01-28-2002, 06:37 AM
Well I just finished the fifth Dungeon yesterday (the one u get the magnetic gloves). I understand the next level is in ruins, so I went to the ruins of the temple of seasons which is in the mountains. Well I was all over it and the only thing I found is a portal to that subtrosia place. In there it just goes up to a roomwith a single square lava poolin the middle and a few rocks which are un-bustable. Some of the things I have done to see if I could get anywhere was I got the blue and red ore and got the Iron Shield. I also ended up finding the 4 treasures. As too what those 4 treasures do I don't know. I have all 4 seasons on my rod (which I guess u knew since u need the last one for lvl 5).

Without giveing away too many spoilers can anyone give a hint as to what my next move should be? Also what does the 4 treasures I found do??

01-28-2002, 04:35 PM
Im on the 5th dungeon I just go to they tell all

01-28-2002, 06:47 PM I tried that and and link didn't work?

01-28-2002, 07:07 PM
Well go to the interenet and type in FAQ and thats where i found it did i leave a link?

01-28-2002, 07:13 PM
This might work (http://)

01-28-2002, 07:17 PM
I dont know whats happening its all crap

01-28-2002, 07:18 PM
Oh yeah its gameFAQs

Nanaki XIII
01-28-2002, 07:21 PM
Dude that was a quadruple post. You can just edit your previous post if you want.

Anyways this one is hard. I think Ages is easier, but they are both hard.

01-28-2002, 07:39 PM
Oh sorry I didnt know that:p :uh?:

01-28-2002, 08:36 PM
I have noticed this game is pretty hard compared to other Zelda games. I have Ages also but I really don't want to start it till I complete Seasons (I got seasons first) so I can put a password in and get that secret stuff.

01-29-2002, 08:34 AM
Well I finnally found level 6. *spoilers*

First think you need to do is find the four treasures. After that there is a ruins area that is near spoil swamp and the level was up there. You also can find the Next level sword which actually shoots a beam out from it. This has got to be the hardest level to find yet in any Zelda game I have played (and I have played them all exept Oracle of Ages)

01-29-2002, 04:15 PM
WOW how did you figure that out

01-29-2002, 06:59 PM
I noticed on the map there was a bunch of unexplored area in the far north west (which is where that impa chick said there was some ruins. So I went up to Spoil Swamp and was looking aroudn and then I remembered that door that has a bunch of symbols beside it. I had found the treasures awhile back just didn't know what they was for. You have to find those little things that hide in the bushes and they tell you how to get through the woods (remember the lost woods from zelda 1) ITs kinda like that but you have to change the seasons as you go through it.

I might not have a Tidus doing 99,999 damage on Final Fantasy 10, but I know my Zelda games LOL