12-20-2013, 11:19 AM!VMIDjawA!Sg1gAleS9fDGTVs_jLGLBROp7QQ57QDJ61QSHZv tesw

A game boasting excellent attention to detail in just about every respect: be it visuals, sounds, story, gameplay and everything in-between; I bring you the soundtrack to my personal favorite Nintendo Entertainment System game, Final Fantasy IX!

Alright, I may have let a small, white fib slip in there: Final Fantasy IX was originally for the PlayStati- UGH EVERYBODY KNOWS THIS ALREADY GET ON WITH IT

As usual, it's just the FF IX soundtrack MIDIs with a NES soundfont painted on. Leave your thanks in the comments if you want, but I wouldn't recommend it. After all, those Comments sections are well-known for being shark infested. If you like this stuff, that's just swell. If not, then good day to you. I SAID GOOD DAY!