dyne trance
08-28-2004, 04:30 AM
Here's another on this subject for FF9.

Zidane: "Garnet, you bitch! You still have my favorite pink Theif's Thong!"

Vivi: "I love Gaia! I love life!"

Garnet: *in Conde Petie, after dwarf ceremony* "Zidane; come here you big hunk!" *grabs zidane and pulls him toward her and kisses him till disc 3*

Steiner: "Goodbye, Princess. I'm retiring my intructions to protect you, and I'm going to do what I love best... I'm going to create a pornographic website."

Freya: *wearing skimpy skirt with sleeveless blouse* "Ready... 1,2,3! Go team, go..." *does cart-wheel, round-off, back hand spring* "Whee!"

Quina: "I not hungry right now."

Eiko: "Zidane went back to Lindblum, Mikoto. You could go there and have some fun with him. And maybe, if he lets you, you could make out with him in the Tantalus hideout!"

Amarant: "Eiko, you're my best friend in the world! Your the most mature, smart, and NOT the loudest little six year old I know!"

Kuja: *puts hands ontop of thighs to cover them* "Oh my goodness!!! Why didn't anybody tell me I wasn't wearing the rest of my outfit!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

Brahne: "Oh, Garnet. I've been a TERRIBLE mother. Come here and let me give you a BIG hug!"

Garland: *delivering flowers and whereing pink skirt and bonnet* "La la la... pink is my fav- OH! Here you go, Ma'am!"

Beatrix: *to Freya* "Hey, girl. Are these the cheerleading tryouts? REALLY!? SIGN ME UP!!!!"

I guess SOME are ok... but I did best!

08-28-2004, 11:43 AM
I can see this thread going nowhere..

08-28-2004, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Alpott87
I can see this thread going nowhere also There are SOO many of them TOO often..

Shinra Turk
08-29-2004, 03:34 AM
Hey Eiko, Never played 9 but I still want credit for this...(im so selfish) Heehehehe

dyne trance
08-29-2004, 09:33 PM
Just like in my thread on this subject for VIII, I give the credit for the subject idea to the sensational, the marvelous, Shinra Turk. Thanks to Shinra Turk, for this ingenius idea :D

08-30-2004, 01:59 AM
sorrie i can't think of any right now

08-30-2004, 10:35 AM
Zidane: "would you look at that gorgeous guy"

Meh i dont care how stupid it is. Im too tired to think straight

Shinra Turk
09-02-2004, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by PoRtQuEl
Just like in my thread on this subject for VIII, I give the credit for the subject idea to the sensational, the marvelous, Shinra Turk. Thanks to Shinra Turk, for this ingenius idea :D

Hmmmm, I'm gonna wright that one down(pulls out pad and pencil).....sensational....marvelous.....ingenious .....beautiful(true dat)

Good luck everyone. LOVE YA!

Clover 9
09-02-2004, 10:12 PM
this is funny you guys are pretty good...hmmm I can't think of any

09-03-2004, 12:22 AM
Garnet:I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!! *takes out a knife and commits Suicide*

Zidane:I'm gonna forget about being a Thief,I'm gonna become a Princess!

Vivi:Oh I'm not going to bother finding out who I am,I'm just going to go to the Pub...Anywon wanna join me?

Eiko:Ya,Let's go get wasted!

dyne trance
09-03-2004, 01:04 AM
post deleted by poster

haryuu no
09-03-2004, 08:56 PM
Quina: wut the hell i am supposed to eat a frog they r slimy, scaly, ew ew ew ew ew that is sick!!!!!!!

Eiko: Mog wut r u doin in there?!

Garnet: Steiner help! ive been caputured by a monster!!
Steiner: im on my freaking break! ok!!!

Kuja: Oh my god ive run out of conditioner!
Kuja: good silver dragon! good boy!

Zidane: if i knew my parents id tell them a thing or so for giving me such a retarded name
Zidane: Ook! Ook!

09-04-2004, 10:51 AM
Zidane: oww i hate girls i'm going gay from now on

Kuja: Zidane rules i love you

kuja goes trance. Kuja: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh finally i'm a super sayajin 4 hahahahaaaa

after winning a battle using daggers. Zidane: i think i'm gonna puke after all those backflips

Dot Centaur
09-07-2004, 10:39 PM
Here are mine

Zidane : Make love to me Stiener! Garnet, let's have an orgy! Life sucks!

Garnet : Zidane screw me hard!

Vivi : Let's rock and roll!

Steiner : Call me Rusty anytime!

Freya : Let's go on a happy happy picnic everyone!

Quina : I'm fat, I wanna stop eating altogether!

Eiko : Garnet, Zidane's ugly!

Amarant : I love kid's so much, I want some one day! Let's stay positive!

10-02-2004, 07:10 AM
I can't resist

ZIDANE: Ooh steiner your such a fine metal hunk!

VIVI: Yea I won the bet Zidane I get to date the prinnncess! *Sticks tongue at Zidane*
GARNET: Let us go my love! *Jumps into Vivi's arms and squishe him.*

I knew this thread was weak but i couldn't resist I love FF9

10-06-2004, 04:36 PM
Vivi : The World Is Such A Wonderful Place

Amarant : I'm So Mean ... Eiko Give Me A Hug!

Garnet : Oh A Frog ... Gimme One Of Those!

Zidane : I Wanna Summon Eidolons!!!

Steiner : Princess, Take Care Of YOURSELF

Eiko : What Are These "Eidolons" ?

