12-11-2013, 07:02 AM
I have been wanting to fully complete the Super Mario Sunshine soundtrack, and noticed that there are a few very elusive tracks used in the demo discs before the final version. Most notably, the Japanese demo disc was the first ever public Super Mario Sunshine release, soon releasing it in North America and then Europe. Specifically, I want this music track featured within this commercial, but it is either only used in the video or placed in the tgc file that cannot be converted easily to gcm -.-

I already tried using Tgctogcm.exe in hopes that I would be able to access either the video itself or the track, but for some strange reason it does not work correctly. I suspect it has something to with the disc being Japanese, but I would happily appreciate anyone else to have a go at it.

As for the ISO itself, try searching for Mario Special Disc July 2002 or something like that, although it might be called something else in Japanese.

If there are even more tracks that are not used in the final game, I would be happy to hear about them being released for download (even the menu select screen). Since most of the ISO contains videos, there will be few tracks to upload (some of them are repeated), if there are any differences between them and the final version (since it is a demo). Ideally, no SFX should be heard within the tracks. As well, I would absolutely appreciate lossless versions :D

Thank you for reading this and I hope to see those tracks finish the collection soon!

12-13-2013, 07:01 AM