01-28-2002, 05:43 AM
First off, let it be known: I hate modern video games. A lot. I hate them for lots of reasons. I still play them and there are quite a few good ones out there, but I hate the direction the industry has gone in and I hate most video games today.

But you know what I've been realizing I hate more than modern video games? Modern video gamers. And here's why.

The "video gaming community" has become so much like modern society, it's sickening. First, let's look at society today.

In this day and age, the term of the day is "politically correct." EVERYTHING must be politically correct; you call someone a black man, and wow, you are EVIL!! It means the same thing as african american, but it's terribly offensive for no apparent reason.

Video games have adopted this format so closely that no one has even noticed it. In modern video gaming, the word of the day is "biased." YOU ARE A BIASED NINTENDO FANBOY! YOU ARE A BIASED MICROSOFT FANBOY! YOU ARE A BIASED SEGA FANBOY! YOU ARE A BIASED SONY FANBOY! Yada yada yada.

These days, everyone's gotta be hardcore; yep, that's it. All consoles are equal, and if you say one game for one system is good and another game of a similar type for another system isn't as good, GASP! You are EVIL! You are just a biased fanboy of that system! Ugh, please.

Video games are a system of politics for modern gamers. They can argue and haggle about which console is the best, or they can be one of the sophisticated, non-judgemental, game lovers who only care about the GAMEPLAY! Woohoo, aren't they special.

Well, I have something to say to all who think this way: I hate the Microsoft Xbox. Furthermore, I hate it because it's made by Microsoft. That's right, you heard me! Oh my, how terrible.

However, I don't hate Dead or Alive 3, which I actually think is not a bad game at all. I also don't hate Halo, which is not a bad game in and of itself, but is not all it was hyped up to be and is not as good as many other FPSs. I do hate the Xbox though, I hate the fact that it exists, and I hate Microsoft overall.

But even if every Final Fantasy game of the future would be made exclusively for the Xbox, I wouldn't buy one. You know why? Because Microsoft represents something I don't want to have happen to games, so I won't support it. They want another monopoly, and if the quality of MS's operating systems is any indication, we do NOT want MS to have a monopoly on video game consoles. That would, in a word, SUCK.

Now, I suppose it could be argued that here I am just trying be all badass and against the flow and stuff, thereby being no better than those who I'm accusing. I don't really have anything to say to that except that I'm not... take or leave what I'm saying, I couldn't care less. I'm just tired of people who care about what their position as a gamer is. I'm not saying that these people don't play games because they love them, I'm saying that they consider the world of video games to be much more than it is... to them, it's a vast political world in which their status is vital.

Just play games people... play 'em and enjoy 'em. It's what they're there for, and nothing else is.

01-28-2002, 07:22 PM
I tend to agree about the whole X-box thing

and also I own 1 system from each modern video games producer
so I guess I'm one of those 'special peole'

modern society and political correctness SUCK BALLS!

so does microsoft and if their computers are anything to go by the X-box will crash every 5 seconds.:alien:

01-29-2002, 04:30 AM
Well it doesn't crash every five seconds but it definately crashes. I've heard a LOT of reports of "out of order" Xboxs in kiosks at stores.

But that is beside the point, when it all comes down to it...

01-29-2002, 04:40 AM
Hmmm... I've noticed that. I just take the game for what it is, really. Being "biased" is pretty stupid. I chose the system I like cus it had games I like, and I could use my old ones (I have PS2), and that's that. I'm not going to regret not getting GameCube 'cus I didn't want Gamecube. Yet people do say that I'm 'biased' against it. O_o It's not like I'm jealous of them for having a system I dont, I didn't get it for a reason. So these "political gamers" should shut up and realize their time is wasted on it. :)

Bahamut ZERO
01-29-2002, 01:07 PM
I've owned a NES, SNES, Gameboy, Megadrive, Game Gear and a Playstation in my gaming life, and I tend to go from one company to another depending on which console is the best. I came close to buying a Dreamcast over the summer, if only to play Shenmue, but decided against it when one of my housemates borrowed his friend's Dreamcast. Now I just play on that one.

The X-Box could help shift away from Sony's monopoly on the gaming industry at the moment, but I definitely don't want to see Microsoft getting their own monopoly on the industry. My friends and I joke on how the X-Box will probably crash every five minutes like Windows, but if it is reliable and cheap, and gets the right games, I'd consider buying one.

At the moment, I'm biding my time for the Playstation 2 to drop in price again. It's got to happen in the next couple of months when the Gamecube and X-Box finally come out in Europe.

01-29-2002, 02:14 PM
I know that there is something behind" I like this console because blah blah blah, and the other say.. But, this console is much blah blah blah"But, what i'm really afraid is that most of gamer probably just ignore that they're have been controlled by "Game's Brain Occupation" because they've already enjoy this kind of life.:(

Well, maybe isn't matter,BUT I don't wanna Microsoft have any profits in this gaming life, it's enough you know. Just thinking of it, who knows that there is another X-Box example X-Box 2, Mic 2003, or whatever, I don't wanna to give my money to microsoft.
For PS???hehehehe, I would gladly give my money.

Really an EGO isn't it?


01-29-2002, 05:39 PM
i kinda agree about what your saying, people are biased about which system they prefere. but why should'nt they be, its only natural to like a games console and hate another. mainly because we feel that the console we like is the best, and we dont like other companies trying to take that "greatness" away from our console. people sometimes get jealous and very defensive, almost as if the other companys are trying to get into their terortory.

but i do hate X-Box... die >_<

01-31-2002, 01:24 AM
TK, take the similarities between Gamer Society and Society in general and apply it to EVERYTHING. No matter what subculture or deviance or taste is represented, the participants are members of the overall society, and they won't bother to change the way they act simply because they happen to be talking about video games or music.

it gets tricky because people that behave this way will also join others to condemn it . . .

