08-23-2004, 07:33 PM
I am sure we all here have some special, dear memories connected with Final Fantasy, since we are fans. These games are more than... games to us, right?

I am a fan of Final Fantasy, not just a person who plays these games... I love just waiting for the games to be released, love speculating about the future of this series, like the merchandise, have some sort of cult about the makers...

I've been wondering about, what is your favourite memory connected to Final Fantasy, or in what way do you hold these games dear, if you do so? Have they influenced you, have they made you happy?

I know now what my dearest FF-related memory is. Last week, I went to the Opening Concert of the Games Convention in Leipzig, and got an autgraph of Nobuo Uematsu, my very own, very precious autograph. I saw him, talked to him (not much, but hey!), and if you had seen me then, I don't know just what you'd have thought of me... Irresponsible, silly fangirl.

What is your favourite "Final Fantasy"-related memory? :) (I am trying desperately to tell the world of last week's concert and autograph WITH offering people maybe the chance for some discussion... I don't want to make a useless thread... Please bear with me... I am still in fangirl-mode... I am terrible when in fangirl-mode!!)
So, what is your fan moment? Your very own FF-memories or anecdotes or other stuff that made you happy? ;_;

Bahamut ZERO
08-23-2004, 10:46 PM
While I do not have a similar moment bought on by Final Fantasy such as this, I do have moments related to the games themselves. My time spent in hospital after my operation, for instance, was spent wondering exactly how quickly I could get home to complete Final Fantasy VII.

Similarly, carrying my Playstation from Horsham to Portsmouth in adverse weather conditions and on the bus just so I could play Final Fantasy IX when it was released.

Realising that I'd buggered the cable that joined the Playstation to the TV during said journey above, and resorting to some soldering whilst using a pair of socks to cover the smoke alarm to not set it off with the smoke. :/

Sitting with two of my house mates during my final year project as they watched me kicking Chaos' arse, all the while the three of us saying "we should be doing work." Any excuse NOT to do work. :)

Yeah, I wish I could say I saw and spoke to the creator of Final Fantasy, but alas I do not know even what he looks like. :(

08-23-2004, 11:32 PM
My favorite FF moment would be way back when FFVII was first released, 3 friends and myself stayed up two days straight playing that game with a few breaks for food and one for a quick basketball game. By the end of that weekend we were all so slap-happy that anything in that game was funny, I can remember randomly jumping up and down shouting "Galian Beast!".

And congrats on the autograph, I am like envious and stuff.

08-23-2004, 11:59 PM
Hmm... for me, it's probably when I came home with the FFXI PS2 package in hand, carrying it like a cake. I mean it probably wasn't that great of a deal but after trading in a bunch of games and buying FFXI for only 10 dollars.... that's a lot for me to smile about. ^_^

08-24-2004, 03:03 AM
Definitley being in like... third or fourth grade, and playing FFVI as a party game at a friend's house. :'(

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-24-2004, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by Tokiko
These games are more than... games to us, right?

So, what is your fan moment? Your very own FF-memories or anecdotes or other stuff that made you happy? ;_;

Question #1: No.

Question #2: Buying the PSX solely because of FFVII circa 199x (whatever year it came out).

Question #3: Aeris's Death. Kicking all of the WEAPONs' arses. Basically, beating the games.

And, don't take this post as harshly as it appears to read. I just don't see any reason to be long-winded with it in order to soften the responses.


08-24-2004, 04:47 AM
I guess when I did my two fanarts. That was kinda special.

08-24-2004, 11:48 AM
My favorite FF moment was when I played FFVIII the first time. I was just amazed at graphics and how real it looked (even to this day it looks fairly realistic) and all the charcters and stuff. But I was completely stunned when the SeeD field exam started in Dollet and the music started with a heartbeat and went into a pumped up military song. That was the moment I was completely hooked to FFVIII and Final Fantasy in general.

08-24-2004, 02:02 PM
I must admit whenever I purchase a FF game, I buy the guide as well
*hangs head in shame*
So I suppose my best memory was when I didn't have a PS1, and I went round to my mates house and stuck FF7 on whilst he was pissin around. We went through the entire game without the guide (we didn't even know there was such a thing at the time), and managesd to best Sephiroth at about the 5th attempt.
That was my best memory because it was the sheer satisfaction of a job well done.

08-24-2004, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Shear Trigger
I must admit whenever I purchase a FF game, I buy the guide as well
*hangs head in shame*

my mate does and he completes the games within a couple of days. He is sad though. I buy the guides after I have completed them so I can replay them and complete it 100%.

Nanaki Claws
08-24-2004, 04:24 PM
Personnally, Final Fantasy is the thing that influenced me the most in my life. I remember, I got a wound on the arm, and because of that wound I got FF8, and before I got it I tought that wouldn't be able to play FF anymore because of that wound, but I wasn't right(Ouf..).When I got FF8 I played and played almost non-stop(oh, such a good There is other things but I won't tell all of them. Yeah Final Fantasy is more than just a game.(well for me) And i am envious that you got a autograph!

08-24-2004, 08:27 PM
Ohh my favorite Final Fantasy related memory would have to be...

I went to the mall one day with my friend, and there is only one store that I know of that sells all sorts of Final Fantasy material, and I knew they sold Final Fantasy posters for really cheap. So I ended up spending $15 for 6 posters, stripping the store clean of their FF posters. We walked around the mall for a bit and then came back to see a mob of 5 girls running and screaming towards the store, ripping through all of the posters in hopes of finding some Final Fantasy posters. I stood by them and watched them discover that all of their potential posters had been wiped clean by someone else...

heh heh heh...

08-25-2004, 10:42 AM
My favourite memory of Final Fantasy game playing, is when I was 7 bought FF7 for christmas and I go and die on ma first battle, I was heartbroken till I realised you could restart, I was only 7, lol that was a strange xmas :D

08-25-2004, 12:35 PM
I would say my best memory of Final Fantasy would be when me and my friends would talk about all of them, when we would buy the newest one and discuss where we were, what equipment we had, what level etc etc, Helping each other out in difficult parts of the game.

Also when I would buy a new game, read the manual on my way home, and as soon as I start to play, getting lost in a new world, Getting to know the characters, understanding the storyline, and working it all out.

Those are my best memories..

08-25-2004, 01:24 PM
I don't have any super awesome one's like Anna's.

Anyhow, my favorite FF related moments...

Meeting Merl

Dancing to the Veldt Theme in the car on the way to school.

Crying over a videogame for the first time ever.

08-25-2004, 01:43 PM
MY best memory of a Final Fantasy game was when I first got to Disc 2 on FFVII. I was really excited and I went and woke up my parents to tell them at about 7:00am!

Other moments was when Aeris died and I was so shocked and also when I cried when Red XIII's father Seto cried... :(

08-25-2004, 04:26 PM
THE BEST - Making Tonberry King say 'sorry' in FFVIII.

THE WORST - Having to buy FFVII again, due to a sctrached disk.

THE FUNNIEST - Doing 'Renzokuken' on Jumbo Cactuar, you'll see!

THE SADDEST - Aeris Death