08-24-2004, 10:43 PM
Hi, heh i know its 2004, but i just picked up the game ff7 for the first time.....i was playing ffx, but didn't enjoy it that much, i almost beat it........

but so far i like ff7, nice story, i just have a question about materia, i'm curious about who is supposed to be the black and white mage, who should i equip the most materia on? red x ii looks like he could be a black mage, so should i give him most of the materia? how many people should i equip with restore? lightning/fire and what not? help would be appreciated, so far i'm enjoying ff7 -

and do you know when we can buy ff7 advent children for the US?

Nanaki Claws
08-24-2004, 10:53 PM
Red XIII is balanced, you can do whatever you want with him. Personnally, I equip him with some materia and thats all, don't overload him with materia if you want him good with attack and magic.

08-24-2004, 10:54 PM
all the fun in FF is that every game is diffrent, there is no need of a white mage, black mage,knight and so on, you combine then, you give your characters the materia combinations you like according to your own strategy. there are better combination than other - but it better to find then out on your own.

to my opinion, that is :cool:

Nanaki Claws
08-24-2004, 10:58 PM
bugger is right, what I have told you is how I play, but play like you want of cource.

08-25-2004, 07:55 AM
I'm not the best at FF games in general, possibly because i overload my chars with materia, but i try to keep with what (i believe) suits them.
Cloud - i find that he kicks derriere with his bolt materia
Tifa - if i was into classes i'd call her a red mage. She really is a jack of all trades, but i find that fire and cure (my red mage on TA really does rock, and all she has a are fire and healing stuff) work best
Aeris - innately good with all magic, but i find she makes the best white mage. Also, if you give her the Alexander Summon, watch as your pitiful enemies die!
Barret - barret can do his job with magic, but i don't really use magic very much - i gennerally just blow them away.
Nanaki - i give him fire materia and white magic materia
Cid - Ice works for me (i love Cid's MOP!)
Vincent - i give him bio materia - his limits (which seem to occur every four battles!) more than make up for the other elements
Yuffie - don't talk to me a bout Yuffie! Dman that materia stealing ninja... give her Leviathan and Hp Pluses/Mp Pluses and wash them away.
Cait Sith - Try black magic materia. Works for me!

Maybe that's just me, but they seem to kick butt more like that. Probably just my imagination.

Summons - (again, probably imagined)
Cloud - Ramuh
Tifa - Neo Bahamut
Barret - Bahamut
Nanaki - Ifrit
Aeris - Alexander all the way
Cid - Shiva
Vincent - Bahamut Zero, Odin (usually Odin, i never got Bahumut Zero)
Yuffie - Leviathin
Cait Sith - Choco/Mog, Knights of the Round
I find that i also get fat chocobo on a regular basis with Cait Sith. God knows why.

Aerith Gainsborough
08-25-2004, 08:25 AM
I always look at their weapons too. Check the weapons slots! Some of them let the materia grow stronger. I want the summons grow stronger, so I look at the character with the best weapon for it, and give it to this one. ;)

I never want to overload someone. Aeris for example. She is not having many HP in the beginning. If you overload her now with magic, she will go down on HP again, and she'll be too weak for doing attacks.

I never give her that much, and she will be strong on attacks, too. :)

Everybody of my characters I am fighting with has 'cure', so everybody can heal, if there is a need to. The other magic materia is all up to you.

But you will find out, what's the best for you! :)

08-25-2004, 10:50 AM
I always gave the characters i played with as much materia as they could use. But that's because i want the higher levels of materia soon and i wanted most of them mastered. Characters might be a little bit more weaker physical, but just hit them some more times and use your cure spell.

As for AC, look in the appropriate thread.

08-25-2004, 11:35 AM
The best piece of advice I could give you is not to level up too much until you have all your materia, and make sure you keep Cids Schmitar and Clouds Apocalypse sword as these all materia to grow at3x the normal rate, so you can master and get all the best spells much quicker.

08-25-2004, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by Shear Trigger
The best piece of advice I could give you is not to level up too much until you have all your materia, and make sure you keep Cids Schmitar and Clouds Apocalypse sword as these all materia to grow at3x the normal rate, so you can master and get all the best spells much quicker.

That makes no sense. How do you master your materia faster by trying not to level up too much. Wouldn't it be better to go all out levelling the materia throughout the entire game and just upgrade the weapons when you get the ones with the 3x growth rate?

Are you trying to say that it would be faster if you played straight through without trying to level the materia until you get the 3x weapons, and then take time to train? If you're trying to make the point that it's best to hold off from training heavily until you can make the most of the time you spend doing it, I suppose that makes sense.

08-25-2004, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Prak

Are you trying to say that it would be faster if you played straight through without trying to level the materia until you get the 3x weapons, and then take time to train? If you're trying to make the point that it's best to hold off from training heavily until you can make the most of the time you spend doing it, I suppose that makes sense.

Aye, thats what I meant

08-25-2004, 12:57 PM
curious about who is supposed to be the black and white mage, who should i equip the most materia on?
The only real magic-based attacker is Aeris. All the other characters are either a mixture of both or a physical-based characer. You should always utilize Barret and Cid's physical strength by not over-equipping them with materia and giving them a few HP-Plus materia, etc. They can have some materia, but otherwise, it will lower their HP considerably.

When Barret has a long-ranged weapon equipped, always put him in the back row as he will do the same damage but take less. When using Aeris, equip her with the strongest magic and a couple of MP+HP Plus materia, to dtop her from dying nearly ever attack. Equip Cloud or Barret with Cover, and let her do the majority of healing.

how many people should i equip with restore?
Early in the game, just one, but as it gets harder, you may need more.

red x ii looks like he could be a black mage, so should i give him most of the materia?
As Nanaki Claws said, he is balanced, and has great attack and magic strength. Equal him out with some materia.

and do you know when we can buy ff7 advent children for the US?
c.Q4 2004/c.Q1 2005

Hope that helps.