to the fact this will never show up ... I have a look on eBay regularly and have seen the two Japanese singles but never seen anything else.

I'm making slow, steady progress. It may be that dialogue remains but a considerably lower volume, unless a vinyl copy appears or whatever else, this may be the closest.

Lucifer IL series
01-29-2014, 08:48 PM
Keep up the good work, hyperjase!

Meanwhile, I'm checking for these potential Japanese vinyl theatre only copies.

01-29-2014, 09:53 PM
It amazes me that Barry could be so negative about his own music. I understand that when "Somewhere in Time" was released and flopped at the box office that a similar choice was made regarding a soundtrack. It was not until after the film found a huge audience on cable the following spring that a soundtrack recording was commissioned by MCA. His equally stunning scores for "Body Heat" and "High Road to China" were also ignored and indeed bootlegged in very high quality by John Lasher at Southern Cross records.

Not entirely true. In regards to SOMEWHERE IN TIME, the original LP was released in 1980 in conjunction with the opening of the film. I saw the movie during its first-run week (as I did for almost all movies back in that era; I worked at a movie theater, and reciprocal courtesy admission was extended to all employees of all local theaters), and bought the album shortly thereafter, probably within the same week.

But back on topic.

Good luck with your continued endeavors, Hyperjase!!!

Lucifer IL series
01-29-2014, 11:07 PM
Nothing, so far. there is absolutely nothing to be found anywhere about a theatre only japanese LP ...
And I even searched in Japanese, so...

01-30-2014, 04:52 AM
On the "Somewhere in Time" soundtrack. You are right. The album was released just before the end of the year while the film was released in mid August.

---------- Post added at 09:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 PM ----------

I agree. I have never seen the LP release though I did find those horrible 45 rpm releases in a store in L.A. about 20 years ago. The LP I read about some time back in a soundtrack thread shortly after Barry's death. It seems that it was rumor as the original writer also stated he had never seen it either. It does make some sense though unlikely as the story is. The Japanese at that time did a soundtrack for everything. I still hold out hope that a copy will surface one day.

Nothing, so far. there is absolutely nothing to be found anywhere about a theatre only japanese LP ...
And I even searched in Japanese, so...

01-30-2014, 06:29 AM
link, please

01-30-2014, 03:14 PM
Check out soundtrack collector. It has info on all the Raise The Titanic Albums released

01-30-2014, 09:33 PM
I had a very good search last night on Google, found lots of mentions about a score on LP but nothing concrete I could find. I also was informed about a Laserdisc which had the score on (NOT the ones currently on eBay!), from someone who allegedly "knew someone who has it" .... he sold me a copy of what I was hoping WAS the original score ... but unbelievably it turned out the be the Nic Raine version(!) I compared in audio editing (as I already have the re-recording) and proved with version I had managed to build from the DVD end titles that it wasn't original. He was a little shocked, and I was a touch disappointed. Not sure if that proves how convincing the Raine version is! I still have it and I know for definite it's not the original score.

I read that Lucas Kendall over at FilmScoreMonthly had tried to find the archive material but could find nothing.

I'm assuming from this point, we're on our own trying to get a score created/released.

01-30-2014, 09:54 PM
Lina please

01-30-2014, 10:46 PM
Lina please

no link as of yet first version was unusable. This thread is WIP.

Lucifer IL series
01-31-2014, 03:10 AM
Too bad! So you are our only hope. :awsm:

01-31-2014, 08:13 AM
Aye, the pressure is on!

01-31-2014, 11:38 AM
I have read this entire thread and no one has mentioned that reportedly there was a limited vinyl pressing of a soundtrack released in Japan only to be played in theaters between screenings. It was supposed to the the template for a legit release but Barry, sensing the film was going to flop killed it. There were several hundred copies made from what I understand much like the theater only release of "Robin and Marion" which was widely distributed in the States some years before "Titanic".

This score is a Holy Grail to me. It amazes me that Barry could be so negative about his own music. I understand that when "Somewhere in Time" was released and flopped at the box office that a similar choice was made regarding a soundtrack. It was not until after the film found a huge audience on cable the following spring that a soundtrack recording was commissioned by MCA. His equally stunning scores for "Body Heat" and "High Road to China" were also ignored and indeed bootlegged in very high quality by John Lasher at Southern Cross records.

