12-20-2013, 10:41 AM!tRoFXLqA!CQ5fNXBqNXQdWDpQrowmFjC8rEIDEn_gb2y6iLk uzeU

From the only game in the series to let you go on a date with a dude (in the Jap version, at least), it's Final Fantasy VII for the Nintendo Entertainment System!

And entertain on systems, it did. Only, on the PlayStation. Because it's a PlayStation game. Because if I don't openly state this, some people get on my case about it.

So, this is just a bunch of FF VII song MIDIs run through a NES soundfont. Take it or leave it, the choice is mine. And I choose for you to make your own choices about it. Say thanks or don't, I don't really care because I'm a super-loner who doesn't care about anyone but himself, so PPBBHTHTTT.