01-17-2014, 09:25 PM
I've been here many years and I know this isn't the usual place for this but after my near death experience, I've had a bit of an issue following rules so hopefully you will pardon me and perhaps even humor me in my request. Since the film hit VHS, I have grown rather attracted to both the soundtrack and score by Jon Brion for 1999's sleeper hit Magnolia. Now, fans will remember that it was released on 2 albums, one a song compilation album and the other a score album. Where I need your help is organizing the songs and score chronologically. I do own a Bluray copy of the film but unfortunately with school work and the hectic speediness of my life, I no longer have much time to go through films just to re-organize an album so I am extremely hopeful that someone can help. It's the very last album I will be able stow on my iPad and then my music collection for the time being is complete. I know the chronology of some of the songs but others I don't recall hearing or honestly forgot where they go. Several songs were heard in multiple places but the way I prefer it is when the piece feels most important within the context of the film or the place where it would create a comfortable balance within the compilation. I will try it both ways.

Anyway, thanks again for reading and just as an FYI: Symphony No. 7: Murder on the Night Plains Vol. 4 is almost completed and will be going live within a matter of weeks. It will absolutely knock your socks off. I utilized the same style apparent in Symphony No. 2: The Incident at Goose Creek Vol. 1 but updated it for the modern audiences. Very little Penderecki is used with the rest being a dedication to both Shirley Walker (R.I.P.) and John Ottman. Fans will like to know that I was able to locate (on a private server that I'm not ever going to tell you about in detail) exclusive snippets of score from Final Destination 3. They are not complete pieces hence why I was not able to utilize more of them. Also, I will not be sharing said clips separate from this due to very strict sharing policies on said private server. I do apologize but this is my cheeky way of getting these out to you guys and it's the best I am able to offer until LLLR puts the complete album out. We all know that could be awhile but everything is eventual.

Vol. 4 is balls-to-the-wall action and features my most impressive combination of score bits ever. The intensity is higher than ever and nuances ring through clearer than a blade slicing through your neck only to have some rather unspeakable things happen with your head. Plus some other bad things on top of even worse things are going on here before the grand finale sends you on a deeply emotional path to salvation. You've made it this far, you're almost out of the dark.

My next symphony, Symphony No. 8: There Will Be No More Death is coming but due to aforementioned time issues, I cannot predict a date that it will go live. I will be taking a visit to New Jersey to meet low-budget trippy horror director Dante Tomaselli at some point in the near future where it is guaranteed that my imagination will go into overdrive. Stick around, there's more terror and enlightenment to come.