01-31-2002, 03:02 AM
A few people seem to have slightly misinterpreted what I said... to clarify, I actually agree greatly with what Ice Neko is saying about it being natural to like one specific game company the best. And I will openly admit that I am a *huge* Nintendo fan. When the GameCube was first announced I drooled without knowing a single game for it.

What annoys me is when people take these kinds of prepherences to an extreme, and when they act like these kinds of prepherences are a condemable offense. I get called a "biased Nintendo fan" all the time because I show a particularly great interest in games made by Nintendo. That doesn't mean I don't consider PS2 games (hell, FFX is my most wanted game right now... I gotta get a friggin job =P), but people don't take it that way. Sometimes I make a comment about a game for Xbox or PS2 not being good and I get gnashing of teeth and claims that "if it were for GameCube, you'd love it!!!!!"

At the same time, there are those who are so blindly loyal to one console that they will act as though its success is absolutely imperative to the good of society as a whole. They will flame, curse, scream and piss and moan if anyone trashes it. As if it matters who trashes particular video game systems!

rezo - entirely true, it's just something that's been on my mind specifically about video games lately. It seems to me that it's a more prevelent problem in the gaming world than in something like music; there are a lot more people out there who are just general music lovers than people who are just general game lovers.

02-09-2002, 12:59 PM
TK, you've posted a lot of these kinds of topics before. I dont blame you. It doesnt seem that there arent any open minded gamers anymore. They feel that they must be loyal to ONE company and talk trash about others. I like all of the major game companies equally. Sega, Nintendo and Sony. I DONT like Microsoft. They just dont belong in the gaming industry. In fact, if they beat out Sony and Nintendo (which I highly doubt), they will ruin the gaming industry. The majority of PC games require you to have a version of Microsoft Windows. There arent many games for Mac or Linux...I think. But what I'm trying to say is...I hope we all dont have to own a Microsoft console just to play video games. That rotten Bill Gates is going to try to monopolize the gaming industry...ack! I cant stand the thought of it...all thats left to say is...dont help Bill Gates in his rediculous plan. It's power and money abusers like him that make me sick! Dont get me started on some of EXclusives that once were for other systems until Bill Gates waved a bag of cash in the developers faces...(Shenmue 2, Munch's Odysee, Matrix games)...

02-09-2002, 07:48 PM
You know, I can't really say I've encountered anything as drastic as this, TK. Sure there are the few people I meet who think they're "Hardcore" because they only play classic video games, and we even get some here at the Shrine who are biased in different ways, but I don't see the oh-so-terrible society analogy coming out in that.

Anyway, if you can go telling people to just "play games and enjoy 'em", shouldn't you also be able to do the same without letting others' opinions get under your skin so?

02-10-2002, 07:27 AM
You've got a good point there, DL. TK has always tried to be a hardass when it comes to being a "hardcore gamer" or him defending Nintendo in such a "passionate" way, he tends to get out of control...some advice for TK: get a fucking life! Video games arent everything. I just wish that more of you "hardcore gamers" could grasp that reality... :rolleyes:

02-10-2002, 11:47 PM
I was under the impression that TK didn't care for the title "hardcore gamer". There are more things than video games? true, but video games are "something" and since this is a video game board, this is the sort of topic that should be made. Its not as if he comes and posts this message and stares at the screen because there is nothing else to do. You can be passionate about video games and still do other things besides that. One of the most frustrating things in life is to have circumstance determined by people who don't care. Games are made for the people that don't really care about games and the people that do get shafted. The same goes for movies and music and everything else, and the same goes for whatever your interests are.

02-11-2002, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by Sigurd
You've got a good point there, DL. TK has always tried to be a hardass when it comes to being a "hardcore gamer" or him defending Nintendo in such a "passionate" way, he tends to get out of control...some advice for TK: get a fucking life! Video games arent everything. I just wish that more of you "hardcore gamers" could grasp that reality... :rolleyes:

lol... one minute you're all "Hey, I agree! I hate Microsoft!" Then suddenly it's "Get a life!!!" Really, I honestly couldn't care less who you agree with, but do make up your mind. You're only appearing to be just going with whatever the flow happens to be at the moment.

Regarding me being a hardass - I don't believe in being a "hardcore gamer." That was the whole point of this thread. You can say I'm being a "hardass" but I just say stuff that's on my mind. You're telling me that I should not treat video games as if they are everything.... in a thread posted by ME where I said people should learn not to act like video games are everything. Come on man, think for yourself. And really, I haven't posted many threads like this.

You know, I can't really say I've encountered anything as drastic as this, TK. Sure there are the few people I meet who think they're "Hardcore" because they only play classic video games, and we even get some here at the Shrine who are biased in different ways, but I don't see the oh-so-terrible society analogy coming out in that.

Anyway, if you can go telling people to just "play games and enjoy 'em", shouldn't you also be able to do the same without letting others' opinions get under your skin so?

Well the reason why it bugs me is because I have to deal with it on a regular basis. Maybe you don't. But getting accused of being some kind of evil fanboy every time I talk about video games can get *really* annoying. What I'm asking people is not to not care about video games at all - that would be ridiculous because obviously I do. I'm asking them to not care what games other people play.