Yeah They Suck, Just Trying To Keep A Thread Open ^ ^

The Sage
10-06-2004, 09:22 PM
Amarant: Hey Lani lets pack in this dangerous mercinary business, settle down in Lindblum and make some babies.
Lani: I've been saving myself for you Amarant. You big red MAN!!

Steiner: Baku, I want to appologise about before, I shouldn't have been that way. It's just that I've been supressing a lot of anger I felt for my mother... I had a breakthrough in therapy...

Eiko: Omg the script writer of FF9 has written a 6 year old so that she's got a crush, and is planning a life with a guy ten years older than me. What a sick pervert

Zidane: You know I put up a lot of bravado, but really I've never been with a girl.
Garnet: You sharing with me, that is so unbelievably hot. Fuck me right here, right now!

Garnet: Say Zidane do you like to do it up the ass? Cos I'm into experimenting...

Any Cleryan: Let's have a sprinting competition

Vivi: (looks in the mirror)(to anyone who's around) hey us black mages, do you wonder what we look like underneath?

Cinna: Hey wait a minute... I always carry this hammer. I never noticed before but it goes everywhere with me.

Anyone (to Blank): How do you see??

Cinna: I need a shave.

Baku: Ha. (just ha)

Fratley: I pretend to loose my memory, I run all around the world, and still that bloody woman won't leave me alone. Will she not get the hint?

10-06-2004, 09:30 PM
Here's another on this subject for FF9.

Zidane: "Garnet, you bitch! You still have my favorite pink Theif's Thong!"

Vivi: "I love Gaia! I love life!"

Garnet: *in Conde Petie, after dwarf ceremony* "Zidane; come here you big hunk!" *grabs zidane and pulls him toward her and kisses him till disc 3*

Steiner: "Goodbye, Princess. I'm retiring my intructions to protect you, and I'm going to do what I love best... I'm going to create a pornographic website."

Freya: *wearing skimpy skirt with sleeveless blouse* "Ready... 1,2,3! Go team, go..." *does cart-wheel, round-off, back hand spring* "Whee!"

Quina: "I not hungry right now."

Eiko: "Zidane went back to Lindblum, Mikoto. You could go there and have some fun with him. And maybe, if he lets you, you could make out with him in the Tantalus hideout!"

Amarant: "Eiko, you're my best friend in the world! Your the most mature, smart, and NOT loud little six year old I know!"

I guess SOME are ok... but I did best!

hi whats a sig and i have one.

eiko:garnet can i have a threesome wiv you and zidane.

rel() zero
10-06-2004, 09:30 PM
Try this:

Zidane: This game sucked.

Honestly, he wouldn't say that.

Dot Centaur
10-07-2004, 02:57 AM
Garnet: I quit being the queen to become a striper! I'm working with Ruby in her theatre for that!

Zidane: Then I'll take over the throne and be king!

Steiner: I'll go to your shows every night princess!!

Freya:Fratley, I have a new man now.

Eiko:I'll be Zidane's queen!!

Amarant: I"m opening up a day care center for children!

Quina: I threw up from eating too much frogs! I'm going on a diet!

Vivi:Let's go too Ruby's night strip club to see Garnet strip away!

10-09-2004, 07:26 AM
Quina: Everyone, from now on I'll be using correct grammar. It's a huge break through, I know. Oh yes, I'm going anorexic.

11-02-2004, 02:47 PM
Steiner : See you again Princess, I'm going to go on holiday.

Quale : Quina, you better than me. Now you new master Qu. I going to retire.

Quina : You say I too fat???. OK, from now I not eat anything.

Amarant : I love kids.

Freya : I'm not sorry that sir Fratley is amnesia.

Is this funny?

11-02-2004, 10:14 PM
Hee Hee Hee!


Very Un-Funny ... Well Everything Else Has Been Taken!

Lunatic HighVII
11-06-2004, 08:06 PM
Steiner: "Eww, gross! My armour is all RUSTY!"


11-07-2004, 04:15 AM
Amarant : I want to play dance dance revolution come on kids!


Zidane :I cant speak im too hurt inside garnet leave me alone while i summon the faith and get my nails done with kuja

Steiner : Wow maybe these clothes are rusty ill ask beatrix if we can go 2 the mall

Eiko : *calm* Ive realised my intellectual behavior is lower than that of someone half my age i shall be more mature from now on.

VIVI-who cares who i am im gonna die ne way

11-07-2004, 04:21 AM
Eiko : *calm* Ive realised my intellectual behavior is lower than that of someone half my age i shall be more mature from now on.


11-25-2004, 01:26 AM
Vivi: Does this outfit make me look fat?

Dot Centaur
11-25-2004, 01:37 AM
Garnet: F**k off! I'm hardcore!

Steiner:Do I look good in pink?

12-19-2004, 12:35 AM
Zidane - "I'd rather go with eiko than garnet"

Garnet - "Hey Steiner, What're you doin' friday night?"

Steiner - *Says something crazy and funny*

Vivi - "I don't care about the black mage village anymore" *burns it down*

Quina - (mine was already taken)

Amarant - "I'm having fun babysitting eiko"

Freya - "Screw sir fratley"

Kuja - I love Garland

dyne trance
12-19-2004, 12:45 AM
Quina - (mine was already taken)

who took it? what was it?

12-19-2004, 07:46 AM
quina-ugg so full
Zidane-looking good steiner
Garnet-I love you zidane
Amarant-Happy thoughts Happy thoughts

12-19-2004, 08:05 AM
Amarant.... do u think i need a hair cut?
quina ... u want a big mac?... b/c i could go for one
Zidane... im gay