Darth Revan
08-22-2004, 03:26 PM
This is the second Dynasty Warriors story I�ve written. Yes, it is based off of Dynasty Warriors 3 (As it was the only one I had, at the time of writing.). I have no damn idea where the idea came from for this one. Enjoy.

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Chapter One :

In a dark room, lit only by a few torches, within the Wei Palace, Sima Yi sat behind his desk and plotted. He glanced over the papers on his desk and let a smile slowly spread over his face. His agents had been successful in obtaining the knowledge he needed. Now, he just needed to plan out how to carry out his own plans for power.

A bell echoed throughout the palace, disturbing him from his thoughts. A smile spread across his face. Soon, the one obstacle in his way would be removed and then he had a clear path to rule. He stood and made his way to the door. As he opened, he spoke to one of his soldiers.

"Begin the plan. No mistakes."

The soldier nodded.

"It shall be done sir."

Sima Yi nodded in satisfaction. He knew his soldiers would not let him down. They hadn't in the past and he had no doubt, they wouldn't in the future. The manipulative strategist walked down the corridor towards the dining hall.

The soldier he had spoken to, nodded at his companion, and then headed off, towards one of the nearby gardens. He had a task to perform, one for his lord. Just as he had done so in the past, he would do so in the future.

Inside the dining hall, Sima Yi entered and bowed to his lord and sovereign, Cao Cao. The strategist took his seat at the table on the second tier. The dining hall, was built with three tiers. The first, generals or dignitaries sat at, the second, advisors and war strategists. The third tier, built on top of a platform, the lord of the Wei empire and his family sat.

Sima Yi let his gaze wander over to the one eyed general, Xiahou Dun. Instantly thoughts of Dun's death and destruction flashed through the jealous strategist's mind. Cao Cao treated Dun more than a common soldier, and it irked Sima Yi no end. However, as one of the table's occupants stood, and stormed off in anger, a sly smile spread over Sima Yi's face as he watched Cao Cao and Dun look at each other, Cao Cao shrugged while Dun sighed. Dun glanced up and let his gaze rest on Zhen Ji, the wife of the officer who stormed off. The beautiful woman returned Dun's gaze, and let her hand trace her goblet in a lazy fashion.

Sima Yi watched, from the corner of his eye, as Dun took notice of Zhen Ji's actions. He sipped his wine as Dun straightened himself in his chair, and coughed. Sima Yi smiled to himself.

**Soon Dun, so very soon... Your world will come tumbling down and I will relish it!**

Meanwhile, in one of the many gardens, Cao Pi slashed at one of the many vines with his sword. The normally calm and intelligent officer, was at the moment fuelled with anger and rage. He slashed again with his sword, a small over hanging tree branch fell to the ground.

"Just because he is father's cousin, that gives him no damn right to come after MY wife!"

Cao Pi hurled his sword at another tree, the blade biting deep into the tree trunk. Pi whirled around and let his fist strike the tree. He continued throwing punches at the tree, as he cursed.

"How dare he! Zhen Ji is MY wife, not his! And Zhen Ji! She... She... ARRRRGGGHHH!!!"

He hit the trunk with such force, a piece of bark flew off the trunk and landed near his foot. The knuckles on his fist, had split open and blood covered his hand, as Cao Pi cried out in anger.

Meanwhile, watching from the darkness, Sima Yi's soldier watched as Cao Pi vented. He slowly drew his sword from it's scabbard and made his way along the shrubs, towards his target. Cao Pi had strode towards the balcony edge and leaned on the ledge. He never knew what hit him.

The soldier crept up behind Cao Pi, and composed himself. He then grabbed ahold of Cao Pi, his hand over the officer's mouth, stifling Pi's attempts to shout. The next second, the solider's sword slit Pi's throat open, spilling his lifeblood down his chest. The soldier released the dying warrior and raised his sword. The sword went down again and again, each downward thrust, cutting into Cao Pi. The soldier smiled and then disappeared back into the darkness, just as another person entered the garden.

