01-02-2014, 01:46 PM
First inprogress project where I post progress every once in a while on how far it is to yay? ^^


Started today, got the game a few days ago

Needed: Completion and Collection Filled [to record the songs obviously]
Estimated KBPS: Since I'm homerecording (a word?) this soundtrack, expect it to be between 200 - 250 kbps, maybe higher maybe lower, since the music in this game is naturally decent (in terms of quality sound)
Estimated Tracks: I don't know? If someone could tip in an estimate, it would be nice, I estimate there are around 40 or so tracks, but then again, I'm probably off by a lot.
Songs Completed: Update#1: 37 [Haven't played too much SP so it'll be some time for me to collect those board songs]

Track List [for the completed ones]
*Not in specific order and names aren't final (just remembering off the head)
- Kamek's TWO board songs
- Rainbow Road board
- Minigame Preparation [the part before actual play]
- SIX minigame songs [from one of the bubbles]
- Main Menu 1 [the main menu screen, not title screen]
- Main Menu 2 [when choosing course/board/mode] >NEEDS EDITING
- Main Menu 3 [when choosing settings for board etc.] >NEEDS EDITING
Update#1: All Bosses and Angry version added [12 songs or so], Staff Credits, 3 Minigame songs, Puzzle Minigame songs, Main theme, Bowser's Tower [all songs]

I look to do more tracks tonight, and over the course of the weekend, depending on my time available - hope you stick around (to this post) for the next few weeks!
Of course I will be updating my blog too, so check it there if you would please.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The regular tracks are looped twice, and three times for the minigames [since a loop is REALLY short]
Ill have a test track uploaded here through a link to youtube sometime soon, so you can hear the quality and etc. to see whether it's good or not!

enjoy maybe :)

01-02-2014, 04:42 PM
I await the completion of this, good luck :)

01-19-2014, 04:16 AM
any updates on this?

01-25-2014, 05:36 PM
hey >< progress hasn't stopped, but it has slowed due to me starting school 2 weeks ago

hate physics class yo

01-28-2014, 07:25 AM
Ah, I see. In that case, just do what you can when you have time ^^

05-12-2014, 08:19 PM
was this project abandoned?

08-16-2014, 02:19 PM
somewhat lolol
I have most of the tracks already though

just missing uh.....some boards that I have yet to play!