dyne trance
08-24-2004, 02:49 AM
I think Square should make a girl the main character. I'm not a girl who thinks all of Square are sexists, in fact I'm not even a girl! But think about it: don't you want to walk around a world map as some hot babe in a revealing outfit? Sounds kinda fun to me! Plus, I'm sick of running around the world map of someone of the same sex in a revealing outfit.

08-24-2004, 03:29 AM
cough: X-2 :cough

dyne trance
08-24-2004, 03:38 AM
I meant an original, not a direct sequel. I am aware of FFX-2 (I own it). But Yuna isn't really a "babe". Sure she's got the boobs and the legs, but we're talking "Lulu (X) or Fran (XII) in a bikini" babe. Not some goody-two-shoes who put on a costume.

08-24-2004, 04:14 AM
Dead or Alive Beach Volley Ball

That should make you happy.

08-24-2004, 04:20 AM
FF6 had Terra as a main character, even though everyone got a piece of the "Main Character" bit.

dyne trance
08-24-2004, 05:58 AM
What's Dead or Alive Beach Volley Ball rated?? If it's M I can't play it: By my grammar/spelling you might say I'm 18 (not to brag), if you saw me you'd say I was 15, but I'm actually going to be 13 this September.

08-24-2004, 06:26 AM
Then I would expect you to know a bit about the rules... like how you can't join this forum (and various other communities) if you're not 13 or older.


dyne trance
08-24-2004, 07:02 AM
At least I'm mature. i'm not saying you aren't, but, if you think I'm too young, go read my post in the FF7 section "Things FF7 characters would never say" and see how mature that is!
A month is shorter than a year.

(is there a rule about 13 on THIS site?? just asking...)

08-24-2004, 08:45 AM
Whatever site collects information from people (such as your e-mail and stuff).

And I've heard of it so many times, the whole "I'm 12 but I'm mature" thing. Really, maturity, rational, decisions, thoughts, ideas.... all that stuff... it ends up being more of a "how long have you been living to experience all of this" rather than learning to tuck in your shirt.

dyne trance
08-24-2004, 09:21 AM
I never give out my real name or real address if the site asks for it (fortunately, this site doesn't).
Yeah, I guess age does increase maturity. I can be kinda childish at times, but I am mature in some points (not to brag, and not to say I'm a genius for my age cuz, I am most definetly NOT)

08-24-2004, 01:16 PM

Maybe I'm just reading into it too much, but that seems kinda sexual!

jander'd! :(

Although, you are like 12. soic.

Anyways, Square already did that, in X-2. And I would rather completely new characters who aren't just eye candy. Certain people would probably BEAT ME for saying that, so, yes, I admit the characters in X-2 are good, but I'd rather a female lead get a more serious treatment. I mean, all the sexy stuff is just kinda unappealing.

character-wise. ;)

08-24-2004, 02:13 PM
This is most probably your most popular thread, eikofan69, and all that is going on is you telling everyone how old you are and that you are mature!

dyne trance
08-24-2004, 05:28 PM
:( I'm sorry. But I'm new to forums! I've gotten judgements from you, Prak, Tokiro, udo... but I'm gaining knowledge on what to do. Anyway, Tokiro told me NOT to reply after each message cuz this isn't a chat- it's a forum. So, I will now stop sending so many replies and stick to the subject (sorry for all of those scarred members out there who had to endue my first threads).

08-25-2004, 01:21 PM
My name is Tokiko, but uh, yes...

If you want the main character to have a certain gender only because you want to watch a "hot babe in a revealing outfit", don't exect to get support from many people... (It is also a very immature thing to say, neh?)

If the story of the game asks for a female main character, I guess we will get one. *shrugs* But frankly, I don't care whether I control a guy or a girl.

08-27-2004, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by eikofan69
What's Dead or Alive Beach Volley Ball rated?? If it's M I can't play it: By my grammar/spelling you might say I'm 18 (not to brag), if you saw me you'd say I was 15, but I'm actually going to be 13 this September.

I think it's rated M, but it's really not bad at all. I think they just upped the rating so it'd sell better, honestly.

Truth be told, I love that game, although I'm a girl.

Anyhow, another female lead, ala Terra Branford, would be pretty cool, yeah.

I'm hoping Ashe will play a pretty major role in XII.

Bahamut ZERO
08-27-2004, 05:08 PM
I would love for an RPG to share the role of main character between a couple of people. So you play from different perspectives. Wild Arms begun with a separate mission for each of the characters before bringing them together into one party. I would love to have each main character have their own party until events bring them all together. That way, you can get both male and female leads, and you can tell things from different perspectives.

In fact, if I make an RPG, I may even do that. :)

08-27-2004, 06:39 PM
Suikoden 3 had a similar system that let you see the story with 3 different people in the begining. Then at the middle of the game you chose one to be the main hero. It was a good idea but it was'nt done the right way.

If Final Fantasy had something like that then it would have to be done differently to make the stroy more interesting instead of dragging it out.

Such a X-2 Girl!
08-28-2004, 09:23 PM
I think a mixed game would be good, like when you play as Rikku in the first chapter of x-2, then Yuna, I think it would be good if you got to be different characters throughout the game, even though that would be quite un-final fantasy like! Say, they made a x-3, that would be good, I'd like to wander around Spira as Lulu or Wakka! xx