01-18-2014, 04:19 PM

Makeruna! Makendou / BELIEVE ME [DI-1]
promo CD-Single included with Makeruna Makendou for Super Famicom
VGMdb (

MP3 320Kbps encoded with iTunes, 31.5MB

Download:MEGA (!3UcDgQQZ!QCS1CCxLy5jg-pT4c5HkKiSQ1ucXroGFxP80XRn8Q3c)

* unfortunately I don't have the original cd anymore
I ripped the disc before I decided to switch to lossless :/

01-19-2014, 03:38 AM
Well, 320Kbps MP3 sure is better than 128. Thank you very much. this one is quite rare.
BTW, �has anybody found the one that came with the PS version?

03-28-2014, 03:25 AM
Hey, thanks for this!
I was listening to the soundtrack of the game on Youtube and saw "CD" written on the game cover image that was used. I wondered what it meant and became very curious about it.
After googling for it, I ended up here. =)

03-29-2014, 07:05 AM
Wow, rare indeed. Thanks for sharing.