Darth Revan
08-22-2004, 03:23 PM
This DW story, is based off of Dynasty Warriors 3, as when I started to write it, I only HAD DW3, which I was playing to death. Now, going from the title, this is a crossover, of Dynasty Warriors and the show Monkey (Or, a novel crossover of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Journey to the West.). It was an idea I had bouncing around in my head for awhile, before I actually started work on it. Oh well..

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In the worlds before Monkey, primal chaos reigned. Heaven sought order. But the phoenix can fly only when it's feathers are grown. The four worlds formed again and yet again, as endless aeons wheeled and passed. Time and the pure essences of Heaven and the moisture of the Earth, the powers of the sun and the moon all worked upon a certain rock, old as creation. And it became magically fertile. The first egg was named "Thought". Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha, said "With our thoughts, we make the world" Elemental forces causes the egg to hatch. From it then came a stone monkey.

The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!

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Chapter One :

Wei General, Zhang He, smiled as he watched the three individuals head down the path. A priest riding a horse, and two disciples. Zhang He narrowed his eyes as he studied them.

"Well, well, it would seem the young priest has some strong disciples with him." he brandished his claws "Still, that is of no consequence."

The Wei general turned and faced his troop.

"Our target is before us men. Execute this most perfect and beautiful plan, and capture the priest. As for his companions..."

Zhang He turned and slashed with his claws, destroying a nearby barrel. His troop raised their weapons in the air, in salute. The only female general in the Wei army sighed. Trust Zhang He to want to go running in, blades flashing. Guile and trickery were needed here, and Zhen Ji knew them well.

"You're plan will fail Zhang He."

Zhang He faced her.

"And how can that be? My plan, is beautiful in it's direct and boldness of it's attack. How can it fail?"

Zhen Ji narrowed her eyes.

"Simple. Go charging down there, and give them time to prepare themselves to counterattack. You're just begging for them to defeat you. And what will happen to you then? You've failed our lord quite a few times already, and because of those failures, I am here to make sure this time we succeed. We must capture that priest."

Zhang He shrugged.

"You have, a better plan then?"

Zhen Ji smiled as tapped her Moon flute against the side of her leg.

"I do Zhang He, I do."

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Meanwhile, the priest sighed to himself. One of his disciples had to return to his homeland, leaving behind one disciple who had problems controlling his hunger and lust for women. The other was quiet, logical entity, who was also, at times, a little arrogant.

"I'm telling you Sandy, all that he's doing is sitting back on his little throne stuffing his face full of bananas."

The quiet one sighed and shook his head, the skull necklace around his neck gently rattled.

"I don't know what he's doing Pigsy, and quite frankly I don't care. All we have to do is get to the nearest village, and let the young master rest.

The priest, Tripitaka was his name, smiled softly.

"Do not worry. I'm sure Monkey will soon return."

Pigsy rolled his eyes.

"Oh sure. The great Monkey will return and there will be many rejoicing and dancing in the streets."

Sandy and Tripitaka looked at each other and shrugged. Sandy was about to comment, when soft, beautiful music wafted through the air. Tripitaka drew the reins of his horse and stopped.

"That music..."

Sandy nodded and looked around.

"It's so... beautiful and yet... haunting. Whoever could be making it?"

Pigsy had his own thoughts.

"I know who's making it. A luscious, beautiful young maiden, untouch by man." he grinned "Until she met me that is."

Tripitaka looked at Pigsy, a stern look on his young face.

"Pigsy, remember we are on a holy mission. We must return with Buddha's scripture's from India and...."

Sandy sighed.

"Too late master. The Pig has caught a woman's scent and is now lost in his own lust."

Pigsy had indeed caught the 'scent' and lust was burning in his eyes. As he hurried ahead, Sandy and Tripitaka followed, Sandy keeping his weapon, a water staff, ready. As the three pilgrims came around the corner in the road, they saw a beautiful woman, wearing blue robes, sitting on a boulder under a tree. She had created the music they had heard, and as they approached she lowered her musical instrument from her lips, and smiled.

"Good day to you, fellow travellers. How has your journey been treating you?"

Pigsy fell to his knees in front of her, love in his eyes, which wasn't unusual seeing as he fell in love with EVERY pretty woman he saw.

