01-14-2014, 06:18 PM
Good day to All

yeah i'm kinda new here lol so this is my gift for you

Aoi Blink OST

for a long time i was searching the internet for this soundtrack even buying it original but no luck and the only thing i get i one single video someone post it in youtube with the aoi blink ost music compilation so i downloaded the video and convert it into MP3, so now i have one big mp3 file and that is not everyone like it even me lol.

so i started using sony sound forge to cut the the one big music file into pieces and i got only 12 tracks mp3 ready for listening :D

and sorry if the OST tracklist is not full or completed because this is the only one i got in the whole internet :(
and sorry if the tracks are not that quality but it's good to here it

download here - Aoi Blink OST.rar (