12-23-2013, 09:01 PM
01 - 0 Club Arrival ALT
02 - 0 Club Arrival
03 - Danny Clear
04 - Chud Blows
05 - Limo-Office
06 - Requiem Part 1
07 - Britt's New Burden
08 - Bad Vibes
09 - Making Coffee
10 - Something Cool
11 - Kato Power
12 - Mugger
13 - + 9
14 - Heroes
15 - One Stupid Thing
16 - One Stupid Thing
17 - Green Bee
18 - Britt Kato Office
19 - Let's Roll Kato
20 - Building Montage Ending
21 - Black Beauty Revealed
22 - Kato Kicks Ass
23 - In The Hood
24 - Drug Dealer
25 - Daniel Vertlieb
26 - 3 Beauties
27 - Jealousy
28 - Positive Micro Management
29 - Constantinople
30 - Cement Mixer
31 - Drowning
32 - Split Montage
33 - Let Me Run The Paper
34 - I Need You
35 - Proposition
36 - Kato Laptop
37 - Gonpachi Setup
38 - Britt Puts It Together
39 - Car Chase 2
40 - Pressroom Chase 2
41 - Pressroom Chase
42 - Sentinel Showdown Part 2
43 - Sentinel Showdown
44 - An Army of Katos
45 - Britt Kicks Ass
46 - Britt's Power
47 - Bad Guys Killed
48 - Sentinel Press Confrence
49 - End Credits

Partage-Facile : Fichier the_green_hornet__2012_.rar.html (

Enjoy !

12-23-2013, 09:20 PM
Awesome! Great score!!

12-23-2013, 09:23 PM
and again...Thread 124508

how about you stop making threads for scores that are already posted

12-23-2013, 09:28 PM
and again...Thread 124508

how about you stop making threads for scores that are already posted


12-23-2013, 09:39 PM
and again...Thread 124508

how about you stop making threads for scores that are already posted

The link works. He went to the trouble to upload it and make it available. Why the hate?

12-23-2013, 09:41 PM
The link works. He went to the trouble to upload it and make it available. Why the hate?

Because you're not supposed to make new threads for scores that already have threads. Its just clutters up the forum. He could have just posted his link in the original thread.

12-23-2013, 09:56 PM
A Forum is not a personal blog, there are rules to follow to post in here.

As for the trouble uploading, i have doubts about the links being his own, probably some copy/paste from one of the zillions mp3 links website somewhere.

12-23-2013, 10:46 PM
Ahhh... I get it now... :)

12-23-2013, 10:58 PM
Okay, I'm gonna put in my 2 cents.

@ miamicool, thanks for the upload! Sharing of scores is always appreciated. However, as others have stated, before posting a score, please check and see if there are already other threads for what you are sharing. If there are, please post your link in that thread. This just makes it easier to find, and minimizes clutter. :D

@ DaviD^8, why so serious? ;) I see no reason to get mad at miamicool for trying to share. Seems like he made a mistake, but he should not be "jumped" for a simple mistake. How about politely explaining what is expected? Unless you know for a fact that the rules have been explained to miamicool in the past, and he is blatently ignoring them. If that's the case, have at it. lol :)

12-24-2013, 03:58 AM
@ DaviD^8, why so serious? ;) I see no reason to get mad at miamicool for trying to share. Seems like he made a mistake, but he should not be "jumped" for a simple mistake. How about politely explaining what is expected? Unless you know for a fact that the rules have been explained to miamicool in the past, and he is blatently ignoring them. If that's the case, have at it. lol :)

i am a robot i cannot get mad nor do i express emotions

12-24-2013, 05:17 AM
he knows as he has done this before .

Simon Philips
04-15-2019, 01:13 AM
Re-up please!