I know that the original music mix down tapes for "Raise the Titanic" were lost when AFD, the film's distributor went out of business and all materials were auctioned off. More than likely the tapes were recorded over due to the expense of blanks in the UK at the time. I spoke with Mr. Lasher about this in the early 80's and he told me he had been searching for them with no luck. If indeed they are lost it is one of the great tragedies of film loss in our lifetimes. It amazes me that no-one, NO ONE involved in the recording, mixing and editing of the music for this film seems to have kept just a two track reel to reel of it. A very sad loss indeed.

misinformation...only a collector vinyl 45rpm was edited in Japan theme "Raise the titanic" and orchestred by...Larry Nelson not John Barry original soundtrack.

Original master is lost...


Lucifer IL series
02-03-2014, 01:13 AM
Raine the Titanic.

02-03-2014, 01:42 AM
Rape the Titanic!

Lucifer IL series
02-09-2014, 07:40 AM
ha ha

Lucifer IL series
03-23-2014, 02:55 AM
Will we see it anytime soon?

04-05-2014, 10:34 AM
Just picking up a different copy, hopefully with alternative audio which may have better audio encoding. I'll keep you posted. Sadly my work has slowed somewhat, family life is taking my time away from this challenge, but it hasn't been forgotten about.

04-05-2014, 12:47 PM
Would love to hear this when you are done. Keep up the great work.

Hey guys, when i was working in Japan i had picked up a 45 rpm record from Raise the Titanic.
It's a vocal song called "Titanic Forever"

East World records 1980 Toshiba EMI. Produced by Rally Hillstone Jr.

A Side:"Titanic Forever" (4'26") sung by Oscar (EWS-17072-A)
B Side:"Titanic Forever" (4'46") Keith Morrison Orchestra (EWS-17072-B)

Lyrics:They Left South Hampton with the tide
Sailing for the new world with their dreams
Leaving their family and their friends
Casting any doubts into the wind

The ocean blue met the sky
All were one with heaven for a time
On seas of glass their games were played
While waiting in the darkness their fate

Titanic, sailed away, into the night
to disappear, beneath the waves
Her Majesty, a mystery
As somewhere on the ocean floor
Wanting to unlock her door
She calls to the brave
To open the grave
To us all

Titanic, sailed away, into the night
To own the sea, forever
A thousand souls,lay by her side
to this day, and forever

Though some would live to sail again
None can quite forget the tragic end
The sight of loved ones left behind
Will stay forever licked in their minds

The cover of the 45 was all black with silver inset border surrounding the RtT illustration of the ship pulling up with all the sea bed sand coming off its fore deck and surrounded by the lighted submersibles. Silver writing just underneath the silver border says in English: "Raise The Titanic" and underneath in Japanese, "Titanic Forever" in that wavy font.

Ive listened to this once long ago and its music was not the John Barry theme with lyrics.

I do have a working turntable (haven't used it in ages though) but no 45 rpm plastic disc that goes into the record to hold it on the turntable. Still, further i don't have the means to record it and upload it here.

04-05-2014, 12:54 PM
re up please

04-05-2014, 05:53 PM
For those who heard the first version, I've been less discriminatory with the music and speech. DO NOT EXPECT PERFECTION, with the source I have this is IMPOSSIBLE. Whoever had the source to encode to DTS 5.1 had 2.0 stereo and they did they best they could. I've done the best I could with this source. Here is a sample track (notably the worst one from my release).

Damn Big Ballpark (https://www.mediafire.com/?elv63olnagsjq2e)

Doctor Go
04-05-2014, 09:41 PM
Too bad! So you are our only hope. :awsm:

No...there is another....

04-19-2014, 01:30 PM
Network ON AIR > Raise the Titanic (http://networkonair.com/shop/1947-raise-the-titanic-5027626707040.html)

Check first special feature on upcoming UK BluRay release

04-25-2014, 07:02 PM
Link has been re-instated, new version uploaded. Please read notes regarding quality and digital editing.

04-25-2014, 08:50 PM
Thanks for getting this to the people who appreciate the score.

05-22-2014, 05:15 PM
I want to greatly thank you for your efforts in trying to rebuild the original recording of what I think was one of Barry's finest scores ever. This has been the Holy Grail of all scores for me and for someone to put all the work that you have into it is greatly, greatly appreciated by those of us that understand. Please ignore the negative comments by those spoiled, childish types that will only be satisfied when the original six track magnetics are found, which they never will be.

