Lady Melissa Kail
08-25-2004, 09:04 AM
Just to let you know I had NO idea about the 'rules' of posting...Didn't make much sense to me to post 'threads' to different writing styles, so excuse me please!

I tried to delete everything, but it won't allow me too do so and my pc is screwed up royally.

So... I'm new, now I'm old...and said what I needed to say. Have fun with this 'game'.

*rubs eyes trying to figure out what ARTSY STUFF is even supposed to be about.

* I'm too old for this.......*sigh* (looks for a cup of coffee)

08-25-2004, 09:11 AM
Everyone's "new and dumb to the rules" when they first join up. Most of them quickly get over it. You, on the other hand, seem to be a complete snob who's just looking for places to get attention.

So you go get your cup of coffee and learn a lesson from this. Don't be so random in choosing where to visit. Take time and figure out if people will be receptive to you and be prepared for people that are not.

Lady Melissa Kail
08-25-2004, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by Prak
Everyone's "new and dumb to the rules" when they first join up. Most of them quickly get over it. You, on the other hand, seem to be a complete snob who's just looking for places to get attention.

So you go get your cup of coffee and learn a lesson from this. Don't be so random in choosing where to visit. Take time and figure out if people will be receptive to you and be prepared for people that are not.

"I'm not a 'snob' sweety.... I just don't play games...and I had no idea that a place that says, "Poetry and FICTION" was a place to discuss this 'game' of Final Fantasy. I figured it was completely separate....

I can say one thing though.... I'm glad I'm NOT into such a game, because it seems that it might be possible to lose contact with true 'reality' and become a raging 'go by the rules' freaked out person like yourself.

Truce dude.....hey! It's all about luv. *smooch*

08-25-2004, 09:32 AM
You make me laugh. You really do. But whatever. I've had my fun with you.

I just have to wonder why you persist in staying after saying so many times you're leaving.

Does anyone think she's a bit like Tren?

Lady Melissa Kail
08-25-2004, 09:38 AM
Tren? Is THIS another make believe character? Forgive my ignorance.

BTW....You NEED me.... aren't you having FUN putting me down? Is this part of the 'game'?

ROFLMAO! You are pathetic! Now get up and write something worth reading....

I 'could' be your best friend, but you aren't getting off to a very good start with me. I have much to offer in the way of 'friendship' and 'enlightenment' so stop being so "John HandCOCKY and write something interesting."

Your put downs are beginning to bore me a bit. *yawn

08-25-2004, 09:42 AM
Oh, you are a fun one.

Tren, for your information, was one of the biggest pests these forums have ever seen. He was finally banned a while back.

As for needing you, I have a steady stream of silly noobs to harrass and annoy.

And as for being friends, I've been friends with your type before. The last one stabbed me in the back. As for your offer of enlightenment, you're being snobbish again.

A lot of people find me insulting stuck-up loonies like yourself very interesting.

And as for you being bored, maybe it'll make you go away faster and let me find some fresh meat.

08-25-2004, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by Lady Melissa Kail

ROFLMAO! You are pathetic! Now get up and write something worth reading....


Lady Melissa Kail
08-25-2004, 09:48 AM
ok.. i'll bite..... so, what is a write off? Got anything to do with taxes???? lol

For real..... so how do we do it?

08-25-2004, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by Lady Melissa Kail
ok.. i'll bite..... so, what is a write off? Got anything to do with taxes???? lol

For real..... so how do we do it?

You write something. I write something. A poem, we'll say. They're easy and short. You have 45 minutes. Post it here when you're done. No reusing old material.

08-25-2004, 10:04 AM
Prak you really are a dumbass :notgood:

One dreamers path
08-25-2004, 10:07 AM
Prak's recent posts:

<I>"Okay. We can see that you're very artsy. That's all well and good. The question of the hour is ,"Why are you here?"

This is, after all, the Final Fantasy Shrine. Thus far, you've shown no desire to talk about anything Final Fantasy-related, or even game-related. Are you just here to show off your writing? If so, you've come to the wrong place entirely.