"I think I'm in love."

Sandy snapped at his bovine companion.

"Pigsy, where are your manners!"

Tripitaka bowed his head.

"I must apologise for my disciple. He has a hard time restraining himself."

The musician smiled and nodded.

"I understand. Whereever I seem to go, I always get the same reaction. Tell me, where do you journey to?"

Pigsy 'volunteered' the information.

"We are on a holy pilgrimage, to Buddha's temple, the temple of the Thunderclap, in India. We need to retrieve Buddha's holy scriptures and return with them to China."

Sandy rolled his eyes.

"We ARE in China. Pigsy you certainly are a swine and a idiot aren't you?"

Pigsy stood and faced Sandy.

"How dare you refer to me in that manner! Have you forgotten to whom you are speaking! I was once Marshal of the Heavenly Host!"

Sandy sighed.

"So what? I was the COMMANDER of the Heavenly Host. At least I still have my good looks."

Pigsy hefted his weapon, a muck rake.

"What? That's it! time to settle this Sandy!"

With that said, Pigsy and Sandy started to fight, which was a usual occurance as well. While the pig spirit and fish spirit fought, Tripitaka tried reasoning with them, and failed to notice what the musician was doing. She brought her flute back to her lips, and a soft, pleasing melody echoed around the three. Tripitaka blinked two times, before sliding out of his saddle and landing on the ground asleep. The horse, fell to the ground asleep, next to his master. Pigsy and Sandy had disarmed each other, and were fighting with their bare hands, with they felt sleepy. Pigsy yawned.

"Say.... Sandy... Are you.... feeling as sleepy... as I am?"

Sandy nodded slowly.

"Yes... I am... and I don't.... know why..."

Both spirits fell to their knees, then to the ground, snoring blissfully. The musician smiled as she observed the sleeping group, before blowing a certain series of notes through her instrument. From the top of the hill, Zhang He rode, with his troop and the musician's behind him. He was smiling as he approached the musician, dismounting from his horse.

"Zhen Ji, that was superb! Such a elegant plan, carried out so well. I'm sure Lord Cao Cao will be pleased."

Zhen Ji smiled as she let her flute rest in her lap.

"Be sure to tell him that Zhang He, or I'll be forced to tell him about YOUR plan."

Zhang He swallowed nervously.

"No need for threats. We accomplished our mission and that's all that matters." he turned and looked at Tripitaka as he was tied to the back of a horse "My, my, for a priest, he is a pretty little thing isn't he?"

Zhen Ji laughed softly.

"I never knew you had a 'thing' for young men, He. I wonder how well THAT piece of information will go down with our fellow generals?"

Zhang He sighed. He then faced one of his men.

"Have those.... 'things'.... tied up and left to dry in the sun. We'll take the horse with us."

The solider nodded and saluted.

"Yes sir."

Zhen Ji mounted her horse and looked, with contempt, at Zhang He.

"Once you are done, return to the palace. Lord Cao Cao will be pleased with this little priest. If he cannot continue his mission, then Wei's supremacy will be assured."

With that said, she galloped off, her own troop behind her. Zhang He turned and watched as he men tied the disciples of the priest together and left them hanging upside down from a tree. He snorted.

"Such ugly creatures. Not even worth dirtying my claws with your blood. Leave them here. The vultures look hungry."

Zhang He mounted his horse and rode off with his troop. Sandy and Pigsy, were left hanging in the wind, still under the magical effect of Zhen Ji's sleep song. If a time was ever needed for Monkey, then this was it.

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As you can see (Well, those that remember the show Monkey that is), I�ve tried to keep the� for lack of a better term, insanity, of the Monkey TV series and transfer it over into a DW story. Yes, I do know that Romance of the Three Kingdoms was loosely based on the hundred year civil war period in ancient china (Circa 160 AD � 260AD) and that Journey to the West was set about 300-400 years later. Still, author�s prerogative, and I thought it�d be good for a laugh. Next chapter is� Why? Monkey, Great Sage and Equal to Heaven, appears in it. Good god.

08-22-2004, 06:03 PM
I'm glad that you had me make your sigs. Cause without it, I wouldn't know who these character are. LOL.