Keep up the great work. Perhaps a two track mixdown master might be found somewhere but until then we have you and your dedication. Thanks a million.

05-31-2014, 07:58 PM
Thank you very much for your efforts!

07-03-2014, 09:58 PM
Thank you

07-03-2014, 11:26 PM
Many thanks for this share. I really enjoyed the re-recording that came out a few years ago but it never quite reached the majesty of the original. I hold out hope that the real thing will be found in a vault someplace and made available to the world. I can't tell you how many titles I presumed would never see the light of day and were presumed lost. Then, low and behold, a great soundtrack label locates it and gives it the full release it deserves. It all boils down to the royalties and cost of restoration. Baking the source tapes, digitizing and cleaning up the recording sessions is not cheap. Not to mention the cost of pressing and releasing the physical product itself. Any attempt to share the original should be applauded and appreciated, especially when it doesn't cost us a thing. Anyone who has a beef with the quality should strive to make a better version instead of ridicule hyperjase's efforts.

02-19-2015, 07:36 PM
I have just managed to secure the UK Blu-Ray release which has a Suite from Raise the Titanic and from a rough calculation I get around 40 minutes of score.

I need to extract the Blu-Ray which I will do asap (despite the fact I don't actually have a Blu-Ray drive!) and post what I'm able to.

It appears they've done a massive job of resurrecting what score still exists!

02-19-2015, 08:21 PM
That would great hyperjase

02-19-2015, 08:55 PM
I eagerly await the results of your effort.

05-16-2015, 04:21 PM

05-15-2016, 12:03 PM
PLEASE NOTE : This is from a 5.1 source which was converted from 2.0 (as on the Blu-Ray release). Before anyone shouts at me and says "what's this shit?!" ... My source is inferior and this the best I have available. I have no access to the sound effects only source (which I believe does exist), I have access to the retail Blu-Ray. If anyone thinks they can do better I'll gladly give the source files out and someone else can attempt this.

Here is the complete score for Raise The Titanic by John Barry - this is the original score but has been extracted from a 5.1 soundtrack source but still contains dialogue (some digital editing has been attempted without damaging the score) but dialogue and sound effects still remain.

Please do NOT expect a perfect score, if that's what you want, get the Nic Raine version. I have done my best, please respect that. This released was based on initial feedback that too much editing had digitised too much of the score and made it unusable. This has been lessened in this version. There are only a few tracks with no sound effects or dialogue present, they have been left clean. Where sound effects were found to be loud, some editing has attempted to lessen these, again attempting to keep the score as "pure" as was possible.

DO NOT EXPECT A PERFECT SCORE, THIS IS NOT IT. This is the best I have been able to achieve.

This score has a lot to live up to .... I will forever be searching for a clean score, but in the meantime, this is my offering.

Track Listing:

01 - Overture (01:56)
02 - Main Titles ( 01:37)
03 - The Mine Shaft (01:29)
04 - The Sicilian Project & Dog Attack (02:38)
06 - Southby (00:44)
07 - 'The Mountain Comes To Us (02:01)
08 - We're In Business (00:14)
09 - Damn Big Ballpark (01:38)
10 - Cornwall (00:25)
11 - Memories of Titanic (01:40)
12 - Deep Quest (01:30)
13 - Star Fish (01:49)
14 - Flood (01:59)
15 - Something Metallic (01:26)
16 - The Russians & Interference (00:58)
17 - The Search Continues (00:43)
18 - The Smokestack (01:46)
19 - Discovering the Titanic (04:36)
20 - Lighting the Wreck (01:03)
21 - Myserious Code (00:29)
22 - The Hydrazine Tanks & Deep Quest Trapped (03:05)
23 - Recue Attempt & Blowing the Tanks (04:11)
24 - Raise the Titanic! (02:13)
25 - A Splendour to Behold (01:18)
26 - Inner Beauty (01:41)
27 - Back Where it Belongs (00:33)
28 - Unexpected Departure (00:21)
29 - Underestimated (00:52)
30 - New York Harbor (02:02)
31 - We Were Wrong (00:26)
32 - The Graveyard & End Titles (04:33)

Total Time : 51:56


RTT_MP3 (http://www.mediafire.com/download/qi342yh3uqcc3r4/RTT_MP3.zip)
Download password : Byzanium

Thanks a lot!!!!!