People here will ridicule you mercilessly, shredding your works with well-practiced methods of criticism and taunting your foolishness for thinking that we'll drop our everyday discussions and take the time to see you flaunt the fruits of your mind. And then, after you're gone, we'll continue to belittle you. You will live on in our memories as a subject of ire and a reminder of the price of vanity in this hostile environment.

But if I'm wrong and you are here to fit in with the rest of us, join our discussions, and be a part of our little community, then feel free to ignore everything I've posted above. Just remember that you will still be ruthlessly taunted, albeit in a friendlier manner.

Everyone's "new and dumb to the rules" when they first join up. Most of them quickly get over it. You, on the other hand, seem to be a complete snob who's just looking for places to get attention.

So you go get your cup of coffee and learn a lesson from this. Don't be so random in choosing where to visit. Take time and figure out if people will be receptive to you and be prepared for people that are not."</I>

How dare you be so arrogant. You are neither an admin, nor a mod. Who are you to tell her off? Furthermore, you are fully in the wrong. I invited her to this place. How is she supposed to post on other topics when you are cutting her down before she even contributes in the first few minutes of her being here?

BTW, I myself have contributed to Final Fantasy topics in the past, even if you don't find my posts.

You don't know what she is going to say in other threads, so don't assume you do. Keep in mind, I will be reporting this incident to an admin, so feel free to reply to this post and protest that you are right. I am doing this publically because of your open and blatant harshness to someone who I know is a very, very nice person, and is close to me.

She even had the H-U-M-I-L-I-T-Y (something you clearly lack) to apologise, even though I don't think what she did was so bad, she used about 8 separate threads to post her writings in this section, and after all, I warned her not to immediately after she had done it and to correct it with editing, but she wanted to delete almost all her threads fully. I was suprised, and I didn't know why, until I read your earlier post and realised she was offended, and hurt.

Furthermore, she couldn't delete the threads, because she has computer problems.

She's not a snob, you don't know her at all, and if people are going to cut her down, I'm sure you'll always do a better job of it.

Now I'm sorry if I am sounding harsh, I don't hate you or anything as I explained in one of my posts, I am just warning you in the clearest of terms, that what you did was very wrong. Especially considering, she is one of this forum's newest members, and may be a treasure to it some day.

Again, I won't be reading replies.

08-25-2004, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by Alpott87
Prak you really are a dumbass :notgood:

Coming from you, that means a lot. ;)

Lady Melissa Kail
08-25-2004, 10:13 AM
Uh.. I'm just gonna write whatever comes out....

There once was this dude at a final fantasy site
That said he could beat me at a poem to write
So I said okay and my fingers went to dancing
Upon this key pad as I laughed at his prancing.

For you see he says he needs instructions to put his pants on
But I think he's just kidding, or his brain is really gone.
I wonder why he needs so much time to reply
When he swears he'll beat me in this write off or die.

Hope he lightens up and has a bit of fun
Cause tomorrow might not come with a bright shinning sun.
It could not come at all and then what would he do?
He'd be not only without his britches, but also no shoe.

He's gonna be my friend, I can feel it in my bones
Something tells me he could be MY clone
Cuz he's so outspoken and seems to laugh alot
I think I'll rename him, call him a crack pot.

Naw, better not to that, could be taken wrong
So I'll instead write him a kool song....
It will go something like this
and end with a kiss:

Oh my bonnet lies over the ocean
And my emotions lie over the sea
This guy gave for a challenge
I hope the one that won was Me...
la la la la

Keep writing my man! *smooch!

ain't even gonna pre-read or edit... pressing submit reply in 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

08-25-2004, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by One dreamers path
How dare you be so arrogant. You are neither an admin, nor a mod. Who are you to tell her off? Furthermore, you are fully in the wrong. I invited her to this place. How is she supposed to post on other topics when you are cutting her down before she even contributes in the first few minutes of her being here?

BTW, I myself have contributed to Final Fantasy topics in the past, even if you don't find my posts.

You don't know what she is going to say in other threads, so don't assume you do. Keep in mind, I will be reporting this incident to an admin, so feel free to reply to this post and protest that you are right. I am doing this publically because of your open and blatant harshness to someone who I know is a very, very nice person, and is close to me.