Xiahou Dun entered the garden cautiously. Something was wrong, but Dun didn't know what it was. The general gazed around the garden, turning his gaze over everything. It was then he heard the gurgling gasps. Dun made his way towards the sounds, drawing his sword. As the general came around a corner, he saw one of his lord's sons, on the ground, covered in blood.

"Cao Pi! Who...?"

As Dun knelt next to his lord's dying son, a scream echoed through the night air. Dun whirled, sword drawn and saw the source of the scream. Standing on the path, with a look of horror and shock on her face, was Cao Pi's wife, and object of Dun's desire, Zhen Ji.

Dun stood, his sword lowered and raised his free hand, in an attempt to calm her.

"Ji, calm down. I didn't..."

Zhen Ji backed away from the one eyed general.

"Dun, you killed him, killed my husband..."

Dun sighed.

"Ji.. "

It was then Cao Cao, Dian Wei and Cao Ming entered the garden, weapons drawn, their bodyguards at the entrances to the garden. When they saw the scene being acted out, Dian Wei glared at Dun.

"DUN! You dare to strike down one of your lord's own children? Prepare yourself for your journey to the otherworld, courtesy of my axe!"

Before Cao Cao could stop him, the man known as "The coming Evil", charged past Zhen Ji and attacked Dun. However, Dun managed to parry the blow and backed off, sword held high.

"Dian Wei! Listen to me, I did not do this!"

Cao Cao stood next to Zhen Ji, who was kneeling next to her dead husband, tears running down her face. Cao Cao looked at Dun, a look of mixed anger, rage and confusion on his face.

"Dian Wei, stand down!"

The bald headed monster of a man, looked at his lord, frowned and backed down. Dun, kept his sword ready, and while keeping his gaze on Dian Wei, spoke to Cao Cao.

"My lord, I did not do this. I swear it. I had only just arrived here, when Ji..."

Cao Ming levelled his sword at Dun.

"You murdering scum! for killing my brother I should..."

Cao Cao spoke in a loud, commanding tone.

"ENOUGH! Ming, leave here now."

Ming looked at his father.

"But father..."


Cao Ming nodded, gave a scathing look at Dun, before leaving. Cao Cao sighed as he faced the one man he trusted more than anyone else, in another lifetime.

"Dun. Leave this place and never come back."

Dun nearly dropped his sword.

"My lord?"

Cao Cao looked at Dun.

"Xiahou Dun, you are banished from these lands. If you ever return, you will be punished with death. You have until dawn, to leave."

Dun grasped his sword tightly, then sheathed it. He looked at the three people in front of him, before leapin over the ledge of the garden. As he fell towards the rapidly approaching ground, he angled himseld towards a small hut. The warrior fell through the roof of what was a guard house, scattering the two guards. Dun stood and left the small hut, and mounted one of the horses tied outside the hut. As he was about to leave, he caught sight of Sima Yi watching him from a small window, a look of satisfaction on his face.

Dun galloped out of the palace grounds. He kept riding the horse hard until he was on top of a small crest, just outside the palace grounds. He turned in his saddle and looked over the palace, etched on his visage. He remembered the look Sima Yi had been wearing, when he left the palace, and knew instantly, who had orchestrated this tragedy.

"I will revenge myself Sima Yi. One day, I shall return, and it will be my blade which seperates your lying head from the rest of your putrid body."

With that said, Xiahou Dun, once the most feared general of the Wei empire, now an outcast, rode off into the night.

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*cough, cough* Ahem� now that I have THAT out of my system, I feel a little better. This is one story, I�m still trying to work on. Thing is, I know where I want to go with it, I just have no damn idea as to HOW to get there. Oh well, writer�s curse I guess. Anywayz, please let me know what you think, yes?

08-22-2004, 06:00 PM
Man..this story is a winner! I think that it has alot of potential.

keep it up!!!