08-24-2004, 11:53 AM
Hello children
Ok, so I've read in a fair few replies on threads that its possible to go on a date with Aeris, Tifa, Yuffie or Barret (and probably more) at the Gold Saucer.
I've just begun a new game now and I'm curious as to how you play the game/pick your answers to questions to get each one of these characters to join you out.
I've only ever managed Aeris but then again I haven't tried very hard.
So, over to you.

08-24-2004, 12:04 PM
All I have is general guidelines. If you're nice to Aeris, you get her for your date. If you're mean to Aeris and nice to Tifa, you get her. If you're mean to both of them, you get Barrett. I have no idea about Yuffie, but I guess it must go along those lines.

HAHAHA!! You said "Hello children" and got a reply from someone older than you. :p

08-24-2004, 12:33 PM
look at (

There is a complete guide on dating there.