Well, that throws an entirely different spin on things. However, that is something I could not possibly have known and could have been explained. It was not, however. Incidentally, over the course of my PMs with her, I have come to appreciate that I would probably like her quite a bit and my most recent posts have been in good fun. Notice that they've taken a much lighter tone?

Furthermore, she couldn't delete the threads, because she has computer problems.

Actually, the forum doesn't allow entire threads to be deleted.

She's not a snob, you don't know her at all, and if people are going to cut her down, I'm sure you'll always do a better job of it.

You're absolutely right. I don't know her. All I had were first impressions, which you should never underestimate the value of.

Now I'm sorry if I am sounding harsh, I don't hate you or anything as I explained in one of my posts, I am just warning you in the clearest of terms, that what you did was very wrong. Especially considering, she is one of this forum's newest members, and may be a treasure to it some day.

Can't say I blame you. I'd defend my friends also. I actually have no problems with her writing, and as I said, I could probably like her quite a bit based on the PMs that have been passed back and forth.

So now everyone understands each other? All friends again? I hope so, because I'm about done with this matter.

One dreamers path
08-25-2004, 10:31 AM
Yeah don't worry about it. A few months ago, one could delete full threads, I did it all the time. I wonder if they changed the rules because of me >_<

I'm infamous for deleting you see...

Didn't report you or anything, screw it.

Just tidying things up.

Take care

My name's Chris BTW.

08-25-2004, 10:33 AM

I slip one leg into the leftmost pant
and then let out a sigh
I slip the other into the rightmost pant
then take a breath; scratch my thigh...

I put my pants on LEFT, then RIGHT
It makes them feel so snug and tight
I think that you would all agree
that left, then right, is how it should be

There's just a smugness in your chest
Knowing your method is best
and nothing beats left, then right
don't you agree?

Though some might say otherwise
Those are the sorts we MOST DESPISE
It's best that you ignore them
and listen to me!

These people will say crazy things
like: Right, then left, is best
But they'll also rape your dog
and kill your mom!
Plus they're all from dirty countries
However,and I can say this with expertise-
There aren't any dog rapists where I'm from!

The land where people go left, then right!
The land where all is good and just!
The land of truth and nobility!
Where we aren't afraid to fight, if we must!
Where we can sing our praises to god!
As all decent folk do!
Where we still care the little things
like kindness, and virtue!
Where we burn all of the heathens!
That bother us with their "ways"
That put pants on INCORRECTLY
And in general- MISBEHAVE

I'm not a misbehaver!
I can sleep with pride at night
Because I do things properly
and put my pants on left to right


We're both finished. Now people pick whichever they like more and vote by saying: "I like so and so's poem more". Voting goes until this... friday 8PM PST. Loser doesn't... post in fiction and poetry for a month or something. yeah.


I wonder if they changed the rules because of me >_<


08-25-2004, 10:38 AM

I'm never gonna be able to pick one of those...

Lady Melissa Kail
08-25-2004, 10:41 AM
Too many rights and too many lefts...

Just do like me and say... "Hey! give me my pants layin' over yonder and tell yo daddy to come help me get em zipped up!"

*sits back and eats a tamater sammich with sum mayo and wonders if you'd like a bite? Bet you are tired from tryin to get them thar britches on the 'right' leg....or is it the left? I'M SO CONFUZED!

08-25-2004, 10:44 AM
Actually, ever since ODP started deleting all of his posts, we prohibited EVERYONE from deleting posts or threads. It came to the point where there wasn't really a need to have that delete option right there in the open. Most people who do use it end up using it just to dust everything under the carpet.

Anyways, I'm going to merge all of your threads together... uh just don't blame me if something ends up missing. I'll also close this thread because uh.... well... flame bait strikes again, eh?

08-25-2004, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Prak

I'm never gonna be able to pick one of those...

Nonsense. My pants poem is a revelation. It subtlely tells us unheard yet profound truths about society, inspiring both respectful laughter and humble tears while engendering a new sensibility of how life ought to be lived to all that read it.The first step to enlightenment, it is.